DRUMOUIN Grade el à NEW LECTERN AND BIBLE mere pesented and dedicated et Knox Presbyterian Chorefo on Sunday moening. The giftu mere a centennial peojecf of the ounior and senior choecb seboofs, tehone mnembers raised lailent roney" by doing odd chores around home. A simifar leclern and Bible mccc poeebased by the Sunday Sbools ta be presented ta the uem cbueeb being formed on ramalea. Koxn eurcb minister Rev. J. K. L. McGomn is shumu accepiug the gift fOam Parnefa Jones of Knon Senior Sudait Scbool. Af the tomne service lags mer officiaif y re.dedicated for cenlennoaf Vear. Geoffrey Foran represented the Junior Shool during the preseutatioblt. (Staff Photo) TEP.ilF.RS WRONG A report us truck tenders in lostI eeho Nassaga-eya Council Briefs was in eror. The item souid basve read: Council approved 16e pur- chose of a hall-Ian trock front Thompton Mtoro., Actan, aI $1,680 wilh îradc-i.t: and a five- ton truck frum Trrac Mtor Sales Lîd., Burlingtun, as out- right punchase t $12.066. ou MILTON GOSPEL HALL 306 Ontario St. N. 878-2022 Christians galberud in the namne of the Lord lesus Christ. 1Math.16.:oi20) Lards Day SUNDAY. JULY 91h, 1967 10.30 a.m.-Bruahing of Bread. 12.15 p.m.-Sunday Suhuol. 7.00 p.m.-Gospul Service. Wednesday, 8O gm. - rayer and Bible rcading. Al are melcamu lu Ihese services. Who Hîs ossa se bare aur siss in is ost bcd s n the truc lot terr 2:24. THE UNITED CHURCH 0F CANADA Lowvile - Zimmerman Pastural Charge Corne cloe la Gd and Mu iti cume close ta pyou. SUNDAY. IULY 915 1967 towclle United Cttureh Gulph Lieu Organislt, Mrs. J. R. Dave. Zlnunerman Unted Church 10.00 aom.-Dioîne WitrshiP Na service att-atieChtîesb A Wrmn Welsorne ta Everynnu ST, PAULS CHURCH of THE UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Mis St. ai Jamus St. Miistur: Ruv. C. A. 1-ainer BA.BI Orgoniol and Choir Leader: Mes. Harold Mague. SUNDAY. IUl 1.1 hh1967 10.00 am.-Mtititig Worsbîg. Sermon gerietil hem.e Littlie kototu ace oi the Bible. SiesI - Threu Sons. Tbrec Chaises. Knox ruobyleriabu Chursb aill rorship lSroogh lais ut Si. auls Unîteul Cbarcb A Regislered Nurse uili Se pro. seul iu the crib rîuîm. Invitation lu ail. EMMANUEL BAPTIST CHURCI Commercial Street, MilIou Minisler: Patter Claplun Cle 87-4473 878-3542 The Lords Day SUNDAS. JUINY tht. 1967 9.45 .m.-Sunday Sehuat fc ait. 11.00 a.r.-Marniug Worship. 5.301 p.m-Youîh Mine. 6350 gm-Sang Service. 7.00 p.m.-Euuuing WorshiIl Nusrcy ut Sundoy services. Wedueoday. 8O gm. - Bibl Shqdy and rayer Meullu4 AU Ar&' Wrmly Welcuaned the recommeudation of the roads cummittue. -Thauls 10 ailt hat rereul ain, t6e grass isu't turning bromu pt. Wail untit taler iu JL11Vy -JoIe t1 a aairty quiet celebeation on Milton again Iis year. BOSTON AND OMAGH PRESSYTERIAN CHURCHIS Minister Rus Stanley E. Smith, B.A. SUNDAY, IULY 91, 1967 Botb Cburshcs and Sunday OShools sili bu clsed dur- ing Jlis The sougregat- ons are nvitcd ta aur sbup at St. Paut's Unted Cbursh, Milton. in 16e joint erice aille Knos Fresupîcrian Church. GRACE ANGLICAN CHURCH Milton. Ontariu. Retue: Reco T. M. Dustan. SA., B.D., 0.. Assuciate: Reco Canon F. H. Maoan. M-A., B.D. T1IURSDAY, lUt Y 615 1000 arn.-Huis Communion SI'NDAY, lILY 9t6. 1967 Trînits Vit SUMMER SCHEDULE 800 a.m.-Hoiy Communion. 1000 arn -Moruong Frascu andlSermon. HIGHWAY GOSPEL CHURCH A lusai assembly of THE PENTECOSTAL ASSEMBLIES OF CANADA Fîstur:Rev M. (hristenscn LORDS DAY It UISY )1J1tit 19(,7 945 a.m,-Sunday Sehool. 11.00 am.-Morning Woshlp. 700 g m.-Eoangalisllc Service. Wcdorsday, 8 g.m-Bible Sîs- do- anti rayer Meeting. t-rday, O8g r -.Yaung Puople:' Service. A Cburch Yavu Con Mare Your Hume tA Warm Welcomc lu Everpote KNOX il PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH n Minister Rev. J. K. L. McGtown, B.A. 878-6066 878-2652 O0 corne. lt us rorship auc hum darnu: lcI os kneel hefon the Lord 0,0e Maken." H Sf NiAJtYIULY 91h, 1967 10.00 ueo -Morniug Worsbi s uuitutis ith St. Foots Ur ted songegatian inS Pulvsbursh. Reu. Char esHumer conducliug. CHURCH 0F CHRIST un OMAGH N. 5 Siduroad and 416 Lint Trafalgar SUNDAY, JULY 91, 1967 1000 arn.-Bible Sebool Clai us for ail ages. le 11.00 a.m.-Morulng Wor&M nZ- 8.00 p.m.-Preachligof tf 1 Gospel. ACtOUNTING EARL G. BLACK B. Comm., R..A..CA. Chaltered Acountant Municipal Audilor 163 Main Street Bon 460 Milton, Ont. 87"-542 ARCHITECI DONALD E. SKINNER B-Arch. - MRA.I.C 17A Mi Street, Suite 2. Actot Tetephone 853-2740 or 20 Staveh,nk Rd.FPort Credit 2743428 Otice Hoors by Appontment AUCTIONEERS FRANK PETCH Austi oneer and Eatuator 30 Chapet St. E., Georgetown Tetephone 877-2864 CHIROPRACTORS A P. KENT,.D.C. Dotor of Chrtîpractic 237 Kngs Court C rcssent C orner Martin St. Mond.tt, Wdnedas, Thurdî3 tp.m to 9 pm. Toc-îles and Frtd.îs 9 am, tu6 pm saîtodat Il am. toî3p.m Phone 78-2031 INSU RANCE CO-OPERATORS INSURANCE ASSOCIATION botî-Ho,,ntc. Fectisn-Acsi( entod Stskne- Ftmity Liaiity Farm Liabililv Your Miton Agent Mrlthea Kurz S' R. R Ntt t. Miton Phone 878-9741 re FUNERAL DIRECTORS -McKERSIE PUNERAI HOME C attpite'Ar Conditiontng Stl'e.,c.Catîtteous Setrsice 'ttght or Da% 878-W52 td OPTOMETRISTS ARTH4UR A. JOHNSON, O. 84 Main Sti. Milton 1 Phone 878-9972 Re-,. 878-96 ip Hours:' in- TUESDAYS. 9 a.m. oa35p.î St. i-RIDAYS, 9 arn. ta 8 p.ty WM C. MILLIGAN, O.D. 11tt1 Tiatalgat Rd.. Oakvillt Oltice Houri Daily including Saturday. a.m Cati 845-1511 for appinîmé LIBRARY HOURS Ri- Tuesday, Thuesday and Fric 12 noon lu .30: 6.30 lu 9o ip. Mondav 12 roan tu 5.30 he Wednesday, 9.30-12, 1-5.30 Closed ail day Saturday. ight dinner, awards program 'S of Percy Merry school year highIight! sy mm .CamIPtmO A large number of pnotod pa- c cents end happy studenîs gat;s- ered in Percy W. Merry audi-1 torioni on Tuesday evening,( Jue 27, for the grade deit E banquet. Alto atcnding werei eyeraIl eachers and honored guests. Kcnclth Rutledge mas mas- ter of ceremunies and wecom-g cd t6e guesîs. The toast lu the Oucen mas given by Anderson1 May and Sandra -Peatherston1 mas aI the piano. 'Elizabethq Hall asked the grace on thee delicios hot dinner servedi by the ladies of Church of Christ. Omagh. Lter, Har-Id Merry exprcssed appreciation for the dinner. Ale the nîcl an inermnis- sion mas taken lu allote for photos of the studenls ilis Iheir teachers, Mrs. S. Sider. Mrs. A. Fisher, and principal Donald White. , Rturniug lu 16e auditorium, Kcnnth Roîlcdge inîrodoced the guesîs aI the hcad table. David Frederieks gave the toaslta 16te parents and Bill Hill gave the rcPly. ODaryl Wood gave the toast lu the school and Mrs. Fisher re- plieid. wishiug the studenîs al sucees in Ibeir future studies, and ntcd that ste wat very pruud o! îhem and would 6e walehing with iuercol their progress. Douoglas Wood f rom the huard of education advised the youug peuple lu 6e sure their ehoice of careers and sîudy mas the right one for t tcm. -ropei Geoffrey Drew-Biopei dent uf Home and Sehaul eucngratulaled the grade eighl and atsured t16cm thal cach had contributed somnething la t te school and 10 the banquet. 5 Mr. Dres-Braah presented a gifIta oMr. Whit e soîts cas- ing Percs Merrs Schoal. o- lnt iday .00 cialion lu al] who had made sun the past year a happy -0 for SaIli hlm at the uchoctl and for the jt co-uperation. 'Me emphasized Mot P. W. 'Merry school is gruwing Lesi in size and importance. -He Cha asked for continuedl support Jud, for the staff seul year and a Da- sineere thanks for the gifl-a iva denk peu set. -Nancy Gitto iutroduced the den guest speaker, J. Marnaiot. ces principal of White Oaks Sec- D undary Schuul. -Mr. Marrioll Per gave a humuruî and interesl- eut ing lal. t Speakhig or White Oaks Juî where grade eight claso will Irac be altending in Septemben. ttc pri said! there are apprusimalely the 1,200 studenîs and 60 leach- pas crs. The mollo, Theee Oak > leaves and a tree was "The 5-8' lump of learning" and a leaf Lei sluod fur "Truth Fý'urily"and the 'Strength.' c He cungralulaled the Mer- Lvi ry Sehool on thecm mollo 1 "MWork lu Win." n a Maple Fir ceaf.1 His message lu the stodenîs Cir mas thal su far lhey hadl ac- soi qoired habits, mode friends, Mý lcanned lu deal wilh others, Bt and lhey had been helpcd by 1 their home, parents. school R. and leachers lu eeetuary Sa schoul îhey rnill hune more re- C, spousibilîs. they must make a important choices, acqoîre 1 skiffs and inspirations and th rnork ai heing a gond citizen. pr He stressed tchat stîung people desetoped a pattern f rom here- c dilv and environnuwtl Parents m shauid moka certain Ihein Bi chtldren ire direcîrd lu othe m wav thev desire, but futthe6m ichîtave their twn path. There os a large toaste tif humant abil- R tirs, vong peopte must haves; tguidance.and beflip n He reen'ded that there are D t%%,() tît et lto the top of ni hetrce 1irst, one could hmhii, tsoihtar, okifl and f, ambition n r vit an an acorn K adw ii foriltegrOw. i, lods Fcsstress îhankcd Mr. t Maiohti r hi-. fine bih aPresent.ttitn ofai aOrLs faf- losed Mr-. P W. Merrvscrtu-t ph%,osto, given tao Donaldi Les-. lie. A .codent itochose o fr tbis gruze ho showittg couopera-C tîtîn helplollne,,. foonesvsand p integrits and hsheing o guod a -.îîtdenl. t. The Bailes trîîphy for oea- i demo. osas presentrd ho Mrv.- Wtn. RailcN o ii w-astudents,r lisse Wiivîîn and H-arold 1 Metrn, The Helen Rothinson rîphv w,vprcsentrd ho Tors.1 R. 1Bnîotnrtdge for pragrels Mersîn Ball tn The Sybil Bennettl I.O.D.E. assard fior pragrets foîr girlsi lts apresented ta Soîvan Ilii- i ton. Mrý White prevenîrd 1 t Citttsohip Assards gîsen b6v RosîtiC,în,îdtan Legton. Oak-1 vitle and B rîtte ta Violet Fin. uti. and Jovî.e Wilson. The inne rceto a close with the inging if O Canada. About 135 ait ended the ban- S quel, lthe tables acre atat avlNznsi]titittefu ifsdrcorated ssîth hosties mad ceuteunial îtited napies. The girls iî,îked ves-tin thetr dainty gîîans and cttrsages. and the hîsos handvotte. Thirto nîne student, were in tirade 8 slasv, .andtthevosere y ,îie-.ýts iofhonutr at,î special hibe, toith heu îeshers. Thc fnllowtng sets inthn e 967 (trade.-8 sia,,:Si,.k Rut- ledits. Ken Ruîticulge, Caîbo t ittrs- Cathie Nceia,ts Mars JeanM asîei Snus J.îîvs-s fHaroîild McrtîsSandîratFe.îtb- os,,.- Wils,vn. Keith E i sous. SîtîiFrris-r, Dehhie Wîoo Anersît Miv. lods d- Pcu-îstîBsob,6Manerist, Mer- %in ialto. Flo,,io-btit.llMar- loto Sahh DltoaldBrîîse lanic e Gond- MILTON 878-3272 X Show limes ulV1DN h THURS ~TR tPaîrday 2 p.M MaE,4.lin.. THUIRS.-FRI.-SAT. JuLy "DUEL AT DIABLO" - Color "THE DAVE CLARK S" - Short "PIHC PANIC', - Cartoon Sat. MatIn.. et 2 p-s. 6-7-B8~ ni Nancy Gedb, Mary Aun Lept ha, David Frederieks, Vlo- TInt Finnie, Rick Tattyn, Etten Sin artey, Gregory Hill1, Donald Bec tIic, Elcanur Smith, Kcith Chi sm'ertain, Janet Cathoun, Chi y Chose, Susan Hilton, Do- aryl Wood. Calvin Caeding- foi and Dunean Craig. Le! We congralulate theve stu- dei Ils and rnish thrm ail]vue- Ko s in the yces ahcad. Ho Donald White, principal of Jo cv W. Merry tehool met- R, rd the students and staff nu Sasscmhlv* u n Thuesday, Do me 28 lu prescrnt omards for lu .eck and field day and othcr- ces. Mes. Ctoytou outlurd a ie sports progeam for the or ut year. la For the girls from Grades M 8, Basket Bail. Heidi King, El nuise Sammit, Sandra Feu- si .-rvtttn. Ionise Hilton, Ian- ci -e Ganding. Marilyn Satiha, R ia Finnie. N Badminton doubhles - oiuetl S inntie, Eleanar Smnith. V Vullevhaîl - Violet Finnie, lndy Cordinglo. Karen Adam- n. Caîhv Neiands isoptain) 4ary Ann Lepa. Suan Hillon. g Irendo Hiliman. 1F Basehali -Nancy Sin. Put Il me. Elizaheth Hall.,-Mary Ano F tubia. Cîînnie Course. Donna S -ahaun. Ionise Hilvun, Di- N toce Break. Mary Williamns. I Me. Fuebes congeatulated 1 thu hboys aunilasoarded the s Bavketh,îii- Krith leslie. a iptain. Dîîug Hilsîtu, Rîîn c MacMitrter. Mike Suttherland, ill Clark, Don Brîtan, Bill tiller. Stuc r-Calvin Cîtedingis 1 .îpiaiu. Ros Fîtller., Sriin i Riisk. lirn Dc,îi Diiag Hil- i sn. ferS tfiieniomrnSa-cet- t eau, lîrn S,,iih,Dotn leslie, i lita MisMurter, faons Will ti niott Rog-er flcrng. 1 flichtll - R-, (tiller, koiniis ittti. Ris k Tîilisu. Keiih Cbamîberlinf. Ksiiiî Les ie, lits Vîîimii. Roeger Dern- ig. lirn Hîlsîtu.W,îsne Fuis. Tioi Ssccinta,iu.Iterf oetrig. Gtradel 9 oîîiîsi,îtcîl for the ,îith.îl ictitîe anti Grade 7 s ,î%%,ce taîius. Nova Scutia Icani, Diucan çr.ig, sagîtin. b.îlthe rnost p(otuts Flie ftifdat Ni. tap athil etoscre gîîîupcd lîgclhr , it usas murevts em woai sos" %Ceeaardef ta 6cr- rSîrn Terrv ouglas0.,tsDer- rik Wilsoîn, Itohn Aidersau. llchhie Sîîllîr,. nt Tîlivu. I-esin 14.1.Ted ill, tti t.ii. (tintie. lis Itilîtto C.lhs Couarse, Sharîtontes K,, alî Yoîsdeu Miss Chcrriog lta .îss,îrîed inioieflatshes it,)FEdgar Will- iamrs. Sari Ifîso k,.- Falti fllirnn Dît-v te i,ss. %,David cepi. Ditto Hîvîce. , Gilires Ilîcti b itt laniceîtt, iîiîiig. M.tîg.ret Itietece Mîtyi pobistlispotiand li ts Sý Ae 10. Dcbbîc Nec- laius lJohîîîVîtîser M,îrei: aeIl. lents, etood,îEsdie Fordi.afle 12, tLoutise S,îrmitt, Drl WoodilandlfDonna Letts. lied.,îund Mike Suthterland;.tge i3, K,îîhs Yîîîîîleu andl 14dm Rutloh. A gotd ceest waaswon by Britu Rush fîrth 1e mat poiînts ,a( Field Oas. Mr. Dtto. .îarifîded sîs ,for pubhicsýpetking ici M.îrri.îne t ep,Dieu Miilig.in. Dion tes lie, lanice Gtoitiiig. Cîtunir Cîttrse. lJohn Vunifer Miel. Roîss Neeîlhîu. Mies Jean Maxwelil. lteeb Rîîrig. fîtîf Satindrs adDehotrab Nec-ý la.s Four studensn ram rach actm eegiven tht lirte hîghe,1standîiintfgMrsIeBro- bridîge. Miss Battranti Miss Whitbîîurue maclee the avosrds t, VrrciuicGoe Sherin Don- tran. Richîard Baker, tisa Tîli- so. KrenuA stenheimer.t ares hnett, StepheIl Cote, ObnOl o, Goeffrey Drew-Brook, -as Sutherland, NancY s, Larry Graves, 'Ratph Rae. rnda Mitîmnan, YvOnne Ford- iris .Hadfietd, Keery iNtelson, âris Sharpe, *Marilyn Satîba, on -Leslie, Judy Petetreos, 20e ho, Diaune La-mb,» Vinkie ,s1ie, -Henry Baker, John Von- r -Marel, Canule Courte. lhy Adamoon, lim Saliba, arold Mcrry, Wayne Ettis, oye Wilson, Joanne ýBaker. oger Deming, Atian Markin- n, Julie Stuver, Heidi King, avid tuw, Jim Snuw, Karen hnson, Pal Bruows. 1 Mes, Lee prescnted art tards lu Judith RenIe, Deb- aht Knox, lim Leriehe, Rose- ne Carlyle, -Lorrie Myes, p 4rgaret Hall, -Larrv Graves, ti aine Lister, Raymond Velta, terry Demiug, Daryl Wood, trioline GodI. Lynne Stewart tn Cule. Tony Saliha, Cathy 4ectands. Bill Clark, Louise I immit, Jlie Stoner, Dehbic f tunderput. and Garey Patter- Mes. Hannun prescnlcd pr- ress arnarss l Catherine Mou. leather Eves. Klaus Vick. Ka- tes-n Fuller, Sandra Pearrie, Patti Hitîman. Marianne Lepa, Stenon Harris, Beth Wilîmoît, Mervin Boit. Susau Hilton, ulie Stover. Robert Brown, .aura Mitirnot. lJohn Dcnd- vos. Ken Roîedgc. Donna Break, Mars Lu Baitcy, Val- arie Green, Stephen Rac. Eil- cnMarshall. Mes Fisher arnarded citizen- ship awards ta Sandra Shawe, Dauglas Hannah. Lita Stover, Krnneth Clute. Geoffrey -Drcm- Brookh Brenda Vivian. Larry Graves, Karen 'Marshall, Fa- mria Lots. Mark PatchelI, Do Leslie, Violet finnie. Rodncy ii-îiding. Heather Bailcy, Con- nie. Coutrse. Sharon Melansun. losce Wilsotn, Wayne Ellis. Eliizabeth Fisher. Cliffard Rue, Bettb Jean Morchmeu t, David 14.dfieid Mr, White, principal, arnard- cd sixs,.rsts for pruficienes lu sports and academnics lu Geof- f res Drea -Braah. Dutn Leslie, Joihn Vander Maref. Cuney Coturse. losce Wilson and Roîger Drrning. Joyce Wilson, verni Finatist in naFrenchb poblic vgcakittg coimprtitiîtn. rrceived a certifi- cale frî,m Dakeilfe Board of Edilitio n. Mrs. Snidcr gave motte issîjrds iii 5tudet,ts ou ere mettîbers of the s-bits.Fine , hotir, cimpetrsi aI t6e festi- vai and iscre gl,îced secand io lîîîr escntv Mr,. Hanvon, Mev. Sauter, Miss Cherrngtcn. Mes. (lis utn iscreciiretolrs. Bflfore dismissing assemb- tep Me. White îhooked staff and studunts for cu-upenalion Ihis pool pean. alto opprecia- tion lu -Mes. C. C. Pattensun and 1he mothers teho lied tenu- cd hot dogs eueh month and ai field day. Sdsoot closed lune 29 and opens on September 5. Regulan exeneise - mnoder- aie eneecite every day - witt hclp gel you imb aucndition (ond shapel for beach gomes and summen nports. fLECTRIC ITY US OUR BUSII4OSS Don't 6e a «finkerer wtth EIele Iy, ity. É 80 as epert for *HE4TING *NEW CICUITS * MDTIONAL OUTUETS *OIJTDOR LIONTS FGATIERSiOiE ELECTRIC 87"4378 fout. INAU aIuoiEuDem't SCage Il You'Ee Iuuued Eneugh You shou1d car. - about Personal Sprevents mone- thefi. Cosuit S MeCUAIO i nsurenCo Umted AT YOUR LOCAL TRUST COMPANY - Intarest Paid on 5 YEAR GUARANTEED INVESTMENT CERTIFICATES AMOUNTS $ 100 fa $100.000 ..l%% 8 . Refor 61/" patd on investments 6for 2, 3, 4 er 0.paid on investmrents 6 for 1 year Drap in ta any of aur offices for further defeilsI MILTON 252 Main Street - 878-2834 CORNE SKUCE, Manager AL DIRECTOR - Dr. C. A. Marin, Vice-President NORTH HALTON ADVISORY BOARD John T. Armstrong, Chairman rd Gurdbuusu, Maurice C. Beaby. Michael edmith John Goy, Dr. S. D. Young CONVENIENT OFFICE HOURS Mon, - Thur%. 900 -5.00; Feldaysa'fil 6,30 SUN,.MOH,-TUES,-WED, JULT Y-lUI I-i O "ARIVEDERCI, BABY" - (Adult) - Color TONY CURTIS "RACE WITH THE WIND' "%TY OF EORGnE aW." - Cartoon TI-IIRS..PRI..SAT. iULY 13.14-15 UKIALEIDOSCOPE" Color WARREN BEATTY -SUSANNAH YORK METRO IN MINIATURE -HIGI4WAY RUNNERY" - Cactoon S&l. Mainee at 2 p. HALTON& PEEL TRUST &SAVINGS COMPANY Dao ffl - Church Services 2 1 RON JOHNSON of Fibre Metal Canada Limiled, presents cccvy Needhum of Miltone Mrks DepI. milh a citation, s gold e bar tnd a nem bard bat, and melcornes bim in the 'izarçds Club." Tu be invited loto the Wizaeds Club, une's lfie must te saved by a oafely bat rnanufactueed by Fibre Melal Com- tony. A 1,200 pound mater main feIl, spi Bing Mr. Needbam's telmet last November. The bfow broke seven ribs but 6e sol- fered oniy minor bead injuries. (Staff Photo)