A frustrated path to progress Milton Councli ha. declded la In- vite Premier Robints 10 Milos ta talk about the toma's lingering annextios efforts,.its prebably grasplng ai a atrase. The Premier la llkely to be quit. buay end uneble te gelta I his aras for discussions on mi a apparently a toplc se ose is lnterested ln outalde this amail arei. After ail tiough, Milton isas been trying to aciieve annexatien of anme additionai lad for some ime. Tiyve trieti ail the formai and praclicai maya of getting tome action and tiey've ail filied or becs biacked, asehaht la there 10 lose in isviting tise Premier? Tiseres aimays a chance ise migisî come to Hal. ton for other than a ciickes barbecue or a ride on tise GO train. W. rcsearciscd as accurateiy as pos- sibe a chronoiogicai sory of tise frus- trations successive Milton Couscils have expericsced ia their efforts 10 provide for gramthin a province tisaI boasta of ita development. YauIi find that at ose 0M.B. iscar- isg th Board suggested la oblique lerma tise tomns application did sot sn- clude enough lasnd. At asotiser tisey grantcd a minimum ecreage and isels off ruing os tise balance until the gat- ernment cossiders thse Plunkett Report, aithougis Milton Counciliors were assur- cd tise Piunkett Report mouldn't affect tise application. You'Ii f md tMat thse formai submlsslon of over-subscribed petitians bath from tise people in tomit and tise people 10 be anseecd seere rejected by the Ontario cabinet. Canadas 100th birthdaey wili be a happy memory for the citizena of Mil- ton and Nassagaseya Tmnship, fol. ioing Isea highiy succesaful meekend celebralionswsesescestenniai proiecta of the toma and tomshiip mcme officiai- y opened and dedicated. Thse tasena miii pond cantennial park epencd Sunday evesing ils a cotll1tpnity churcis service, parade,, music, speeches and firemorks. For a miile, it iooked as if tise resovationt at the Martis St. end af the pond mould neyer be ready on ime, but tise tasen marks departmesî and landascapere put la a herculean effort ail last meek and tise Park was a giowing credit 10 th. community by scon os Saturday - ln pienty of ime for Susday~s opeaing. Tiere mas a large cresed osniand ta wilsesa th opening and tise progrem was effectiveiy hasdicd - a true credit 10 ail concerned. Nasagameyas big meekend, dcs- pitc raintisat forccd postposement of part of Saturdays pragram, mas a fea- tiser in the tomnsipas cap. Tise highiy successfui meekend program wsator- ganized by tise residents morkisg under a steering committee, and besides tise iidden talent sehicis emcrged. tise cili- zens had a grand tOme morking togetis- er ta produce th spectacle. Tise memorica of the meekend avants iii linger for many ycars. Th.y mer. two ameil shows, and a f itisg tribute ta the pioncera who laid tise groundwark for the flourishing town and township of loday. Cangratliîons ta ail mho heipeti make such a memar- able weekend. A minimum requcat 10 Oakville for 100 acres, already adjacent t0 services mas discouragid unleas amalgamnation could be coupied ils it, in anme form. But recd for yosrseif sanme cf tise highligists of frustration. May 5, 1958 - Milos Council ask- ed the Planning Board to begin a pre- llminary study of services in regard 10 annexatios. May 16, 1960 - Councii formed a special commitee ta consider develap- maints on tise toma's perimeter and con- ider th question of annexation. July 25, 1960 - P. Aian Deacos rccommcnded imprcvcments te the toms mater supply before considera- lion of expansion sortis and east. iunc 19, 1961 - The speciat com- mlllee mas 10 continue ils efforts and th tomnsoalicitor mas instructed 10 at- tend tise amalgamation proceedinga be- tmeen Oakviiic and Trafagar and ad- vise th. Ontario Municipal Board of the tamns cossideration of annexatlos. Augual 8, 1961 - Tise amalgama- tion cf Oakviiie and Trafalgar mas ap- proved and th. Board rcfuscd 10 com- ply mitis a requcaitishat the boundaries rcmais stable for a substantiel lenglis of time. August 14, 1961 - Couscil autisor- izcd meetings mus fEsquesing and Tra- falgar 10 discusa expansion cf losen boundaries. June 11, 1962 - Copies cf tise first ansesaîlos report mere subminted by Municipal Planning Consultants caiiing for annexation of al cf tsquesing Tomnsisip soutis of Higismay 401, 1,430 acres; and 971 acres from Oakviile on meat 1tise Toms Lise andi on lise casl isaif may to the Tiird Lise. It did sot recommend annexation cf any landi ta tise touts cf tise present baundaries. Juiy, 1962 - Council anugist 10 amend tise assexatica requesî to 888 acres, but lise cost cf a ccmpiete nem report atered tiis plan. Oct. 23, 1962 - Ceuncil approvesi a by-iam 10 anses 2,400 acres mitis bouridaries touts 10 just beicm 10 Side- roasi and on h. sortis cniy mesita otise pressitmetern limit. Oct. 30, 1962 - Council apprcved seeking assexation cf 889 acres, is th. souts and mcli boundaries remais- isg uscianged. December 11, 1962 - Soicitor K. Y. Dick mas instructed 10 prepare tise case for assesation. April 1963 - Tise Ontario Municipal Board set tise date for a iearing ut June 12. Tise toms subsequenîiy sougisî a ose mentis posîponement andi a nom date mas set for August t. Tise tomn- ship and Oakviile anugisî a postpose. ment and tise isaring mas finally set for October 21. October 21, 1963 - A tiree day isearing os tise tomo's application for assextaîos of approeimaîely 889 acres mas ield and reicase of any decision dciayed. February, 1964 - Tise Ontario Mun- icipal Board suggested a meeting take place belmeen tise municîpalîties andi iinted aitishe desîrabiîty of enlarging tise area rcquested. Jan. 18, 1965 - Municipal Planning Consultants wmdc commissionesi 10 pre- pare nese report. Down[s] in this w chry damas Corner How' tise beard?, everyone manIa ta anese. Thes el-styled experts (tisuse miss are tso ciicken ta grose a beard for cen- tennal yeari are razing tise daytugits out of me tisese days. Tisey semmta tiink tise chia fuze maireslise face seeter ia tisesarmer secatiser. Trutisfully. tise additional foliage acta as insulatias. Il kopt my face marm- er in tise cool montisa, and nom il's pro tectisg me from tiseieat os tisese realty isot days. WOile tise beard isas dram- backs (like seien you slop sostp in It, or misen ic rabs againat your shirt cottars) itiasa't beca uncomfortable due la iscat. Aller al, men dont sisave tiseir iscads in ist meatiser. Wisy sisoutd a beard makre ynu isot, if isair an yaur iead douant? Preitea.aa. swe sanaudents aI ane local scisol recently iseïd a flag.raOs- ing ceremon lafront af tiese chool. Evcryaac broke out la a titter seien te tlag mas unfurird and started up tise flagpole - tapide doses. Tise fiustered ciildîe dolaf lise rising broufist il doses agin and turned il around, refat. eaed il 10thls anyard and hoisîrd il once more - producing even more gig- îles as il iseaded up tise pole in as invert- cd position a second lime. Tise tiird ime around, tisev gol il rigisî. "t uesa yoîî cant blame tise ids." tise scisoat principalt bld me lter. "When tise parents preaented tise flag 10 me tise nigisl Sf our ceatenniai show, t mond. ered misy everyoie mas laugiing us t accepled il. I fisally caugisî on misea I look2d dosen and fosnd 1 mas holding il cul f or displav - upside dasen, ise con. fessed, Nom tiera's a jisxed flag for yos. Ois seli. lierea ose tiing about tise nese fAaple 'Leaf flag - lise pattera is tise aime an bath ides so sou cant ily Il backseards nywayt April, 1965 - Tise toms commis- sioned preparation cf a sese annexa- tien application and tise 0M.(misicis neyer gave a f irm ruliig on tise firat application) agreesi 10 mipe ouItlise firt application. Juiy 13, 1965 - Ccuniy Council agreed 10 participale in a local govers- ment reviese and Dr. Cummisg cf Mun- icipal affaira assured il mould sot s-. terfere mus Mtons ansexation appli- cation. September 16, 1965 - Municipal Panning Consultants presestes tiseir nese report. Seplember 8, 1965 - Tise Ontario Municipal Board inquired if lise tasen masted ta proceed milSta tsapplicatios sisce tise Plunkeit Siudy on local gov- ermnct had becs appravcd. Couscil isdicated tl manted to proceed. September 20, 21, 22, 1965 - A tisree day iearisg mas ieid by tise Os- laino Municipal Board for tise annexa- lios of approximatly 2,100 acres from Oakviiie andi 580 acres from tsquesing. October 6, 1965 - Tise 0M.B. rul- cd tise tomns siouid be granted 214.8 acres mils 210.6 in tsquesing andi 4.2 sn Oakville. Tise decisios os tise balance mas ilsed by lise Board pesding tise revicm end consîdleratios cf tise Plunkett study. October 28, 1965 - Cousty Council, by resolution, substantiatesi lie faci a slalement isad becs made 10 tise cous- cil prior to undcrtaking lise Plunkett study, tisaI il mould deiay action on Mil- tons annexatios application. November 3, 1965 - A petilion to tise Lieutenant Governor sn Council sigsed by 24 per cent of tisose qualified t0 vote on money matters in Miltos, andi a second petition sîgnesi by 75 per cent of tisose isnlise area to be ansexesi, re- questesi completion cf tise ansesation. January Il, 1966 - Tise Depart. ment of Municipal Affairs tormardesi a reply confirming tise carlier 0.MB. de- cision since tise Board isasisot actesi improperly. September 29, 1966 - Tise Plunkett Report mas relcasesi and municipalities mere given to tise endi of tise ycar 10 submit mritten briefs os il. November 8, 1966 - Council saugist anscualion from Oakville of 100 acres for industriel deveiopmesî, tise lasnd ai- ready being serviced. December 12, 1966 - Council ask. cd Oakvilie 10 give immediate approval ta tise 100 acre annexation. December 20, 1966 - County Cous. cil reilerated ils stand to tise Depart- ment ot Municipal Affaira of ils under- standing tise Plunisett Report mas sot te iave interfere i milsthse annen ilion application. December, 1966 - Tise 0M.B. tub- mils a latter frem tise Department of Municipal Affaira isdicating "usicti andi until tise governmesî isas rcacised anme decision on tise basic recommandations la the report submiîîcd by Mr. Pluskcff il mouid be undesirabie for tise Board to prcceed mitis tiseiearing cf any substantiel annexatlon application un- csitise prcposedi boundary change la a minaI adjusiment misichiss, is effect. agreed upos by tise councils cf tise mu- nicipality concernesi. Jasuary 4, 1967 - Oakviiie Mayor M. Anderson proposed te a joint meet- ing cf Milles andi Oakvilie representa. tives, discusaing lise 100 scre annexa- tien, tisat Miltosamalgamnate ils Oak- ville. .lanuary 25, 1967 - Oakvilie rec- ommenda tise 100 acres be annesed previding lise area b. cxamised by tise Planning Boards for the moat desirabie use; engineers sludy tise services; tise imo musicipalities approve a joint semer and mater agreement and a joint Amalgamnation Committee be formesi. May 31, 1967 - A furtiser chter from tise Ontarie Municipal Board pointa eut tise Minister et Municipal Affairs isas sot made a fermai request as h. couid under 1966 legilatios, te defer dcaliig ils tise matter but tise 0M.B. opinion is tisai until tise gevernmeni cossiders tise Plunkett report tise appli- catiens siouid Se deferred. No date of decision isas been an- nouncesi on misestise provincial gev. eroment may have given tise PlunketI Report adequate slady. Follomîng lise Seplember presental;on of lise Report tise province caied for submîissions -f rom lise municipalities by lise end of tise fear. Il apparenlly set no deadiin '1er ils oms consideration. Tise PlunkeIt Report isas been public inomiedge nom for uincoal a yeur but tise goveromenit s stuli aviso il as a sta11 on any allowance of land 10 Mil- ton. Tise frustrations andi uncerlainty tisaI exist in municipal lite are tise cisok- ing influence tisaI strangles tise initia- tive of lisose misa are elecîed andi tisose wmimgislcisoose t10 olfer liseir services. Perisapa lisis strangulation is tise provincial goveromenî's may of kili. ng a munîcipalily, tise easier le id. vance ils nemer pattern of democricy, misatever lisat may b. Ves, perisapa lisere are somne iinga Premier tobarîs mould be interestecl n discussing ils Mlton officiais Tise Deparîmnent of Municipal Attaîrs and tise Ontario Municipal Board dont seerm ~[iGIUiOU Editorial Page i I MECCA FOR TH-OUSANOS cf summer moat sîoried regions. Along ils route, biatera la Ontîrios femesi Tren-Severn tram Lake Ontario 10 Georgius Bay, are malermay misicis stretches for tome 240 44 locks and s marine railmay. (Ont. milest irougis ose cf tise provinces DepIt. Tourism & Information photo). Sugar Siace mc are 100 yeara aid titia el I sisautd be griadlag sIaOdtaCn ada. But ils ta bat lise very tbought af Il makea me feel about 100 ycara ode. OCome oa, Smley. ltaminthait bol.) tnstead, tls bave an isaneatlolok il ourselves, ta find ouItmisaI klnd of i Irise tisase ten decades produced. Tryttag te pn dose te Canadian national ciaracter la like tcying ltisrcad a needie n te dirk, bllad-folded, and isalf-staaed. Trouble la, any wiy yasa add up tle individual characleristica, llaey came ouI spelling nchislxpirenlc. Far exampte, tise experts tell usa ta me ar ecxtremely inirtîculata people. That means mn donlt talki mucis, Maybe il's because me havent asytblng morUt saying and are taa proud tao swase ignerance. But ailtlisue ilIe, mc are tise serld's champion yakkcrs. Acord. lng la tise telepisane compalc, Cana. dians spend mare lime an tise blomer lisa any atiser nation, proportlonately. Yes, Jack, my mufe dues ton. Iindô"sbed- iy is is la acklasis Irom pioncer diys, mises wmnorses ilsent for meekas wIsh- out a chance far a god tlik il an- ather wmsan. lîtey're tnying 10 catch xap. Another coetradlcdoi. ta pioncer- ing, explaring, mars, me have shows ort- selves hsld, advenîureanme, brave. Yel sec are îimid about investing aur moncy Ins Canada, and me alsa buy more Instar- ance. per capita, tisas any atiser couantry. Wisy tiis caution. tis desire for seclar- ity? Tiera's sarsetising Freudian abaut il: motiser-cauntry; breast.fed taa long;, return 10 lte momb or anmeting. But me haven't lime ta figure tisaI aneot taday. Wr are as miterialistie as me could ise, aid ilhstome reason. Il takes more tisas a century 10 gel frors sosi shanly ta sonata, frotu bars.raising 10 ballet. At tise same ime sec are exlremely culture- conscious, and are secretly dlighlcd ih lise Strutiord Festival aid tise Na- tional Ballet and aur sprinkling aI synn- phoîs orchestras. As long as me dont have t0 attend. Despote aur revereace for culture, me refue lu read. The qsickest sexy 10 lose sour shirt in Canada is to open a book store. I a population of 20 million, a rand Spice b y bi111 amil e y nese book tliattsaeis 10,000 copies lsaa runaseav best-seller, Tt must ise a bsang- aver from thse Pioneer attitude lisat a perami ahauld be "doing somethlng" and tbat reading dsesn't corne ln this cate- gary. Or Os It hecause we have too mucs money and laa many tovs? Somethlng else me refuse 10 do Is walk. Buropeans enjoy sealking. Eng- lishmen love Os. Wlsy won't me? Otur trouble praisably Ia, On eqasal parta: tao far ta anysebere, wantlng ta gel there On a hurry; car-warship: and plain lazlness. Uke a h" harem,, as thse stahis- tics show, and can't iold cesr liquor, as a glance around at thse next party seul show. Whv? Do we drink an mucis he- cause we are an dulI we can'l stand eacis alther selisout tise pape? Or Is Il hecause drink isas alsesys been associated seOth sin ln titis country, and man la hora ta Sin? Yes, we playisard, and malt of us wark isard Tis d lhing isaI tise only reason we work isard la ta enable us la, gelt tiings seltis seicis ta playisard: boita and barbecues and hull-in hars; cottages and cars and curling membersips. Are se a religiaus people? Weil, we have vaît numbers af cisurcises af every cancelvable derominatian, malt af tisern totterîng on tise hrink of hankrupîcy. -But se are decent enougs tu leave Gad la cisureis, eiere he .helongs. H0e is rerely mentloned on mcekdays, and usually then anly as a preuïx for anoierwod W. are watîbeai prejutie and have lases tu prove il. But lel's go on heing hanest, and admit lise nation la rlddled seili prejudice hased an race, religion, language, calor, polilirs and money. Don't agree? .tust try joining one of tisose exclusive leseish clubs if you hap- pen ta he a Black'Mustim. Or gelting a leaching job ln a Frenchs canvent scisoal if your a Jemisis Eskimo. We have a fese other littIe quirks, isut 1 seauldat trade my Canadian citizenshlp for four million is gold bullion. Hase about yau? There's a topic for your guest cal- umn, in aur Crolennial Savc-Smiley Con- test. Prize is nom ItSt cash. Gel cracking. 4~Pages of, the Past dI ifI fr om champion files 20 years ago Taken t rom lise laisse of lthe Castadi <ismplan, lune 26, 1947. Tise rail finatis cruard and tise sua sisone for a week aid tisettme over- isea.d une agnicutturatial remark se cud ulmosl do milhstome rail." Tise Tisîsey Bridge on No. t5itigs. mas was closed 1 ati] traflie Tuesday andi tise iepartment of Higsseys an. eoanced tisat ti ilsol Se reopesed for ut leut sis meeks Tise easl end of tise 27vcar-old structure, ainîoficial said, mu mwcakened dur 10 excavation tar ah- utment of tise ast pien of tise nese bridge nom, under construction. Westbound trtlfic miii Se drtoured souts tram Pal. ermi on tise courit road aid meat along tise Oueed Elizabeth Was 10tiste juac- tion ut Nu. 25 ttigisw-ay, thlsn orts ta Nelson, f rom misere il miti continue al- osg No. 5 Hiehwus. Easlisound traffic wiii ios wtise reverse route. tarai meatiser favored nearty 1,0 cisool cisilsiren, parents and Junior Far. mers miso altended tise secand ansual Haiton Federation of Agriculture fild day iseid ut Agriculturat Park in Miltan lai S.itiurday murning and aflerason. Darnetise program, tise R. S. -Heather. inglus special amard ment 10 -hrs. Mary Alkinson, ti0, of R.R. 2, Hnrnsy, as oId. est lady on tise grounds,. mile George Bell 87 af Preeman. mas tise oldeat gontieman. Tisree of lise four Kilbnide pupils passesi t-heir entrancceseaminalions on tiseir year's mork. Tise teaciser, Mrs. F Davis, is smlling. THE CANADIAN CHAMPION eu mshaaas im s c.op i O J..A.Diii.,mnaégis, Mit, Roy 8. Cîtmoin, ateni * MY& Pets,. Adatelalsa Maise Publti,.5 -1y Ctdsttdey 1t191tiMI. i., aýis,, Ooao ASs-it, & the casadim Wt&I N ws en"tsittion roiduli Cents MatAitkl N: wttn, Ati,,atim lSis,ietIo ixx,tttsia Mbeins,,.-tIse ln isanu1.8 ale; gantblas .n s tAin, 5. cp« ear 7.i. 1eini l ~, -pslt t. tittd'%a ie. gtant,, litS nastatibitte atanion tis it,,. ,iiltu la bini ix, bMl u Ithas otflUneatsnîlttnsst i .eMU for-aitu applkatit tata. 9. iha -t i fs.typsseisaltam indddt 9-dta. ,W- ai a a.tmaa lai=tat. titaM-at 1 .std. Aadu- tolt e as il', t.tIl ti sut-yab. Ilhdt . t etialt n lalu 41 «na Clou Malt te i ixat offlS xapaasnt, Oea.. 50 years ago Taken froa lise isse oflte Canadfia Champion, lus. 28, 1917. Posters are eut for -Millons jubile centenniai palriolic demnonstralion July 2 ta ceichrale tise jubilec of Confederat. ion. The meon car parade for returacd soidiers aid tiseir famities miii coneoff il 1.38 p.m. aI lise losn hall. endlng aI Victoria Park ut about 2.30, misen tise public scissol pîîpits miii marais ta the park, iseaded by lise band. Tise parties miso tbS police magis traIe Dices sifn f romntishe fence acros tram iis rasidence are asked ta rentre la aid save troublie, as tisey are knamn. Jasper -Martin isas turned aven is planing milI etc., 10 David fsenzies for a year. ils a sale condititaal. and milI go back te Hilladale. Miltai mercisasîs have agreed ta close their stores ut i p.m. evcry Wednes- day during July aid Augusa. Tisis s a goosi arrangement and tise people of Mil- ton sostd encourage il. Itais requestesi and isoped tisaI none oi themt ask any mercisant 10 break il. The laIe John R. Barber ai George- toma lef t an estate of S438,00t0. To eacls ofais asaugisîcra, Mrs. Mary Brama and Mrs. Hazel -Bell, he leit tise incarne of S28,000 for lfe, tise moaey la go taotiseir ciidrn evesluaits. John R. Barber sel gel $20,000 on reacising 25, misea se mill fut tise principal. Mrs. Beasey. Mr. ïBar- bers motiser-in-tase. gels as annuity ai 13M. Tise residue ai tie se aate n te he aivided among lise testator's four alter citdrenanmd 18 grandchildren. 100 yeaîrs ago Taken lissastise m. is te Casum Champion, lus. 20, 1867. On Tuesday lasI, some oi tise iarily ai John Dewar ai Esqucsiag sam a young boy ranning eut of tiseir isouse, holding sometising againsa isis bresat. Os pursuine him. he t too hsis heeIs and escapesi. Aller a searois, il mas dis- covered tisaI Imo ten dollar packages oi silver mere miasing, and Mr. Dewar pro. cecded lu Milton, and accompanied by tise Mayar, ment 10 tise residence ai a Miltanlîn, misase son mas accusesi. The wmrns eo sam iim assert tisai Louis mas tise bey. Mis istiser mas morkiag on lise nexl farmn belonglng ta R. Graham, and il is supposed tisaI lise boy, seeiag no onc in, perpetraled the rabhery. He is a youlis aI but sevea summners and, sec may meli ask, if suris things he donc in the green Irce, misaI muti he donc in tise dry? Tise boy strenueusly dcaied i1, ea-I. isg upan is MiSer ta stop hîs breatit il he mere gullty. Sa tise malter cads for tise prasent, but la is ta behe spesi ltaI tise perpetrator mlii be punlshed, and lent for a lest years ta tise relorna. atary, for Ilfise gels oait jis bot an en- couragemenat ta hlm aad ta otiser badl boys ta, go an la yet higiser teats ta selrkedacis.