DRUMOUIN Filer Trophy weekend camp exciting time for Rangers~ . Dy mm .Ceeu Pstesn Mrs. Helen lesseman attend- ed Bbc Filer Trophy weekend for Rangers ai Canmp Wyoka near Cifford frons Friday cie- ning to Sunday afternoon, lune 23 10 lune 25. Approxiinateiy 130 girls froto White Oaku Area (Halton and Pee) aiiended. Fitteen unifs ere in the group f rom Georgetoswn, port Credif, Brampton, Bramatea, Streets- ville, Oakville and other areas. Mrs. Pat Filer mas former aiea commissioner of Hamil- ton district until six years ago when White Oaks Area mas organized. To honor their for- mer commissioner the Filer Trophy Competition for ail Rangers mas established in White Oaks Aca. Ms. Filer is nom depuiy chiet commission- cm foc Canada. She bas liec omit Laid Ranger Gcoup ai An- casier, aid in hiec duties is kepi vcry busy travelling 10 ail parts of Canada each year. Mrs. Fil- er. mith ber husband, son aid daughier, presented the tropby toi Soîday t10 the inning irs' Oakviiie Laids. Baaed on the centennial iheme, eathgrouip bad made ai home oie costume per unit for compeitioi, aid each girl had made a bat, aiso for the comPe- titon These ihey ore for the stay ai camp. Lidmood Airs wece thse inners of the bat prime ith an attractive sicase and coton poke bonnet. The Rangers mccc self suf- ficient, they pitcbcd ibeir osen tenis. coaked meis aid iooked ai ter equipanent. ComPetitive eveits ere iug oi mac. soîto- ming races (single and reiay), a compass eveni oben hey mapped oui the centennial de- sign by compass degrees out in the fied, aid they mccc judged on the campsite foc tidi- ness aid lent pitcbing. A comn petition mas beld for packing light-meight camping kit fot oie for a îight. not to exceed 25 pouids in might, sehicin shelter, change of cioihiig, must contain sleeping bag, fend. cooking equiptocît. first aid kit, aincoal, rubbec boots, dishpan aid soap. hatchetý knife. etc. The inning rout had a pack of oniy 13 poundi. Other events ocre ife ins îhrassing and kiots. Thei surprise eveni for the Rangers mas a Mailous test of dexterity carryiîg mater i a plastic container ionder han- dcap. Mms. Jesseman seansetc oni Thece oas a campE ire Sat urday nighi aid Rangers 001, a service of worsbip on Sut- day, fottomed by dînner, pres citations aid dismissai. Mcs Jessemai, skpper of Ses Ranger' Sip Icoluois. Oakl ville,ý had five membhers frotr the group with bier ai camp. D)espite bcavy rain and irc siorms on Satucday evcryotg bad a onderfut mcckend. Tid Ideai of Rangering mn 'To Ren dec Service in a Widec World it is tbe cspoîsibiliiy of; Ranger to offer bier services i lier ami commuiity or betp i any way possible. Many Rang er graups mrk in chiidcet' wards in aduti ospitain, roi bandages, make diiiy hags a] stuffcd animais for chitdceno mental bospitat patients. By their effort, Rangers ca betp lift the shadoos rir many tens fortunale. uîhapp people. Rangriig strivest make evry girl a better citite in bier omn commuiity. oi toiecatice for ail races, cretc or cotors. Want te know how you cun... 1 Add brgt neto beauty to your home? 2 End painting aid cals- rior maintenance for good? 3 Cul heaing casti? 4 Increase ibm value oi your properiy tubti- tially? Easyl Just cli us and ask te heur the 'A-wAM Climatic " story. BRAN4DCO INSULATORS Rokwod 8-99ê'71 BLOWN INSULATION Appied by Expert with Spn Gla@i Nbra - Rack Wo.l, .5e. 20 eornitlhBusnest EASY BUDGET TERMS Rmong. Sldng, IMaa Dooceand Windows Gel well mishes 10 ltte Shel ley Eakins, who lu a patient in Oakilîle Hospital, suffering with pneumonia. Shelly mas taken iii on Thorsday, lune 22. M. and Mrs. Norman Flean- ington aid chiidccn Michael, Nortman and David spent a fese days ai Expo rccentty. The Gordon Leslie amily ce- turcd home on Wcdnenday f rom Expo and arc quite cen- husiastie about iis moîderful wold fair. Apprelation to PerccYW- Merry Centenniai Commission for their untiring efforts to reach their objective of $3,50 foc the libcary project. A chick- en barbecue on Saturday cie- îing mas heid mitb a large number attending and enjoy- itg the dcicious meai olom- cd hy a basebali game, Omagb vs, Druniquiti Bantatos. mith the latter the inners. The youngsters bad rides on th pony. Henry eacock mas chal rman of the commitie, Dick Course treasucer and they had înany co-opccaiive morts- Blrtbhday greellîgs 10 Doug- las McChesncy nom living in Brussets Betgium. Cavin Crd- ingiy, John Van da Macet, Lee Fuler aid Happy Birtbday 10 Canada. Fild tnd Tracts Day origin- ally scheduied for Tbursday. June 22 aI Feccy W. Mer Scboot mas posiponcd becaunt of the meather aid mci grounds, bomever bot dog day mas held as pianned wilh Mrs Mrs. H. Jesseman, Mrs R. Course, ýMcs. W. Stouti. Mrs. Colin Marshall, Mcs. M. Kier- nan, Mrs. E. Bail. Mrs. George Peacock and Mrs. Fatierson preparing ncaciy 45 dozen bot dogs foc ihe noon meal. aino seling pop corn and pop. Friday mas an deat da,>vyfor tbe buny seheduof aI .mes aid contets. A fair atendance of parentn oalcbed tbe evenin foc the seniors n nthe morning aid the junilor classes duiîg the ai ternoon. We hope lu bave a isi of ninîcrn for nexi mcek's neos. The Jothers once again bad a bootb aid served 40 dot- en bot dogs. pop aid popeoci. Ktchen hetpert oece Mrs. Kiernan. Mrs. Stout. Mms. Lamb, Mrs. Needham. Mcs. Jesseman. Mm .G. eacock. Gait Kiercan - Vicini Mastcd. Mrs. H. Douglas, Mc. Lowe. In the bootb nece Mrs. Bail. Kar- en Wiliomnon. Mrlene Bail. Loutine ieket. Mary Lou Bail- ey. Diane Mitigai, Ken Rut- ledge. Mcvii Bul. asisted tbe ronsener Mrs. C. Paiternon. Congratulations 10 Miss Di- une Johtnon, daugbtec of Mc. aid Mrs, Fred Johnson. Seven- tb Lune.Diane eitered an es sa in lbhe recen t Dominion Store Compeslion on tbe sub- jet« Wby i moutd ike 10 go 10 Espo'. H er esaas en eosen as otîner aid Dane iii receive e as ber prize a teek ai Espo. ýt travelling tny air. ail espelives y paid aid a nice cashb prize an , npendine moies EBENEZER New minister cornes in many bld By Met, RMcteai Anynne baving remnan. of meon or lier matectal -d-l abe ta be made up. is asked ta leave thcm cubher ai lthe municipal offices on'aItnt home of Mrs. Mynne Dunbar, for the North-West Halton Vol- uîtary Services o tmes can tse liento t prepare for the eaming inier. Rev. W. Leeman gave is faremeil message ai Ebeneter an Sunday mrnîing. He baned is rvmacks on the famous t3tb ejapter oE Fint Corinib- iais, strcssing the necessity oi fuilin. hope aid taie ta ise a îcul v Christian lufe. A naitber f rom Ebeneer mccc t Mohawkn Racemav 10 enjay the centennial pnograntt on Saturdav atersni. The ladies bad an inteesiîg dis- play of antiques. Aso on Sundav a flernon. a numben cnjoved the centen- niai %, -ship service ieid oui- side ai the municipal offices ai Broobville Eh eseer choir joincd members ufthme oaer cammuiity choirsin sisgiig too spcciai numbers. on Sanday evcîing. Ehenet- cm Saîday Schtml oom oas fuit to capocitsfon the fane- oeil for Ren aind Mms. Waliv Leeman aid Janet. Art Dia- moîd acicd as master of ce- remanies aid theceveningopei- cd mitin a hîmin-sine mitin Mc. Eanly aitntepiano. Intenctiif piciores ofai mcwestern trip fairewell to1 nonce shows hs Mr. and Mcv. George. Thomas. Tht. Hsltois.I ses. Wilnna and Rutht Masonf aid lits Havosard. sang sever aI sumbers i their tsul plea-1 sueg masser. ,ccompstiîed in t Mcv. George Ncsel nnHav- wsardhesshoelher be.atv fui ides of hem ucsterntritp. Mr. Diamoid. Mr H avoard.c MHowardiJams and Mr.c Lorne Page prcsentt.d Mr. aid, Mcv. Leemainith a able aidc chair set, fmor hicin bev ex-1 pcesned bhei rapprecialti. Mr. Leemai sid h boss h .d ci-r iosedbhissnitminerc an issb cd uscscmsvsuccess in the fui- Centennial wiII go par Nansagawe', assiesv ei foot Centennial cake - prohahîs fine m-it talked sh- out bit of "pasîrs"'in nîscli Halbi n eye pssî lewo oeins - will repreciî the îssso îship n arca parad,tdcnhrtug hout Cenilen il Oca. il oas ai- nouîced ttlficitllv tsi Msdav evening. Lameiting tne energv pour- cd mbib te iv conrctionfttffie giant. sou' etis gin a Camp- 4ellville garage, Couosil de- ided to outfsIit n.a trailen aid transport i it oceichral- DASH ByI The United Ken( the I a tove dinîsi home lhey Rev home Frida, grega cd ch Re% ed ta isbar and1 Lin Mrs and of th ber, thea hall Ed pre-c and whel gifts They miss gregî ians igat, end L f-sit beh tir Ch Presentations honorà Mr., Mrs. Griffiths fo Mms. George PelletterlO McFadden. D)uring their vs"', h, t ladies nf Zimmerman the tmo cooptes Pald a visil ht d cburcb honored Mci. 10 M. and Mrs. Water ScotM Griffilbs aI a dinner aI of Aax. Estaminet Tuesday even- Overnight guests on Tuesday se They presented ber witb mitb the McFaddenss ece Mr. dt 'et cosag Fotomng heand Mrs. Herb Smith of 'Mark- C] er, lbey att gathercd at the M.amd s PtrVte f e of Mms. E.Morden ohere Trntai t. e leThrdVit n tonin part'in games Trnovsc Tusa ib' s. and Mrs. K. Griffiths Mr. and Mrs. Fred Aeander i 0 guesîs of bonur at tbe aid DonAleander of Windsor c M.adMvJ. Kribnstwan .avisitur on Saturday. G mn ngbl, noben the con- Soindaniilutrs wilbM. i atio ofZimermin Uit-Mcv. Tanssel B rnes oece Mr. buceh gatbimerfca lare- aid Mrs. Doof ickett and r 1pryin their bonirn famils' of Miton and Mc. and patyMrs. Bruce Basvden and fam-a v. Griffith$ hm been cati- 'lv. Br e o another cbccb aItLou- Mr. and Mrs. Horace Bans irg, Cape Breton tstand, 'tOi oiaa n M. isd h pceached is tat sermon Veri Bancs ni Mitnviie immerman aid Lowvitte Tuendas nitb Mc. aid Mms. T. Sunday. Barncs. t ida Dawson peseited Little Kim Morden celebra- Griffitbn wilb a nonegay cd ber fourth birtbdaî on Sun-' 1Mrs. Corîcît. on bebaîf day. June 25. be congregation. preenîed Vîrnîors an Sondav i mlbtie witb a portable etecticn elleterios nere Mc.aid Mrs. ing machine. Mc. Cornett Flovd Beilhoosse aid Gary ofE mont er of ceremonies toc tsliîgtoî. boe Station of Toc-, occasion aid s oIn be- onto, Mc. and Mrs. Dave Pe-t- ofth ibe gegspoe lttecin aid familv of Appte.1 Agar Campbtelt mode tbe mood Heightn aid Carnie Kov- ,enîaîion of a goid mcml aIcik of R.R. 6, Miloni. ich 10 Ren Ocriffilbs. Rcs. M. aid Mms Harold Dam- ' 'Mm.Grifiln mee oer-son aid familv wece guesis ai lmed wiîb ibeir loîcis the weddiig of Douglas Cov- s. The evening îecmiîated erdale and Wilameai Bacit- ýh a ing-soig and lunch, oeil ai Kitbide Uîited churcb ey hoth wiii be geaîly Saturdas. Murray Dawson mas qsed bs' their former con- 'nesi man aid iHarold Damson cachos. nas manier 01 ceremnonies ai r. and Mcv. George Kli-. he reception obicb mas hetd is of Grand Rapids, Micb. ai Kilbride neboot. n, oece guets on ibý e n'ei- Lynne Oates npeît a fEc 1nith Mr. anti Mm Williamn dans last oeek iib Mc. aid Mrs. Jackn Loos aid sons of Oaksilie. ____ Mr. and Met, James Marsb- ail are holidaiig mitb relat- ives in We tern Canada, Tbey left receitis by plaie for Van- couver, noere tbey viited A ugust witb Mm .Marshali's sister. Mrs. Neil Barneit of Nanaimo. .eem ans a niece Mm .Kîciter of Kamo- eeiasloops, B.C. aid anoiber sse 7 Site Ward prt.sented Janet Mrs. Allai Kelly of Fenhoi, inh a oll Mc%. Mactlm Mf- Alla. Then are expeted bome ýpreenectl Mrs, Leemai arouîd July i. bt as pi,,nd carriig sel on Mc. and Mcv. Bill Marsball hall1 of the UCW A social aid son. Mc. aid Mrs Tom ne hrought the eveifi f0 Souter aid sons of Gainvillie. cl(),_ý.aid Mc. aid Mcv. Chartes Bian- Nesi Sunday. Fbctneer U, C. shard necc guesistsinSuiday totwil have charge ofî tbe oitb Mc. aid Mcv Bob Marsb- orch sevice, ns'th Mcv Mec- ail for a barbecue upper. speaker TheMloiig Sssî' iav nhe Ytsung Peusple miii hasvechanrie Induction services for the îenv misnfer, Res'Russcl Fin- iev from Deserîsslo. ilI ha bl son ugo If1 pastry ýrading i nsfine Ctsuîts same decoraive stalerials ssill bc sîr.'nlthesed hfor Iraisý port anîd îsetltcre.sitnie but isîher lhntn at. it'il bc the sanie îsld cenIns.'piece final %%:bltednat the towniship can do sohes les tîvilies anc in îtrder. Countcil aisss ap proved a dii- ser ftor CentennitI eomnsitle memnbers. as linhesepense of tin tlots nip. as etoneil's say slanng bins ttc al the bard soorin. COUNTY 0F HALTON "CENTENN lAI RECOGNITION DAY" SERVICE AT VICTORIA PARK, MILTON ON SATURDAY, JULY Il 1967 Commencing at 10 a.m. ta 12 Noon 7TePublic is Cordially Invited to Attend Signed: o . HIS WORSHIP WILLIAM J. COULTER, WARDEN, COUNTY OP HALTON Meets pmier HalonEastP.C addt ttng 43 newly - îumiî,tlcd Pro- gresstve. Coisenvalive t-sid-d aIen aid eampatgn managers wvinumet otin Dtarits Premier Jtohn Robants and l6 members nI the Ontario Cabinet ai nhe Wesibuns Hotel in Toronto, Joie 2lb'They discvest.-dc tion i ssue% aid local prtsblems. As the samneimre, Mrs. Rtc harts %,ts hotîess Io an infon- tmal lsnchctsn for candtidates' tises as nhe King Edsvard Ho- tei. Tornto.l -Use t Champoclasvilied t(jttn 1usd stîn qutck sommer cash. The Canadian Champion, Wednesday, June 28, 1967 ?rst CAM , eaer fer Karen D.h.rty The closing concert and aw- ards night at Ontario School fr the Blind ai Brantford mas held on lune 21. Mrs. W. Do- ârty and Mm. A. Clemnents of Milton attended. While the progratmas pre- snted hy the high school stu- ents, the scbool orchestra op- ened by playing severai selec- tions. Karen Dohert.v plays ihe violn in the orchestra. thin bie- ig the ti rst vear vine has stud- id music. Karen was promotcd to Grade 5 %vith fi cnt clan, honors in ail subjecis, Shennil[ ie uiof naith--nsenior igi]'dur- uitor% nnhen -he retorns l eçhool in September. The principal, S. Armstrong, ttnooniced plans %vcre proceed- ng rapidis Eor the nens Senior ichont ns'hich tbev hope ssiit bc nuilt and upcned i -y1970. There neerc 13 nludcnts rc- ceived their grade il2 diplomas, the argest clans ever on grad- .tat- from Brantford, and il ras announced that L,%eral hanve enrolle.l ai Waterloo Uni- versity for the failtîermn. Six members of the graduai- iîg class urprised Mr. Arm- stoof wilh a gift of apprecia- lion. Hec hecame principal ai Brantford O.S.B. after 12 s-cars. Grade 12 is the aist grade stu- dents cati sttodn ai the Brunt- ford schoul. A ha-by car nE cori asked bis mother where he came froto and she rcptied, "The staik broogbî you.' FIAYt>CRISPCHICKEN SNACK a .2 Pièces o Chieken79 SPECIAL PICNIC PACK 8 Pièces cof lavor Rcady ta Serve. $.99 3 Pieces of Chicimi French Frics. Cote Siam, Buileced Sun. Honey $1 3 PHONE 878-6028 14 Pieces nf Cicken. 6 Rails,$3O Honey $ . BARRELS 21 Pieces of $ Cicken a IMurray Hood Drive-lIn BASE UNE RD., WEST OF HIGHWAY I2S AT MILTON STRAWBERRIES How to Got"Tho S--PEYSIDE BRC FJ Camp.tt10t Sideroad r4 Hs PICK YOUR OWN OC 30u ar t r... Mondays, Wodnesdoys ACTONand Fridoys 7 A.M. TO 12 NOON - 3 P.M. TO 8 P.M. SATURDAYS ALL DAY - 7 A.M. TO 5 P.M. deroed QUART PICKINt BOXES ONLY m RING YOUR OWN-OR PURCH-ASE AT PATCH tOBAR Pleat. - No Children Under 12 BROBAR FARM JOHN F. BROWN Forerly Pitahrook an. wy. 401 R.R. 3, MILTON RITN Exactly 3 Miles N. rom 401 - on Hwy. 25 ElJE0TROHOME m~ PORTABLE TV BUY NOW AND SAVE DURINO THIS SPECIAL SALE OUR PRICES HAVE BEEN REDUCED TO SHOW YOU A SUBSTANTIAL SAVINO ON TOP QUALITY PORTABLE TV- ELECTROHOME - DOLLAR POR DOLLAR THE BESI VALUE. COME IN TODAY AND COMPARE. "THE CADET'" 0 Hand Wired Centurion Chassis 0 Power Transformer 0 4 Transistor I.F. Stages for Maximum Dependability *FoId Down Chassis - T!-de easiest and fastest tb service " One year warranfy on ail ponts " One year free service SUMMER SALE 4MOIO0 0 181 .878.3221CH ASEPS HOME APPLIANCES - Other Models Prom $16888 1 - i Skit is presented by Evening Brandi By Mri. mH ilarcton On liane 15 tbe Bvenlng Branch of St. Georges,'Low- ville, met at the home of Doris Grant for their meeting. Tihe meeting opzned witb a hymn and the Scripturc mas read by Mac Dennis. Dorcen Rouse gave the "thougbt for the day" and Janct Arcah gave a chapter of thse study book. Arrangement% were made for The EveninR Brandi preseni- cd a skît at St. Adent Clrch in Oakvile recently whlds was vecy sceli recelved. The presi- dent. Joyce Beaton, ciosed the meeting and thankcd the hon- tcss. Lunch was scmved. On Snnday, lune 18. the an- nual Memorial Sunday was ob- scrved In St. Georges Cborch at Il arn. Fiowcrs wcre plac- mi on the graves oE tricnds and relatives and Rcv. leffares con- dncted the service. The same service mas beid in St. Johns Cburcb ai 2.30 p.m.