Spruemupthlie tarm tuis cemefereal Yser ilir a pirfspeeieialp meu tacture tleMet tira Moslt emar- dire tireumstarees. In mare le- stances, tortuce.conditions et tarm biulidings are tare pote du. e teeon périoduetfmer and aratirr ilireut nue pint. Tirs.eempiatinss me eersldered mier deeuopirg Ceter- niai e are Palt and lire rsut ta a preduel liraI miii ire satisac- tiue urdr adverse conditilues. Pire eue ire aptuimd oeut lIer meudur sureces s cli - fonces, grain misealors, biuldings et aH types aitieterier medenfirisiret. Cee- lueiai Re Palt dries uriteemiy lu a sooetir aemn inisir on oid meluute surace&as.ppipli irrtiru ue spray. Colet a minmum et Rlesali due alua$506 ellea Sala $49 Pricagansa tm No. 583-965 Résister Valu. $7.Ua B galluals S* $23", Item No. 583-966 101, TORCAN FAN 4 ble.fant croates eteling bleemie. Quiet mtte forr nieterptud seeping pleature terinE toiretbtot tumerer aeeuîqu. Ntrmrrfait ellie te cteplat, firn en tty surfet eitirtet setehirie. Tlts te d.sir.d diretion ef air floe,. Flds maey ometip tor ejeter Morrale. Steertae h.Trclleetrie motter. 2-yermrrantt. Or and eff triteir. Raup Vlu . Sf $4.88 iath COFsala Prima $11.49 terN. 541-249 CaIli. AUTO SPONGE Giet 7 x2e a%» sie.. West fr asina thre family Car, idosoteuirebat, teeebbirlf, maire usaesrtrd te.bone or t rm. ~~~5I ZI Made et top queuite ~ I celuoetPontge. Reguarvalve 0f1.00 eath p~89e «Ch Item No. 572106i PRESTONE SILICONE POLISN FOR CARS Fermuiaete f rom e siiiconeand wax compound wmincir lears, mes and p re teto ear finihfor muthsire ral ~~ etirer cndittes. Carnire applied Ir~am.iiui inethe sur. Easy, fest, ierg.lastieg. enuencea lueairpolisir te met ear teute. Sae, re-til, 16 e. mtai car thi ucmmer! 1stuse aieol»$125, f6 a. CO-DP Sale Prise Item No. 572-042 oz<10.. "MONOVA" HEAVY BARBED WIRE 80 100 SPOOLS iMnv's Pruclaimed abihe fr-i major hreaktilrough le barbed wire manufaclering inover 50 years. The popu strength than exra-iieavy 2-srand varieties. Monovas ovalized wire reins every barir securely in place andt here are 20% more barbs per sploli Ragular Vlua $9.75 CO.P SALI PRICU ....8 WE SUGGEST YOU CHOOSE EARLY AS STOCK'ON SOME ITEMS ýIS LIMITED ALUMINUM KING SIZE CHAISE' *ouelir taiues$.49teaeh Ite Ne. 51-6 e elue $1ae0249enuat CO-OP Sale Pt-le. $9.39 No. 575-06 mach \,.** m N. 57-51 8" ýHEDGE SHEARS I-aiiy polished, forged n bchd striA blades wth adjusiabie ihumir nul. Naiurai bard- wood handies secureiv rîvelîrd for long service. Keep yoar iawn andI heilges look- îng iheir very best. Reauler Velum $299 ach CO-P Sale PrIce $1.99 Item No. 591-211 ~ a7mc SAVE ON SCREWDRI VERS tsoted iteircladnre rIt enud philipe. King tier rbrairabie plastricardlet. Higîh carer remeperet sreel. 6" siati of.1 htad-ilrepar, iutyiori 11, tir:a eV'heai- echar,, 101011 5" aht'Io l ' b..d - truhariec lou) No. 21eessetePhllps (Sar Typ) Re5eiar Value 49e m@tir CO-OP Sale Price 3W eactr Ie ir. 541-744 CO-jOP GARDEN HOSIE TRANSPARENT PLASTIC GREEN 0 Fnus1 Ileluuîhî,1001% dorable virgîn vinyl " Wii îîîîi Iaiok, iî,iP îor kink " Whill col roi, euîiiia-îsor pi..l " Ful guaantecd 7/16" xn50t - Reg. $249 t2 x S' - Reg. $349 SALE PRICE si.99 $2.99 TTE BT "REYNOLDS" Sane onstruciorabchirii 52 ful 7 2" logax26"'ieît maires Ibis ireheoti ceeroriaSi le uro r te, tee.Cuefotuet Ct rie eucofe roue igr - 5steparairte etnrs f em uprirht te lms horizotal-eonelusi rîgire for fou. Baoirresi andte Scir ie are liltute for extrae ort Relrtiax ard e' urie tire lesarelp ays airtai jeal lu TImele Tour Sommer Pleasure ALUMINUM CHAIR Rus-re. 'ail alumnuueconstructien. desigeetefer ceenoteartdtureiility. Cestruced eitir udra reinr, oir eertical an ete uramtai te ite more comfori ardtlcrger mer. RModern, rom, 2-tene. mar.plîprnpierr webtir mu iartoeteme mtallic tireets irtugot. Ceerlertaiie, medtfr Pastic arms are coeoured te match. Parelrntsetewiliretramîide front ires Cîrîmîtestiîppng. CO-OP REPELLENT * I summe eeomtrteand metî,teoes bacS f et, trat and ob Aeailairle rinardy Pretturiomd S ez. cnanr IetulfVe .19 t CO-OP Sale Prisa a$.09 l» Item No. 270250 ~~ VICOM 81e" .27~~ePruning Shears Fullv chromed, sharp anvit-tvpe tetade 0 Vînyl grips preveet sipping 0 Cuis boshes andI shrubs wiih minimum amn- ount eof pressure 0 Overali leegth 8t12" 0 Remains safetv shut untii used. Regular Value $1.69 ach CO-OP SALE PRICE Item No. 591-210 $1.39 ach The Canadien Champion, Wadnesdlay, Jures 28, 1967 s CO-DP Sae.Price $224-99 ItmN.501102"e theeo eic It. s teo rsite homeu compt irre r loures. Prteet peur frezer lottes lerger! lKandy tdiretiens or irteto te prefooletthetietrezeer prîite et Sacir etpair. RegelertiraelueIre k. Sale Price 69, m.u 5 tf . siu Item Ne. 551-78 Roueirerlie.$1.19 ire. Sale 9 t u Itemr Ne. 551-079 Gck gut Ynur (t,..peratIveSt.. foar ai yar Lava & 6*a supplie aad othe rw4a.dsreèisd sp" 1ls DANOR 1099 MILK NOUSE FAN iciai ia.iis bx. 'Sat-o Uiiin-t"hik,-d eaimr i n- ..îiurmiented Oni 1% lu1, herinlig Huxuî v % l,, 10" aî li' uami- titi, iii.iîi ilýtlea -fiavy in lr no it Vriillv en- -it noo . uaiiaui ear- in , liviniz[Mil prec e s Reguler Vlie.$55-550e»oi Ca-OP Sale Prise $ 99 Ite ire.507-050 $49-9 eI l CO-OP &YLouat DELUXE 23 CUa FTa CNEST FREEZER Tue mwail poiperelte insuaiie protides mure sleaga lnlems upfe. This dmiuxe mode, tttrsYeuat a00tlb. faste tiee sectiue, 2 edjulairie diidurs. 2 lift eutibaskret ertarire esu-selecîler ted orterrlYPlacement et foed. Sual ighii irber ornmirerlId le reisetetivinr eumr cea of contents. Uid arce mplome mitir irt kuis. Sdttplegt irdtels pueme supplp la ot. lidjusteairie ced cetrel. MeereillId gaskre msures Ir-ligire lesure. RuaI Prout acepli e eamel reoisis scratces, eot elpelea or crackr. Poerue Sp'A i.p. Teumsmeh uempeser. Hiti 36. omplih 27/., Letir 63». Ail et rira. teatures, plus e t-peurwaraeeaty te unt and a 3-per feuil spoleiiagumaet. luealar Vlsa $288.8 @§eh Daue On IbIs Mdar, Elileha CO-OP VISCOUNT WRINGER WASNER 2" mrer rellis tferbuasyduty senvicu. isatreleasemerirger irar. Chrome pilte dran boardes; su-ieelumîrum agilaler. timer cotretei. TAub s tiliete entedeautute Ston tee et ie tst pumps ale.m Cirassîs firiirue mirt eat o t iri-iraire orliuc mwhieirmal. l/. bp. mote. Weersetyo2 peuxsoercompltl.machirne ataîrse mauaceturer% tefeuts. 5 trs on maie transmission, motte. mineir au r Set, reis, irlteis and timur. Rseelm talse f143.95 a Sae $12889 PrIsa " tem No. 503-085 -- t; DANOR GRAINAIRATOR Laok et thase@ellud4 ag latara Rumossthie moisture and Iratoualet ,a storue erain. *Etoutemitai deiet a&d airelles et peur greinin leeirer filtr reurnte altage. 1 AIRATEV' ep te 6,500 iruse t a *inroeasae capaeuty ili cetugeai ,î' w Simetloeee étyair test, j utitere tir. airater Ie peYur traie, Plus il ieoanrCollelted il tees te mer i mmediteui. tuurd tee us pemerete itir 115 vot, te cycle noter. ReuleValuea$8a.8 euah Sale $989 PriSe Bathe Item No. 507-036 oe PENN TEMPERATURE CONTROL ideal tor bog or ptuitry ftrme. Tres vemtitîre fat or or off automatlosiip eeeerdure te temepeemeres.Pen thrermotstat ofees aride rante 30 te 120 degrees F. Appretîrelmi 2 derot oeratiet ditterurtiai. Hardies 7.4 Amps. 115 Voelsor3.7 Amps, 230Volt. CO-OP Sale PrIm tem No. 507-M0 UNITED CO-OPERATIVES 0F ONTARIO MILTON GEORGETOWN ERIN ORANGEVILLE NEW CENTENNIAL RED BARN PAINT caadlaa maaalasâtu MAIL B61 Tee ocnettr ete ethe n maibo.liresa mail boxmade of ieav ogeusteeel mti traieteor prim d heratnt1e. lied irdieator .g I bonmi a.srrotyeiien plaid B else fie nelIe mirrmil iesetyp ieed i ulVas ,reaes ir eiiirer oper or cieted $f0.95 ath tom Ne o. 8-03 $e4 CO-OP Sale PrIsa s"à W. WiII Be Open Saturday, JuIy 1 end CIos.d Monday, JuIy 3 878-2391 877-2271 833-2222 941-1880 Lmj=c3