Cannon - Hunter L Eliampion ~ A OUILT, CRAFT AND HOBBY SHOW mas held resenîative n the agricultoral groondsini Milton on Satar- play. Hece day by the ladies of Horvby Women's Insti- a painting, tale, as a centennial prolect. The ladies, assist- goun db ed by residents of Hornby and district, collecî- cdock and ed a vast array of rogs. qilts. handicrafîs, rep- Quits, crafts, hobbies disployed by Institute .RMarby Wamen's Institute held their centenniaf peojeot. a Osil. Craft and Hobby Show at the Miltas taie grounds un Saturday atersoos and vn ing. They disptaved pisîngs, a seing mochine riiighî from England 65 p ars agu [bat iv sill in orkisg condition, a lanters Ihat [5 beieved the irst type ever made, a miin- ery display, doens of quilt s ce hobbies and antiques for the dis' e Mrs. Clittord Wriggtesmorlh showp ig, Mes. W. MacPherson an antique basket, Mes. Roy Wilson an antiqtue dMes. L. Sampson a hooked rag. (Staff PhotoS 1967 and rugs. neediepoint and ses- eai genuine tomilInantique Amang the higlights in the show mere rugs and quilîs as- e10 ears aId. Several mera su old thal nu une could place an exact dole on lhem. Ail ut [ho disptays mere contribulad hv the reidents uftIhe Hors- hy area who assisled the spon- soring institute. Cookies and lea mere aval- able for the guseus. Centennial theme for U.C.W. meeting S. Pauls United Churcli Wo- mes met in the Feloîs ,hip .Room on Jonc 12 sith %1rs. Ana Cairns presidint. Ater the ecome avd op- ening prayer, the devoiiînal was taken hy Unit Tuuc This ws on the centenviaf [hoern with Mrs. Bunnie Fay and Mes. Marjarie Overend îaking part. Mrs. Flora Lili presided at the piano tor appropriale cntes- niaI hymus. A ftbm, A Bear in the Road. was shows. This mas pari ut the centenniai progromt as il depicted the part ut Christians on their arrivali n ihi% nom aud. The Canadias Girls in Train- ing ere invited tu attend and tbey thankcd the U.C.W. bc- tare eaving tor retreshmevts. Correspondis g secretarv Mr. rase Gibert ead svvralIcli- tacs ot thasks tr Lards and tomers. Mms. Marjorie Mage gave the Ire srers repoet. The roil oeil i' i nitii mas taken and eaeh leader re- iewed the mrk in ber geoop. Mrs. Harbtîle reported for the Christiansoitieenvhip comn- mittee, M. Mrgarci Clom-is as iteratur convesoi had i dis- play ut books tocr siior raadisg. She gve avees inier- sting report os mass ut these books and encouraged evaryone lu visit tho firary. Mms. Iris ODeti rporied for the masse cumimittoc. Mis. MarIaorieOveesd ep.î cd foi press and pulicily. tire. Iallryn Fosie gavoan infîvematîve paper on steward- ,hîp. Mes. Lois Thomson re- porîed os the morkshop and ciothîsg mas again requesled for [he bale. Mr,. Itonsie Fay. bocoor cossoser, askcd al lu conti- nue worisg on articles tue [ho fait hazaar. Unit Tmo is in charge ut the lunch toc the in- duction service ut Rev. Char' les Haîser on Jase 19. Uit Tbree ivs charge ut the lunch for the receplion for Ren. and Mrs. J L. Gea- ham on Jonc 25. Il was novad bv Mes. Gra ham and ecovded bv Mrs. Doeolhs Skinsne that a letter if thansvbc sent lu Mes. Aus tes. guevl speakber aI the UC, W. service. Mes. Mary Hutchison ex preesed the gratitude ut the U.C.W. lu Ms. Gaham tor er devî,ied service durisg ber slav sn Miton and Mes. Gra- ham raciouost rcplied. The meeting ctosed ilh the centessiat hvmnn asd besedic- iîn Ifnit Thece sersad re- 1lreshments. Plokand ICampbeI IHGRADE MEMORIALSI MEMORIAL f NGRAVING 62[ r St.o orh, Ak Telcpbîr*e 621-750 NO0TI1C E As of June 30, 1967, The Public School Board of the Township School Area of Nassagaweya is discontinuing the pay- ment of dental bis for pre-school and public school children. THE PUBLIC SCHOOL BOARD of the Trownship School Area of Nonegweya MèEfAR.EADE - The engagement is announced of Beverley Ans. daughter of Me. and Mes. Kennelh Eade ot Brlinglon. and Andlrem Malcolm McTear. son of Me. and Mes.A. McTear of Milton. The meddinq is planned for July 8 in Park Ave. Church, Burlington, Wrong spot elet-.'mw stand s ot where, Whoops! That photo in ast Stan Fav pointcd îout the e- weeks Peeking into Miltons [or lere members the ee Past teattre %vas wronly id- phone office iv ,s at the Davis entitîod It as t aken when locattiuo for mans soars hefore the local telephone ofice was it noved toishere thc Deticat loeated sshere Lloyd Davis Jkw- esi.ýflnom. ?;Q~UPHOLSTIRUNGw Capable Hands for Your Furniture Ynmr îreent furnilure dusen't fit in . .. looka ils age? Don'i bu5 ness lorniture! Tasteful. inexîseneive Ima1,lsltery j isle ansser. MILTON UPHOLSTERING LORNE ARTHUR R.R. 3, MILTON 8789. _j Canon James Maxwetl otlij- iated on Sturday, June 10, ato 3.30 o'clock at a double-ringC ceremony. the marriage ut Jean Ethel Irene Hunter ta Clttord Frederick Bruce Cas-S nos. The bride is the daughtero of -Mr. asd Mrs. Clittord Hant-g er. Georgetown R.R. 2, and the groom is the son ot Clittord Cannas and the late Mrs. Cas. non, Court St. Milton. 9 The ebtîrelswas toautitullyv decorated with ta]] wroughl-f rusn standards ot frs, wtitea gladioli, carnations and oîams. Wrought-iros candlahia withd tait tapers and vases ut whitev carnations acces ted the altar. 0 The bride, given sn marriagec bs hcr tather, entored the( church ta the strains ut "0c Perfect Loea". Sbe chose af gomu ut sat-a-pea-tafteta styl-t ed in simple prisces fises wilhz scoop sec k-ise and long inger tipped steeven trimmed withi swiss lace applique. The de-c tachable trais mas also trim-c med itb Swiss lace applique. Her sboulder-lesgtb illusionc veil as beld in place by a lace cap trimmed wilb two chitfon1 ruses. She more a single strasd! ut cultured pearîs asd ar-1 rings. Tbe cascade bridaI bou-j quet comprised of white roses, stephasotis and ivs cessred by Imo orcbids. Miss Sandra Carsey ,tl Tor- osto. fricsd ofIfthc bride, as mid ot bonor. Her futI length acquamtarine chiffon over ta[- fta gown mas Grecian styting with cbtffon idel panels lu form a scoop neckline oflace applique. Mrs. William Robinsosn<f Burltngton, sister ut the bride, and Miss Caroanont5 ou Mit- ton. sister ot the groom, more similar gomns.. Tîte attendants catried cascado bouquots of owite roses ant aqua carna- t ions. Little Miss Mars-Jean Robis- son ut Burtinglon acted as floîcor girl. maing a gîmn ot t bc same dsgn as the brides- maids. Sbe carried a swhite basket ut miniature white and a qua carnations. ARTHUR A. JOHNSON, O.D. Tueaday 9 am. ta t P.m. Fridà4y 9 arn, to fPtns 184 MAIN St., MILTON (DavsoJeneolera B2d.-1 The soloisl mas Jobs Wilson ut Narval mho sang. "This Is Our Day," and "The Lord's Frayer". The congregational hyma mas "0 King ut Love My Shepherd Is". Mrs. Allast Bye ut Narval presided as the or- gan. The recessosaI mast "Trumpet Votuntary". Tarry Shortt ut Oshawa, triend ut the groom., acted as groomsman and llýe ushers were John Humarth ut Milton, triend ut the groom, and Tbom- as HunIer. brother uft he bride. The dinner, served hv [ho la- dies ut St, Stephen's Churoh. mas hetd in tbe St. Clair Mas- unie Hal, Millitn. The bride's cake mas made bv Mrs. Frank Chisholm and beautitully dec' uraled by Mes. Chartes Austin, tricstds ut the bride. Tbe recep- liotî tollomed mitb 150 guesîs attending. The bride's moîber received in a sal-a-peau tatteta dress ut empire slyling milh a baek pan- el lrimmed wilb Smiss lace mîtb matebing accessories. Her corsage mas ut pink r oses and stephasotis. The groom's aunt, Mtss Pollv Cannon, Milton, as- sisled sn a Imo-piece pisk lace gomn. wilb matcbisg accessor- ies. She more a corsage ut mhite roses and slephasotis. Fars, Clifford Cannon, grand- moîber ufthIe groom mas an honored guent and more sny goms witb mbit e occessories and corsage ut pink roses. For truvelling the bride more a Nite grees Imu-piece mool suit mith pastel mink cullar. mutti-cotored tlomer bal and corsage ut Talisman roses. Out ot toms guesîs mccc tramt Milton, Campbellville. Oshama, Torasto, Burlinglon. Oakville. Brussetîs. Edmonton, Alberta, Sherbrooke Que. Frior tlulber marriage the bride mas employed in the ut' ttce ut Douglas Aircraft and the groom is a graduate ut Wa- terloîo Universits. The bride mas hosored ai severat shomers. On May 6 the Ashgrove Communitv held o miscelaneos shumer milh Mrs. Chartes Austin and Mrs. Fred Nurse as hostesss May 12 Miss Sandra C arses and Mrs. Graham Reeves entertain- icd at a hitchen shomer. os Mas 25 Mrs. Arthur Jobnsounand Mr%. Atlas ltarrop husted the ladies <il St. Stephen's Com- monitv aitamiscelaneus shovet. June 2 office triends enter- tained ai a tuncheon and pe- sented the brtde mitb severat gitts On Mav 27 trievds uft ho groom presenled thcm seith a porse ut muses. Mr. and Mrs. Cannton have taken up residesce a ti10 Mary St., Oabville. Spetci * Souvenir Contennial* Supplement* <Remove this » special four-page centennial * supplement * and Bave it.) » Reproduced here » is an exact copy of "The Canadian * Champion and County of Halton * Intelligencer" (as if was known in» those days) dated » Juty 4, 1867. * The four-page, * fuli-size supplement is » reproduced by the photographi» off set process * and appears here as Champion * subscribers of 100 years ago » woulid receive t. * The supplement» is part of The Champion's h salute to Canada» on her 10Oth » brthday. * The Champion, * t-laton's aident con- tinuously publiebed » recordtng the alents n Milton and disrct h for lhe pont 107 - Yea s .* HAPPY * BIRTIIDAY, » CANADAW WE HOPE YOIJ * ENJOY READING OUR BIRTHDAY* GIFT.W A limited number qf addltionaf copies of F Ibis supplemant may» b. obtatned at The Canadian Champio office, 191 Mats St MloOntario. W 187 16 Switch on Cool Anytiinw Ou Liea With AnA dmON#irai AIR CONDITIONER Thé Prince"a 65 fer CASEMENT WINDOWS cornes with adaptable mounting for coig capacity. Il's easy to instaîl. FoHorizontal Siiding W indows o [SePrnes72 "The Sie" Easy to install n almost any horizontal sliding window. -. FROM $189. Thereas an Admirai Air Conditioner to Suit Ev.ry N..d - Princess models have BT.U ratings f rom 5,250 bo 7,200 - Royal madels mth B.TU. raings from 8,800 ta 18,500 0 Complte Automatic Temperature Control 0 Air Fr.ohummeon ail Modalle lb BUDGET TERMS AVAILABLE 0 Check with us befor. buying any Air Conditioner - W. wilI give you the best deal YSRADIO & TV S200 Main Et. 3. Our expert stylisis are aa1waaya on hand Fuashion Beuuty 1Louage THE HOUSE 0F PROFESSIONAL HAIR STYLING At 171 Main St. Phono 878-9533 MARRIED ON JUNI 10 were Bruce Cannon, son of Clifford Cannon end the lte tors. Cannon of Milton, and Jean Hanter, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford HunIer of R.R. 2 Georgetown. THERE WILL BM NO MILK DELIVERY SATURDAY.. JULY lst. DOMINION DAY 0 Regular D.Iiv.ry on Monday, Jt8Iy 3 MILTON PARK DAURY PROFESSIONAL NURSING CAftE IN VOUR HOME Nrngcare for ma8ternity, v e medcal, and surgicai patients. Our fee is adiusted O to suit your financial 0 0 circumstances. Ask your doctor or cail for more information. n . VICTOIRIANORIDER 0F NURSES 84,4-9561 Milton residents cali ZE-33330