4 The Canodian Champion, Wednesdey, Jane 28, 1967 Jlnx stili prevalent 'Villlagers humiliate Sox Preston game ralined'out Ater 12 staris aid t halloa son of reguai, yi.i, i lie Miltion Red Sos hava ya i tua%,ns ai bal game in te iltos Cusîy In- lermediate League. They came wiLiin tirer baters ot piaking up fteir firsl is sn Prestain os Satîtrday, tonl a tf-t drub- ing 10 Campitetîville on Son- day and oikthlie short end of a 3.2 queuker wittt Burlinglas tast Toesday. Thse Sox ronsmanded a 31 lead after teir fiflh bat itut te hall gante mas caltait satn il hegan 10 rais hefora Preston cold gel teir fittitand at mandatory hat in. Thte fallowing day Mitonasso- fer2da trounciga a te ians of te Campitelvitte Merci. anIs. 'Hurler tait Robetrs fond te range, sîriking out 13 halters and allomîng only fnar hics, htanking te Sos hy as everwitelming 10-0 margin. Milon itad tmo mes i n or ing position in tae scondin-l ning but faited bo score citer oe oftem. Campetvile scnred ose in te fiet, tirer in the second, one in te fourtt. trea in the fift and ana -nra intae sitit and nintit. Pilciter Jackt Ro- borts scoreit Iwo himnaîf. Ro berts ent te distancealatom- ing onv four hits. Rapt a scor- cd four imes on a satkin the fiet inning, a single ii tae sec- ond, a atit in tae fift andtan errer in te ninlt. Ron Naylor, Redt Carrieanasd Mile Bougiton sitare thlie mound dlles for tae Rad Sas. Jordan, Blt Currie. Brlas- son and Shannon singlad uif Roberts. llite nx tahan bac,, lnag- ged on te Mitoanall îaam titrougiotote seasan mas prenaient in Preston Saturdav Georgetown stops Juv. win streak Milles Juvenilen facadteir fiet defea t fte season t te iandn of te Georgaetswn Juniors in a clone snleg game. Milles pitcher. Robert Lee, pilcited a ees bititer, aI- towing tre r ns s inte saen inning content. Georgetown splcher M. Tatr hoet a ose hitiler furorgerf-c towen uni tsrsicitouI ees Mil- les itlens. Milles saIsit r Steve Gervais s-stae iniyt MUilleshuiler I t bu nata Steve singîleite seondi iening. Gregeomnesacei t lasrue-. in te second înnivg (nse) seculine hils hv Riddiawnit doble ast singles ity Dan. more and Malenen. Dznny Aric a s t- igi. hurler l'r Georgetoninmit single zndi a triple Art,. ýrip te!in te fiflhi sing and sac 1 cd os a mild piit toaccoaurnr for Georgelame's litrd con. Millsnt000til0 t Georgetowen F290tiltt Promote judo club rmembers Tite ..D. Jade Clubt bas mousit up ils actisilliasfolitaha yeu, nit memitars orc - akîng a reait furte sommar ha- fore classes rasoma e i apîam- ber. Insircolr ary Campbellire. ports ait mcmitars mata pros motet l Jen. Taui eamhaas maveit ap faom saliîsns l orange ielis. miils ;.Ilt oter memitars smalaroiot cd ta te yliîîw hi t;sîiiing. ilicinaîsî Thea Sos tirsk a 30 cansand î'ih tbacc cons is tae aeoond and hali te Piratas ia singte rin in the fourlt. Thea Son booi t leir fitt hat bc- for-ite game mas rained out.t Had tae piratas gene te hat,. chances are te Milon Red Sos moult bc aving a viclory han- AI Jordon, weita bheem side lined tilt recenlly han heen us ed ohî and on in te tant fem Cames mtith etter titan aven- ageasuccesaI te plate. Il mas Jordan wmi tsarted te second insing ratty off in Preston. Joe- tan, McLeod. Riddel, Bill cor. rie ant Ron Siannon att sing- led 10 gise te Sos titeir tirer rus command. Sos hurler Butait Riddelt gave op tirer bits for iis leur ain11n performance. Atltlhreee bits came in te fourlt inning. Thte Prestes gamene lît bcre- sciteduled aI a lter date. Bitl (Red) Carrie fttd the Bnrtiigionsluggers tuatour hits but evas this mas soi n ough ta warrant victary [or the faterisg Red Sox as tisey hem- cd tac, ardinats in Tuesdays gaIne in eurîingtos. Wiele 'and tartan scored for Burlington sn the second In- ing an singles hy Bishop and Clark and a malk te Wigle. They scored their tiird and winnieg rua in the fourth sening when Crie watked citiriot. Bishop and teeton singled and Jonny stngled Chriot in for the in. TIhe Red Sox mode a valiant effort ta ltie the game in te seenthi ins when Joyce and McLtod scored. narroming the Cat-ds' tead ta a 32 margin. Joyce led off with a walk. pinch hiting for Ras Shannon. Hç ent on 10 second on Ron Merciers single. ta third on McLeods matitand seored os St-pvers single. McLaid scor- cd the .secondlanson whii was probahty 5one al the mont itra- matir ptays of the season. The hases mere toadait and Art Melanson had gonr in 10 pinrh hit for Red corrne and worked the coont to lhree halls and two strikes. Bortinglon horler Moore threw 10 first on a piekoff move mhen Stover had ted off quite a distance. He mas b or amay 10 gel hack 10 firsl and mas caughti n a itot hbox. White te Burtinglon iefîeld chasel Stover. Dance led off second and McLeod heanîrd tomards home. SuIvis- hr, the second saciter lt Stover off the hook and fired ta third, calciting Dance for te Ihird out hut McLeod had %cored. Dance made te Ihird 001 and endcd te gamne. The Sas dont see, action again untlt Sunday when they travelto1 Waerdown and hosl i7e,rgetown on Monday. ~jion Milton Belles Win opener Cthhertsen fans 20 girls Sasit cultherîsen ted lte Mîlton Bettes ta a 3-2 aprnisg viclory oser lte Georgetowns Georgelles in Georgetoamnos Titursday nigit in girls' sofl- hall action,wmites site iturlet a ose itler. J. Siteppard, a Georgetown outtielder. spoilet Sandy's no0 itlermitens sie iteal ont a huaI in lte sinlth înnîsg. Thte catI mas disputet hy manager Murray Whtistler. mianne Ferrier ncoi-ed Mit- ton ýfirsl rus 0 inte opeing ,tanea mitec site gel on hase rtrougit a matit. stole second and titirit. and scored mites Shirley Bridgman itit lte hall. Ferrier stid home and Bridg- mas gai la firsl an a fielder's aitoice. Miltas scoredt lieir second cas mites Kay Marnit gos as titrongit an error la lite titird sacitar. nle second and scer- ed miten Marg Moore inglet. Tite final rus camesiite ixthi iig mites Kay Leur- mont matited unit scord os Mary Ane Pressiak's single. Georgetown cored ose rus sn -te second and anotiter sn te sixt, Sandy lutihertson matked Quacitenitusi and Secit- angIos sinte second. Ouacit- enhunit scord mite iteMiton catcher, Kay Marsit dropprd lte hcl. on te tiird strike par' ingle in te iatand scored. Sandn cutibtitson. mita for- mcclv played hall for Simcoe. tasI yar's champions.,iturird a ana hitiler and sîrucit ouI 2f of te 21 hatters taI gaI eut. rit e Miltons 0loif0f- 3 62 Gltome î01001 0- 21 t Opens Friday 500 fîock to pool Apprxmatey 00pplee-bt fOav!et sînimmieg pool aI Rotary park dan 5 confideant ha Fritay andt Satu, day. sait pool capable lita guarci supervisan Deneis Seider Thte potol apesit ai 4 p.m. Fnidav bol mas aiased Sunday duc 10 salit meatten Mc. Solder mas ~ ~ ff pia serait muthe riaaomts il- Playgr tasding Prîdan andt Satucitay The paol imiiibhaopen frîsin 4 y.m. ln 9p.m. Mondas 10 starts s Tittisiav andi1 p.m.ro 5pi. andi6itlo9 r.m Frî'dav and Sal- Paul Fostur. M nr.i.in. Mc. Seider saithlie mar, pînygroust n ypîs o isît ha bcopen an Sunday anus.iltiti ni.hs on a trialtb.sis andtf ilias moaed at p anosigit aspanar tans sitîws il M. Danvssanit osîlit hakapb open. snaius-se ltae i Titane people iniaresite Jul in sth a cagul;o iaiting swimmiingi essonscrafi prognain. siteuld wsndin lea coupon from Plavgrounit ait ast meekn Canadian Chamtp- ltaeaga utaicgit lon lte pont sapervisor anenain igit slit Mth Sharon Emmerson of ltae laiost o ait Gergetowisn îaiting a Rail Cross lita tîrstIwsos trc Insruclor's course ie Guelpht1i'or Thurstas' and sCar Psndvand MarktiSwift nigitinof t ltssaw liting a sira- min. c n! ound ;oon itues s nm mparnîssir bas aygaîîusdaa- amassa aI J. . b. Duitk rst masit uf ar sportsasd atns anar 1mat attend pisilit suiung ni JuIn anal ks oi Augasi andt rriila arksý Midgets w- N.2 bak Wt.rdowa t, Milonn iîr itisîs , ds St. uraiay. lî %tan til ieicors snit sit u t ial n i505 trt Don Herns tarted onsiOc nisînan d pilslîasl u oi n- Walis.an a opn a irhi an fane ig lievadh itlsune menut n Kenm t tacit wl anddlTe. loit ad svibs an Si NA Goat Cadna FIELD DAY COMPETITION terlite three public couison of J. M. Ocyes, tonton girl.In UntMs sciteas sas iteld at ha Milton fir groundls front rom are Gins Turner of W. . Dick and Friday afternoons The winncm n inte bacý Bruce f lisn of Bruce St., junior btoys, cindy row are John Hassetteldi ancd ick Howard of Ronsener ot W. 1. Dick, banlam girls; and Van W. 1. Dîrk, iviermadiate boys, Brenda Shultz MaPhail ef Bruce St., hantain boys. of J. M. Devons, islermediate girls; and Lois (Staff Photo) Lessons start Tuesday Add second bus to handie crowd of swim mers at -Kelso Thte summar swimmring les- sons aI Kelso Conservalion Arra poot ail! start sent Tu- esday. July 4, Thea rasponse la lte pool staf's advrising mas su gral his year, an ait- ditiosal hon raute hadItol ie estaisteelta itandîrlte cromts af cild reanad aduts saaking lassons, ssvimmnisg di- rector Miss Gail Farguson re- ports. The nsais bus routes are as Bus Ose wl teana Lownilte ut 8.20 a.w. ast procerd nartit ons ltae GlphliLina la Camp- belîvîllasraivisg a! f.401 a.m. 4I ltamisn islarsaallonaof lte Low bhowing !ix Kait lis-n cm assebinling actione am bîm nisd .ac ni 1w Miltonas iîlia pturaees iaanaîd trucsk siut yoints nusthuafour cluit doublte II mas lis trun ,in t ulais, sîlcinseMlton,. Jase 22. l vas ars. Jusa 24,.teliaMlan miedtrIi- Parrte laed Millunss aî pics îr.înslale os hii'aaisvilte it tw.,singls.and a frira îsusisjatbui.iilei te rhile Dise Hcare, sirir'le6 scura ans nîicloias -d HiiiJ ripis, i Mlton; twue 4 iMlton rists dvaintage- oi the in-a anlate lithe .îiias Triplas nil ixsarrssrs îssssîîIllia IOsîceassis- i sMiltosn. One r, mýss skipî;scîlhý isînSîsîcav Gtais ssnici i s i arca Edea fli, i si HllsMuera. Titan isuha lniziylntisicssns sia Ails Sos.i ippedîîîaîi 5sie Jn r ai ltîsi.iii, K.s\ Riddisiand sîîla. t andings ,'""B,.tii.siilis iith,- higi twtar Petî iiBil1111Risinici an- 1ATICINAI LEAGUF e iiiii ii ix .! Nîs sisrimert- %% 1 'l t i , .,.! ii 0w- i :c1k, b.ansi 7 '2Ilfit6 r'.sî'i,-îtl.' ial 4 2' 2 10 1 0ar i il 7 2 AMIERICAN I.EAIUE %V I. b Pl, Rail Sîs h(1i12 I3 Yankee, 5 il 2 10 WhieiSs 2 2 a h Angais 2 1t(h 5 C. J. tlithb, (rasrgeisîme is.n.ictiltellsiiner ce- lîaa.îîssasîîîncîl asîslit ho iclIi, a.lan raqîlir tiets. Thatsigt.tiisn sans a- tîsr islitr ulmmi,- îltltMllllîUlllllUltlllM'lttUtllilUssiUll.lMlslMI.î.IUIIIIIMIIIIIMIiIU *l.tlUli!itl{lItUl tUllll'M' B adA TNE CENTENNIAL SHUPFLEBOARD CARAVAN, wisding is may accent Canada tomard topo 67, iii be visiting Milton veet Mesiday eves- ing, Juiy 3. il miii stop in froînt efthtie Charles Hatl at 9 p.m. sIran! shstileboard pia.ers cas meet Caravas niater Bill Coie, mite piays challenge matches bindfoided. Tite local Chtarles Hotel teom, wînners efthlie Northt and South Siuffeboard League ater defealing sucit tomes as Oaitvile, Long Brasait, tris, Brampton, Actes and Streetsviile, iii be on itand te meilcome te Caravan. Members et te Citarles teain are captoin Ruy Stuart, sob captais Bob Shitlling, George Nemeli. Dave Aseton, Fred Hardsasd. Ken Campbell, Bob Titan, Clre Matids, Alie Kearns, Merv Fel- citer asd Adam Citucitiacit. -TEEN DANCE- INTERNATIONAL BATTLE 0F THE BANDS à AND MINI SKIRTr CONTEST: (Maie and Female - U.S.A. vs Canada) 3 U.S.A. Bands - 3 Canadian Bands ONE PRICE WILL ALLOW You TO VISIT BOTH THE ORANGE HALL and ODDFELLOWS HALL on Queen St. ln Brampton SATURDAY, JULY 1 AT 8 P.M. ADVANCE TICKETS $1 Now on Sale t Orange Hall, HllItop Snack Bar, Quartette Muie Centre, CommunltyI Record Bar and Bramalea Munie Land. I TICKETS AT DOOR - $150 ... ... ... - .... ... .1. ... ... . ... 5 Sideroad ta (Hmy. 25, titen southit nIaMilton. ln tesen, stops mitli salade Ontario and Base Lina, Ontario and Mais, lthe Post Office corser asd Bronle aI Mais, ailt eaen 9 and 9.2f ar. Bus Two leaves Palerme aI f.2f arn., ant reacites Boyne Minor bail Hap Perroîl, Red Son short- siop executeti a douhle play le squetait an Aagel viclory and save lte lt-f victory for lte Red Son and itis tram moved mbt fient place of lthe Milles Misse Bat) Houne League. Bn an Graitarnanad Brian Haritins mere lte oulstanding haîters for t- Sos miie Roger Clements and Todd Coreadel mere lte big ititters for lte An. gels. Craig Juithe pilcited for lte Sos mitile Bruce Ettison pilait- rd tfarlte Angels. Deumquin ait8.45, Hoenisy et 9 a.. ites follows teBase Lise Road te Kelso. Miss -eguson points ouI eacit hus miii stop anywitere atong ils route le pick cap swimmers if tey are eeady. A spadial registraion day will beheled aI Reine tiis Bal. urday morning frein 9 10 Il. Adul t essons are also offer- ed. if tere is enougit demant. Titese mould he iteld l inte go. enings aI lite same prices as ciildeens tessons, only sitls more individual attention giv- es la te smimnsees. Lifeguard Keith it -Hnsof Miltas milI ho leaciting as Amard 0f Menit clans titis yeae os Saturday meenings. Mina Peegoson said titis clans is ex- cellent training for accossI- isited swimmers wioto by seek empleyment as a 1fr. gurd, Informtaion on te lassons is availahie fronm Miss Fergla- son antlite pool office, 878-2541. BATTING LEADERS Inctsadisg gamnes of Fricisy, Jonc 23. gp ab ýr h Larry Wilson, 0 ..8271»014 Oanny ArhlcG 829 412 Res Piilips, M -7225 9 Witf Piitips, W 8 ~3n! 2 12 iim Martiso, D 926%7 10 Paul Chiriot, B ...10 34 7 1*3 Les Wickens, D .9 34 8 13 Jaits Price, B -1029 0 Il Joe Scanian, W -135 5133 C. MdPeeteen.O..0.92I1.2 10 Bibl EittllC .8 26 6 9 Dan Wge, B ...1827 4 9 EImer Dredge, C 9 36 14 12 PRESENT sTAl4DINGS lnctuding games et Mosday, lune 26 W L Pal. SgI Hamilton .......... 8 2 M8 Burtingtos .......8t3 .727 1 Camphellvilo .. 8 3 .727 1 Dondas ............ 7 3 .7W 1 Oaitville....-S....54 -W 62% Pretn ................ 3 4 .429 31. Georgetowen 3 6 .333 4;41 Waterdown .. 3 8 .273 3%4 Milton ............ 0 12 .000 9 NOW Air- Cooditlomed For Your Comfert 2 EXPET BARuS Open 6 Day. Wsekly " Mon., Tus., Wd., Set. - 8.30 a.m. te 6 p... " Thure - 8.30 .m. la 8 p.-. M i. - 8.30 &.m. te 9 NU-STYLE BARRER SH.OP MILTON PLAZA Servies ys c oduys ce - m When aur man do the Ilob af painting ol fIa.- leg te body of your cor. youre aura of the hast. *ILL'S AUTO BODY 878-2721 Easy does mt Yes, easy does it when you're buying a car af Milton Mofor Sales. No high pressure, no gimmicks. Just plain ordinary dollars and sense talk with people you know and a f irm you can trust. We're here after the sale for service and that's why customers find this dependable place f0 choose a car, f rom one of Halton's biggesf selections assembled on our lot. And Goodwill cars carry a wriften warranty for your added protection. Drop in foday, easy does if at MITNe TO AE b:.BTýA Yent .sthoead oodotti. Pontan -Butak -ttoaaea Acadien - Vauxhaul-Ott Crack Deaer Tires AND UMM MR 11 MYAR LB a tterie's EXPERT SERVICE TOO Tip-ln Tire Sales LIMITO ; BASE UNE - MILTON CALL 878-3131 FOR 24 NOUR SERVICE 0 2 Service Trucks - Radio Equipped ID Front Ed Alignmrrent 0 Brake Service 0 Compinletet funiroyal Passenger and Truck Tires PLEASE NOTE: We WilI Close Saturday, July 1 <Dominion Day) and Resume Business Monday, JuIy 3. THANK YOU McKIM HARDWARE 260 MAIN EAST 878-9222 1 -