HORNBYf Thunderstorm, twister hit trees, hydro poles Dy Mr% lBm Heeanil A severe thuseder storm and twister paased thraugh the Bornby district an Saturday afternoon causing traffic ta hait on the Seventh Line. Trees sere blosen down and also a hydro poe was broken off at the bottom and had to be prop- peci up la restore hydro foc the local homes, Two cars were involved in an accident t the Seventh Lise and lise Base Line dsring the heavy dawn- pour of rin and hal Seseral television sets were put out of T'mmision by the ightning. Thse amisi owdess reunion was held on Sunday, June 25 t Lowville Park, The weather was just perfect and edded much ta tise enjoyment of e ul aftecnoon of sports. Sixty members of tise ilosden clan attended ta enjoy a deliciaus pot Iuck dinner. Folaowing a short business meeting, prizes were ewarded ta thse ldet couple, 'Mr. and fora, Arhur Duddell of George- town, the most recent marrird couple. Mr. and Mrs, Grdon Coulter of Campbellville; the youngest members penas en t, Timnsothy Brown, son of Mr, and Mrs. 'Brown of Milton; he couple from the farthst dis- tance Mr. and fers, Wilson of Thamesville, Prizes were alec ewaraed to the younger folk who partlclpated in races and conteste. St. Stapqsis A ngli ca n Church Women met t the home cf Mms. Lydia Royce on Tuesdey evening, lune 27 Mrs. Frank Weler welcomed the la- dies tu h meeting wiich open- cd with the generai thanksgiv- ing follomed by members' pray- ers. Mrs. Carl Saunders was in charge of the Scipture read- ing. lbt Kings. Chapter 3 Parts of the monthly bulletin were rcadby Mes, Welter, and Mes. Ernest Price read parts of the Living Message. Tise sext meeL- ing will h.e in September. FOl- lowing th. closing prayer lunch was served by the hosless and a social hour enjoyed. Tise generel meeting of tise Hornby Unied Cisurch Women seas h.l i thtie cisurch on Wed- nesday evening, lune 21 ai 1,30 p.m. Ms, Jim Snow welcomed tise ladies ta tise meeting wiich opene.1 wils a iymn followed by prayer. Minutes f tise test meeting mere read by Mrs, Johnslon Neelands. Mm. William McPieson as in charge of th. devolions and was assisted by 'Mrs. Lew Sampson, miso read a poem. tI am trrd of lise things of ta- day'. The rolt cati - Somne- tiing tisat maltes us distinctly Canadien", as answered by tise 14 memhes present. Rev. Keilis Hawkes was th. guest speaker and chose as litssopic. "Young folk of loday", ibis was followed by a discussion. Planners' resignation, educaition proposais on Urbain Board agenda Representetives cf Ue Norths Heton Irban Board tfram Ac- ton and Milton met in Hilton Wednesdey evening and dis- cussed vaiaus issues of mutu- el interest including tise rc- cnt mioesale esignation of tise Acton Planning Board, the Consultative Cammittee on Ed- ucation report, and refuse dis- posaI. Ater discuosing tise mass resignation of Ue Acton Plan- ning Board, Hilton Mayor Syd- ney Ciilds strongly recomn- mendrd tist tise Acton Count- cil ask tise planning bsoard ta reconsider. Actas Mayor Les Duby aid it mas is intention toa sk tise board ta reconsider, but he frt tisaI retusing to ac- cept their resignatian waeld h. like esking tisem to give in, Mayor Duby lso said he was faced mitis organizina a plan- ning board tiat ias femer counicillors tisas appointed membres to comply mtis regu- lations set doms in Ue plan- ning hoard constitution, Thse ptaabllty cof edopting ose board o education for tise county mas irougit up iyse c- retary Jck Mecaciie. Reese A. Ledmitis of Miltas sid h. ised iserd argument in Caunty Council aginsîtishe tmo-tier system eand fets tise single bsoard moutd h. more effective. Mc, Ledmitis said e second ad- ministrative body could result in sloing domn and h.eun eddrd expense. He said Milton. Actas and Nassagameya have submittcd OBITUARY Isaac Sauve A idety-knomn Gien Robent- sus resident and bridge bud er, Isaac Sause died Mancti 23 ai is hume Iolîumîng a beari attack. Hoetiad becs in appar- ent good battb and is deatti came as a sbock lu tamils and tiesds. Mr. Suave as hors aI Gen Robertsuon 74 yeams ugo, a sus afIlsaac Sauve and is ite Bridget 'Hughes. His lather bad been a contractur spsciaizing sn bridge buding and Isaac. Suave toitomed tbat trade tbrougbout is lite shle e- Iaising is rsidesce in Gen Robertsonsstitc e ho as prom- sent in commusity uttairs. For aume 20 yers Mr.Sauave mas ssue ialed witb tie Ontar- o Bridge Companv asd bac morbod in mass sectionss oi tht province. Sinco 1955 tmo sons bad heen associated mitbhis n tise costmaetiseinte ut Isaac Suave & Sons. To moums ho neases tis mite the forme r Ceeule Lalunde of Aesandnia. four sons andtso daughters. They are Raymond and Maurice Suave ut Gten Robertsons. Athur and Ernest of Motreal; Therese tHes. Jean Faut Bayent Vankieco Hill, and Marguerite. (Mrs Raymond Latondet ut Gen Robertson. Tseesty - twa grasdohitdren also survive us do ees sis- The solemns mass o requiem mas sung in 'St. Mactis c Tours Cisurcis, Gien Robertson, by Re. Lucien Lussier. assist cd by 'Re. Aime Leduc. He mas melI knomn in lis district for iis mrk os sus. erous bridges. ut 1, t- reports fevoring tise single tier and Oakville, Georgetown, Es- quesing and Bueington had0 not submilted reports in favor1 or egainst, as of test Wednes-0 day. Satueday, Juty t, hed been set doms as tise dedlinem hy tise Government but il mesc thougit Ue deedline migit h. postponed until Septemiser. 5 Thse meeting exchanged viemsà on refuse disposai and cisir- mes Bois Drinkwltee of Ac- tas reed e letter fromt a Tor- onto engineering firm offeing their assistance in tise purches- ing of an incinerator. "We're in tbe lrareisg claIe1 and 1 tiink ans invstgation 1 may prove ta he fritful', Me, Drinkwalter said. Mayor Dub'y sid '-At h. present time when th. mecianisms are Ytili reta- tively nem. lise toms moutd ron lise risk mitistise manufac- turer, and if me mccc 10 huy nom me mould acl as guisea pigs for tise company." Tise poselbllity of a County Welfere Officer mas also dis- cussed etth. meeting. Mayor Childs soted Burtingtoti mould sot h. interested is joining 'tie program untess tisev were altomed to opt out afler fois- ing. Burisgton is happy ils tise present setup and fet tises mould sot gain a tt, if any- thing, hy ioising. Tise motion tu have e cousIs susfare offi- cee has hees passed in CousIs Council but bas set lu o h.b- fore tise Minister sE Wetfare. and if he rejets those ternis il is generalty fet that Bur- linglos or Okvilte moutd sot join' Mayor Duby brougbt up a prei aof stealtsmotes and chips ating from trucks carl- isg rock Eesmn the quarries. He said if there ;s sot anv tegistatios governing covers for these trucks, tise Ucas Board shoutd investigale and press for some egisiatios en- forcing Ibese covers. Tise neet meetingofo Urisan Board itt he September 13 in Actas, suben members wil ettertain the ladies. Polloise tise regutar meet- ing Reeve Ledmitis shomed several slides, mass cf miicis he had taken aI Expo. 1846 newws A race antique lu te ut con- musicaton, oms d hy John Sees nof R.R t Mltas, mas toased :o The Champion Ihis eek. It s% a sewsleter caiied "The Atbion of Lpper Canada" prin- ted hy a man numed Rogers. and hsrisg tise da te Wednes- day, Aprit 20, 1846. The mater- ia s sitk-ike, about 20 inches square, ors and taded; and carnies e speech by "His Excel- lency tise Lieutenant Govemsor' mho tisaI day prorogued the Parliament tf Upper Canada province. Athougis tho type is mors and taded, il appears bis ExceltencY mas revieisg tise ma)rk of tise session of the House of Assemhty prior ta dis- mcsscng tise members for lise summer manths, -Cries of "yaisoo earound toms Tisursday indicated Use public sciscolers had finallY ended tise 1966-67 scisool yerm -Find e buyer for youm dont- mente mitis a Champion cdes- sifled. Luncis mas served isy Mrs. Gear Sincleir and Mes, John Wellace. 'Mr. and Mrs, Jeck Thorne and family of the Eighth Une, visited recently mith Mr. and lire, Harvey Thorne of Peter- ncrough. Anniversary greetings ta Mr. and Mrs, Melvin Penney, who celebrated tiseir wedding an- niversary os 'luesday, July 4. Mr and Mrs, Leslie Rutledge and family sr-ent the weekend eisiting et Blyth wilh Me. and Mrs, Irvine Watlace. M&J. F. C. Sldpp ut Essex, a former Hornhy resident, mas sccompned isy Mr. and Mrs. William Marges, aIea of 'Essex se a recent visit wilh Mr. and Mrs, Spencer W ils o n and dauglîter. Jeannie. Congratulations to the fol. lowing Hornby boys and girls who mere awarded trophies, Joyce Wilson who was a min- ner of the Academie Achieve- ment and Ci tizensisip awards; Violet Finnie, a citizenship am- ard; Donald Leslie, who won the plaque and $5 for Citizen- ship and Mervin Bail who won the award for progress during tise year. Mr, and Mrs, Henry Destin have announced the amrval of their daugister on Friday, lunej 30, et- the Milton District Hos- pital. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Bailey and fansily and Mr. and Mrs, Sta McHugh spent the weekend et Niagara Faits, Mr. ansd fers. Bertram Stew- art and family enjayed a few days et Huntsville. Sincere sympathy is estend- ed ta Mrs, Jim Tyner and fam- iiy an tise deatis of hier mother Mrs. 'Minnie Yeats of Cawîhea Rd, Cooksville, who dird sud- denly on Tuesday, Jase 27, ati St. Josepis's Hoaspital, Toronto., Anniveesary greetings ta Mr. and Mrs. Sammy Sammil, who wilI celebrate liseir wedding 1 anniversary July 9. Mr, and Mrs. Raymond Plant and family are enjoying a holi- day ai their cottage in Orillia. Peggy Lee ot Edmonton spent the weekend wilh Susan and Cathsy Grexton and also nisiled mush several of bier otd scissol pals. Congratulations ta Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cbisholm osnliseir first grandcisild, Karen Chis. Itoîre daughter ot Mr. and Mrs. DGnald Cbisisolm, who mus bore rin Saturday, July 1. Mrs. Mary Bradlley spent lhe weekend with Mr. and Mes. Rs.y Break ut Geurgetowns. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Plant ut Istinglon, sisitcd os Sunday with Mr ant Mrs. Arthur Plant Karen Bradley is spending a vacation in Peoria, Illinois, mith bier aunt.i Mrs. Edna lfeunk and Alma Bradley. Bîrlisdey greettng 10 the fol- tucstng who are celebraling hirtbdays, Harry Lee on July 6, Roy Ellis and Sammy Samnmit un July 7, ýMurras Greston on Juin 1l. Robert and Roberta Browun us Juty 12.- Tht cous tes humor and sly smile ot jovial Vince Mount- tord should set the stage off fer as interesting eesne got estet taitimest wuSesthe,'Hors- bs Buill Club preseisis ils 20th -issaut Hornbs Gardes Party ai Etorttbv Commnunits Park on Saturdan esesief, Juin 15. A ge ot softhaîl milt start the evesisg ut entertaisttteft off mbrtî the Lomoille Men's Soit' bail Team mcil btc hosis tu the fockwttod Tcam. AnotbcC bigb- liphi ot the 'sening wtT hoc Ibe Daim Fprnnesscompetitios. Garmet ina Bill tomden spent the mcckend ai Wasaga Br,îcb 0131TUARY Charles Kelman Charles Duncan Ketteas ai 154 Main St. died on Jonc 23 ut Hamtilton Geserut Hospital. An employe ut Milton Ooac- ies. Hilton, bc mas 25. Ho mus educated ut tic Bruce St. Pub- lic and MactisSt. higb Scbouis sn Milton. Mr. Kelmus mus ksumîî as a bisd, thougistful anJ geseous pensos and bis hobbies included bontissu, Iisb- ine. art and poetry. Tise tuncral service mciv tetd tromtehe Mi Kersue Fueraîi Hume on Jue 2h witb Rcv. Dr. . M Dtsstan of Greice Cburch ofticiattng. Istermest mas in EncrreeesCemetery sitti cou- sin Peter Yuîsev, broibors-is- tam Charles MeILeas and Wil- liam Maxwvell. and tniosds Jam- es Catherry, Jobs Stokes and George HuIs as patibearers. A son ot Mr. and Mrs. Char- tes A. Kelmas of Wakefied Rd., bc mas tbe husb.and ut Marlyn FletI and ftheî aI Charlotte and Badsv. Survivons include a brother James af Brampton and Imo siste.-s, Chartene (Mrs. C. McLeenl ut Cooksvitle and Barbsara, aI home. le mus pre- deceased by another brother. Brutce, earier tiis year. The Canadian Champion, Wednesday, July 5, 19675 Milton Cou ncil Briefi AN ASUNDANCEO0F DELICIOUS FOOD is loft te rqht heruea i i Mrs. Cecie e oyer, stiasn off by a fnm members ocf the kitches Mis. A Toîînllî, Mr tR Orss and Mis. M. staff aI Ibm assual Holy ltosary Gardes Party tocliley . Fladn sni'vpd ovni 450 meals h:nld Saîurday ai Holy Rosary Ctiutch. rom darîsg the e îa'iieq (Staff Photo) -Our Readers Write- FULLY APPRECIATE OUR PIRE BRIGADE Mas me csc our pa per as a means of ci pressing putlilet our appreeietion utftise fine suas in ubiehthtecMilton ire Brigade esîinguisbed tise smalt Fire e orad on Thurs- dan. Thevs sîon tiruugbt the hiaaecusdereconieot and mils a M inimum utfcdamage lii the Osee tus st realîs appre- ciate tulle the satue ut Chief Clemen' and is exceltent ire brigade until soo'reineolsecin some marc sotrselt Excecltent ire protection!scisc more mas tis wtiit iils good tl li ve n Milton. J. M.Ledwitb. MILTON GIlSf' BAND'9 SHOULO HAVE PFLAiED Dear Sir: At Mitons Centennial Cet- mosies on Sundan, June 26, t mas oliged lu listes 10 a band trom Adtos. Me hase in Milton our oms Miton Girls' 'Pipe Band comn- prised ot local girls. To e- main solvent thcy need aIt the parades Ihey cas gel, hing self-supportisg and nul mecciv- îsg atîs grants frote local mer- chants or organ calions. Tise Hilton BruneS ut tise Canadias Legios and tie Hil- ton iremes otter these girls parades aI eeery opprtusîty. Surely the migbt espeet tise same support tesm Toms Council. Crtaisty foc 'Mit- tons Centensial Ceremonles" a Milton Band stiîuld have play- ed. t have espressed by vieses in Ibis regard luouar Mayor, con- ticlent tisaI he milI rectify Iis oversight ut future Cooscit events Your îruly, G. S. Hicks, îMrs.I R.R. 3, Miltas. LOWVILLE WITNESS TO CONFEDITRATION Dccc Edtor: Whtie liioking icci siame pa- ges ol lateils Iiticîs, Irecent- Ivd lovrd Ihat ms' greot onclIe, tic late Sco. T. W Pi- ekeit, ucis prewnst aitiche op- esingof cIPrliamuntins t867. Mer.Pishaiti sîshuesand t aiseit aitichetîmils borne- sIa nLwile. His grand- latier, Res' Dantie ickcetceas ose il tic cas I it-ciuit ricers fohie tic Mcitclî tutct i n l'pper Cansada. Uncte Wbser cas a pouce mna25 \cars of age andthad pî,e ticl lii fosrîîa landahaIt sn Niî.iceicMieni liereccei'ncd a s'iiiifrontIi,'Metiîdisi chtiîîîelini f l,îîîcicrec.knicce astiia,îîîWest. Ho il "t 0i )îia,i tii honse and and\%s acpsitt iii-c.. targi' %,lien flic is Parliament a,intled. He attenctcd the openîng session ad cn thas'ie Fih- ers of Contederioina saci. sbapieg tie des tin%, of tic Do minion. How ut ,'iesting i suîuld Ire iodas itu icîr lîlsi îîand Ibe detaisofut bat litir ce meetinf! Many aftie older resictents mut remnember the sisits omade bv Iis ise uit Meth,îdisi mînister, and his serios sucre ,an inspirationu tii totti voungiand old. t ttlcsavseat a bilidîs' truie scltiail sie tîncle Webster came iii isit. Hessasf85years of ige cehen be preucbcd ans niesr service in Kiltride cburh. Mr. Pickett plased an bon orabie part in biingiti aboîtîut cisuîtb miion is 1925 iaus sisted ai bth' iaigiatl cic vice in Trirsnto, A icLe,.Mts Cordoin Armstrîog, li sesini Mrs. tomne Divin, 350 Main St-.iltonii CHALLENGE KERR'S MILL RATE STATEMENT l)e,î Mi Editor. The lttaycrs (il ii lt,'i, hs Mi Geoirge Kei,". i' tîtîsi sepiieîtinIl ic' flîshe and Mail on Mindal,soncsse) t967, in es ticie i ,squiit las "Tii me knsitleIle, niecif tietsiuicip.iliti.'. i i\ aid ing bise seh,îi îuîîil oe side md ans aIs uit niciaý in l ivi i î,îtie, iis sear" and Ms lnuiil iiiis.iiililisi, i no'rc',iilueling liatin uii i ingsis, tiat Iis, pisuciut,, ,his'uit ltae'....i , 0il ac Mr. Edîtor, noi u î,,îîl i its il tic peuple'of'i lii oi , ldI iccn i ecli5nicisc. titii,-.t 1 cene il MrKii ii.ii [tialimuiciipa i cu i nlIiitils prvnce e iprcens es ;li peceniihsciil hi, ceîs i', il CALL CROWE TAXI SE R VIC E 878-2992 e RADIO CONTROLIRD Window Cleaning and Janitor Service Cnlt Us Par Estimate MILTON JANITOR SERVICE 878-6388 sc-Ier" l(446per ) Iiitilîî,11.>rtiit thticbig- ISi-i %,-iiinrnct is dîîing luIoistiire iii i lio i' iiilii u tsrdes on the li dosuî îîîtiMr. "The nissi pinioan secto lhII i le ,liiil hoards have l ,- 7 li t)iilits oii stirpen- i ,î sisul, il. i. far as tud- h- "'liMr Kerr heen Ttsis5 is obvi- i lii tia, said. ttit he 1t I s pîsî urne liýil, -i.',iii'uiare ottiow i . . )f ' i liriîinf reatty i l "uit theu ta5c%5 iriLîli(l.qte foc tsli,îv West. ton Councit: e The CousIs Council rep- reettises sucre asked 10 see if the senior boudy could ar rag oesort of daily mm uriat radio program 10 isform couuty residents of deatiss of tise day. Tom Bradley of Mit- ton Senior Citizens suggested the idea, notisg that since tise Post office isaugorated home deliverp service, fesu people sisiI the local Post Office sshere d2atis notices used 10 be displa «ved. e DepuIs - Reeve Chartes Mesefs sous delegated Io at- tend a dinner in Toronto sebere the toms mitI he pre- svnted sih a Casadias Auto- moile Association award for six vears sithout a pedestrias fat aitv. e A report os a visit isv coancillors and local Rotarv Club officiaIs 10 the Oulvilte Roturvîs lt.storey. fl-suite sen- ion citizens apartmenl build- ing suas presented hv Couscil. toc Brios Best. He s aid it was a guod plan for hisic density living us a smatt ucreage and the Rotary Ctub is interested sn sucis a prujeet for Milton. a Appreciation was express- ed to att seho parîicipaled in Sunday's dedication ceremony aI the pond, and tic communi- tycded t. Asecwiat note-c tteianksAment 10ltvetoe ork dearîm ent fortheir "lerifi defort' s pror is te pond pffoprtyiforIeernmothe lant sî'ek. o tecrmoyls wee.R.erceoMts H A.gR.îSapearvie tfreqult perission 10 ap 51t e el- paaermsint ai ervie a ew howame heasude rti 0E tomee ieesotuid i oth of rheqvillgereatOt otevice ta reuiach1isishoe.tservicter reCmmitee.Thse t is CUSS te apliaion. dis cuse C pplnciaetedn. mi talionca visit e pant ofi Netne taesimithed n T of roptneMiser wamte ineTors are manufactured. A date for tise tour itI he set lter. A. T. MOORE ISURANCEI CMPSOLVILWI 854.2271 SUNDAY DINNER SPECIAL CHICKEN WITH RICE SOUP CHEF SALAD l2 ROASI CHICKEN DINNER & APPLE JELLV MASHED POTATOES OR FRENCH FRIES FRESH GREEN PEAS STRAWBERRY SHORT CAKE FOR RESERVATIONS PHONE 878-9061 W. Are Open Every Day Throughout th. Year 11DO RESTAURANT 181 Main AIR CONDITIONIED Milon ATTfENTION FARMERS... fr those in the Poultry Business and especially wilh layîng flocks, hot summer wea- tiI dcifficult ime. This is the ime of year when miles, lice, worms, and other ,',iiin appear wilh the laying flc, also in pullets almost ready or slarting ta a F PIj ; se (Blue Comb) quile offetns a problem, FOR MITES AND LICE: We recommend HOWARDS PEN PESTIITTER DUST applied in tise ret ad on the liter. FOR PULIET DISEASE (BLUE COMI) - We recornmend you trmat them with Muriale of pot'i b A', tablespoon 10 1 gai. af mater for 7 days plus MASTER POUITRY PERK- 11)11E 1'l-TMS for 3 lu 5 days with plenty of clean, tresl, drinking mater. FOR WORMS IN FOULTRY - Feed MASTER POUITRY WORMER KRUMS for ane day only, folloe'd by MASTER POULTRY PERKTONE KRUMS. FOR OTHER STRESS CONDITIONS - Feed MASTER POULTRY PERKTONE KRUMS for 3 ta 5i 'Iay ra, directed. "CIMENT' Master Fends lSewarîîownl are agents for Porland Cernent Manufaclured by the Sai înCeniint Co. This cernent is ptcked in special lined bags in mhich îhe ce- .....' aIl nîol hardes. "FARM FINCE" W.' carry acomplsee inn of Frost Farm Fence and Fencing Supplies. " WOVEN FARM FENCE S STEEL FONCE POSYS S ELECTRIC FONCERS " RARE WIRE S FENCE STAPLES 0 LECTRIC FONCE BATTERIES ID GALVANIZED MIRE 0 SNOW FONCE 0 INSULATORS li BLACK< WIRE 0 FARM GATOS 0 OLECTRIC FONCE FOSTS "CONTACT US FOR FR1 CES SEFORO YOU BUY" STOCK WATERING TROUGHS We ,ie a good supply of 7 ft. and B f .toughs on hand. Cait us if yo need orI, Wf crinake immediate delivery. 'HA&RVEST TWINE Master Fends (Stewaîllown) are agents for îhe meli knomn brand of Plymouth Har- vnsi T ieps.lymouth Saler Twine cones in two lengths and lwo kinds. 40 RED TOP: 9,000 ft. per Bale 0 CITADOL: 9,000 fI. pet Bale 0 RED TOP: 10,000 f t. pet Bale 0 CITADEL: 10000 fI. per Bale There is less breaking and knotting wlth Plymouth Saler Twlnes and lit li "Made In Canada". Cati us and order yoar eepply nowl 'Ask for Pymouth Saler Twlnee". "BULK GRAIN BINS AND STEEL ROOFING" W ,are agents for Wes e Rosco Bull Grain Bins and Westeel Rosco ses roafing, a I eýad order yuur grain bins nom for de sery in time for harvesl. A W. stock a full lino o 7< MASTER FEEDS- MASTR FEDS(STEWARTTOWN) 0Dial 877-3512 - Gegalown 0 1-