Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 28 Jun 1967, p. 10

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1 The Canadian Champion, Wednesday, June 28, 1967 Open senior public scimool Miltons: newest and mOst rooni is the fjrst in the school student council president Tan- cost of new construction,' Mr. spector W. L. McNeil unique ducationat facility, system that is aver 100 years is Wildtong betd thte ribbuns. Harris pointed oui. board vice - citairtoan the 12-roam Martin St. senior aid. Board chiarman Ron Harris, The board and speciat guests Stisson expressed app public scitoot and ils adjoining W. G. Chatterton, B.A., B. who cbaired the 90 minute ce- were introduced bs' Mr. Harris ion. 1ev. J. L. Grahami general purpose ronm, mere Paed.. assistant superintend- remosy. reviewed the hitory aed Martin St. principat John sentisg thte Miton MIP officialty opened and dedicat- ent ut the supervision branch of thte scitoot troni 196t1miten Bell introduced the staff. iaI Association dedicate ed on Wednesday eveniog. of te Ontario Department ut the board, encouraged ta plan Mayor S. G. Chiids praised school. Despile tesmail cramd in altendance, te upfniog cere- mony mas a fitting tribale 10 te years of mark tai bave gune lto te preparation and planning ofthtie building, Itifs Miltons firsl senior scitoot ca- tering lu grades seven and eighl, and te general purpose Education, snipped a double ribitan ut blackt and red scitual colars as ite dertared tite bailding and te rouni offir- alla open. E. W. Foster, sap- ervising principal of thse four Miton public sehos and trustee Mrs M. S. Kersigitan assisted hbu n te ceremusy, wiile student Tom Wills and a senior ochuol by former citairman G. C. Gowiond, firsi began cunsidering te venture. Titis dido't happes uver- night, ite rmpitasized. Tite huards purcitase aifte vacated Martin St. iigit scituol and tite ensuing renuvations cave te toms "a wurkable scitaul at a litIle over haitlte - w " A RIBSON CUTTINO CEREMONY mos perform- mony are student Tomn Witts, Irai ed Wedsesday by W.G. Chatterton of te Kerigitas, Mr. Chatterton, super Department of Education, ta officiatiy open the pal t. W. Poster and student cour Martin St. senior public scitool ond geseral Tanis Wiidfong. parpose roani. Shows at te snippisg cern- Milton boy wiII atteni crippled children's can Local citizens mita dunale fonds annuatly ta te Rotary Club of MitIons Easîer Seul Crippled Chittdrens Fund cani- paigo and mander if te mon- cp is dine ana good. aust bure ta ask Edmard Bacc ut 99 Mill St. Titis eekend 16-er-nid Ed- mard. mita bas bren crippîrd by cerebrat palsy. brada oui lu te Wuodcden Crippîrd Chitdres's sammer camp near London toc a titrer ment holi- day. Thte camp is une ut fine camps designed especiatly la Dovide mure tas 1,200 child- ces mit a ihappy and teultit- tut vacation. Titis part ufthlie Ontario Society for Crippîrd Children's prugru i s jasi an- alter esample ufthlie facilîlies and services made passible ity local support utfte Roary Cldi's assaut Easîer Seat cumpaign. Edward, non o Mc. and Mrs. At Barr ut Miii St.. is reutly tookiig formard lu is titrer- mee tritolacamp.Inbecent acars, ite bus lso esjoped Issu summers aI te Surielvs Blue Moantain camp cercCotling- mood. nibicit nas camp thte socierv in 1937. In anuter pe iii be ld esui Vurieîy Village mitereite iii be aprofession tIbm hiti a asetul citii "They have a g( art up for tem. rratty esjuys gelt camp." said is Rotary Club and Ciildrcn's Suriet lot ut credil." lteboard. staff and provincial gaveroment for Iheir contribu- tions ut mouev and svurk an lte pruject, and lbanked temn ail "for ttce cl cation bhey are gca'cug aur chiildreu." Mrs. F. Gasse, chairman ut te Hamilton Board ut Educ- 0h00n and a former scitouimate ut Mr. Harri', attendrd lu ut' fer teitoard besi %visites un te cumpletian outhlie prajeci. "Titis is îealy a magnificent building," site said. "Your trustecs itave obvioasly bren wurking vcry bard on your beitatf." Halton M. P. P. George A. K err sugeslcd te oprning ut te neni scitool facitities sndi- catcd te gruwtitutfte coni- maniîy. Noting te "pruud fac- es" ufthlie staff and students, he said "titey sitould be very grateaulttiahbave socit a fine nesascituol." Thte gencral parpuse roni bas bers 'une utfnia fondc'st dreanis", according lu saper- vising principal Poster, mita ha s aorked in Miton scitouts since 1933. He estrnded uppre- ciatios lu te soard.,te par- enis, inspectur W. L. McNeil, lte principal, staff and pupits for ibeir cu-operution in gel- ling te prujeci cumplrted. "Muai sincere-ly, I say titanit pou" hc concluded. The guest speaker Mr.Cit- tenton reterred lu a 91-yar-otd Hulas Atlas miicit recordrd Miltan as itaisg une stase Sscitoolt mt[ive tractera ta serve litetons population oi jusl ander 1,0010.Tecorsa sciool was afai- cry fromithe facilities aifte 1870s, itc sog- grsird, bol reflecird te isen Mrs. M. citanges te huard bas mode nisisg prisci- uver te acars tu adapi lu te ricil president needs outhelitertirens. Mitions gromtng eduru lins. (Staff Ph-t,) t ut erds are nul te only unes sn Ontario, ite reminded te aadienre. Todas bhrrr are avec amillion stadents in Onlario's ementary scitouts. and close lu 1.200 neni trachers arc nred- ed cd very peur lu kerp up mt te demand. The scitool ro- romet liceteend utfte seodwrd ur bus equalird n pd li rwt fte paicent- lte tirsl In the pasI neven peurs, te oy eslaitlisited speaker reporled. there bv iteen6.200 scitoul building pro- car. Edmard jîc ts is Ontario -. a oem gi t encter scit oat or an addition lu ans in Toronto, c"siig seitoot for eacracal )e lruîned fotrodar dus in sevnya mt ili malte ' He pruiscd te 'scif-acri- lice, failittat service and ron- ices. iîîaily utservice" te huard good prugram ba ie vrteersan us ad Edmard bsgvnoe iecus s tin0 amas louarged a greuler purent irta- fauer'T e rrco-upratius us "pour liter.- "The hhme is te greatesi cla.sa- tydsev ron i n lite and yoa are Ira- pdsre achine aitlte ime." He was iotrodaced by in- Accident daims JNTR- second brother S ER VIC E Acar accdntuonHihcarit inue hýlaed 25, 0days agobhasciamd tefrnhotil eramns lftofthie scondni mi,,.f aMi-,Kmanrcevd asve OFFICES MH (ntamvmbthn teb s ied i nteacdont tom mutis. i a h u nd ofMar-STORES Chaurles Keimun, 25 o 14 lneFat-d ther oft% Mait St., Miltas dîed os Frîdasauitciildrers Charlotte and INDUSTRY uit te Hamilton Geserul Hos- Brod%. At.. t urrivine arc bis pitli ram injuri2s receivcd in parents Mr. and M.rs. C A. Ket- Window Cîeaning and Janitor Service a asige car accident on Jasa toas, a h r otib e r J anis o alutFo stmt lai. Hisvounger iotiter Bruce Branipton and tira sisters Char- Ci sFrItmt Roberi Kelman. ,19, mus kilird lesc tMrs. Chiarl-MrLranl ai MILTON JANITOR SERVICE miten a car and truckco ctidd Cookarîtte .tnd Baritrof, , Mil- 8786388 beon usthebusc îs arrtun. son, if Me. and Mrs. Chaurles A. Kelmas ut 114 Wakield Rd.. Milton. Charlen Kelman sas te dri- ver of acar wmitirtvert oui ut controt. stumminIaon aat- ment and flipyrd acr us ils roaf os Higbmav 25 t Burnev's Re;auant. souat ofFive Side- roid, )n te marnisg ut Jase 18. Titrer passenterssiite FuseraI service mas iteld at te McKersics Funcrat Hume. toit inlerminie 5 P cresn Croît t'-. Miton. RevtDr. T. M. Dostil. t ondo,.ted te bue utl. Tite pielare ut Salmon P. Chasaappearsaun $10000 U. his. Graver Ceveland un 55,000, and William 'McKinley an $1.000. Although We Will Be Cloaed on CONFEDERATION DAY und DOMINION DAY FILM May be Deposited Througli Our Door-SIot for Processing. Wt WILL tRE-OPEN TUESDAy, JULY 4 MILTON PHOTOGRAPHIC 162 Main Sit. 8784361 41 and 1Don precit- irepre- liniter- td lthe The sehoolos girls' chair un- der te direction ut L. G. Wer- ner sang titree numbers. Titis 3O-voire cchoir recently mon ti' top prize ai lite Northt Hal- aun Musi,. Festivaal. In vcoo ladisg te cernasn- tes, truster Aies Couits ex- presard apprecialion lu te chair, otiters nibu participaI- ed. and te Jobs Miltas and Saraht Martin citaplers utfte ..0.E. for titrir donations ut ilags and a portrait ufthlie Ou re n Ladirs ut Knox CitarcitAus- iliara served retresbments aed te guesis îuured te classrooms afier te officiai prograni. AMONO THEI OPACIALS AND GUITS attend- isg the apesisg of te sew Martin St. scitol ast meek mere former board chairman G. C. Gowiasd and Miss Margaret Gemmneil, a tea- cher in the Miltas Public Scitoals for over 30 peurs. They are shows at leftI admi ring sanie Great Britins 90000 police- men du nul carry guns. Grade 7 artwork dispiayed by student Made- lise Barber. Also sn the photo are ihree who participated in the opesing pragroni. Halfos* M.P.P. George A. Kerr, sehool board chairma n Ras Harris and Mrs. F. Gasse. ehairman ut the Hamitton Board ot Educotion. (Staff Photo) SALE 0F Summer Fabrics -Cottons -Linons -SUlS -- Blonds -Sports Duck -- Printed Cropes I36,,, Cotton Prints 5Jyd Perfect for the "OId-Fashioned Days" gown you should be planning to make.1 THIS STORE WILL DE CLOSED DOMINION DAY SATURDAY, JULY 1 A WN 77 i 8 4t 7T/toi-,ffe e hppe I6 Hour Sale-lO1 a.m. to 4 p.m. SAXTURDAY JuIy i SAVE Up TO 4O1/O Everything in- the Store Reduced! DURING OUR CENTENNIAL CELEBRATION A EXAMPLE EXAMPLE CENTENNIAL SPECIAL I1 CENTENNIAL SPECIAL I LADIES' PEC HALF SLIPS2PEE Sizes S -M - L BATHING SUITS6 NylonrctCueR Nylon riCos Re. to$19. To Choose OFro s . 9Sanie as Lani as....... s BARGAINS GALORE THROUGHOUT THE STORE ALL PRICES SLASHED FOR THIS BIG SALE ~IIN Ps I. BRAVO OIL, gallon tin ........... $1.75 PEAMEAL BACON ... 75c lb. Maple Leaf WIENERS 49c pkg. PORI< CHOPS . .. .. ... 69c IL. Florida ORANGES. ..... 3 doz. $1. Grade 'A' Medium EGGS 39c doz. Grade 'A' Large EGGS SO 5c doz. Fresh Grade 'A' CHICKENS .. 37c lb. RIB ROAST .... 69c IL Maple Leaf BOLOGNA - 3 Ibs. $1. RED BRAND BABY BIEF SIRLOIN T-BONE L c ROUND 891lb F FR E E D E LIV ERY Joe's General Store 176 Main St. Milton 878-3161 WE WILL REMAIN OPEN - SATURDAY AND MONDAY CIESIRA TI ON SAL1E/n{ T/te Itoi-Stee~t> Y THE MILTON PLAZA PHONE 878-9512 many paths ONE GOD many colours ONE RACE 0many countries 'n-a-a'aOi0ONE WORLD T 5 Y NG HIS VITAL OUNG RELIGION

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