Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 28 Jun 1967, p. 8

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Vacation Coming? Use -Champion Classifieds for Cash *IRTHS B>ATBS.LMr. and Mrs. William H. Bates af 365 Mountain-j vlew Dr., Miton, are pleasedt ta annaunce the blrth of tieir1 son, William Mugis, weight 7e lbs., 9 ozs., ai Mlton Districta Hopita on June 26, 1967. r BEN - Mr. and Mrs. . Eden (nee Orgar) oi 2034 Kuiride Rd.. Kiibride, are peased t0 announce tise birtis af their daughter, 'Mary Ans, weight 8t lbs., 4 oas., at Miltos Districts Hospital on June 26 1967. J 9AGGART - Mr. and'Mrs. Rus-C, sel Haggart (Shirley Higson) l of No. 10 Sideroad Miton, areV pleased ta annatance tise brtisE of tiseir daugiter, Betty Jean,e weight 8 ibs., 6 azs., at Milton- District Hospital on Wednesday, Jane 21, 1967. IALER - Mr. and Mrs. Ger rard Natter (nee Betsy Wn sing) of R.-R. 2 Campbettvitie. ont., are pteased 10 annaunce thse birth ai their daugiter, Monica Maria, weigit 5 tbs., 10 oas., at Milton District Hospitatf on Jane 23 1967. MAY - Mr. and Mrs. Pau May (nee Wriggeswrib) ai Harn- by, R.R. 2, are pteased ta an- noan e thse birtis ai ieir daugis. ter.Sherry Crinne, weight 9 tbs., 3 ozs.. at Mittan Districtt Hospital on Jane 25 1967. McARTI{UR - Mr. and Mrs. William McArthur (nee Stitt) af 73 Brant St., Oakville, are pteased ta annoanâce the birtlst af their daugiter, weight 5 lbs.,r 9 oas., at Mitoan District Hospi-f taiIan Jane 25, 1967. A ister for Mary Lyn. McCREADY - Ta Martene and Grdon MoCready, on Satur- day, Jane 24, 1967, a daugisier, 'Laura Jean (stilîboro). SECORD - Mr. and Mrs. Layd Secrd of Hornby. Ont., arei pteased ta announce tise birtis1 ai their datîgiter, weigist 6 tbs.. 9 ozs., ai Milton District Hos. pitlIon Satuday. Jne 24, 197. SQUIRE - Sam and Pal (nee Damude) ai 91 Watsan Cres., Bramptan, are happy ta an- noance tise birtis ai their son, David Rasald, on Wednesday, Jane 21, 1967 at Peel Memaortal Haspital. Brampton. b WIERPNOA - Mr. and Mrs. Bob Wieringa of RR. 2, Ac- tas, are pleased to annaance tIe birtis ai their son, Jahn Ro- bert, wveight 8 tbs., 2 azs., aI Mittan District Hspita on .June 26, 1967. ENGAGEMENTS Mr. and Mrs. Gearge Bundy ai Milton misis ta annoutice tise engagement ai their daugis. ter, Betty Lau, ta Mr. Attan Robert Reid, son ai Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Reid, also ai Milton. The wedding ta take place an Friday. Juty 21, 1967, ai 7 p.. in St. Pauls United Chrus , Milton. Mr. and Mrs. Rabert Emand are pleased ta annoance tise engagement ai their daugiter, Margaret Elizabeth, ta David Edward Jennmsgs. son ai Mr. and Mrs. Ted Jennings ai Mit- tan. 'Wedding ta taite place on Friday, July t4, 1967, at 7.30 p.m., ai Frest Grava United Chorus, Willawdate, Ont. Mr. and Mrs. George Black ai Campbellville annaunce the en- gagements ai their daugiter, Margaret Ann, ta Mr. George Aleander Bickers, son ai Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Bitkers ai Miton. Tise wedding aill take place an Saturday, Jly 22 1967, aI 4 o 'clack in St. Davids Pres byterian Churcis, Campiselîville. COMING MARRIAGES DESLAURIER - ROBERTS - Mr. and Mrs. W. Roberts, 114 Court St. S.. Miton, misis ta an- saance tise fortbconting mac- riage ai tieir daughter. May Louise, ta M. Richard Destaur- ier. son ai Mr. and Mrs. F. Des-A laurier. Mary St.. Hilton. Tise edding ta iake place July 15, 5.30 pas., Grace Anglican Churcis, Miltan. DEAT HS KELMAN. Chartes D. - At Ma-t nilton Genral Hospital, on1 Friday, June 23. 1967> Chartes D. Kelman, in is 26tis year, Se- laved busband ai Marilynne laît; dear faiher ai Charlotte and Brady; son of Mr. and Mrs.J Charles A. Kelasan ai 114 Wake-z field 'Rd.; braiser of James ai Brampton, Charlene lMrs. Char- tes HcLeanl ai Cooksvitle and Barbara af Hilton. Funeral service mas hetd an Mvonday aitishe McKersie Fus- eraI onte. tntermeni in Ever- green centetery. Miltan. BAYtNG TIOANKS Ttsank yaur friends wih a message in Tise Champions «Card ai Thanks ctassified col- amm. 'Pisne878254. CARDS 0F THANKS Our sincere thanko and ap- reitian is extended at this ime t iriends and relatives for tise many floral tribales and cards of sympathy received at tise time ai aar bereave- sent in tise lass oi our belav- ed hasband and father. Myrîle Howard and iamity. c"-076 Tise iamily oi tise late Etaser Hornhy wish 10 espress their i scrc thmnks to thein friens and relatiives for lie many acts of kindness, floral tribales and cards of syaspathy. A speciat hank yau ta aur neighbors who were 50 helpful. Rev. T. M. Dustan and tise MoKersie Fan- rat Hame. c8.3950 I would tike ta thank tise nurses and staff. Dr. MacKay Lsd 'Dr. Edwards far their care turing my stay in MiltnMos- pital. Special tbanks far flaw- ers, cards and visits ta Dr. T. Dustan, tise Senior Citizens. Geace Churcis Guitd, brathers and sisters, neighborS and friends. Sincerely, c8-4016 Hazet Smsiths. Tishe famity ai tise lte Mr. El- ner Leslie wish ta express their sincere thanks and apprecialian ao their relatives and friends *ar kindness. cards and flaral ributes during aur recen t be- reaveasent. A speciat thanks ta Rev. Duncanson for bis con- sating wards, Dr. G. Syers, tise tarses and staff af iltas Dis- rict Haspital, tise McKersie Fa- teral Hame, .pallbearers and flamer bearers. Mrs. Leslie and fasnily. cg-3989 IN MEMORIAUS 9ROWN - In taving seasary ai a dear asother and grand- nother, who passed away July 1, 1966. Almays reasetbered by sac Jahn, mufe Margaret, and grand- children Betty, Maire, Andres, and David. c8-4051 BROWN - In toving seasary ai a dear asother and grand. passed away July 't, 1966. In our hearts yaur measary lin- gers, Always tender, fan dand true, Tisere's nai a day, dear Mother, That me da nat think ai yau. Always remembered, Laura, -Laurie and John. c8.4070 BROWN - In taving aseasrv ai a dear maiher, Elizabeth Brown, wha passed away July t, 1966. Peacefully sleeping, resting at last, Tise warld's weary troubles and trials are past, In silence site suiiered, in pal- ience she bore. TitI God called her hame ta suifer no mare. Always remembered, Jessie, Andy and Judy. c8-4015 BROWN - In laving measary of Mont, Elizabeth .Browc, wbo passed amay July t, 1966. Two îired eyes are sleeping, Twa willing bands are stilt, For one wha suffered f ar taa matis Is resting in God's milI. You neyer said gaodbye ta us. Par perhaps it's just as svell, We neyer could have said gaod- bye, Ta ane we laved sn metl. Lavingly rernembered by Dan, Marion and Debisie. c8.4006 LYONS - In taving measory oi a dear husbacd and father. misa passedi away Jase 26, 1961. Tise world asay change front year ta year, And iriends frant day ta day, But neyer mut tise ane I loved Froas aeasory pas> away. Always rcascasered by wife Ina, son Lamne and family. c-4001 COMING EVEt4TS Bus Trip ta Espa, July 24-27, Aug. 14-18. Par infortmation, catI Mrs. Tam Haines 877-3302. bl.4038 Harnby Bail Club Jush ancual garden party an Juty 15. Watcb for illaustrated ad in cent meS's paper. b8-3994 Dýue ta ptanned construction tisa asakes aur facitities uncer- tain, Emmsanuel Baptist churcis Vacation Sunday Scbaot witt coi bc iseld this suasmer. c8-.3997 Cisicken Barbecue, Saturday, July 8, froas 5 pas. ta 8 pas., at the Kilbride scisool graunds. Adults $1.50, cbitdren 6 ta 12, 75c, under 6 irec. Spocsored sy the Kilbr de Recreatianal As sataoan c9-4082 U1 um MRi~ il 1? 1 FOR SALE _- CLASSIFIE 54 WHITE crib. 878-4892. l'c8-4062 Telephone Thse Co SIGNS oailI kinds. Ray Gaay 87e.2341 ca 878-2150. 1,8-3163-f nRIrTH. oEAMru, laAAaM.1 12' FIBREGLASSSbout., car AeaT-Incse. top. 8786798,. 1.64076 4FOR SA.l>FR lIsNT, CC. - - s e dthersiate. sit fDEAL lamn asower e indtrr. 25 04nnont .ita.d enetteuh Pbone 877-3270. 1532 405 CsaNG EV12r. CAas Or Ta GIRLS mediuas hirvelc. $12. as Mns<îAM - $125etPl. tanPo Carasphis.viltc 854-91)2S.1-844>57 . D.IsîSPînse,v SA goad con, i.»lq s U6766 67 l],o5i- M ____cndtin._ 7ilt,0tl'.4019 DEADLINE IS 12 1__959METEOR, 6 cvindi. oi gaad condition. 878 3168.s-0. ; TeCndnCapo P-LAYPEN, mut,.,c vt it- cris, gaod conditio..t854q9,57 FOR SALE RIJEBBER titt44d wagon>4 >4>44> tCOMPAC'T lectric claîbes bay rack. G. M.>îd.t,ttî.hs'44,'.4e>'>,>.>.o'y 5cm, $25; 1960 En- 845-4497. 1,68 4>6fi .i .iiimi »wagon, 38.00mil- GtIRLS bcycte, 6'" >>...'s.c»'it condition, 6 tires, blue and white, ainst>» >6>18.4064 8789695.,4>2 __ET __ - \ >,.>4. >1.16 >...ahale, camplete daubtedpRFIng ' .D , f,, * ard.>."....robsc, size 24A ta Pdonbe ed78s4pt in 4>5and >,1>4fi i»g ils, caats, dress. Phne______ l 03 , nd1ii wo'w 40.1brocade for- IRRIGATION >sv4. > >,, n - '-il. >I Il> .4>4>4»ment anty, Mrs. fet condition. Phone c 47 4947 S Mcl. I ,,1.a8782639. 1,6-4007 by appaintasAL 1.-40 tIwFATIIER lent traiters, 1WOODEN t,.,.ibox. tor y>..k sli-eli. 6. Il]] steel construction up truck: ruhbcr t.rcd >.c4 4>..>.>, N.> d>îws payasent. 20 wbeelbarrowu, 076.9521. . i> h. 4'>o pay. Naw as sale ai I,.»-t»" B HP. CinC.r Wa'.h, 341 Oueen AiDDING MACHINES, NC1Si.,A> 44>4, phone 853-114. writers for sale ar rentaI Pho1 -- -_ _ - 87"%692, Harris Statioeery. >4>1 I:R»S M.ternity Fashisins, Ictf-4171i >'ys '.4>40>, shorts, skirts and Ir- vLognon. Camplete 21" ADýMIRAL TV, 1 pi'> ,I'>4 ».>4.isî tvlcs in maternity ined drapes, 844xs150:4.Il 4le ,, ,1iSycr'. Faasily Fasis- phonc bcncis. 87".658aile'* 5»31 )ns"118 an E, phase 878- p.as. (: .>44 '6. 51»>ir. lc52-3469tf PLANNING a cha.ngecin>%il 1 i >6)>ciclsy prints ai Can- ivesiock or poultrv c> 4'A.tn Chamspion staff photos, Farina Sos hcipt>. I, 1 I Si 7 $, 8 v 10 siec, $1.50; dca>. 10 >t~ 1, " ntrstaccompany MODEL A cngine.- Enquire nos, ai Champ- condition. inclo.>.cg s-Itit- Il)]Main Si . Milton. Contact L. B. Sn4.s4 V.> >4t'.373I Bricks Ca. > > N',4 1 R>'(. & TRACTOR Tl- PLAT ros s>, 'i.., RI.1;, ii44'L>and u'.cd, 4,scr 2,000 Ay rs; tahlc >6»1,111~~, 'ii4544 tire> in stock. plvcb a bpn ldohe; hi. >44> 4 ],44 .%v p»'ce>: it fmcd, 870.2548 ,»double'..'.'4> aianccd, SI 00.We ______________ 4.. ' ....>.for most cars CLT{Sd».e 44k>' .' 4c>h.,iit,,n Tire and Ra- teak cnd tablce; w>oo4>fci, S h ,Ic, 191 M.il Sî.,878. chair>. Apply 347 4>.» »>c 24152-3473-tf aller 5 p.. 1 36' x 10' (,t.l>NR(>YA4 . 2 PRODUCE FOR SALE cquipped a,>»h.4»4>,4 , lentcondition 53.844 <Pll,, 4.44>.lit goodasiscd hoy ton> 8534400.61,,- 2c7-3970 0 FIECE ant>'qîîedicnn' -,i, V , '4>»> ta - i"ictg-_mised suitc, 6 latherf >44 44t "'" . , , ,2c8-J40.452 chairs, 'nuffet,.tbahi>'.--- 9762 atcr 6 po> 47>'.> . 54414 4ex.cell'ent ha». in T__ D..per- .>. 4.. 24 6565 Oakcil.>y30 hcst in drapere,.>4and 441,I Iestimatais. 878253, 85...' 44-9950. 1I, 1> -'> ý 2c8-4073 wA-XED milS ahie i,,r ireezer '.>' at Iilo Mi.Park D' i: %,'-4 Lre Rd.. Nli,. R>.»i 1,it [4 lu4 I > .44 , ,, 4.>.fr4>»> the, 2,8-394444> 67- t Ill » Kilbide,» DISIING .rocnsur44teb> > VI I >42046 gan. tablsfe.it, ict.>4> aid 4 chairý ]s, i)..Thor,%Y 44.44., l. .i->. n field, ilS mringer. Phone 8 7 9;! 51,4, ..."4yyil> Box 162. 1,S 27584P0 1 NEW chesicrt>iel,'J'ai vc..'.d hav. stand. crs. hedroas ,,,>tv. 4 4id P>»cvca>,>v.>hc. sute, hia hiui, -2c84023 otisr ii,'> . M ,1 > d r 1111li ltl4N at la n Acton. ... 76 663, (Gordon TENT. 10' s 12'. l w,> RR.4,M 5l09i slave; freezer che,; m' ihii>.-40 mo> jng. . 'i> y op .Ill,4. A i4 in44 .4 4 allai nearty nc. S$406 Pilr, fi 8549976.4.714, ,.,,. Il... 1364 8 . >> 44 786439> YOU WILL LIRE bning .»»> 2cg64067 buildings matet ia»» andco.44a Crawford".. ComyihelilIL>44> Ç4,>,k 4>,>44>)I) 4»»ha%. 40c per service. Higis q>ai.>4.y Pioncba»> c 4....4 . M VI.tniirg atea. Caaspieitvitie 8542232. 1It>i 416 l'Il ai,' \Ioit..4,4» .t > J..>. 7 730 .4 74444 c 4»1, 8'>4 54-9891. 15' MOULDED OpI>»>>44»4h.>..4.2c8-3953 indsisictd. >iecr»4gcon>4i] nec,,>> ornae >s»sk. S804' 1>.t,,;, >111( K >4 o>%»>4>trawbehrrics, bo> at r les> 90;>4»4> >i , ti,,> ,. .> >44.4> 4>».4t cnanr tm.n pick-up, $20. 878-6077 1'.t>'>"> 4444444>4>4>4445>04. A. and 4>4.444' 2h16-1803 '4441> h lit.44ia>.> h..>.in SANDSTONE itirlirigii)nf4c. ,and 36 acres BUILDYOUROWN ol iij\t4l l»ivneas Mohsawk Patio>,, lce W.>4X 4 42c7-3911 sii» nai>.. .4 'indt. '.>.' 3 ANIMALS FOR SALE Brockton Quarry 1 45.>.4'n".Pin 7 Phone: .i'3c8-4077 877-4022 or 8774218 -'0 1>4> >445 4.5Jak C..rrie 444> '4.'I>3>6-4063 4> Pt.. 4 c,k> . Cati WINDMILL INTERIORS >4310 >F.>aicsa ai B0RVILiIT .... 2'>'... .4» quartser ihorse. is 1014,3c8-3921 4 mile, norili rit on fil fitc.-,»i,» 44 il>.. S ks .4», 8pp pa p r i G>. îî..n sepiserd. Mexicali payler >I,>mc>'; 144>.64'>> c00 tennial git '>5.pp>34p, l'>P>>»>" 4»» '..».»4»>g ser-vice; p.odtt pints; framing. 4,on lt,',,h,>wav'25. 026-1106 1 , ,l j, 1,3c8-3998 OPEN TUP.SDAY '1>0 0g..i>toiCie-n SATURDAY, AFTERNOONS 81Si 4..»s» pdog>. mate and ICI8lorn»».rcgisiced ,. FPhone Fredl ib on>69-3307. 3c9-4026 ED RATES mnadian 191 Matis St. -ptai Milie,.Ontacie for Io . hpnewe p l.. -si Ia£85e..Ia - TTE$1.4 puc.a nt m ..31 NOON TUESDAY n, Wednesday, Jus. 28, 1967 4 IMPLEMENTS FOR SALE I BALE hancher and wagon; 1John Deere tractar. 878-9873. 4c8-4028 -el Whero Used Car is King à Ontario Street South, Hilton. 1- 878-2393 6 5c8 SVEHICLES FOR SALE19 EMPLOYMEMTWANTED 116 SERVICES 5 VEHICLES FOR SALE 966 HONDAS, 50 c.c., Reason- abIe. Cas be acen 76 Main St. Also 1962 Vaiant Standard. 6 cytnde.r8783267. 5c83949 Any Trip's A Pleasure Trip WHEN YOU CHOOSE ONE 0F THESE USED CARS 1966 ACadiani Two Door St>tt under new car warranty. Lic. H69145. 1965 Pontiac Laurentian 4 Door 64 pont 2 dc hdtp paris .Inito. Lic. 212336. 1965 Chevy Il 2 Door Very low maiteage. Lic. 649626. 41964 Galaxie 500 Sedan V-8. power steering. pamer isakes. uloaatic,. misiemaîts, misent dîscs. Lic. 77088E. 1964 CorVair Coupe Motor comptetety overisauled. Lic. J10019. 1964 Pontiac 2 Door Hardtop Parisienne 6 c>'inder. autoasatic. radia. Lic. 38625. 1963 Pontiac Laurentian Two Door V8. outomatic, pameT aIrer- ing, radio, miitematîs, miseel di'.e-s, black ithmlsred inleriar. lic. 114080. 1963 Mercury Meteor 2 Door Hardtop V.,mradio, miitematls, miseei 44»'..* 2-tonc. asotar cuaspîte- V verhaouled. Serial No. 2toSA631525088. 1963 Acadian Station Wagon Oie omner since aras. las aiieagc. Li. 4947X. r1963 Pontiac Stn. Wgn. 8 cyindec. outantatic. radin. Lic. X5636. 1962 Ford Galaxie 500 Convertible j Auî..asatic. V-8, radio. pomer 1stecing, power braises> mwhite- 3 alis and miseel discs. Lic. - 155022. s 1963 GMC Haif Ton Pick Up 1 W>dc 'nos, radio.,miseel discs. 1959 International Tractor FuIl ir î, Suis mleet and saddle I- anss. ready ta go. Serial na. 7 07C. 3 1958 Mercury M-500 Cab and Chassis Lke nw.L'c,2664V. CHOOSE AND SAVE AT Reed 1Redfern Limited 1960 ItAMBLER, mechanical- iy saand. Best affer. Phase 87M 9836 evenisgs 5c&408 1953 PONTIAC sedan, I1amis. er. 63,08 miles. For quick sae. Phase 878-3669. 5845 1964 ACATIA'N, btack is red isteriar, riasla, gond condi- tian, 1,88. 8784792. 5c7-3969 1966 HARIaEY DAVIDSON, 50 c.c.. 3-speed, gaod conditios, $150 or best affer. Phase 878. 9762 aier 6 p. 3 c7-3959 1966 SIJZUKtI motarcycte, 120 c.s., 4,888 mites, 9 manlhs aid, plus wlndshild, carrier, naddle bags. 323. 87-9229. c8-4013 For Your Next Car ... TRY BUCK HAMILTON AT BELL BROS. 91114 Smf 7 WANTED *DULT cammode chair witls tray. 878-9521. 7c8404 WA'NTBD, a good cattde dog, Cattie preferred. 8789330. 7c8-4011 OLD isay ar strase for match, 20 a bale, delivered ta Brae- side Patin, Hilton, 8782665, or Narval 865-8670. 7c9-3924 LIVE poaltry, goase and dack featbers, feather ticka, Sllgiseat ~ ie.We oeil. Write 1. Zener, ý92 Clege St.. Toronto. or phone eottect LEnnax 5-024, cv tnings 638-5793. 7c.19410f 8 HELP WANTED TL3RNIPS baed, wanted falt or part imte. A. . Si.bouten, R. R. 1, Caaspbellville, 8542246. 8c8-3996 MEN or boys ta betp itit hay, no esperience necessary, Lorne Gawtand, R.R. 6, Mittan, 878.6435. 8c8-4054 CARRIERS, prafitable route opening. tst week in Jaly, on Main, Victoria and Mill Sts. Cati collect ta Circulation DepI., Dai- y Journal Record, 845-4237. 8c8.397 COOK - GESOERAL. 2 adults, itop mages, msust be gaad cok rand fulty esperiesced. Telephane TRiangle 7-3436 ar write Mrs. Ewarl Angus. R.R. 1, Lintebouse, Ont. 8e8.400 PULL or part limse truck dri- vers for sigisî pickup of live paultry, msust have good driving record and Se 25 years or oser Appty in persan, Maple Lodg. Parass. Nurval. Ont. 8cg.4014 SALESMAN WANTED Inside satesasan miti cisauf- feurs license required by tuas ber caaspasy in Qaissille. State experience if any. Appty in writing ta: Box No. 166 Canadian Champion 8c8 iEXECUTIVE TYPE SALESMAN If yau mr dissatisiied miti yaur present stxtus and want a job ils a pay-ai i for herd mark and a good future, WITE Champion Box 157 191 Main St. - Milton Giving fult delails. agle 21-45, Mittan and district. Largest r Canadian coaspany in ils field. A TEXAS 0)1 COMPANY. WANTS MAN OVER 40 FOR MILTON AREA Wc nced a good mas ave. 40 misa cas maae short auto 'trip> for aisout a week at a limec. We are iling ta pay top comme>g. WORTH $12,000 Dur top mes in olther part. ai country dram exceptians] earnisgs up ta $t2,00 n a yeae. This opening is tise Miton arei s mortis just as mucis ta lis> igit mas. Air mail C. L. Di. chersan, Pres.. Soutbmestert Fetrotruas Carp.. 534 N. Hait St.> Pt. Worth, Texas, 76101. 8,4 NOIMTTER misaI yoa neod anc of aur ceadors probably bau t lit. Try tb. Wnt Ad pffe fille home. 87&M694. 960l-39481 BABY IT in my ams hante> a prefer pre-scisoolage. S days a week, 878-9823. 9C&.455 -VAU baisy sit pre - onisoot chitdren, 5 or 6 days a meek, in my own home. 878-2142. CAPABLE Mugis Scisaol stud- est desires mark as baby sitter or motiers helper, for July and August. Phase 878-6638. Ask for Barbera. 98.4002 10 STUDENT JOB STOUEI4T mould ike baby sittis; near Lydia Ave., age 13. Mary Gay Oaic>k 878,6769. l0c8-4072 nLOST OR STRAYED BPLLY ' Babby and Ronny Jackson wisis anyone seeing black German Sisepiserd mitis tan eyebraws and tan cisest ta caîl tisent at 854.9895. Tise dogs name is Ranger <mate). iReward. t'1c8.012 13 FOR RENT 'ROOH and board. Phione 878. 6829. 3c8405 FUROISHED bedroom, cent- ratly lacaled. 878-2056. 13c$,020 ' l 6' TRAILER, steeps 4, fulfly equipped, hituis inctaded. 878- r3209. 13e6-3895-tf f STORAGE space ontimited for isay and stras,. Campisetîvitte 8542655. 13c8-4410 COTTAGES during August and September, Parry Saund district. 878-9695. 13c8-402 ELECT7RIC MOT WATER HEATERS mitis fret evhe. Phone Hilton Hydro 8782345. 13ctf-425 SELF - CONTAI'NED 1 - bcd- ruant apartmenl, in Miltan, cen- tralty tacated. Oakvitle 844-9340. l3c8-4027 ýl LOW«VILL'E, 2-bedroom apart- 1 ment, separate entrance, adutts 1- onty, avaitable anylime. 878- 9404. 13c8-4079 - GOING on vacation or Espa? 4Rent a trailer at Variety Camp- 1ing Traitera, 538 Bronie Rd., eBranle, 827-1865. 13c3440.lf LARGE 1-bedroont apartasent, quiet responsibte adulîs. Far ap- paintment, apply Box 163, Cas- -adian Champion. 13c7-3961 e NICE'LY furnished self-con- 9 tained 3-raam apartasent, avait- eable iasmediatly, convenient 4locatian, suitable far 2 adulîs. -Chsampian Bai 164. 13c8-3926 COTTAGES, 3 - hedrooas aitis boat, fron nam l July 15; 2 f- 2 - bedronts ils boat, nom ta 1- Juty 22. Phsone Lakeviem Hotel. ePart Loring, 705-757-2863. 13c8-3993 ALL"WEATMER test trailers. Srand nem, camptete mitis mat- îress and canapy. For informa- t ion, catI BP. Cois Car Wais, Actas, phone 853-2114. 13b3644tf EXPO 67 accommaodations, coasiorlabte. attractive, base- asent roantsis modemnsoase, hclose ta Expa. private wasis- room. TV. cas sleep 4 persans. 1;frîpesn 2 per addition- aI persan. J. ONeill, 582 White Crescent, Greenfield Park. Que., 676-3653. 13c83992 14 WANTED TO RENT 5, BY LOCAL O. ailficer, 2 it or 3 Sedrooa hante, required Sy Aug. 1. 8783616. 14c9-39)99 ,8 PROFESSIONALL couple ta, - rent 2-bedraam apartaseni or isouse in Hilton, occupancy Joly 1, Aug. 1 or Sept. t. Caît Green- svtîte 627-1903 colteci. 14c9.3973 16 SERVICES aWeed Spraying n For complele meed contraI on tamns and fieds CALL Formosa Landscaping 878-3263 16b-tf iHaving a Special Parly? i- 5-piece Silver Tea Service n Silver Cacktail Set n Puncis BomI Set available ai S Milton Party Rentai 88 Mites St., Milan, Ont. Phone: 878-9956 - 9413 - 16c8 ED. McMULLN - Contemelor 0 Slaaterittg, Cerant Woek 0 ChW-mY-8 Md iséreplacas 0 Exterlor blueo 0 nlat.eing Rapin Phone Acton 853-1818 tdcif Custom Swathing STUART MCFADDEN M-ILTON Phone: 878.2639 16c9 Custom Haying Swathlng and Baling 878-3263 160-tl Peter PR Looser Carpentry Farm, Femme and Trim Work Repairs - Alterations Phone 854-9886 R. R. t, CAMPBHLLVILI. 16c&-eaw STANDING AT STUD "WEE PEPPE", Part quarter, Part tharoagis- bred. Fleasant, gentte dispoait. ian. Book limited grade mares. PHONE 7-9 p.m. OakviIIe - 845-4916 3cO1 PACONI Dead Stock Remnoval Mighst Cas prce for da or disabled cam ansébcraaa CAILL OPERATOR - AMK PM Zenith 9.7950 Lic. No. 73RPMW M7 Walnut Ranch Ltd. Crippted and DItabiedComa and More. 24 Houerv. LAe. Moi. 193» 208C.04 Waterdown MU 9-1044 GEORGE'S DEAD OR DISABLED STOCK SERVICE Higisesî cash prices pald. Tetepisone: CAMPBELLVIJL Collect - 854-2485 24-hour service, 7 days a week. License Na, 10&-C-67. 16b7-tf Septic Tank Pumping BLUE SPRUCE ENTERPRISES Operated by E. S. Frenchs and Sono Domestic aand Industrial. MILTON - 878-6869 l6cwt ODD JOBS AND REPAIRS r 0Carpentry 0 Paintin e Allic>, Basemenits Cteaned a Patios Built e Smatl Cement Work Calt Sam Hamilton 854-9974 9 a.m. ta 12 noas or 5 ta 7 pan. 17 REAL ESTATE WANTED Have cash purcisaser for 3. Sedrouas home> os 18.,15 acres ai Iand near Milton. CALL Fred CoolDer 845-6691 or Res. 845-4863 John D. Rosart Real Estate Limited 17c8 i2 n 73 le 0.

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