17 REAL ESTATE A. E. LePAGE: RIALTORS IUm Member of the Toronto, Ontario and OakviIle - Trafalgar Ral Estate Boards 54 Years' Cantlnuous Service MOFFAT 20 ACRES $13,000 for these 2 very attractive 10 - acre lots, partiaBly treed, good land, weti tocaîed, just a step off pavement, convenient to scinnls and shopping and a sound iovestment, CUL TOM BRADLEY 878-9543 17c8 Acreages Christie & Woods 20 acre lots, oorth of Campbell- REAL ESTATE BROKERS ville. Asking 39,000 ful price. 189Aain.rsCt- AMiltonr Sydney K. Lamnb REALTOR R.R. 4 - Milton 878-3212 Member of Canadian, OnMaio, Orangevifle and District Real Estate Boards. l7c8 For Service & Satisfaction conault REALTOR ANDI 310 Main SL.,Milton, Ont. 878-6292 878-6592 ,lSM LIST£D-t.ocated with- in 3 miles 0f Milton. 2-bed- room bungalow, compiete with living raom, kitcbeo, bathrnnm, basemeot. plus a garage and nutbuildings. silo- ated on a 21/ acre lot (which could tea diviued) on the banks of the Sixteen Mile Creek, id cal ooil for market garden- ing. Ligted price 114,000. Terms available. MtOUNTRY 'HOME' - Witb beautiNil view of the Niagara Escarpment, situated 3 miles from Milton, built in 1965. This clay brick bungalow witb attadhed garage con- sisia o! a combination living nd dining room. kitchen. bthroom, 3 bedrooms, Nl basemeol, F/A oit beating, lot 121' x 200. Listed price 119,500. Open 10 offer, Tcrms available. Cali Tom Renzetli 878-2521 or 878-6292. «ON£ O F THE FEW - 10 acre farm, situated 3 miles tram Hilton, witb a l8-room bouse, complete witb bath- room and F/A il beating. 2 sëparate kitcheos, 4-sorey barn 60 a 40, 30x 40, wii hoid 15,000 chickens, iower floors constructed for 400 pigs, high ceilings ideal for homses, pressure sysîcco tbrnughout. Listed price $35,- 000. Open lu uffer. Terms av- ailabie, Cail-Bob Cross 878. 4892 or 878-6292. Homnes Available n Milton Im storcys, 3 bedrPooms, $18,300 witb tercos, i I-istnrey, 4 bedrooms. 112,000. 2-slorey row bouse, 3 bedrooms, $9.000. $2,500 dowo. Bungalow. 3 bedrooms, J17,500. $104.73 FI.T. Bungalow, 4 bedrooms. 116,000. Terms can be arranged. 2-storey bouse, 10 rooms, imma- culate, 400. O.Open 10o ffer, 2-soorey bouse, 3 bedroomo, Tax- rs $200. $12,600. We wisb you and your family a memorable holiday on Ibis, "Canada's 1001h Birthday' and peace, good healtb ami prosper- îty in tbe yeaîs abead. This office will be closed Sat- urday, it July and Monday, 3rd Iuiy. lAppointments will be ac- cepted.) For the Best - Caîl Best at 878-6292 $11,9008fuil price. 4 - bedroomt aplit-level home and garage, bright kitchen with ample cupboards and dining area, large living ront, family ronm, extra rocm built ilotte basement, extra large lot. Terms. 314M 00ull price, older type home, aiuminuum sidiog. Cao bc seen by appoiniment. COUNTRY $22,9W0fNil price. 3 - bedroom bungalow. situated on 2/3 acre with beautiful view. liv- ing room with brnadloom, kitchen and lunch counter, ample cuphoards and dining area. Terms. $21,000 Nill price, 3 - bedroom brick bungalow with extra bedroom in basement, kitchen with mahngany cuphoards, li- ving ronm with broadloom, Stone wall and bar in recrea- tionoroom. VILLAGE HOME $10,900 fu11 price, 2 - bedroom clapboard home, living room witb fireplace, on large lot. FARMS 100 acres. 3 - bedroom home. bank bars. Asking 332,008. 30 acres, partty mnnded. Asking 110,900. 42 acres. Askisg $12,000. 10 acre lots. Priced fromt 35,000 up. Cal 878-2095 878-6057 17c8 Town and Country Building Lots $4,000 lot in toms of Hilton, 50 a 132, very nice buitding site. on quiet residentiat Street. 15,000, 5 acre cousntry building sites nngnd rond. $10,000, 1S acres of mdll treed properîy. in Campbeltville ar- Farmns 100 acres of gond sandy loam witb -room home, targe haek barn and 2-car garage. The bigh etevation gives a com- manding view of the sur- roundieg counîryside, close 10 Hountsherg Conservation Ar- ca. Price 342,000. t00 acre escarpmesl farm. pro- ductive and with scenic vico-, targe barns and substantiat stone bouse, close 10 Hilton and 401 isterchange, frontage on 2 roads. Price 1700 per acre. 14 acre gond garden or fruit farm, gond barssnowsetîup for bog freding, 7-room Stuc- co home, gond watcr supply under pressure. Price $31,500. We Need Farms Owing to mas y recent sales, me have gond buyers maiieg for homes, If ynu are tbink- isg of seling, .NOW is the ime 10 lit mith ynur Gibson Wiloghby Ltd. represenlal- Anna&Archie Cairns 348 Main Street Easl Phone 878-6980 17c8 17 REAL ESTATE 819500 enjo>. suburban living is Iis immaculate 3 - bedronm brick bungalow, receotiy dec- orated, ail ronms lovely and brigint with new vinyl tiled floora is bedrnoms and hall- wasr, spacinus 'V' shaped kit- chen with eating area and loads o! cupboards, detacbed garage, feoced yard, nicely tandscaped, Inspection hy ap- pointment. We Need Homes and Acreages We have gnod buyers waiting for homes, building lots and umail acreages, with or with- ouI buildings. Wben buying or elling, contact your local re- presentative. Mrs. Barbara King 100 Martin St., Milton, Ont, TEL. 878-3551 17c8 Acton House Bargain Large 8-room brick home, new- iy decorated, easily dupteard, close 10 schnols and stores, manycaltras. $33,500down 10 one mortgage. JACK HOLMES REAL ESTATE BROKER ACTON - 853-1650 84 Cburch Street Ilocaîrd next 10 telephose building) 17h52 FOR SALE - 2-bdroom bunga- low mitb attacbrd garage, pas- elîrd living ronm, flI base- ment, large lot, close 10 doms- toms. Asking $14,000. 17 REA.L ESTATE Leonard R. CHANDLER REAM ESTATE BROKER VCourtenus, Professional Service' Thinking of SeIing? FOR FAST RESLILTS, LIST WrrH Leonard R. Chandler A teading -Real Estate Broker 824-9199 R.R. 1, Moffat Homes - Faims - Acreages - Businesses 17c49-tf 200 ACRES - CUT STONE HOUSE Large I-shape barns, set up for 50-sow herd and loose housing for beef, roofs gond, ibick- walled stone home fealures 5 bndrooms, lurge living room, dinelte witb modern kitchen plus large family-size kitchen and living room ont back. Farm contains approsimaîely 165 working acres, ample wa- ter suppîy from mdll and small creek. Total asking price wilb terms, $28,000. Sec M. K. Hendry REALTOR at Dundalk or Dial 923-2812 RImer lohs Hornby. a prom- snent figure in Milton sports, died suddenty aI bis home aI 433 Gcorge St., lune 7. Mr. Honby lived in Milton for 27 yrars, 10 years aI bis George St. home after moving frnm Mais St., where he bad resid- ed for 17 years. Mr. Hornby. a machisist for Haltos Cousty roads depari- ment, was hors in George- tows, April 25. 1910, and aI- tesded scbool in Adtos. He wsan esecutive member of the TriCounty Jsvenite Hock- ey Association and past prcsi- dcnt of thc Miltons termed- iaIe Red Sos. ,He-is surviued by bis mife Stella May Hadfietd. daugb- tees Etcannr lMrs. C. Ram- shami of BracehridgeandSsir- ley <Mrs. D. Murray) of Mil- ton, and brothers Earl of Georgetown and the ltl Wil- liam of Hamilton, as well as nI Lo Spec ,Mnrga andD oI Ge Mr. 10 ut ton.1 hclda *Home Dr. T. The Arbic, Hyatt Rams aIl ti The the %N Hawk cons 120 f.i A watrr cotor painting by local artisi William Roberts, Court St., bas bers purcbased by United Gas and is hring re- producrd Ibis meek in 85 soutb-western Ontario srwspa. pers as thevcompasvs crotcs niaI advertisemest. Doug Ellam. accoont eneco- tive ai McKim AdvrriingýLtd. n Toronto, told The Chamnpions the ad woutd ras in 70 week- lies and 15 daity paper-.in the area the companv serves. The ttriginal painting ,sill bc bung aI the compasvs bead office sn Hamilton. "We vwerevery, impressed witb Mr. Roberts' qualifica- lions, be said, "and sur tbought il suas a vers typical Casadian scene drpictisg the emergence of mas upon Ibis land. We lohred around a lot and Iis use struck ns as hrisg typicalîs Canadian". Iltis a farm see The advrrtisrment apsears on Page 12 of todas's Cham- pion. Ns sagaw e ya , ag Cou ncil Briefs ns Viola un,, . 'H.Lucas) At the June meeting nI Nass- .ondon, Eleanor I Mrs. K. agameya Counicit os Monday ic of Hilsbnrgb and evening, Council: ;arel lMvs. J. McMesemnyl * Lermed Milton Counicil Dotrers(Mirs. J. Cttdtrylo-as sot prvparcd tlusslI ;eorgetown. mater onîside toms boundar- , Horehy waa burird June is unti Miton's exptnsito tEvergreen cemelers Mit- Progtsîtn iv setlled. The towns The fuseraI sert*yice mas ship reqnesîed mater service ai the McKersie Funrrat o itnHihs te, iltn, ith he ev. * De,ided tu send to the Os- rM. Dustas ofticiatiig. tario Waler Resources epalîbearers mere Larry Commisstion for ,,dvice and cAlbert Clemeni, Dosg informationn thIe Hilton t. Glenn Dance, Henry Heigbls ar-a atier needs. and .bam and Stanlry Wilson, tu esylain sinbe letter Mit rivnds from Milton. ton's stâlement and a desire for baste. * Apprttveîl a motiun by e lirsî airplase flight of Councillor Anse MacAr- Wrigbt Brothers ai Kits thur lu bave Conseil bold a k, N.C.- lasled osly 12 se- diue r in bonor nof Ibose wo ls and the plane travelîrd o rbcd bard 10 muhe the cclt. Tomnsips Cenlennial CcIr- 10 ACRES - Nassagameya rol isg land. $8500. Lom domi 20 AUCTION SALES paymest. 20 ACRES -Nassagaueyamwilb creek. $6,500. Requtre t!t cash. 10 ACRES - Burlinglos, rollisg land mitb springs. $8,900. Re- quire i cash. Thinking of Buying or Selling? Think of H. Keith Ltd. STELLA PARTON Milton 878-6705 ]7c8 19 LEGAL Notice to Creditors AND OTHERS In the mater ofthie Estate of ROBERT GOWLAND 1EV- ING, late of the Township of Esqueslng. ln the County of Halton, Farmer, deceased, ALL personis b.ving clints 0f- ainsI tIbe Estate of ROBERT GOWLANO IRVING, ltec of the Tounsbip of Esquesisg, iv the Connv of H,lon, Farmner. de- ceased. woodied on or abtout the lth dos ,of April, 1967.,îre r.,qucsted tu vend pttticttlars of the ir caims 10 tbeudet ign- ed on or ne fore the 29th dos of lI, 967; aller mbicb dole the said estale milI he disîribu- ted amoog the parties esliled Ibereto, and the esecuotrs vl sol bc lhable for asy cdaims of micb tbey haue soitIhen rmc ceived notice. Dated Iis 21v1 day of Jonc,f 1967. SHARPE & NICHOLS, 207 Mary St., Hilton, Ont., Solicitors for the Esecotors. 19l9t Walter Reinhart Brampton Livestock Exchange Sselgrove Licensed Auctioneer Farm Sales, Housebold Sales and Appraisats PHONE Oneîgrove 843-1071 BIltos 857-1726 Colle,,t Kitchener 519-742-7437. 2ctf COMPLETE AUCTIOhI SERVICE Httnsebolds - DispersaIs or Form Sales Chris. A. Schouten AUCT ION EER Gradnale fromt Kansas City Auttios Scbool Sales conducîrd asymbere. Please salI collecl 878-2576. 20c44-tf 42nd ROCKWOOD INTERNATIONAL Consignment Sale lUNE 30th, 1967 7 po-., aI the Georgetown Sales Asena îîttilc otth of No. 7 Hmv., 8 mitl es ,tî lit nifint.-rcbaoge 40 t01 401 Iuon Tt.tllgor Rut. at Getorgelto.) Olfe, vo .a grtttp of frcsb and spittgiflg vonng beifers and t.tttt, butlb commercial and full pedigreed stock. A 1cm grade Cataîlogues ovailable sale ime, Lunch availoble. PLEASE NOTE; THIS IS AN IuVENING SALE. Enekwood International Ltd. Sale Managers f7eorgelom n, Ont 14161 8774101, 20h52 hrlt n ,tttte5s *Agreed 10 haue Nassaga- mevas massive Cvsîennial ibae otnlitlvd on a lrailrr for trovspttrting tccutter parades in the CousIs. * fivrc a report fom S. W. S,,vatee buttîdinL inspecl- " Gr,,sled the t-alIon Pîo- mes's Association S25. " Decided to permit tbe re- moval outIrees mîîh bras- cheo-erbonging township voad aolîtisnees ni a cost 10 be diviul,,d even lv helmeen the tomnship .and ratepayer. *Approvsed tbe porchase of a hbtlton truckb freoTra- llgtr Moîttes. Mihîtn and a 5-ttrurck f1mw Tbompson M,trs, Atos., as the resoîl ttf a report tmum the Roads Comttnwee. Reeves meet, review consultative report Revues ut ail suen Haltos mutttcipalilîcs met Tbursday in a bpecial mîeeting callud hy Hallos Mardes William Cool- le, u make a finaI reico of the Haluno Cnsultaltive- Cm-- miîlcc os Educatons drat plan for asingle counoy board ol edacation. The commtees report mili bc voueteduno hursday evenitig ailaspcia.l meetngoflthe n- lire CounîîsCottuil in Milton. Bu, lioglos .ttd Oakville haue ahlredy esyteset(l tobjections t,, the plaîn antI preler a t( lier edtitton svste-m, but ail the North Hall on ctnnt.tland st.bttol boards are inlostr. Warlen C,,altem s.,id Tlî,,îs- BECOMES HUR;I la.s's meeting ss, tu gise the Miss Janet Denlin ga Retes a chance lu revtem the cecently fromn Toronto( t -pttrî and asb questions of Hospital School ofN the Consultative Commiter Janet is the daughln, - Il svas sîrictîs informativ, and Mrs. fdmord Dnti tidecisitos o-re madte". bc Said. merly of Omoygb anc Pedestrian safety wins town award is ftalt liI-e.ca, sai tise sîit.in,tsPLIttttPC eigblb ntial PIînnesi Fedes- Prîîpr.tm. nî.king 1%6 triait Prgr,,n ftlthe Conadian te-I îatricîîsî -ted wr Automotbile A ,sîciation. __________ rb, oteards ser,. accepled îtn REPRIGERATIO boîl nIof cemmunilis s ib e ____ __ Hamilton Automobile C lob area by club presidesl Judge D MC T. L. Coumbs. REFRGERA A total of 34 Ca.adian cilies ERG AT o-ece bonored ut the C.A.A. an- Domestîc Rnfrig suaI meting lune 23. Borling- and ton ptaced second for overaîl Freezer Servi pedrslrian satv iperformane- Poo es among ail Canadias cilles nI Phne 50,000 to 200.000 population. An Campbellville 8E r 'I aduated Genecal Nursing. -r of Mr. wliv, for- I Milton. Vogue Beauty Salon A NEW COIFFURE Designed JusI For Ynn , and -' oeMPLETE BEAUTY SERVICE Cali 878-2461 DRAPERY BRQADLOOM " Residential * Industrial * Commercial RETIRINO PROM ACTIVE MINISTRY affer il dav's service the Uniteti Church Wnmen and years as minister of St. Paul's United Church the Session made prosentations to Mr. and in Milton, 8ev. J. L. Graham gave his fareweil Mrs. Graham. From left are Miss M. Hume isermon on Sunday morning. The new minis- and Mrs. T. A. Hutihinson representing the ter, Rev. Charles Hainer, has been isducted U.C.W., Mrs. Grahatet, Mr. Graham and session and takes office sent Sunday. Following Sun- clerk W. L. McNeiV (Staff Photo) OBITARYBuy Rolberta painting Elmer Hornby for glas company ad ______main__________ Ready-made Drapes ini stock. 1 For Custom Service Milton Area 7-room brick home, on i acre, bathronm, oul heating, alan trame harn 20 a 30 and hen house, Aaking $21,900 Nl price. Taxes $175. HENNY'S HAIR STYLING 198 Mill St. - Milton CAU. 878-3263 2 FOR APPOINTHMENT * Modern Equipment " Expert Styling, Cotoring, Waving. C52-tt ELECTICAL SERVICE McPHAIL ELECTRIC e WNIUSMAL 0 COeHERCIALý a DOHESTIC e ELECTRIC HEITNrIHG Complete Electric Home 66 Charles St. Milton R 878-9513 FAY'S ELECTRIC Industrial, Commercial Residential Fire and Burglar Alrms Etectric Heat 24 - Hour Service 7086 TREMAINE ROAD MILTON Phone 878-2048 21c8 TV and RADIO SERVICE DURNAN TV ANDI APPLIAP4CES SALES & SERVICE " Pbitips TV & Tape Recorders " R.C.A. Steren, TV, Appliances " Sparton TV and Stereo 222 MAIN ST. 8784445 c-tf LIUTCS T.V. SALES & SERVICE * EMERSON IlB & W cotor TV and Steren * Tomer Service 112 MiIl St., Hilton. Phone 878-3208 21c58-tf SEWING MACHINE SINGER SEWING MACHINE SALES - SERVICE RENTAI PHONE 8786861 Milton Fabric Centre Services and Repaire on ail maltes of sewtn* machines. 290 f TAILORINO - REPAIRS *Taiinring * Ateratiotia APPOINTHENT SYERS 228 Main St. 878-2067 21c.tf OMNERAL CONTRACTORS RAY OLANl BUILDING CONTRACTORS ITD. " Home Improvements * Renovations " Alteralions * Additions " Commercial or Industriel UL 4-2263 CAL IRVING ROOFING For ROOFING EAVEiSIROtJeIxNG ALUMINUM SIDING ReàRoofing otar Specialty Carpenlry Work of All Cind@ Phone 870-600 or SM6303 MILTON - Free Estimates - AU. WORX OIJARAHTEEAD 210.tt GARDEN SERVICE Formosa Landscaping CONTRACTOR " Seeding and sodding " Weed sprayieg " Ferlilizlng " Tree trtmming " Patios 878-3263 21c-tf PAINTINO AND DECORATINO GIL VANSOELEN PAINTING Contractor Industril - Residentiat Interlor - Exterior Cati now for Free Estimatea 878-6137 Boa 114, Milton. 21c-tf WELL DRILUNO WELL DRILLING J. 13. RUTTAN R. R. 2, Milton, Ont. Phone Bortinglon NElson 44M~ CUSTOM UPHOLSTUY MILTON UPHOLSTERY Now owoed and operated by 1.orne Arthsur PHONE 878-9094 R. R. 3 Hilton " Re-upholsterr " Auto trlm * Uplmolstery cleaning " Custom bult fsarniturc " Free pick-up and delivery Halton Upholstoring Re-U.pholstertng Custom Built Furniture Chrome Kitchen Chairs Rug and upholstery shampootng Free pick-up and delivery. H. ENSEN R,R. 2, Campbellvitle. Phono: 854-9939 21c52-ti ,DOES IT FAY TO HAVE YOUIR FURNITURWE REUPHOLSTERED? One sure way Io find out ait o cosl 10 ynurself. Work done in Hilton. Cai 878-2056 Harold's Upholstery ______ *Generat Repaira * Reasonable SEE OURE SPORT COATS AMM SLACKS FRED'S over 1966 TAILORING SHOP w)bte os- Fred Versîraete Pedestra 21- an 8830 67 the lar 21 Man 7830 IOH TAILORING - - ALTERATIONS ice KNIGHT'S MEN'S WEAR 22Main Street 854-2605 PHONE 878-4472 21c8 . 2107-tf The Canadien Champion, Wednesday, June 28, 1967 ___EAUTY SALON D3CORATIMMG 1 ioyivtainaT.-miiTun 1 R -tr