Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 5 Jul 1967, p. 7

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HALTON ANOR Variety of entertainment DyMNu" lOo.Moore Md1 mmta M. Wmuenkc Tise Cisurcis service on Sun. day, May 28 s-as csnducted byc tkev. Lorne Graisam of S.t. Pauls United Cisurcis, Milton,t witis Mrs. Harotd McGee aI tise organ. A special featurec was a trombone solo by 'Mr. Hardie. Mr' Graisam based iis sermoon on tise familiare Psutm t21. One iundred ehildren brigist-c ened sur afternoon on May 1 25, when tise scisoot cisoirs of1 Brsokvitle and Campbettvitle( visited tise Manor. Tisey werea directed by Mrs. Lenora Vick-f ery wiîis lames Zeisr at tise( piano. K. Trowisridge, tisea principat, acîed as master of ceremonies. The chisidren sangv beautifotty and we isope tisey witl retsrn ut some time in tise future. Miss L. Msore ex- pressed tiseieartfett tisanko of tise residents. On Niay 30 tise iite Oaks Cisorat Society visited tise Manor witis a musical concert tisai wilt long be remembered by att s-ho attended. Tise nuos- bers uere takes from "Meerie Engtand.' Sydney J. Back- isam s-as tise director witis tisrs. E. Cisselt utitise piano. After tise program tise ladies served a dainly tuncis. Miss L. Moore expressed tise tisanko of tise residents. In tise eveniog of June ', tise Junior Cioir of Alderwood presented an interestiog and enjoyabte evening to tise reni- dents 'mies tisey repeated tiseir ftower service aithtie Ma- nor wisicistisey iad given aI their cisurcistise previsus Sun- day. Besides a variety of sacred osgs. tisey also pre. sented tisree sissrt dramas on thi ives of tiree of Canadas spiritual forefatisers, namely Fatiser tsaac Jsques, Rev. James Evans, and Rev. James Robertson. Refresisments were served tise Manor Auxiiary. Cisureit Servie on Sunday, lune 4 was csnducted by Rev. M. Ciristensen of tise Higis- way Gospel Cisurcis witis Mrs. Crawford aithtie organ. Mr. Ciristensen iased is message on ielping otisers. Anstiser Most enjoyable mu- sicat evening was given to tise residents on lune 6, wisen tise Teacisers' Cisoir of Sur- inglos visited tise Manor Tisey s-re under fise direction of S. Bucisanan witis Miss D., Powell as pianlst. Solos and duels were rendered between tise cisoir numbers, Many of tise numbers were sld and familiar brlnging bock meto- Luncis was served by tise *W.A. and Miss 'Moore express- ed tisanko 10 ail. Tise churcis service on tn day, lune 11, s-as condoctrd by Rev. D. Nicisolson of Camp- betîville. Because it wus Communion Sunday ise wos ossisted by eIders Lloyd Craw- ford and Gordon MePisail of Campbetlvitte, and Mr. Lockie and Mr. Wood of Milton. 'Rev. Nicisosos' sermton wson forgivenes sof sin. on lte evenlng 0f lune 14, tise Royal Canadian Legion Brancis 114 sf Ookvitte assisi- ed by liseir ladies auxiliary en- tertained tise residents in tise auditorium. Tise spenisg nue,- ber was tise "Cas Con Girls". Six mes pcrfsrtned and it isad 10 6e seen tb 6e appreciated. Il was iiarisus and tise resi- dents' laugister sbowed tiseir enjsyment. Anstiter number was perfortord by six mes al- s and il was a pantomime by tise "Whsite Spots". Mrs. E. Grecs recrived a lovely plant and A. Anderson cigarettes for being the sîdeot residents present. A detigisîful luncis was serv- ed and trays of fruit and ci- garettes were passed around. Miss Moore tisanked tise vis- itors and tise eveniof clssed witis "0 Canada'. On Saturday evening June 17, tise Atonie Dancrs sf Oak- ville oce again entertained aI tise Masse. Tise auditorium ,oas a bevy of cotsr witis child- ras of ail ages in tiseir attract- ive costumes. Tos nu-croussto mention were tise clever donc- ru portrayed and tisev ait de- serve much praise. Tise second half of tise programn porîraycd tise stors' af Cinderetta in bat- let. Mr, Al,rie desipngod att the. sces,., and c.ostum-es ber- self. G. MacGre.gor plavrd tise pipes for tise neeessary nos-- bers, suber music s-as sup- plird bv recordings. At tise close of aver *v pIeu- sant evening alsere served cotd drinks and cookies b tise Manor Ausiliary' Miss L. Mosore espressrd îianks of tise residenîs. Tise Ciurcit service on Sun- day Jonc If was conducted by Res. Dr. Dustan ofthtie Grace Anglican Cistrcis. Milton, s'ils Mrs. Winters aItishe organ. Dr. Dustan based is sermon on tise ti ciapter of Luise, verses 1 t0 IL Jonc J0 Oas film nigisl mies Mr. Wrigtgissowed tiseer short travelogues. Sunsisine is St. Lucia, tise isome of Chsam- pagne, Asîria Holiday and Destination lBermuda., ocre tise tilles ufthtie films. Hearly clapping sbos-ed tise residents' apprecialitîn Tise resictenttsmis are bines fans isad a boss and enjoy- able evenise on Jtne 21, mises tise Auxiliarv to tise Royal Cas- aditn Legton Brancis 12 of Mit- ton rîsite thtie Manor 10 sport- Tie Cesadias Champion,' Wedsesday, July 5, 1967 7 Mike hun, ceaty outGirls get perfect score in a k. ceateanlual parade Sesian and intermtediate Odenback and Roger Role ssr a bingo. tMrs. A. Bassett mode an excellent cller. Lueky wnners weee Miss H. Morcy, Mes. Naties, Mes. Grerne, Mes. Ployer, Mes, Smytisr, Mes. Cuttriss, Mes, Enererî, Mes. M. Shsaw, Mes. Burerl, Me. Viposd and Me. Roberts. A detigitfut lunchs sas uer- vrd to close oltishe evening. Mes. J. Hoare îbanised tise vis- tors for sceie ime and ef- forts. Martin Hoose residents are vrry pleaurd 10 bave two new tetevision sets sebicis erra do- nated by tise Evesing Star Re- bekais Lodge of Mitosn and sue own Masse Ausitiary. Tise gratefulthtanks of tise resi- dents go to bots tisese groups of bard working ladies for tiseir geserosity. Pat Solomon JuIy i baby Little Patricia Gusynnetis Sol- omon mîtt peobably oner for- gel Canadas 1Ilthti irtisday on July t, 1967. For liaIs also ber birtisdate. Patricia, irts daugiter for Mtkc and Ruts Sotomon ai 74 Victoria Ave. mas toc only Do- minton Day baby iors ut Mit- ton District Hospital 10 mark Canadas centennial. Sie ar- rd aI Il p.m., ipping tise seules ut 7 puunds, 9 outres. -Higis scisool reort cards sucre in tise mail last week. Grade 13 resoîts mont 6le out tîntil August. Races, games, contests, fun at Emmanuel Church picnic About 175 membres and guesis ol Emmanuel Baptisi Sunduy Scisool Oit ourd a pic- tic ai Hornsy fat k. un Satur. day, Jane 24. Wr,. Closu. Sun- day scisool superinîrodent, usas on charge. Tom Penrice and hîs commutter had an sn- lerersîing group ut races and gamnes planned. Mes. Versa Cati un convrned a deicious pirnit.luncb. Rev. C. Citsusk- ed tise blessing. The peogram uit',as foliowss Races, boss 78, lieut Jobn Thoîmsoîn, second Stepisen St. Joihn, su il Tîm Bristisegirls 78, A'nttcCampbell. Kelly Vickei',, Diane DeBotre, buts 910, Sittct Eltiiiii. Ruissell Bai- les. Mark Tisim oit, girls 910, Chrîs Pc 'ou ce, Susii Baler. Mlitl'sH"iing. bo,s1112, Brent War,it.iR, s',Needsam, Doit Rictt.ii.ts, i r ils Il 12. Marîlun Elioit, Biendi War- irs, Da,vî's lirtiin. 3 legged raîce, bics, 712. Ro-is "letiati aindtDon Ricla io'in. girls 7-12, K,'tis Vickers adcuitlilliiioý, Wtit'hatlifiiits 1ce. o' Davsid Vaitdenluig andt Date EMMANUEL SAPIS? CHURCH held a congre- gatiosal picnir recently and iere Jobs Wells is captured sos-e of tise day's iigligbts on film. Aissue, Bob Draper, George Parsons, Ralpis MorIon, Normas Bailey and Don Brs- tas- cos-pete in a s-atermellsn-eating race. At rigist, Mrs. Teasdule tries ber bond sn tisesait- driving conteur. OBITUARY Mrs. L. Skuoe dies Sunday Mes. Edna J. Sisuce, sife of Huttoît and PecI Trust and Sue- ings Cumpanys Miton office mase.ger Lorne Skuce, dird an Sunday t Oukvitte - Trafalgar Mes-anal Hospitl. A pivute fuserai service ws bell in Lindsay os Tucsday, 'ils inturers-ols ise Skuce fas-ily plot ut Riverside Crs-e- teep in Lindsay. Shewsautise s-silie utCarol Todd Skoce, Jobs and Lumpy Todd. Mes. Skuce eus s-cl Snomn in Miton s-brrr ber isusband s-us Haton scisoot i nupetor for s-any yeaes, and in Oakvilr coiere lise fumily isas mcvd in recent yeurs. Contributions s-ee sugeest- cd in tise fors. of contributions 10 lise Canadian CancereSo- cicty. Because Canadians voiintarilî donai bod, tise Red Cross 1-S ablete l supply buspital patients ils ailthlie btoud and lood producîs tbcy nerd. Tre Bank of Montreal. ls calied Triée (iîrqui,îg and t", designed tois e 'cd in comlination witis Tru ia-rnt's. How the twoaccount plan works at a glance TRUE CHEQUING TRUE SAVINGS The Disadvantage The I)isadvantage Nointercq.eq.o The Advanages The Advantages S.,îplitîe, b.,dling. Me c. Pcanc -q. \t'n I e.' î-1-.t'r, COMPLWTI LAWN 1' acdcquto ýi. V ahwli AND GARDEN SERVICE Kccp enoughin to our Truc Cisequing Accotnto10 po Ne lob af.c5esiI or our bills. Put lise rs1 mbo41/2% Truc Savings. tee largie (if pou alreadp hase a 3% Savings Account, pou con 0CoCmplete Manfonatsce convcrt il 10, Truc Sasings). Wiserr? AI pour erviemae5is nei ghbourisood Bank of Montreol. RAINOW ~RA~Bankof Mon»ralo LANDSCAPING 9iE5' Canadas îret eBank Cal 878-2741, 878-2097 V55 JOHN SEMPLE, Manager Butrton;. girls. Marily Ettisîl ,ct dMars Li,ri îdsîîn, ladies' ,hsoc bic k. i Cint' Ciarton ; ss',itctteinitt r ating, H. Waîrrenî anid N.iiman Bailey. men', h.se nu'x, IL Warren. ldv'admcii', shîîe mis. Naiiics Detliii ant Ses C. Cotes. coutples' f,rnîs,îrd game. Mr,andMis. Gerge Parsonss; laisnil îtrîsiing Mies.Jane Hfnlotin. Gardes: A tiing of 'orauty anti a job forever, Oukville celebrated Canadans birtisday witis a parade, picnic and firework.; display on Sat- urday. Several of tise parade entries caine feom Milton and district, to participate witis sev- eral isands, a daces fîsaîs, COn- tumed councillors, clowns and istîses in tise morniog event. Word Ose Oakville Csuncil- lors Do Gordon and Geof f Drew-Brssk marcised in tise parade, Geoff as a 'kevstone csp" comptete witis a fult issiy ieard, and Don as his 'tîiriscener" - slriped suit and ail. Milton Girls' Pipe Band was oe of tisree bands in tise par- ade. Nassagaweya Townsisip's centenniat cake appeared in lise parade on a traiter, driven by Grant MeMillan. A sigo isesugisî greelingo front Nassa- gaweepa Tswnsiip-"wbere lise action is." Hatton Countys special cen- tenniat float. remioding parade viewers tise cunîs' bas bers es- tablisised since 1853.,soas also in tise parade. The politlesi aspects of cen- teimial yeae weee in evidence ton. Dr. Harey Harley, M.P. for Malton and o resident of Oak- ville, rode inaesonvertible front misicis Se dispensed centennial pins tiscogis tie ceowd. Halton East N.D.P. enteeed a fîsat featuring a birtltday cake uitfiscandîrs, wicis sas deiven by tous Armstrong of Milton. tise Halton East Lis- eals- iad a unique fluaI deese- oItedtsithim sitation flomees and pusised bv seneeul girls singiîsg "Canaia". Hatton East P.C. candidate Jise Ssow of Horts*oyurus in lise parade, but be sous toc, busy riding in o con- vertible as Lions District Gos- eose to do mues potiticing as tise PC.iiPetLIttin tise provin- cial eteclion. Two Miton beard-geoseers rsde in a convertible as win- ores of tise "iszst overait" and "tongest beurît" ctegories of on Oakvitte conlesl. Tises weee Bruce MeGinnis. Cisarles St., and Ras Sturt, Bronle St. Conservation school is stili under study Possibilils of a Conservation Scisoot is silîl brise investigut- cd isy tise Nattas egion Con- servation Autissitv. At tise geroup's lune meeting last mecS. Allas Mas'sn of Oak- ville s-as uppointed a ste-mon rommitte la isil severol sis-- lue scisools in tise provnce ts galber information and report bock tolise Aoîisority. Tise projeet bus bren approv- cd isy severut utftise Autissei- lys cos-s-îîîes. but ns fundo base bers allocaîrd in 1967 lue tise work. At lasi meeks meeting tise Autisorîîy decided tu file a pluaI ofespîîpeîalon on land i equired tue tise ses-Scotcis Blocks Resersuir in Esquesing Towshsiip, in irder Ioi "frer" tise land. Meanmbile, a negoti- tos apptoac bing tise resi- tients ins..lvid 10 s-k sut rludcsetenis in tise tond. t'ie Autisoritv is going abead silis a sew brochsure expIais- ing uts mors in tise Halo Re- gion. Ioireplace senereatbro- cis res currentlisuse. Also brin f consilered is a quarter. sv bulletin tu municipal count- ils.,îîrganieuîiîîss and peuple initestrd i nconservation. Don't get tires il Get UNIROYAL E Tiger- g igqPaw ave beetested atbeter tbau 120 , ies an ouc, susaained apeed. 1 Tltey eepond quickly and sageely, sain s u' . 8 * And they issue surit tegh noaises, you casgo * oser tome efthlie sts uing roadsa ciheut g waerying ose bit. * Wlten yon 'ee ikisg a sharp cuene, Tiger Pieu * ise ynu a feet of theraid 15,1 pou justcnl e ils oedinaey tires, Tisey corner beaulif *e it * ietualty nos ques al S Tltey gins pou 1h01 ceni sports cor feeli M * if the CCril a partI 0f ou, If ifouli Se 10 deivor then peu shotuld haven a set cf-Tigee Pases under pot= * Coreinsand pck tem upseee. i g Iltis te tere with tise ced * ercle .Il brteone i'î * looksseid I r5 Iie Paw ae ir TIP I IR SAELD 24 IORRDODSACE EVC % BaeIn itn 8833 Memibers leaened tise Ire planting progeose bas bers go- is8 oncr eml Ibis year. A tstal of about 140,000 sew Irees bave bers planted. week when tise Martin St. Sen- ior Public Scisool students iseld a track and field day aI tise scisoot grounds. Tise girls sut-tsaone tise boys. point-seise, as Iwo of tise fairer ses wotn 20 points ouI of a pos- sibte totat of 20. Points were awarded in a 5-3-t ratio for firsts, second and tiirds. Senior boys' cisampion was Robert Martin s-bile Dwigbt honors. Tise girls Whio won perfect scores 10 gain champ- ionships were Debbie Smith in thse senior division end Colleets Clement in tise interotediate class. THE "10-25"l IS No. 1 IN COMPLETE BP SERVICE Groceries, Cigarettes, Confectionery, Tobacco, Tires end Batteries Open 8 àarn-l 1 p.rn. Daily Including Susday A. R. MARKNESS, PROP. "10-25" SERVICE STATION R.R. 1, MILTON-878.2952 Corner of No. 25 Mligisway and 10 Sideroad 1 ONTARIO New Laws for Consumer Credit effective July 3lst 1957 Tise new Ontario Consumer Pro- tection Act, which cornes in to force on JuIy 3let, helps everyone who buys on credil byobligina tiselendier, or seller, ta mokeaa wrltten satement of the truc cost of credit.Tiis provision, end others in thse Act, will ot relieve tise consumer of his normel respon- sibilities of shopping carefully end choosing wisolyt but it wiII mokaeit essier for him ta moka tise right decisions. Disclosure of 1h. cost of borrowing n al l ime paymest transactions tise borromer msni e gises satoritten note of tisa cont of borros-isg, bath in dollars and cents, end a an annuel percentage rate, before crédit is granted. Tise lendier mst also set dos-n asy chargés 6e is- tends 10 moka if tise borrower îhould defaull os pays-anIs. Cooling-off Period Tiss sas- îlîsg uppîtes lu sales mada by itineronl se//crs, wichis stlie Acî's toma for sallers miss operule away tram thiaitpermanent place of business. and miso moka a cisarge 10 tise sopet forthtis prîsilage eof buying on lime. A contoucl mode mils un iserant seller cas nos-be cancellad by tisa bayer, pro- vîdad isa doas so in -rîtîng and delîvars lise cancallton la lise seller personully, or by ragsîerîd mail, s-tIbin lwo wor/t- ing duas0f lise coslrocl beisg sîgnad. fise cancals 0ib tis way, tisa bayer must rlu ny goodu ureody sopplîad, and lise seller mut retors osy mots-g or Irude-in micis ie s-av isave recaîoad. Tisetradain doassol becomelse sellers properlv astil tisa lso-day coolîng-off period bus eapued itisoul tisa isoet cOscalling tise conlrocl. Registration of itiserent sellers As fros- July 31st, 1967, al tiseront sellers an defined by lise Art mont reg- iters-iltisah Consumer Protection Bu- DEPAR MIN OFFNA raau. If tise seller is a company or a partnarship, osly tise compasy or part- sarssip s-ast reginter, flot tise individuel employeas. Information ita be cantained in a rontraun Under tise ses-Act, certain important details mont bas-rtnic10ail contracta for tise sale of goods or services 10 a consumer, misestise purcisase price is $80 arasver. Toise binding, tise contract must cas-ply mils tise Act and s-ast 6e sigsed by aIl parties, s-ho mont eacis receive a duplicata original copy. Repossession If tise buyer should default aller Imo- tisirds of tise purcisase price han been paid, tise seller cannot repossess mils- out perm-ission of a judge. r Penalties Substantial penalties ara provided for 1 contravention of tise Act and its Reg- ululions. Landars and sallars s-ho are likaly te,6e affected ara urged 10 mae tiesealves familier miti tise Art. WHAT YOU SIOULD DO Borrowers and buyers sisould bear in mindtsat notsing intse new Act relieves tises-of tise responsibility of making cereful decisions wisen considering a loan. or s purrisase on redit. Keep tisis notice as a ce- minder of pour rigiso Information on borromisg, andlonrditbuyisg, os containad is a leaflet wiirisan 6e obteinad fros tise Consumer Protection Bureau, 123 Edward r Straet, Toronto 2. Lenders and sellers sisould maSo tiesealves familier s-ilstise Act and !ta Regulations Tise Consumer Protection Art 1966 and Ontario Regulation 207/67 (25C saris) can 6e obteined from tise Queen's Printer. 26 Breadaîbane Street, t Toronto 5. For advire on tise work- ing of tise Art and ils Regulations, seeyourqualified businessadviser. Han. H-. k. Rawstrae Mîntuter aI Pinssoi land Comîmercial Affaisa SAcIAI AND COMMERCIAL AFFAIS 1

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