6 10Canadien Champion, Wednhmýdmy, Jun. 28, 1MY CHOUU WM CNANOI9 Thursdy b.- den Wltliam Coulter, Dufferin president James tween Oufferin Construction and Halton Rg- Froncesciini, Energy and Resources Minister J. ion Conservation Authority to slgnlfy the pret. R. Simonett, H.R.C.A. represantative Allap entation of escarpment lands ta the Authority. Masson and Hilton M.P.P. George Kerr. rom eft are officiait who spoke, Hlton War- (Staff Photo) Reiring f rom tht active min- lstry afier Il yeat-t as minister ut St. Pauls United Chutch ln Milton, Rev. J L. Graham and Mrs. Graham mare hanored hy thse congregation and chut-eh or- ganlzations as Sunday at tise conclusion off his fareweil set-- Presentalians wcre made by Miss M. Hume un ieaîf of the Unted Churcb Women, and by W. L. MoNil as brisait of tise Session, as -Mt. Graham bade farewell lu is cangregatlon. Tise dsurcis -as ful for tise service. Severat members f Milton Brascb 136 Royal Cas- adian Legian marvbed ta tise service witb the Milton Gîtl Pipe Band to pay tribute to tisir Padre rot this pasi 1cm years. Mr. Graham %vit]mrk as a visiiing minister at Royal Yut-k Raad United Chutch in Tut-- anto, beginning August 14. tn Tbe meastime, the Grahams will enjay a houidan mitb ibeir fam- iiy and ai their cottage ai Leitb. Rislaing hlm milI be tise Rev. Chartes A. ýHainer, mbu cornes ta Miltan frsm the posi- tion of assitant ministet- in ist United chut-ch. Hamiltan, wherr be ba; becs une of tht-e mbeidtrs, witk particular t- sponsibiity in the field of Christian Edacatias. Mt. Hainer was inducted on Monday, June if and iii take thc putpit set Sunday farthie firtsitime. Mr. Gnilias inai sermon was entitied "God. He warmly weicamed the Legionnaires and f Cotisard trom Page 1) bave pramised tu present tise rained-out portions ot the show mien tise sesadditian it of- iciatly apened at Ht-okvilte Schoot in the faîl. Financiatly, the weekend was an uvermelmint sussent. Gaie teceipts Ftiday and Satut-day totalled $1.285 micb mat-e than clearvd the $1000 estimai- cd out-o-pueket espenses ot the ceebration. OfficiaIs esti- mated Fridays and Satutdays crowds at i,000 each day. Edmird Agnese ut Campbelt- ville phttographcd the entire weekend and ended up with about 200 pictares ut the events. His tather, Grdon Ag- ses-. and a soavenit- commit- tee at-e considering pstting ait thn photos in a booket ihat woatd ai-o contais pictares ut pt-csent-day Nassagaweya and tome ofthtie townships histut-y. ILICTRIC WATIR HIATER Tisa "Cscade 40' Ulvus you ciH tisa bof ate you nuad ..- Use Our Rentai lan, with Free Service. Cail Us Today. e MILTON HYDRO ELECTRIC COMMISSION 2580Mole St. . Phonu 878-2345 praised al veterans miso ses-a id their God ansd country ln wat-tare, ending wttisaisope for lastlng peace and an end ta tise conflilts tisai dot tise cartis. He caiied on tise congregation ta, serve Mr. Rainer wth "tise saame ioyaity and devotton you have shows me for tisa pat Ilyears." Speaking lor the Session at tise conclusion ofthtie servce, M1r. Ht-Heu pratsed Mr. Gea iams accomplisments tistougisout iis misistry, hls sincertty ut put-pose and diva- tian lu the chut-ch. iis forth- rigbt expressian of iis vlews, his sente utfiumor and Ms ftt-m convictions,'Tise cissrcis bas grown and tise youth mrk bas expasdcd under yosr pat- ersal guidance and advce' he said, praising holh the minlster and is wite for their leader- ship in tise chut-ch, ls organiza- tionu and the community. "Tisacabava hais 1l net-y vcry happy yeats,' Mr, Graham reptied, He tbankcd iii for iheir kisdness and especialiy the arganization leaders fromt tise cistrvb for their faitistis- nes,4p-fice. 'l.datbask yuu ail, for al thaït viu bave bee's and are. and it ibat yau wiii b ntise future. May God biens tiis cangregation." Sunday atersoon an inform- ai m.cepilnas en eld in the Christian Educailun Centre for members ut the churcis and visitars tramt other churches lu say fareweilto th ie popular couple. and releasing cupies ufthtie book ta tise public lter In the vear. Staff reporters and phato- grspbet-s attended the weekend testivitims and their stot-tes and pictut-es wiii be fosnd else- eegln this week's issue. Tbree from Halton attend conference Dy Us-. K. WllIlasa, Home Econaunhot On Jonc 27 , 28, 29 and 30 the Ansual Girls' Conterence for 4-H Homemaktng Clubmmn- bers miii ha held at the Usiner- sity of Guelph. Tmo bundred delegales tramt ail uver Ontario 'viii meet tageiber and take part in group discussions and iisten ta speakers on the Ibeme "You and Canada's Centen- niai'. Haltus Cuuniy 4-H Home- makisg Clubs seili have tbrer delegates represesting tbemt at Guelphs. Tisa girls are - Mary Lou Bt-oses, RAE. 1 Limehoute. Norma Mottai, RAE. 2. Rock- moud and Laurie Alunasn, R.R. i Casaphellvile. There seili ha masy special speakers during the tht-ce and a hait day session, including Dr. Ethel Cbapman tramt Tom- osto and Hrs. E. Smal, pt-en- dent, Federated Women's In- stitutes ut Ontar-iu. Big picnuc for Kelso Ct-owds at building steadily os wa&hund visits ta the popu- lar Kelto Conservation Area seat- Milton. OntlIe pont eek- end, drivers ut 660 cars pait admission. and Salut-day's aI- tendance mas smelled by 1,000 people attending a Tut-osto in- duntry's annual piesie. Attendance as the pont tivr meekesds bas t-anged tram 300 ta 900 cars pet- meekend. and Kelsa nuperintendent Ras. Johnson reputlthIe 400 acre parksite in bssy thraugb tht mark as mcli. Ta date over 200 scasun's postes bave becnsonlS, a record since the park open. ed. -Barbecues at-c poutoing u n peupfle's yards. -Painting ut the wvhite line! un tise local highmays is onder wa t Iis mcck. Valuable escarpment Iands given Conservation Authoriiy We hope we have shows our cancers with the preser- vation of saturai beauty, and the-desire ta be good citizens and neighbors,' James L. Frascesebini, president of Dut- terin Materiats and Construct- ius tod local officiais attend- ing a unique presesiation ceri- mosy on Tttursday. In the ceremuny, staged in a grassy fied atop the escarp- ment. on land owned by the Dafferin itrn, cheqtues were exchanged signit 'ving the gift ai a valuabir piece of escarp- ment land 300 Fet widc and atmost twu mites is lengib, tram the company ta the Hat- tas Regias Conservation Auth- arity. The ceremany was heid ta impress on goveroment, con- sers'ationists asd other quarry officiais hat the quarries CAN be goad neighhors and assist n the preservatian ut escarp- ment tands. Minister of Ener- gy and Resources Manage- ment the Hon. J. R. Simannît, guest speaker ai the ceremany catted it "as auspiciaus occas- ion that marks a new crs ut cooperation between the Iime- stone industries and Conser- vation Authorities.' "Mach has been said and written about the need ta preserve tramt espitatian tise tIast fruntier in Ontaroa" the Niagara Escarpment, and gen- ersity, the quarrying indusiry bas bren pictssred as the vil- ian in tbe piece, Mr. Sim- useti said. "W. hope othes- quarrying isrterests woutd foliaw the ex- ample at this company, wtich means -that very effective pte- ervatian ut the escarpment woutd be obtained with ver) itte pubtic interterence witii a basic industry." he added. Back in t959, the Siteen Mite Creek Conservation Au- thority. which tater merget with the Twelve Mile Author- ity to torm the Haton Region, was cancerned when Dutterie Construction aptioned the es carpment land atongside a, Autbority proecet. the Esques- ing Conservation Area on tht Fit-st Lise Esquesing. Tht Athority s-as worried about the preservation ut the-escarp- ment lands. and met with the companv. bat the company fett the municipal and provin- cial by-laws were sufficient contrat. Tisa Auboalty attempted to purchase escarpment tands ln Y the at-ca and ln i6t fited an l- expropriation ptan for the a strip of tand 300 feet deep, r- atong the top of the escarp- i ment. This, action wouid hane L- eut the companv's operation 0 n two and the company made 1- a counter-ctaim for 12.500,000 damages. ,eAC I. TAXI e878-2992 r. RADIO CONTROLLED Book your accommodations for Expo 67 now. With oser toto montht caxpe- rieceinindng accom- modaions tf orEps t7 ositors. LOtttnPO ia proen sucss You are anaaed o a pace ta stay ie Montreal. LOGEXPO has litingof osor 79,010 ,ooms. in hoteis. motels, tbiais! homos. eticino- cy apartuet, tecial traiier moIsis andd onsate homos I ai peak prcods, tank as holiday wekands. certain knds of accommodatios are vol aalale, LOGEXPO cao aller you alteratives which w are sureoVoua wi lind salis- tactory. Al you hase ta do ta make a esrato n fluIout thse coupon below, and mail il ta LOGEXPO. Yoa oillrciv a repli mthin aIfew days. flolowed kv a conirmation of teervation direct rom tise mavagement of thu hotai. etc. or tise komeonver. Or you may phson ESPOVOX aI (514) 397-8397 flotfutli îvorm- ation abouat avaiiahility of ais of tise accormmodatons lsed keiow Make voutrtersations as eariy at possîie- ho soosor you Write or sali. tht aider your choice, PrivaIs Homes. Osar 30,000 hosptakie Movrînaiers are welcoongisfotottivtthnir homos Tise locatons have ken pickd Iomake itoasy lot vos taonltotaand rom the Etpo 67 site. RATES fIon t8to $t4 a day fo, tw eptin $10 to$18 forthrno or $2Io $22 forifour. Etticienny Aparîmeets. Acommodations, mostyin contrai Montreal or 10,000 people.,aith hîtchon lasilitios and maid sersice.RATES. $10 ro $25 a day for rwo a yrssvs, plat $3 a day for nacis addiion- ai petton, Hotels. Thon aie sfii svacan cisnvdowvnrowv hoteis duri ng ta ne yeriods, aso in soyskt 67RATES liii, $12 ta, $30,, day (douîble i Motets. Asailahleionmaîîy yrisds RATES S12 Io$3ii Torst Hornes. Avil.iile nmavvy ermis RATES $10 ta $108 (double vi î.siaicyl Motelt ITaier type).i J200 unt fiii idteaaci Ia lies. klihn ii sîIiies and mniS srieivîluivd RATES tîam $25 a day fortwotacs iiciii, $30 ailay forIforor $49 aday forcght CI.îieîîî iid, 12 Traier Sitet. Thriîi.arei ampîle traderi sites ai thii n i sy dSii ng disanicvi oftis 0 7, al aith 3 way Iivsl iRATES $3 50 ta $5 a day Camp Sitet. 20000 stys, in t1JO sypaate locatîios.ii in aîa arouvd Montînal RATES $2350Ois,$3 50 a day, Ait accommodations eooe rn ment- ionsttstad anS apprttaad. r - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - -7 0O LOEOrO, Irpo t7. Mot. 1P0. CSanokPiîvîîs(514) 397-8397 i iN.a. Cty Zoe- iciie IArî,ol aOtne--.. - ..0ertae0Date . tsNum r of nighi niî. -1.ii i tae5nof adaltt1.va, 12) .......tn,ro hild,ar i .dar12) Man ofiaspsiaiin Tyle on»e.ooed.tio» ai ei.t a,1.o (vanaa iPR IsATE cHOMti : APARTMET (s iîn, i OrtL [jMOTEL 1j vOUnîST HOME 1 MTL ilriroplIjTRAILtt SITE CAMP '"SITE ""e U..j (i l. ype ) 1,kNÉ, ý.AA Iw 1 _____ ___T.____nl ,fl 167 Realizing there wsan asim- passe, the company and autis-1 ority met to wurk oui a solu-1 tion and the agreement cul-i minated on Thursdav s-as the remuit. The Authoritv agreed lu purchase the land required at face vatue ot $7350, and tise campany danated a similar amoant of masey lu the auth-1 arlty tu etend its conserva- tian work.1 The agreement deeds 2001 teet of tand to the Athority. white tise sompanv retains the back 100 teet lot- piling over burden which wiltater he huttdozed inia the empty quar- t-y pit. The campany in aliow- ed ane ca t tbrough the rock face and tater, if a secand eut is necessarv, it witt be aitawed if the fitst eut is back-fitled. ttetow the escarpment, a shet- ter belt wiii ide the staskpii- es af stune from pubtie view.1 "May today ha the beginnlng ut yasr dream for the future -a publiciy awned escarpmeni as a green haves surrausding1 ribe ut-ban sprawt ut the Gai- .den Horseshae' Mr. Simoneti r aid. Aluan H. Massas af 'Haton Regian Canservation Autbortiy etccbanged cheques with Mr. Fraocescbinî. Other speakers inctuded -altas M.P.P. Gearge Kerr and Halton Warden and tdassagaweya Reeve William Coulîter wba called the pt-ces- tatian anather step in -the rigbt direction." Liter tise 53 guesin 100k a bus tour ot the quart-y aperat- ian and visited the neigihor- ing Esquesing Conservation Ar- ea wbich was a bush and pond startedi by an ardent cunserv- ationisi, John Maure. The bons cantains prubabty the tant stand ot vit-gin timber in Mal- tas Cuunty. R receptian tottowed at Htal- ton Countt-y Inn on the Sixtis Ltne. fLECTRIC UTY 15 OUR BUSINESS Dont ha a "finkerer wtih Rîetriliy. Cmii an aspect toc *HEATINO *WIINO *NEW CIRCUITS *ADDITIONAL OUTLETS * UTDOOR LIGUTS FEATHERSTONE ELECTRIC 8706378 DR. JOHN C.C. ALEXANDER EVE PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Wishes ta announce the relocation of his office to 213 Church Street OAKVILLE 845-7841 Office hours by appoinîrnent SUNDAY DINNER SPECIAL CHICKEN NOODIE SOUP CHEF SALAD l2 ROASI TURKEY DINNER & CRANBERRY SAUCE MASHED POTATOES OR FRENCH FRItS COLE SLAW FRUIT JELL-O & WHIPPED CREAM FOR RESERVATIONS PHONE 878-9061 W.are en very Day Theougisaut thea Year LIDO RESTAU£RANT 181 Mate AIR CONDITIONEO Muftin Frost-Free Refrigerator 0 Nevet defrust retrigeratur or freezer 0 13 ca. fi. capasity 0 119-lb. f rostfreemon zone freezer 19 Full aidltk porcelain crisper 0 Free fastury service 0 Dimen.: 601/4"H., 30" W., 241/a" O (WITH TRADI) ONLY .s299 CHASE'S HOME APPLIANCES Cios.d Sîsurday, July 1 88 end Mondiy, July 3 3221 181 MILL ST. EASY BUDGET TERMS S o a Loblaws Karen's Flower Shop Plaza Motors Dominion Day MND CoubdoratIon Day Heurs Claud Sot., Cgee mon. Chaud Sot., Opun Mon. Clomud Sut., COpen mon. Plaza Smoke and Glft Open Set., Sun., a mon. Fabian Furnitur. Pollock's Shoe Store Saveway Lori-Anne Shoppe Nu-Style Barber Shop Cîosad Set., Sun. ed Mon. Cîosad Sat., Open Mon. Cîosad Sot., Open Mon. Open Sat. 10 te 4 - Open Mon. Cloaad St., Open Mon. Caravan Restaurant Open Set., Stan. & Mon. -WANTED- Certified Mechanic Wanted For Off-Highway Equipment DIESEL AND GAS EXPERIENCE REQUIRED APPLY TO: Acton Limostomie Quarries Ltd. ACTON, ONTARIO Phone 853-2230 DECLARE WAR *WITH FLY KILLERS" FLORBAIT The tirst and stili the best dry bail fly killer. Easy lu use witb the new "FREE- FLOI top cans. Safe bo use ln mttk sheds, stables, piggeries, etc. Avaltabta sn 24 oz., 40 oz., and 5 tb. cens. I FLYMOR The premium qualiiy daiiy stock spray wlth tastI Killing Power. Safe la use on ihl ivestoctt or sn farm baildings. Avaitabie in 1 and 5 gai, cana, PRES SPRAY The economticai and effective aerosoi spray for bouse and gardes use. Kilts flies, maths, apbids, caterpiliars. etc. Casts osly $1.45. BARNFLY SPRAY Cotales Drmethoate-etfecive against ail resislant flics. Spray on waiis, pots, window trames, etc. Kili. îeg action lasts up ta t weeks. 20 oz. bottin makes 21/2 gallans ut spray. Availiahî in 20 anS 160 oz. botties. The yellow strip that vapoarizes DDVP and kills ftues for up 10 3 months. Sale and etfective to use in milk rooms, feed roomns and other contined ameas. CHOOSE THE RIGHT "AMMO" FROM YOUR FLY CONTROL HEADQUARTERS! MASTER FEEDS (STEWARTTOWN> R.R. 2, Georgetown Dial 977-3512 COWFLY POWDER Pratect yoar cows tram blllng fles end get sp 10 20% more mili One treal- ment aesta up 10 2 weeks, "PINK COWS GIVE MORE MILK" . Avallabie In 2 lb. daster cîns and 10 IbL box, -f I : - - I - - 1e. i5 Presentations follow ministers "farewell" Township birthday Mun" T--