the Canadien Champion, Wedn.adsy, Jwu . 17 dedicate parks CAMPBULLVILLE PARK wax dedicated Sunday afternoon by Rev. R. P. Jeffares right), shown here with the new cairn and Couacillars William Mahon and Mrs. Ana MacArthnur. (Staff Photo) DIDICATION OF THE STONE CAIRN at Fdes Mills ball park Suviday was wtnessad by about 50 spactators. Nassagawagaasdapuiv. reua W. Hoey raviawad the hîstory of tha area in tha brief cramoat v hich council- lot Ros Gardon also spoke. Mach of the cre- Satemn services of dedicat- ion ai the Brookaille, Eden 'Huis and Campheltvitie bal parles on Sunday aflernoon hroughî a filting close la Nas- sagaweya Townships eveni- fitled cenlennial ceichrations weekend. Simultaneous services of de- dicatian mere held ai the new cairns in Camphellville and Eden Mills park ai 2.30 pot., ihen user 400 residenîs of the tawnship jained logether for an auldoar eommaniîy ehorch service, dedicalion of the park and pienie ai Brookailte ai 3 pr.. Thse Broolville hall park ix a nese park adjacent la the towvnship administration huild- ing on the Guelph Lise. im- provemenîs ai the exsting hall park in Eden Milsîincluded washrooms,.%,ataer facilities and shrubs. shite at Campbell- ville bleachers and four large piecea af plavground equip. ment acre addcd ai the vil- lage hall park. The projecla cosI 37,200 sith federal, prov- incial and towvnship gaverv- menîs sharing the cusi at ose- third each. The cairns e ce gravite ield stones ai Campbellville and Brookville, and a field tone cairn ai Eden Milîs mas con- 1I 1 Aà di to tahe park goes ao the Eden Milxs Com- muvîîy Cilb.Rau. W. A. Leemav and Rau. D. Sinclair of Eden Milis United and Preabytarian harchas mspectively spoke and Mr Leaman read the prayar of dedication. (Staff Photo) AT *ROOKVILLE PARK on Suvday, Rev. R. P. Jeffares, Rese William Caulter. Deputy-Reevu William Hoey and Reu. D. C. Nicholson pose with the gravita Clave markiag the centennial parksite. (Staff Photo) SE NOT TîHE TOWN 0F MILTONà MUNICIPAL OFFICES WILL BE CLOSED_ MONDAY, JULY 3 CONFEDERATION DAY AUDREY BRUSH, i Deputy Clerk strucied by local ceftsman *Wilk Wilson. Each bore a cen- lennial plaque lndilcatlng the parles were compieted in rec- ognition of Canadas centen- niai year. 1ev. W. Leemsn d Me. Sinclair conducled ihe dedica-: ion aI Eden Milîx, and Deputu Reeve William Hoey and Coun-1 cillor Rosa Gardon bath spoke ahout the histarv of the park and the prajeel loaon calimat- ed 50 in altendance. At Campbeilville, 40 galber- ed ta watch Rev. R. P. E. Jef. fores handie the dedicalion and heard Cooneillor Ross Gar- don reviexs'thle historv of the projecl. The Broalevilie service fea- tared a massed chir from six Presbyterian. Anglican and Un- ted churehes in the toswnship, directed ha J. Klîching and ae- companiment for the hvmns hv the Salsatian Arma Bband f rom Guelph under the direc- tion of Capt. R. J. Broughton. Thse lhree minisiers partici- pated sn the service and Rev. Daavid Nicholson of Campbell- ville gave the sermon. Reeve William Coulter read the les- son and dedicated the Brook- ville park *centenniai projeel. The offering was conîrihuted ta the North West Haltan Vol- untara Services arganleation. At the conclusion, ail sang the National Anthem and 0 Canada. Afteravard the ladies scrved hot and cold drinks. A pianned outdoor picole waa cancelird due ta the high winds and cool %vealher. IV musenai Coanty couse I atx week ag- reed ta underwrile an addi- aonal 510,000 la permit con- struction of a coach house buildisg ut Halian couniy mu- arum in the Kelso Conservai- ion Area. Tenders had exceed- ed cosîs providcd in the orig- inal cenlennial grant. The tender has heen award- cd la Zanaîla Consruction, Milton. The bulding in the museum comptes, la house aId vehict- es, is the couniy ceniennial prajeci. Further granix are la be sought and the eouniy aireed ta filI oui the balance ta St10000. The large huilding has no hasement. ST. LAWRENCE FRUIT & GROCERY STORE Golden Ripe BANANAS --------- 2 lb. 25c Fresb PINEAPPLE, 19. size ........ 3 for 89c New CARROTS, .... 2 colla bags 19c Home Grown BERRIES, FRESH DAILY AT SPECIAL PRICES Save 20c Jolsnsan's Glade AIR FRESHENER ...59c tin C.P. Tender Flake LARD ..... ... 4 Ibm. $1. Cottage Brand TOILET TISSUE ... 8 rails 79c (10 Suices) - 1/-h. Pk. Schneider's CHEESE SLICES------ 3 for 99c Maple Leaf BOLOGNA......... . 3 lb. 99e Tender Plump Chicken LEGS or BREASTS .........49c lb. Maple Leaf WIENERS-------------. 49c lb. C.P. BEEF STEAKETTES ............53c lb. C.P. Thrift Rndîess SIDE BACON .... 2 lb. 99c NOTgICE. This store will b. open Saturday, JuIy 1 THE SALVATION ARMY SAND played at the dadication cere- aftemnoon. Part of the crowd of 400 is shown in the bockç- mony and cevrennial church service a? Brcokville on Sunday ground. (Staff Photo> wVHri YDtJREID iTM! LADIES" DRESSES And SHIFTS $4.98 FROM 4 'M SPORTS WEAR FOR THE HOLIDAYS 0 SHORTS FROM $2.98 *TOPS FROM $2.98 *LADIES' BATHING SUITS FROM $8.98 LADIES' 1/2 SIZE DRESSES t$ 100"98 HolidayStreHours lb Open Thursday and Friday 'Tii 9 p.m. lb Cîosed Saturday, JuIy 1 lb Open Monday, JuIy 3 MILTON DEPARTMENT STORE 200 AINST.AIR CONDITIONIED 20 ANS.FOR VOUR COMFORT PHONE 878-9261 [WIGLETS AND Ji Fýî À 116-