AWMDS NIONT seas ieid ai Ontario School for the Deaf, Milon, on Wednesday eve- ning of last week, when 75 trophies and groap awards were distribuled to senior students of the school. on the top photo, three cepteins o) tise 'Aathison' haute group eccept th centennial ioase league trophy from physical educallon direclor Gary Mar tina. The Mthison group col- lected tise most points in ath. sftic ectivities during the pasf year. Capteins in tise photo are Linde Anderson, Wayne Copland and Diane Shentz. Belose, some of tise other eseerd wtnners are pictured stis more tropiies. Louise Silvertisorn, lefI wsa tops in tise levai 7-8-9 academir sec- tion whiie Jean Metland and George Immel ettie rigit seere preseeted witi tise aseards for tise best al-round rontribution to residenfiai lif. ttise scisool. (Staff Photos> Nnmtis Haltons fourtis dosenhng tragedy strucis Sun- day sehen a 17-mnonth-otd boy wacdered mb tise rushing Cme- dit River aI Narval Sunday and lost his lite as tise ssif t curent quickty carrird iim dosecstream. Dead is Thomas Mat-cet Rois- itaitte, non of Mr. and Ms. Jean-Guy Robitaîttie seho live in a traiter aI Willose Park on Highseay 7 aI tise sest aod of tise village. MIlan OP.P. eeld tise boys motisnt sent hics oulside tu se his fathet-, seisusas sittine aI tise.front of tise traiter. Ne ap- pat-eety sealised 34 teet hack front tise trailert thie river. Il seas hallan bout-taler sehen thse parents realined hie wsa missing and police and George- tsec Pire Depattment sere catled. Tise firemen found tlie bsody hsaf a mite dosenstream Const. J. Pmdcamp said tise seatet- is onty a few et deep neam tise traiter, but cascades swiftty ta a deep Pool a trw yards aseay. Resuscitatton failed ta revive tise child and se seas pronounc- est dead un atrival t tise Geor-getowen hospitat. PLEASE NOTE!! We WiII Romain -O P EN Sat urday, Sunday and Monday JuIy 1, 2 and 3 HAZELUS VARIETY 878-3362 192 Main E. - Mîltou A Milton lady, Mr,.Pet Gr-aaf ot 70 Bront,. St.,% ceive ber Canazli.s Citiz paperb in a spciacruco sn Burlingtin ( n Thsr,da ning. A spc-cial celebr.scn ,n planord i-,r ,css ai tram the Italion arc-,. ognilion ai centeoo,,,t Mrs. DeGraat s sloi, wat-d to bieîo a partf cerrmony. COMPUTE LAWN ANDOGANDIN SOEOV .ir De- Ne lobe., aUmem or llr- tee large cenship rnons e ltMelusfautae a veve- Servce SFrooe blmetes nidians RAINBOW n zrc LANDSCAPING ng for- Cod @7e.2741, 870-2097 ot the Paquette fans 17 Lowvile wins two ta Halton Rural SaftbaUl, Losevilte swan their nintls and tenus games of tise ye- by beating Palermo t-lt and Hal- ton Motet 19-5. Agaiint Patermo Jacques Pa- quette strucis out 17 batters as lie pitcised a four iitter. Cocis- bure pitcised a tive iitter for Patermo and strucis ouf five. t.owville got their lace rue in tise seventis inning wisee Paquette douisted and tLee Coulson singied. Losevities other bits were singles by Gord Marshsall, Dennis Sinctair and Sta King. Against Hatton Hotl, Lose. ville gat seven rues in tise sec- ond inning and eight more ln tise third and coasted tisen-eat of tise way. Phil Buck pitched five lut niefs ta taise tise sin and Lu Coulson retieved hisi. Loevities 24-hit attacis was led hy Stu King sitis a home rue, a triple and two singles; Htarold Thompson had a home rue, a double and a single; Phil Litchener-ger had a dos- hIe and tseo singles, tloug Pow-, eli a doublte and two singles, Gord Marsisalt tht-ee singles, Lee Coulson and Phit Buris homered and singted, Larry Campbsell siogted twlce and Larry Cotliiefand Bill Sinclair singird once. towvlltea s ent home games are Friday, Jane 30 againsi Procor and Tuesday, July 4 againot Omagis. FOR ALL OCCASIONS ENGAORIINTS WEDDINGS S40WERS GRADUATIONS ANNIVERSAIu CHOOSE APPROPRIATE GIITS OF DISTINCTION Glfts Tisat Are Sure To Se Appreciated Cisoose COrfidently At 104 Main St. - Mlont Naine ire P.C delegutes te Ieudership A sciaIt gruup of Halton Con- servatuves gattsered at Mlton District Higis scisool Monday evening ta organize tise nese Federat -Ridicg of Hattan East and ta came delegates ta tise Leadership Convention ta he hetd in Maple Leaf Gardens, Torntot, in Septembet-. Tise meeting seas. fottowerd by enter- lainient. PIve delegetes and five alter- nates serre emaird lu vote at tise convention. Accot-dine ta tise Conset-vative constitution tise five mac detegation must have tht-ce senior mec, oce Young Pr-ogressive Canset-vative under 30 years of age and one Mus. Bat-bat-a Cooper of Oak- ville seas nacsed as tise soman delegete, and Chatlie Matin of Mutot seas named tise YPC. 'Tue tiseve senior mec at-e Rev. Lady MeKeazie of Acton, Daug Latimer 0f Georgetowen provin-1 cial President ufthtie Hatton East Conservative Party and 1 Roy Browen of Erin. lTe alternete delegates fol- ose s aine structut-al break- doive. Mrs. Francis Ritchie of Osisilte seas named tise so- mac candidate, Wiltiam Sarg- eant Ir. of Oakvitte seas camed YPC and Robert R2ed ot Mil- toc, Norman Nixon of Et-le and John Dolpisin of Oakvlle seere named tise tht-e. senior candi- dates. Tisere is a registration fee of S25 for delegatea and $15 for aiternates 10 tise conaven- tion. Tise nese federal riding selt consint of fIie members frocs Oakville.Isen f rom Milton, two frocs Geor-getosen and tse acis front Esquesing, Erin Et-le Taownship and Acton. One of tise five detegates 10 tise meeting seilI h. naued to tise policy coucmittee. Thtis contmittee seilI discuss pollcy frocs Tuesday until Salut-day in Toronto prior tu tise conven- The meeting adopted tise Pro» viecial Constitution an lis con- stitution for tise ces fedemel witi tise idea tIsaI any changes seen desirable ntay b. made le tise future. Tisey also adopted lise Provincial execu- lis-t as thse federal executîve for tise ridleg. Doug LAtimer is tise president selti Bill Thompson vice presidont, Bud Nichais sect-etary and John De- pese treasurer. The Irassa fellow e isoosathse more eager ha la 10 prouve Io t anybody who wlll linten. Th? Canadien Champion, Wednesday, Jane 28, 1967 Nusgweyu cemm»itte. Nassagaseeya's successful big the Iast minute ta assist. weekend tetebration marklng Main convenero were: hoot- Canadas ilOtis brthday wsa enanny and dance, 'Mr. Anme thse end result of monthso0f MacArthutr, Gus Goutausisi and careful planning by a large Manoett L oseri e; centennial committee charged with ar- qtseen content, GJus Goutauskl; rangements for tise tlsree-day centenniat dancers, Mrs. Gor- event. don Agnese; variety concert, Bsnies thse main commlttee Mms. Joyce Beaton; Photogra. members and conveners seho pisy, Edseard Agnese; astvertis- haudled variosn events of the ing and Promotion, Gardon Ag- fun-filtedt weekend, there were new; antique show, Mrt. Kath.- many others who pitched in at erine MoPhedran; sound sys- tems, Agnese Etectric, FATIIER DIES 1 e. e e e Sympathy is extended ta Gor-1 don Smiths and famity of 107 E Court St., Milton, and former ton, on tise deatls of their fatis cm Daniel Smilth of 27 ltowie Ave., Toronto.A.T MO R Me. Smilth died at WellesleyMO R Htospital on Tuesday marning, following a brief iîîness. Me INSURANCE s tise grandfather of Ronate CAPEVIL and Julie Smith of Miton and MPEVIE lynne, Randy, Heatiser and 8 5 4 -192 2 Kelly Smith of 'Aliston. 7 For Your IIoiday Motor-ing W. viii Be OPEN! 7 nain.f0 10 P.m., JuIy 1 end JUI y 3 Ward's Texaco Service 443 MAIN ST. E. 87"4342 NALTON CO-OPERATIVE MEDICAL CARE PLAN PAYS " AuI maroiemi operetleuta Individuel or Sumpinyee Grop " Duttora Celle PMldfr01.n t ae srol etainy tintaof lita Firat Viiter. " ConfineeunstREVISy RTE " Amteeedatie Services Monthly - 13.73 Single " X-reya Montisly - $11.30 Couple " Alao .1 Matredieel Monthly - $13.25 Peuttly Yeurly Pleat, Deuga Payable Querterly or Y..rl HALTON CO.OP MEDICAL SERVICES 143 Main Street Bon 474, IMilton - Dfil878-9712 Please send me information. (No obligation). Naine.......................... Address.................... làée PAINTS 878-2113 MILTON à MARINlE a. W. wiI b. CIosed Dominion Del <SATURDAY)1 AT YOUR LOCAL TRUST COMPANY - 672 Interent Pid on 5 YEAR GUARANTEED INVESTMENT CIRTIFICATES 61// paid o netet for 2, 3, 4 years 100 paid on netns for 1 ear Drop in to 0fly of our offices for furfher dletails I MILTON 252 Main St reet - 878-2834 LORNE SKUCE, Manager LOCAL DIRECTOR -- Dr. C. A. Martin, Vice-President NORTH HALTON ADVISORY BOARD John T. Armstrong, Cisairman Retord Gurdisouse, Maurice C. Beaiy, Michael Ledsith John Goy, Dr. B. D Young CONVENIENT OFFICE HOURI Mon.- Thur$, 9.00 - 5.00; Fridepe 'filI 6.30 HALTON & PEEL TRUST &SAVINOS COMPANY AMOUNTS $100 f0 $100,00 ukinfffmli 7h ktiejtk (Gt ONE quart of ffegal Aquaglo or Satin Impervo for oniy 25e and this coupon when yoa buy one gallon of Regal Wall Satini NOfuIOIriel Benjamin Meorecolor inoayour life-and SAVEI A Centeenial special offer cao bring te Voar home a glowing gelaey of decorator clars pravided by tisis oatstandiog trio of colorfut Benjamin Moore peintsl1 Th Abv oupon ViîdOly Unlt g%,w IIIADLIU COMMIETTINSTALU A>LIN ELECi, sISTATIONS MaTai R UIIS 24 HOUR MAINTENANCE SERVI=o LattISN-tie tox SES, MILTON, ONT. 878 -2206 Ed's Welding WILL BE CLOSED ON SATURDAYS During JuIy und August OPEN MONDAY TO FRIDAT From 7 a.m. f0 5 p.m. WE WILL BE CLOSE D MONDAY, JULY 3 I CONFEDERATION DAY n ýJEWELi 1 il 1