Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 28 Jun 1967, p. 1

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~ke ëtnabioiu Auhoreuad «a.nd Cta..Mal by the Pue Oaatm. Depacl'mnt. Ott... MILTON, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 28, El£îampion 1967 Servina the enneunîtetnrfo ta107 eas Twel enty-Two Pages-Tes Cents. Centennial hoopla for Canada's lOOth birthday Township birthday is success An exellent progeamt thal picased and teatured bath yaung and old, almeni perfect meaiber, a cromd iaialling 2,500asd a lot et happy mcm- arien resuiled an use eekesd. wisen tise citiens et Nassaga- meya Townshiip niaged a cele- brellas hanoring Canada'u 1001h biriisday in a tasian truiy moriisy et the occasion. Tise mcckend mas îermed 'a sucrent in evcry way' by tisa erganleers, and tise misata- lcnded jusi iad ta agree. Wiile rais Saturday aternece and evening somemisat damp- ened use pregeam, vise remain- der ofe tece-daY celebra- tien ai Mohsawk Racemay went off weiheut a htes. Pelday's clebraions ere iigisigised by tise saming et a cetenniai qucen. a heaten- any, amateur entettainreeni and dancing tiai pleaned bth yaung and aid . One efthtie six girls entered in lise retnial qucen contet. Susan Cere- mens et Camphllilie, ereerg- cd as uhe quens and Mary D- nis and Faye Mathies mer named er princesses. Susan mas seectgd Friday and rege- cd one tise eekend's fetivi- îles mearisg a regai robe soi tiare. and carryisg a sceptre. While tour local g-go girls and the rack 'n rail mui Ot j. C. 'and Tise Squires band ftmMilteskepi the yeunger cramd hopPisg autulde lise racemay. tise 'aldsters" lack- cd inide tee square and round dancing. Perhaps tise masi meving portion et the misole gala eekend mas the arrivai et tise giani bltisday cake an Frtday sigisi. miicis mas gee6t cd by tise singing et "Happy Birtisday te Canada" and 'O Canada'. Satunisys testivitles inciud- cd a centennial parade and ethnie dancing in tise ater- nou, iopped off inis a local- iy-talcntcd vaniety shoomle tise eenng. Numeraus ticats an smaler ercles loised tise par- ade araund the race track. ani mot oethtie estrien in tise pro- cemion bore a cesiensiai tieme. Tihe evening pragramn bai! jot reacincd tise intermisiOKi mieslise raies eanceiicd the remaisdee ofthtie sise. A ir.- merkn dispiay mas isid a-y- may and pectatorn enjeyed it le tise dry caori rtfromtinsida tise track's geandstafld. Susday'n progr-sacamptse- cd dedication cremnie I Campbeliie. Edent Milin and Broukville Parkn. miera tise Tomnship Cauncilibas complet- cd $3600 morts of imPrave- mensn and additions. Simul- taneout services mer eid 51 Ecleaf Milîs and Campbellvili at 230 pr.m. ties everYOnê tiackcd ta an auldour coM- mueity eiureh service aI Braakville <uring miicis the nom Braakvilie Bail Park mva dedicateti. One 400 ,ttended ties ervice ai Broukvilemiicis featured a manned chir tramn tise tamesiip's ciurcietsoin muie by tise Sellesio ArmY Band. Whll.parlts ftise Satueday show iad te be cascelîrd due tote ieeatiser. the arganizeen iContinued on 'Page Six) Sjucid seciaR auy'Iqp>t 100 pers te (mu raeay'e Chasmpon rentainsa unique cenniai souvenir - an exact repreducten et s Juiy, 1867 Canadien Chamnpon tisai ms aiglnaliy pubilsisai on lise ave of Canaase cnetereton an la repredi hie wsak on lise aveor eue ceutnrys 1001h brtlaiay, July 1. Tisa spaclaltoue-page -sei- resetwmlii ha touai lesie tise secn seties eftolda's paper. Tise Chamiosienfet1867 mare tour-page tsaucesllnihsee ys, mis local noms cancaîteiai on pages 2 an 3. Ties uppie- ment la printai no lt cm be eàuiiy reensved ani peservai as a suitaisie renMo of Cen- aia's isllisiy Adiillnai cept etoftiesutp- plamtent wmlii hamaie avaalei on raquat ai Tise Champlen ef- fice s-K) I/j /1 Ded icates miii pond Sunday Close ta 1000 people cromd- cd around tise tams's ceelen-. niai prejeet Sunday evening te iîness tise dedicatione ettise Meilton Cenîesial Park. Tise projeel that han bers in tise planning fer seme ime, mas opened mush a ise prag are organized isy prejeet manager Rots Pearen. Tise program inetudrd tise presentatineofethtie park te Mayor Sidney Chitds trom . C. Petligmem et Rubin Hoad Fleur Mitît Ltd., sieging hy tise Murtis St. senior public scisool choir, tise piaying et tise Arien Citizens' Band and an impressive torehit canoe parade carrird eut by use Fiet Miltes Rever Crem. Tise even- isg mas caped by an illustri- eus iremaekn disptay. Mayor . G. Childs. Dr. Carl Martin, Hatos Waedes Wil- liam Colter. Hulasn M.P.P. George K ere and Rrtoed Gard- honse,.mise appered ta rep- resent De. Harry Hurley. M.P. speeches. Eaetier givise an ietd t locat sei Grahsam, Bey. M. TMDu Gomn an et t dais guest sp K. Wrlîl 88 lots in two parcels Stali two subdivisi Tmn appications for subsdiv- isions iotalieg fi srm homes ere stalîrd mies tiey came hetore Milton Cooscil on Mon- day. Tise toms muts more fuels and figures trom ases- soc Jack Charlton hetore giv- ing any turtiser cons ideration te solicitor W. Bourses appli- caties te iuiid on 79 lots in tise Becte St. fieds of tise Fallingiscooke subdivision, and a reques isv PF K. McWilliums for appeovai et a ise lot suis division sortis of Higiside Dr. Wilie se cosnciliors ar- gue for reteetion efthtie tomns long-standing trrer'e on turtiser subdivision build- ing, otisers arr incined to ai- tam more humes if tise lai frontages and home sizes arr sutticient te 'carry tiemnein- es" tas-mise. M. Bourse represeets tise timners efthtie tiree vacant fields in tise Hextop Rd. and Anse Blvd. accu on Branle St. and iad erdier requesîrd permission te buitd there. Couscil ai a recent committer meeting deccded tise lois mauld have te hbe a minimum of 70 fel frontage and 1400 sqar olfrontage ta puy for tiemseives, instead utfibe- ing a isoesn cn ail tise tan- Tise soiielervdaplnncr Nohody home£ ths weekend pcsîtr tontî s mekend," one obîser wuîîcred darnse Tusso Couniils loccing us Monîday. Ail ioc îîîcmhcs uof lise cîunci will ithcîlc away eut of towe or "lied up" os tise holiday weckend, Mayor S. G. Childs tound ot wisn c sepoilI- cd memisers IoUnlie up aspeak- e for a Boy Scou t Cenlenniai Campsite openiefg t Dram- quis Sunda aflernoon. Not on cmmbi ecoîîld plemise I10 bc availahie focrlise event. Tise Mayor as aulisorized 10 have a local Scout officiai represeal lise conseil aI tise camp cercnlony. Ross Rasmîînd. mise appered again on Monday. argurd tisey sisnld he attnmed te huild ho- mes priced in tise $20.000 te, $25.000 prier range and mock te an "average"' square foul- age in tise estire subdivision. rather tisas he held te a mini- mumn sire for cucis home. Tiss.they exptised. mouid "produce a drvetopment tisaI mouid ibe more ecosomicaltos hoti tise town and tise devet- opere and avoid tise 'malcishon' type of home." Ceunillor Charles Johnson cowpiained ofthtie higis edur- alias cosîs tisaI more homes %vili produce. and suggested "as t have said hetore. a home bas got te ise an asset. set a liaility." Concil agrerd te isuve tise assesser attend fieir set meeting and give snme figures ons sciat sire ut home and lts wiii carry themsetves. At tise same meeting. it iii discuns as applicatione by P. K. MWiliams for his nine-t subsdivision. Tise planning board han autisorized ties uh- du net demue. Council foretI aisead. ARUR THIM YUARS OF PIANNINO, Milton Centenniai Park is a reality and a mnont attrac- tive centennial projeta. Several officiais were on hand Sunday evasisg te dedicate the pro- ject. Pictured aboya fram lefata right. thev. are Projeci Manager Ross Pearen, J. C. Petti- sto.n, -a-1il ma de -b rief secretar, and chancelier cf Ni- 5.' agara Diocese cf the Angli- r a service of Tisanks- cas Cisurcis of Canada and nd Rededication mas Mayor Chitds al]t tek part ie the fir grounds. Six the rededicatinsceremanies. inisters. Rev. J. Lame Approimately 700 people ai- nRev. FrJ. J.Murplty, tel ed hplayedce anstan, Rev. J. K. L. Mc- tise orgue mhile Normas Hsre nd Bey. Claytos Cotes. ted the singing oftihe hymas. sGeorge Kerr M.P.P.. Brownies, Revers. Cubs, ipeaker tise Hon. R. S. Scouts and Guides mere ail inj h. M.P.P.. provincial attendance and formed a par-1 ade tram the taie greunds te tise srm Centennial Park fol-c iewieg tise service and tihe et-c f ~ . iciats' remarks. Tise Scout1 geoups had paraded te tise faie Sgrounds from dowetomn, ledi s. by tise Acten tband. 1 Me. Welch. tise gursi epeak-J e, deivervd a brief but9 tiseugist - proveking sermon.1 He speke oftbfiis nations grand ieritage and hem preud ail1 sttould be et aur ancestars fer tise courage and dedicatien 'J! that mas needed te bud Can- ada inia the satione il is today. a ~Me. weieis sald InO this era et affluence. me efien leave * God eut of tise picture and - tend te put mas le tiseiigis. est. ht is time nom tisai me take individuat stock et aur-1 selves and re-asseriteyatty te eue God, mho is tise Maker." - "t amt sure tise citizens wiii be preud et this park." Mayor Chisids tetd tise cromd ai tise pend ceremony. We teck fer- - ward te many mare pleasafis heurs le tise park duing tise caming years." Mr. Petîgrae. len presentleg tise land te thse temn. nted 'aur Cempany ceesiders ih an isonor and privitege te castel- bute tise Milten Centenniai Park -1ti stands as a credit *te tise teo and tise peeple." *Former owner efthtie mlii *and tise pend. Dr. Matin brl.tty mentiened tise poed's histstry spans 140 yeaes since endad ihacarts. "George BrwtefrtMayor et tise moni 87 outd be veey pru o ftise pend and tetw haland tise way tisey are being preserved." ise sad. Yens are continuing ane efthtie irst man-made canner- o n s vatien measures le Ontarie," is cocntinued. "my tamily and in aitisoogislet froniages t are very happy te neectise )t conioem te reuncit's preservation efthtie pond." ifor 70 fret thenugiseut. Tiis prjert imlli ietp us il musst et pas iseb- rememiser 100 yeaes et Cenfe- ne subdivision cas ge deratien and iii eertainly give us more impetus teertise ____________ future,' George Kerr sald. Nome MONH A ncm Medîcul Ottîce ut Healtis mtll he eegaged liss mecS for tise Cousisv ot Hal- tes, it mas Irarned today. Counils personnel commit- Ire ted tise Board ut ielcati chairman cachier Ihis merS in- lerviewed four of tise appli- casîs for tise advertised posi- tien. A selection has bren muade and tise appoisîment et tise nrm M.O.H. is expeird te ise cuefirmrd on Thuenday eveief duelsg aspeciai meet- ig ut County Councit. Haiton ias hee without an M..H. since tise resignatios ut Dr. Archie F. Bull rarlier this year. De. L. M. Suart han hemn acting MOH. since his 'retire- ment. grew cf Robin Haod Fiaur Milîn Ld. which daniated the land, Mayor Sydney Childs, Dr. Carl Martin who esplained the ponds histery. M.P.P. George Kerr, and Warden Bill Couiter. (Staff Photo) Miày w.ekad Stores dosing Sutunluy industry, offices Monduy Tisa malartty eofPiltdn'a storesa mliibu cloaed ail day tiia Satueday teertise Juty 1 holiday, antd ope ail day Mon- day. Moatmliibu oipenaTisora- day and Frtday nigis until 9 Milton Cisamber of Con,. mercealim a anuncalidt lidah holiday seisedula suita tise na- jorlly of the isaineamea, ater earlier confusion among store- keapu. Milton Park Dalry là caacal- llang lk dellvey on Saturday, Urge 0M.B. high school Miltan Ceuscil, alrcady bat- tling tise Ontario Municipal Board ever annexatias prula- lemsn, lu luking up tise cudgcist aguin an a nese campaig Iote gct tlhen0M.B. ta spced up ap- prevul on tise Milles District Higis Sciseci boards planncd expansion. "Wc arr gaing te make evey ettort ta get ta tise bettom of tsi.. tiis meek, Mayor S. G. Ciilds tald board truster John Noble atte. tise ceuncil and a delegaian tram the board spent hait an heur"in discus- sien. Tise board la morricd tisai il tise 0M.B.elays lise approv- ai any langer. construction prices milI behiigisemises tise peject gees eut ta tender. Tise 0M.B. ibau ad tise boards application fer appeav- ai for tise praject tee Ime msnths. M. Noble and De- puty-Reeve iMenety eontacled Halles MîPP. George Kerr by telepisone d uesi g Menday's meeting and hie premised te investigute Tuendu. Meusmiie tise Bourd mend- ered if Miltes Counils appeal et tise Oakville Commutteret Adiuiment decision gruntisg C. McCans permission ta seli a purcel et land te tise hourd for expansion, migist be delay- isg tise scisecis pregrrss. Counelliers noled Planning Board Secretary Ross Fearen but ciedulleg rpgular deliver- les for Monday. Local banke, tise trut camp- aey, Industelea, tise ceunty building and tlie tome hall ilii ail bu dlosai on Maasday for tise holiday. Theae tienne are ber- maliy cleaed on Saisardays any- way. Milon PoatOffice mii bu cluaed and tisera milii hane lut- ter carrier deliverlea on Salur. day, but reguaseheure and det Iveries miliibu le effeet on Mon. day to hurry approval mas discussing tise malter mils Oaknilie tisis mcek and they meutd amait a report tram hlmt betore tukisg any turtiser ac- tien. Boycott but not wa Ikout Milles council's peamiscd mwaikout on Minister ot En- ergy and Resaurces. tise Han. J. R. Simoscît.tu iled te came off Tisursday. Instcad. il tors- cd eut te be a "boycott".' Me. Simeseti mas guent speaker ai a ceremny Thurs- day atterenoomises tise Dut- teris Quarries tursed oncera parcel et 1usd te Haltan Reg- ion Conservation Autisority. and Miltes councillors mers umong tise invited guesîs. But tise îemn tatisers, fcustratcd in their unneation attempîs and admittedly ted up mush listes- ieg te gaveesment spokesmes -pramise lts but do nntising, decided te malk eut mises isc Minister rose te speait. Mesever, ne councillees mccc in tise audience misestise ceremany took place. Cauncit- 1er Percy Barl- was tise osly Milles ceenculler misemade il, and ise came lte - afler Mr. Simonets remarks - on purpose. Mr. Bacrc bld Tise Champ- ion he luIr had a long talk mils tise Ministrabout Mil- ten's ansexutian prablcms. Tise Ime mere boyhoed trlends ai Cartes Place, so tisere mas se asimos¶ty shows <turing tise discussion. Pls'a couneMloru forgestisheir boycott proviscal officiais n Wednesday evenisg cf tant merS. Mayor Syd Cisilds, Reeve Austan Ledmitis and council- lors Chartes Fay, Percy Barr and Brian BesI serre present at tse peoing oattse semMac- tin St.,ssci miswes tise assist- ant superistendesx et tise De- paetmest et Education. W. G. Chatterton, mas speaklng. Vol. 10.-Na. 8 Hukea sulutes ceDteIMIi oerenoy in Miteapu* Halton's county-sponsored centenniai celebratians wl take place thts Saturday mars ng Daminon Day, with an houe-long ceremony and a band concert at Vic- toria Par'kin Miltos. "Centennial Recognition Day" wiil be an informai salute ta Canadas t00th birthdlay, Warden Couter said. The countys past wardens have been invited ta attend and be recognized for their service ta Hattan. Speakers include the Warden and Judge Alan B. Speague who miii give a centenniai aedress. A former Halton Warden, Judge K. Y. Dick of Woodstock has also becs invited. Tise program miii kegin t 10 a.m. in the caunty- owned park facing the aid Brown St. Caurt Houso. The Lamne Scots Brass Band miii be on hand and et the con- clusion the Campbeilviile Wamen's Institute wiii serve sandwiches and coffee ta visitars. Ail are welcome.

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