4The Canadlian Champion, Wdnesday, July 5, 1967 Red Currie brilliant on mound Sox lose squeaker to Giants Escîs lOg Bcd Ltuiitic ,excel- lent honling wus oteuhtisîogks pull a ict013 oit agatist Georgetown te Monda3 ovun- ings contesi. Crnie held oo DOUG MeCUTCHEON lu bis ut-ittesutil [lite-si lh înnntg uhets loj;ctisp iittiscor- cd ailt lbrec uislie-tii ien. Il wsReBd Ctiite pi inii the tirsi inuiis1t titisartoit o-bal miht \%Iel istý e heh gaume-o sueîug siiv, hiin-s tesili. Ce trise siigledt.ind thon %ihtooui Bl ut«a isc the ltis ielîlc i stuleilanded sinie Bodintsceud ndsiStes bath zsd ,tiiei.t une batseounanout- l cr5555ii- With meis on sec- su)geti hui sitti oui clests tcilsssîî lie es Wc-h WlthtIo iout, tho hosos lioil cdl assitnestoite in thehall puseMcCinnelliotite ibot, \\sii ke i litscsurit s-sthti-i.- akt ititosjjctrike>boss ssiune. 1,,t)ii5t55th e hasli ssIotsihe iîsîsihai-ssi iiloittiia the.- 1-tirlh n tIeicn ts-u itih itic sai CîGeorgetuwn Fir slesi \%'c tIl ti ok e ucame iliiiiu.lti is iiitutaits the nesi ssii haittiT- li sski.i.lthe la -ci iIlthîs imi-s Iitien SIsi-st \tCsitiheritt --, ptiet tftirti-n -c-s-sicasniSh gnii ssi boss. ltiisi.t t iil" ihiiseandl .aingin c tiss tie tibariki Murphy startcd the iiels talitstse hixtth sîsîsiiishoîslle lile hitissun e iti l - ir aeil Buis fitîips tiigiledItle kil lt iti I titeliîhs tni irt stetiestsiTit i'st-stGiset b re - tlstss ii tsi. k ii Fis anddGame News by aorsn co0u 1So0n This %ca.5i55 ceus- -se diiili"ts sot ba use ,litslt-neLsitesuthe- titi rriva otl t îsseskes andithe tliti upis spectre ci tet-st-e-t lise Ilii to siatl îes itii i b eaus- tiflo srîlînîl Thcc--ditîts. t pardon ts e \%e-itssh.s(Ils, 5 sut uitiS heir ;Lilllliire, i lbo\ aa nubu i îrning s gasettes LIU] etc- stîsIid ke misSe sufigi I loresitrire- mil sic are sure the: %%sutilitc mitre itreful. 18 Itl s estîmalcil hi theDep.srtiiif mont otf test- suit Sire-s it, filaifl0peri.ent Ilstshtlire- -irscuimît ili 5 Iliiltress t Bo hecsit n tIIiisc r onsutex oetes- sPiluuJit shs 111îit" Buîtlic s titl iiutitis sf te itol itetka tit t il iii C tlrrclchuttiofi stcsheani ha,t.eeri a tîssî1'c' fuses kesîsîsîlîs testktrut,, ls- s i.Necil zi-stn s ii-itgsinlic htsi.etseil î,le su It 'lla ani.mal sit sîste il -t,iti ohl' tIse >lisjtiti -ln ion as nittre lîkîs, itsep.tir ,lcite mise Titi- tt s .ils sulstici sk noies stcii .s ssititis tr a tr - ii-, Il tiu s ce- nst iii hiesiittii [Lpislti l ilirows o ligiici iarcl ic it]i tutOin hi roîntirîssu %e tlei\%iliça sîsolis 1[ tis\\ sa lsetstîst ci r crie ('tuti uo!this cii i nsîs or thili tutus t s-itis- tutti lestes eil 'pine nesle- (Fight te:1tisses 1 i lres inte kits uoslser'sî.ssi, sss bard uutrkoeandstrient1-elSeir Minor bal The Giants und thetttiinals oS tho Milite Mtssus BolLe,- gue moitusi titisillime tii year andl hsse lied coîl ime In Wnsslays matcuh [bey oughl S te tit11 rs.. le Toouuss ationî the Glonts chaikeil upnan tiseriselmitu 12-4 mIn uses the o Diuers. V. MePhal led tSe iont bal- [tinp srdersith aobSultier andl Smo triples lu Wetncesitay- cnet thlse[ billts mre tvoes misSti-n doubsok ande Imu sinses.anoeil an sd As- noldl mitb ssiistuples euch. mhifc CurgilI. Ws iIhi anilZan- alla and Armustrongf oh sinflecil Wilson, Shîolten. Lanpridpe and Harrisoîn dîOuhNUL] mhle Harkie andl Brashirstngied for the Cards. In Tusdays cntest Mue- Phoif, Mas unît Suies led tbe Gianîs St helttsg one humer eacb. Dosbles ent lu Mc- Phail. Zanallu andl Wripht and singies tlu iuWripht and Ken Armsttssep. Cardinal pitchers Carpill and MePhail aliome ofuur rues on site its andl Smo maibs. Dndg- or scorers sure Pearson, Gnw- ing, Brown oeil Thomas. t"iti siue fr iorcliedl in- ii, a resîsit kitpicise. testsnnw lotialho assse ts i-sec.sesi fast wecb. tissec latin il Cisse Bshîi si iiiMilice nd io Grnt iiTt.iI lsscWin- t[ci. tif îssîsile î.taoted t.) t ei- ii, n s i ni îîî - . k sitilt 1 8sstes.iied i tri e i's tIcciilejt rlîis itititie k - t. .1ioiiiFsi kitG-tnt s t o% itit hSitttesh.iii ,ti (rosi ni i - e ih ittt i t ils liii i i folis lNîs ,ts is-tut finuti M ss,-nnaiig %lie fier t ewestitîi s 1 ih ti kit - B 'hldci o sîîsîtî is2% hi,: ttî.sks tiviitij it, is iolir - s%'osii-s ts-its-s i sîsk.- sis i inks t i n[si i titti. titi fii f sii ti d . rhitîls illu - i sit t -t t. li i il tutti- Os rlo tti u - tsi in i l utte '.1an s, It îs lis th itis lo -!j t ril k, it ss iititi Is t. ho -id - icitti s~tlio titi.- t itsi. *i the tt pss11c uusîl s ait ssi A very trlcky titi seesitigi til-. t ti i ato ii iilitnsss frnt s .te b anîsîsîker il ts-- -shits isudcl otikuth- ,jo nt.is is stream, s is pisi ,itet- ,Tise 1tits ssetsil ofi a smeallpiece cofusissu 555tti- ii suhis moere pia- ,cd si itiss à it-tsin . igt or if Tise ýc h st-s-thon lied ond itiýtihedI o-tasinLlesmatll bh i hlis i s sutitst ho ste ii nd ttrkecst as it sss.sreeleslbk The lotiisitfrussnt cught su laits the Nittistisapa iv ier sc.s 14 posîn n d iistte ere iselif10poteul clans. Wktsttlng swans, hopewseite ktrds rurels scs inte oeasl- cmn Georgtie B us trou -were sibsersisilrcelîsinte oMaf- netissn iv ier. The etne bleds, prohuhiy issu fumtltcs oS ad- ait and vousnp. ocre on their way tsi Arcio estiie prounds aller wsstertnp un the Atlan- lic Coast of the United Stutes. A gsîod inc rease in the dock popuîlation sîner fast year lfl [ho tube Stmco area is pre- slted ky the conservation oS- fteers who say nestisp is in fltiswing sith many Ikous- asils already batclnei. isesîîsss sou uttî ssî-sîîsslfuî- t. pîstin enitusit i i-t andi ~ssesl .DanîsAii. sa 410kit- icisvbsslsasleeî sslîssouttin fîs Sirst issu imes ai bat, sng lu k 'M',t ltii --tll tise hiu ,LWk >ee- C.ssussettstlle Ibre asay a 3-0 lead on Thursday. Juive 22 te Prestos and esetally lot heir third fume oS the season ks- a 6-3 score. Spike Coogltn siens the route for Presles ai- loîîtnp threc rues off sesen hitls.Hoesalked ibrue. slruek ot issu andsibtsose baller. Hosrs Hamilton tarted for (.ttithkltillie ,and ini fise andl ssi. isusiiîtcii ii.-Rslit Bitoitslciue anddnlruck Milton to Junior tici OW, .By Bob Burt ýw 1t1, illii.tit i) aattitipalo o%% a, r ieil htall lbague itoutId ho squjakhliigisseius-t t sain\%iensothebosaon is e hall uses - but suil is-itsiho illiat k ssîsis et Seseral dayt prie r iithoeNHal- [oilin[%ittiitcit ing se Mlton Jlis 26. k sîsîphoiil ie aunoues-1 Ijii t titil i a das h tihe -ci the Milton BILCURRIE BRed Sk itssuetîpîie 1l1Ini et- BIILst, desitue1 ts tiss MCr tI')g'tIolstI .ttureialii elim- 1 lu ii tin tii,, , H d camp- ils i- tss l, tii tvj c , W tus- 111jt."ii lodI o %tjb am1sbell- t~1 tisee isett titi. ti i ci titce luii - i itand5us is-isi ss .lss po, j itIsttk ml ,% ils tsi.il bu e ils population tit titi "licts s hsîtt nis hiî 1.t1titt1Ikllts titi. -titi. ot1 i st i n s iaid I v itis- lis classifica4tion should hi.- i iti s o -l- a e il l'iu, i 2 i h i t S --t la.iiil lan , ti ltiit Il til t 1 titis cii 'sltse ai jni orsîsssts ki.ks t ss.î sg six iii _____________ iti.c msi-i the.-inteemicchito -wees win two ,ille 555555it55 tts inli ose to Bramptonl silI ec 1-1stîsîsMs tii issî is Msttssilc hat , ii it i fsutipini titi .tttti. lisîsi.e ,T t a-i ut titi e iii and tîssîs stuo lei l its i.k.ttttt tit 1 d.ssîîsc llssil k, i m . tise. Sii ittigtie i nii1sk seielcGog i ls titi ti i tii i-ir Omagh trounces aur Belles overwhelms Milton defense Asti-s upcssssg ho 550505 % itstîstessse 3-2 in crier, tsk i Mlln Belles Soif iciltu19- 15 deal ai the the puits tolibail Irogue. Marcla Watdle oeil Mass Mutine shaiedth ie psushsng du- tleiu, lits- BlIc i uthe ah- Illc ti os bitsler Sanils tuutkctsut iuueg-ause up ,i\ it,is.sussk sut fuur bal- titiste Mtitisv llîsucîlsix bits, stiisk .,nsft shie,îndîis- ,Le or stoik, Lee huris no-hitter Juves blonk Bramaleas kittttii B-isenti Lec urleil 1 Tulue.1il t ses sut i Yig ou itin ;Itutt itlttttstep nis stuc tiss-i ils silt(su isîsen- îles StItikeit Bs otalea 3-f. hittis -tie Biiutitica tcher ,\lte tii% Bsimziea mon [o peitontisse isud iho diiiil on a Mlton scorcd otutti.- issuuhSk Vies iirg iTrcIloisuton uussssn hi[,ssc bh t t ciioiut ia sund les t Miltttut ilui jtiti 0 iii titi lle luis i it usilMils-se suor- vudsi t%, tut us utîcîBuires Mc- litadiiill Trot Ilotussion t sutjIji lus-us BsRi.coarf Cie- ilit uticiti h baesiitbo9 single ttilrght tietif Otlisî Mit ti luit oers scre Brian ans-lssu sd iJohn Penses us tub sngles Mltonnscîîred s cee sons on six bits atdttI ereurs miie Banac bateshit nosuis uosebits oeuf madeu inoesuerrr.LeeanuS cessais i-uisprises5 the Milton btterv sibile MeBtssuuck and Wesî ocr skis culthe pilchilsg (lotiues fui thsteBramulca club. Girls' standings W L Pis. iokutIle 4 I 8 OInagh2 2 4 Ai tosus2 I 4 COItu ouus 2 I 4 Millo isus1 2 tut ennis i2 2 Du uimqtisu 1I2 2 Nuriî v I 2 2 lîteusWilias f 2 O mi....H u... "TOPIX" LIVE IN MILTON ARENA * Rouler Skating - - - - 7.30 -9.30 I I Sock Hop . - - 9.30 - 10.30 Admission - Skate Rentai - - -75c - - -25c Omssph sîîreîf19 ruusoun 12 buts îanlnites suisMarions Wîîhsell tripief eufn hssee lus umagh wsile Judy Pni.o sîngleil. tipler] a nildoobloil ishîlc D. Fordt ufuubloil andl susgloil. Wsîhneotflansoil Sf baller.s ishihi Francis Eses siruoutol isus sbn shei.came in n relief ni t hc sislb sening. Kals Marsh, Dionne Frrnos asnd Carolît Aie lIe, nsled the Milton olnsss lb sx kils hotu-con tiboîtsMarsb Siploil atîdufsîsgloîf whstn Fessier und blarns douuhis ansI siegleil Coai.h Murs os Whistler aoid bistloîm pf.ssoslpsosî n ste- bunse. afltssinp ninoessrors antI 12 mslbs. The Belles play ut home Weufsesufsts and sias lus suber lbigue actin ions 22, Druesquin bruît Palermîs 22- k, Miltso ulgeu Georgeltwn 3- 2, Cakiille bout Oss.ph 94. Monday, lune 26, Hsîssks lîthiteoîfAilîn 133,Geourge- tuutvsboutS Omsspb15-9,Pater- mbssqtieebeul bs- louWilliams 7-k anuS absille defeated Drusuqun14-k. WedneslssOmapk issunceil Milton 19-5. (in Jonc 29 Atos uusteîf Gubsilie 15-10 usndlOak- villekooat Hssnvhvsnu 11If murgin Jl 3. MECHANICAL FITNESS 0F USED CARS A useil motor neicie mont kg certif jie as mucbanicolly fil by anp dealer wbo salis il for use oo tbe igbwups. An unfi ilebicle May onip b. sold aller the plateshbou eheun rgmooed andl returneil totkeDupurlmneni The purchoser will receiue a Bill of Sale. Aller repaies. registration plates con bu oblasnud for such a nabicle bp suismittîne, 10 the Departmet, the Bill of Sale und a Certilîcate of Fslness sîgnud hy a certif igi motor mechanus- EFFECTIVE Jutic 1, 1967. RESTRICTIONS ON TOWING Il is iliegul tb drive a passenger car or station wagon with more than one ne cIe in tow. EFFECTIVE JULV 1, 1967. SPEEO LIMITS IN CONSTRUCTION ZONES New legisîation now authorizes speclal npued zoning for marbed construction sites. Motorits are requtreil 10 obey posteil upeed limits. EFFECTIVE NOM. REPORTING 0F MEDICALLY UNFIT DRIVERS Il is the dutp oi every legaiîp quliiied medicul practi. tioner 10 report la lIse Regisîrar the name. address andl diagnosis of enery person coming under is diagnosis. trealment, cure or charge who is suiluringfromn a condi- tion tsati n tIse opinion o& the medicul praclittoner is such au to mabe tdangerousfor suck person 10 operate a motor vehicle. EFFECTIVE NOM. Lowvifle and Procor split Lowville retains top spot Pirates upset Campbellville stage comeba«ck for victory Lomille and Procor oplit a pair oS games, Lowville taking the first 4-3 and Procor won Friduy's gamne 3-1. In Monday'a game Procor louk a 2-f load in the second ineiog on a Smo ruts bouter by Bob Bisbop. Lowville gos a son in then third when Larry Casmpbell tripied and scored onan errur. Procor went .siid 31 iSe hosisth suhen jju tisesisîic andS scurcd un a ,iitste b% Remei eLowislie won ils, gameoii nibe ninib mises lbhompsosi ssalked. Lee Cool- -on doubleil. Doug Powell doobled. Dan Hetberingtott singleil aod Stu Doibel singled. Lee Coulnon pllehed for Lots- sie iiop ap lise bit-sobhile îtitkingoput sie. .Clint Jones loouk tise liiss gissof up fise idsi iing osual15. Friito, Procus louk a 20 lcat5ni tise i ss ilson a sIigle bi Hesliip andl aîhtme rus kv Htouston.s Tises ient lsead 3à0 Easy doesRte Yes, easy does if when you're buying a car at Milton Motor Sales. No high pressure, no gimmicks. Just plain ordinary dollars and sense talk wifh people you know and a firm you can trust. We're here after the sale for service and thaf's why customers f md this dependable place Io choose a car, f romi one of Halton's biggesf selections assembled on cour lot. And Goodwill cars carry a wriffen warranfy for your added protection. Drop in îoday, easy does if at MITNMTO AE *1*'N*T*'M Acdan Viachal -OMC ra.ch Oma., REMINDER TO MOTORISIS IMPORTANT CHANGES IN THE ONTARIO HIGHWAY TRAFFIC ACT Enerp molorcycle wben betsg operated on a igbwuy shall bu uctuipped wîlh ut least two braking systerss eoc wih o suparalu muons cf application wtth one effective on the front wheel undl one effective on the reur wheuf. EFFECTIVE JuLY 1, 1967. AIRCRAFT ON HIGHWAYS Wbun an arceuit mokus an emurgencp landing on a kighwoy, the pilont ubang if remoued wttbin a rea- sonoble ime. Wbun on aircroft is heing drinen or drawn long a higb- way, its monument must complp wththek provisionascof the Htgbwap Traffic At. EFFECTIV E .tUL 1, 1967. MUFFLERS New reqiruments us to mufflers hune been enacted, prohbiting the use of a mailler cutoot, straigbî ex- baust, gutled muffler, holiywood muler, by.puss or similur dgutcg upon a motor ugbicle. EFFECTIVEULY 1, 1967. ONTARIO DEPARTMENT 0F TRANSPORT - , Hon. lewis HasbeEt, Minîster i n the eighth on an error and a single by Heslop. Lowvillc got ibeir lune rmn in lte ninth when Pacquette reachcd second on an error and scorcd after a single by Dennin Sinc- lair and as infield out. Heslop took the win striking out 10 and giving up four hits. Pue- quette slruck out 20 batters and gave' up f se bits for Low- v-ile. Demist Sinclair, Dan Heath- eringtus, Doug Coverdul e and Gorci Mar-hall alspled for Lowville. Lowvilles sent homne faute 5 Tunsilav, Jolv Il ag- aîsst Horskv.. League standings W L Pts. Losirille Il 2 22 Palermo f 3 I8 Omagh . .. 7 5 14 Procor ....... 5 7 101 Halton Hotel 2 8 4 Hsirnhv 2 f 4 oui une in Isso-iirds oS an virtue of asalk, a single by inning ot relieS pitcking. Cougbltn, aii-alk. a passed Earl Calmas drus-e in Smo bail, a lingie by Renner, an- ions in the firsi afler Dredge uther passed bail and as single had singled and Moorsnalk- kv Dures*y i theîb dansage. ed 10 gise Campbellville a 2-0 Preson scores anstiber in load. lit [he lid îbey stretch- tho lufth on a sngle, tseo pass- cd ibir leail tu 3- sîben Ches- ed hals andI a sacrtfice 1hv and ter droe in a runts ss-ilb a inaintte ssth on asvaik, double Su lofticentre. a pas-.es hallastsotes hase Tbe troui Sellinj for Camp- andI a aciislice i1s. helsilie iin tie hsitoiiof the Preston made the sis-t tif lit inte s uie \ su t p te gomoe. let itisut 1iue mon s ýt si base Vi(htit tisoui oasd unse ou, hy ,tille Cssssphietllte ls stucn ,trandesl. CoughliSi. Re-tiser, Dsrcv andl Doucet .ll ingifed fli-iPreston, Georgo Ch ester slsuhld for fi ,Campbell% ilo oandlEl mer Dresige. Btek Bepis. Earl Ca-iris, SiiKing. Larrs Me- Pisai ;isu 5-Is s Hotin n al 123 456 7 RH E k etC.sspellst'e 201 f00f 3 7 I k tPres toîs 00411 -k64 2 Rinistht su iSndAnsirovs Red Cui-rte. Run Nas Isr. EdI P e-,tsn--Cssuuhlisu sui Ren- ds McLL.sd, Brion Stus or, uer. Frank Bertassun nd tslRus Pal- oerson ssîll stay with the club. Plates tuuuio dlforthe juiuor i gtuupsngssillhbetele.S.cduît playolf itre. tfiu.îsues1edtt\ Rcd Sues prosidens Dick Cloent Shat ho nuethors sectioniofut hoHal- Sun Counis League s huuld - hse.k awastrise e suthere As Nei Campbell. egue statis- tusse potne ouîi. -Gises Lakeshuee Lo.sgue tiludissg Burlintson. Dabvîlle. (Campbell- s ise., Duedas and Haumiton.s 9 cot!h teain isul ho osuted lii stuc top attraciotns a yar. SeVice Yom cou Similarly In the usîril the i.mpelstsioni)old lgh tis .woys cornt o. he nterest greaier antd testr- asls hothe a-ekoti osoul bcii.- When o ne mesdo the ses and moreetstertainsig in job ofpantngor fix bush divt-isionus ,itnnphelsslle ing thebodyo f pour car,- s, abotutthe okucnis ttossuhei usssî hbas sasi compoe e .î1sst ou resure of the best the ssuthand thetstslsusrtb- ,-- i-ased eosu sîhîs eighisi- sîsuur tllteg asppitioite hi. Clemeul ts asi stiggested AUTO BODY btsssssto (issstsns isituli ne. tore h.ssehaillin Acisn. .llsis 8 8-72 utg them aiti cui shoeusrtb 269 8 8 2 2 vndis isii A legue îssth Mit87 -3 5 son, W.îtrdown. Geosrgetosns Main St. 1Pre-sunîand possîis %Aituoeild87 -3 5 Cspsl-sledies rite eimiia oi. eodora t ins ----------- HORNBY BALL CLUB'S 2th ANNUALi GARDEN PARTY * GREATEST HIT OF THE SEASON TO S HED AT HORNBY COMMUNITY PARK SATURDAY.. JULY 15 FEATURING BOYS' SOFTBALL GAME 7.00 PM. SHARP LOWVILLE vs ROCKWOOD 7 PM. - Halton Dairy Princess Miking Competition Mondo Court 5 Pc.. Orchestra wiII entertain and Ontarlo Dalry Princesi and Hilton Princess will be presenled ALL STAR STAGE PROGRAM AT 8.45 Go-Go-Ettes- Norma's Canines- Jack MîLean - Hilda Veenstra- Barney Joe Dolas - Badictos and Sues - N icol Browne-Morie Ans Rae - The Cesless l Trio Vine. Mountford - Your Hosttand Smce. Aduit $1. PUBLIC SCHOOL CHILOREN FREE Adult; si. ~~~If acmè9e ye di GOO PARKING PACILITIES APA SSS