OPTI *"5 NEWS On Saturday, Jiane 10, me% heid our firsi "White Eiepti-1 ant' auction sale ai the fair grounds. lil mas inderd a great1 pirasure lu many of us clube members ta welcome oui of1 reirement for Iis une spgc-i igi mvent, a goad friend t,10 many ai us and a wel res-, pected memner ofthiis rom-i munity and strrounding areasi afler over a quarter century of aurtioneering here, J a ck Elliait; also retvrning ta cap- abîn assisi Jack wan 1he grand oid man of the game, Ro.y Hindtey mho. in is mid-80s, iitusirated ibat he bas nul losi is toucb of gtiing to -e biddet-s. To give the otd-timers a breaiber 00W and again, wel knomn and poputar orchestra leader Jimmy Hopkins step- ped in and did a gond job in a game tbat is new t0 hlm, and ta cap off the final effecis ta 6e soid, wr were mot pieased 10 bave tbe up and coming nemesi member of the audtio- neering profession, Chris Schoulen etend is mont cap- able efforts lu iis mortby endeavor. afier arriving on compieting a previaus sale. To thear toue gentlemen. isluà?"e&M Grace Anglican Churcb rec tor Rnv Dr r.M. Dutan bas bren chceen 10, serve as Rural Dean outh1e 18 Anglican parisb- es in Haton Counly for the nesitbree vears. He succeeds Rev. W. R. Anlbony if Oakvile in t6e post. Or. Dustan wii preside ai monîhty meetings of the Dean- ery ctergy and ai the semi-an nuat meetings of clergy and lay- The rector wiii continue as cbairînan of the Adul Educa- ion Division uf 1e Diocese. responsibir for t6e Bishop's Di- plama Course and the numer- ous adultitraining conferences ai Canterbury Hulis. He wiii continue on the Esecutive foi the Diocese of Nriagara and mat eeteîd ta te National Board ot Management of the Depari. ment of Misions. OBITUARY Mrs. G. L Hamilton A resident of te Ninib Line, Tiafatgar. for 54 years. Mrs. Elizabeth Grace (Lizze Hai- ilion died suddenly ai the Mil ton District Ha>spilal on May y0 lotioing an ilesofnn eeks. She as in er 77th yeir. Mes. Hamiltan as tlb daugtrraI 1e laie Rihard Stout and Isabel Armstrong and was ane af a lamily c1 eighl. She was born on the Firsi Lîne ai Trafalgar in the year 191. She atnded the Bayn Public Sebool. in 1913 she marrizod the laie George Lancelat Hamilton oi thc Ninlb Line , where thiv farmed for severai years. She was a member of Eden United Church and an active -nember of 1e Eden tUnited Church Wo mens% Group. 56e eavea une son James0 Harnbv. three daughlers Matg aret (Mis.tHarald Treanaro Meadowvaiel. Laura (Mms. Ai tbur Plant o Hornhnl. aid Murietl Mrs. Joseph Sheao Milton), smvan grandchildr.l and seven geai grandchildrir sisters Lillian (Mes, Williar Hamilton af Miltn), ih and Anne Stoat or Guelph.an ane brother William of Miller S6e was predecrased 6v a br: iber Richard and sisters Mar .ind Aggie. rhec funeral mas held (vsr the Lee FaneraI Homei Stecetsville. wilb Rer. Kei Hawkes officiatinil. The pa bearrs werc Wilmer Ma-ai Frank Hall. Jahn Crdingie George Hall. Sturt McMilla and John Busýell. FLECTRICITY IS OUR BUSINESS Dont bha a rkerer mii Eieclicity. Cailian exptifor *WIRING *r NWCIRCUITS *ADITIONAL OUTETS * CUTDOOR LIONTS FEATIIERSTONE ELECTRIC $786378 wbo vlunteered thele servcesa t rer uf charge, sud mithout whase efforts me woutd nul bave bren able ta, achieve such a successfui sale lu such inciement eather. me extend a moast hearlfeit vote ai thanks from every Optimist member. mith an open invitation ta join us ai une ot our Tegitiar meet- ings. Wre epressly wish lu îhank ait those people mho s0 kindly donated al the articles. with special tbanks ta Dave Green of Milton Eqaipment Ca. for 16e ose of their truack for trans- porting -the items 10 1he taie grounds. Gross sales esceeded $700 mitb net procerds avec 5600, mhich mil6e put tomards aur pledge ot 51.000 for 16e fur- ninbîng ot a roam ai Milton District Hospital. commttere taemait tan Robertson imbo deserves a speciai vote of appreciation) reporîrd that. by popular de- mand. the success ut the aoc- ion arrants te promotion ut a second sale in t6e Pail. Therefore. any residents de- siing ta rid their basements or ttucs ot any castamay it- ems ut turniture. tuaIs. equip- ment etc.. are invited ta con- tact president Herb Higgs. Dp- timisit an Robemîo o n club member ai n im e imeen nom and e end ut August. At aur regular meeting on Thursday. June 15, OPîlmist8 Keith Brittan reporîrd on the progress outh1e centennat ttagr canvass. and requesird aIt members able ltomr ouI Mon- day and Tuesday enenings. June 19 and 20 ta compIterthe doar-to-doar campaigning. Director At Skinner reporird 6e bas 32 peope nom mark- ing as amnpires -for minor base- bail but 6e could siti use 10 or 12 Mare votunteers. Speriai guetS ai Iis meet- 5ing mas the emer popular "Cit- izen outh1e Year utf Mittan, J. M. iMike) Ledilh. mho en- l igtened aur esening mith a mosi informai reviem af is s experiences of a humorous na- Iture since estabiisbing is bus- m iess and taking up residence bhrrr in 1946. and îraced t6e j groth and changes 6e bas t.bren acquainted mith in aur community frram ils resident population of 1 800 in 1946 ta the present 6500. He reviemed brietiy t6e is- tory of Rotary since is bond- ing ta ils preseni status of oser 1200 clubs througbout 16e morld. and suggested that eil mouud 6e mortbmbite lu ail s-il al the service organizatians n-met together once or tice yearly iîb the purpose of Co- ordinating ibeir activities. He le poinled ouI senerat areas ut challenge and endeavor micb me as a nem organization le couid strive lu service. -d Mr. Ldwllh mas introduced ig by Optimist Keitb Britton and if ater expression uftîhanks by le Optimist Iim Eigge. a marmý le show of appreciation mas gi- le en by ail members.- President Herb Hîggs an- naanced thal there are nu reg- te ular meetings pianned for Ju- f iy and Augusi bat 16e board nv moutd 6e meeting lu arrange ýe a couple ai special social pro- ýd grams for t16cm 5ummer r months. o- The quarleris durs ut 55.00 should have bren ail paid by iis ime. but for thase mem- aI bers isba have 001 as yet bren g. able ta gel îhem in. secretary- at treasurer John Perraît is Most ir- aniaas ta hear tramt yoa. nd Besi ishes for a sale and or happy sommer vacation ta al *n and me iii 6e loaking tor a n, report ut Espo Ifromt sou pres- l dent Herb. e Tht onaianChapio WodIt.y.-oue'lJI 1O/ 7 Th.,naia hapinWdIsdyJnI21 16 SExtend phone calling area to three district exchanges effective here December 17 "About 5,000 Miton tete- ers wiii receive full detaits of phone users wiii bc abte ta cati the service and raies mhtch persans in the Burtington. will be applicable effective Te UIW l tS Georgetown and Oakville ex- with the cut-aver. t .é& i ie change ameas f ree of long dis- k w i om tance charges effective Decem- The Imo way local caltng ber 17 Iis vear. H. A. Btach- pragram means that customers Thc new Progressive Conser- fard. Bell Canada Manager in in teftîrinýgtan. Georgetaon ative ederat rding party iii lht- Lirca. aid loday. and Oakville exchanges mas ai. be organized ai a meeting tn The new catling district con- s coil th6e Milton 878 esebange Miton Hligh School on Mon- lai ns neartv 62000 telephnnes ssîîb no change in tbeir present day. Jane 26 ai 8 p.m.. il mas inciuding the preseni Campbell- monîbin rates as lbey are ai- annoîînccd ibis week. vilte area witb micb Miton ready in igber rate groups con- Tbe meeting ii name deme nom bas f rer calting. isteni mith the number of tete. gaies for te coming leader Much ufth5e esleîîded area phones in ibeir present free ship convention, and "special servcc projecl cosi of $00.000 caling area. entertainment" is promised. s for addilionai ssvIitcbing _____________________________ eetuipmenl and in ter - office trunking; Bell studies bave ___________________________ shoîns ibat cailing increases la ifo 10imes olollsing19 te mideninge of local free e1ling Priortoluthe introduction in Decetober, ail Milton custom- DRUMOUIN PARK bas been beautified by the C-abs are Ricli Wilson. Bradley Keenn.Don addition ai a flamer garderi, but by Ontario Puliali. Jeff Darham and Pbillip Seymour. Scboal for the Geai C-abs Flowrrs were or- Oack row: David MacLennan (Residence Coun- ranged wiîb the assistance ai O.S.DG qardeser sellori. Peler Hamkness. David Fisher and Ran Posîma. Standing fram lfla origbl the George Parry (Akela). (Staff Pboo) $6,000 to $1 2,700 Settie high school salaries A seulement on the saiary schedute fr teachers ai 16e Milton District High Sehool mas reached recently belmeen members aI 1he board and statf. The foar-level schedulc rang- es ram a minimum in levc1 one ot 56,000, up ram $5,300 ast year. ta a maximum in le- net four o $12700, up f rom ast years 11,200. Amuai bseement remain- ed unchanged ai $300 ta the maximum o016e teachers cal- egory. An alomance ai 400 for post graduate degrees mas aiso unchanged. Changes mIre made in the head of deparîment allomanc- es mith the alamwancertoc a ma- jor headship set ai $1,500 cam- pared ilh tat sears S1,200. An inîermediate hcadship is 11,000, uy fram 5800: a minar headship $700, ay from $600. and subjeci chairman 1400, up tram $300. Th tehedute for Iis year. mith last yrars figures in brîchels. mn level mne mini- $u 6.051 ($5,300)1and maxi- mîîm $10.200 159,0001: levemaw mninimum $6,400 1$5,600) and maximumiS510.600 1S9.2001: ev- el thrc mnimuim $7.100 (S6,300) admail mmmm12.000 S700 1$6.8001 and maximum 2,700(1511,200). 'In the Seplember term. ibere wili 6e 39 teachers on the stlaff, campared with 36 daring t6e pasi year. Arrestrgbt in yaur home. Use AffestnWil1te same dnyt lut restauran Mihion Palice reporîami;n Ail our work is a--ms .rri.s liiai Juvc,ii Steaî.k Hause Wednesd.mi ccimi iJane ,4) aliet a p.irmllisg l- m i fi cee nmtimed humm îiiîse -mi, mml the nuire. P O Merchandise blomngmiîc mI, ilhe store iras Iîuîd -i tbm LOR scene and a charge ofl bre.imîîc878-94 anri enîrin a h.îs ciid -Sorrv. bhat pîcîmre mof M.mn or Childs and the fine Imormer Masrs on Page 3JofmLilst eks paper was prinlcilb.mîk isards. The lmît-mm rigbi icii icalions fit the pîcimi n- igîmi mmm l insIead jI > See Us for the ultimate in Draperies und Broadloom 1 8782513 MILTON e mARIN ST. 1 You Cannot Even See the Sun If you hold a ta your oye e en Dont b. that wey e about intueltioe protection Vou know Syu ud ... 9 eý Peofe<t Y@irî*il I - - MCCUAIG EInsurance Limted 208 MAIN ST. E. HeeC rn- hequing cutfo Hwtetoaccout a ok t aga The Disadnantage The Disadnanlage Na inînresi. No equ~ing. The Advantages The Advantages coanaenent wy ta pay bll.ata re n nmu . tl Simplifhes hadgtint. blne Low cosl. M aeey alaayt avaitabte. pemanent recod f Fre tranferst Truc expenditatos. Cheqoing. Caoceeled cheqaes astreccipis. Free cash withdrawots. Keep enough iu your Truc Chequing Account ta psy your bis. Put the restinbta 41/2% True Savîngs. (if you already have a 3% Savings Account, you can couvert ilta Truc Savings). Where? At your neighbourhood Bank of Moulreai. OcBankof Montreal CatudOS leut 00.18 JOHNltsJSEMAPLE. Monaear Maxwell House COFFEE ............ 75c IL SURF DETERGENT SOAP, 3-b. box --95c Maple Leaf COOKED HAM, 11'/ lbs. $1 .69 Burns WHOLE CHICKEN, 34-oz. . 99c Primo PEACH HALVES, 28-oz. fin .37c Maple Leaf BOLOGNA -ý 3 Ibm. $1. Sunkisf Naval ORANGES.. 3 doz. $1. RIB ROAST ... -..... 69c lb. Freah HAMBURG. . . ... 3 Ib. $1. CHICKENS, Grade 'A'. 35c lb. PORK CHOPS . 69c IL Maple Leaf WIENERS 49c pkg. SIRLOIN T-BONE aROUND 8 0 FREE DELIVERY * Joe's General Store 176 Main St. Milton 878.3161 TimeTh Re-T»ireTIRE AND Re-TireONE HALF BUY SL ONE TIRE AT REGULAR PRICE AND RECEIVE THE 2nd TIRE AT HALF PRICE I11 7EXAMPLE: On. 7.75 x 14 Whitewall 4-PIy ...............$3079 Your Second Tire for 1/2 Price.................$1 5.40 ROTH TIRES FOR ONLY - - $61 1BUY NOW AND SAVE $1 5.39 ON 2 TIRES POPULAR SIZES IN STOCK ONLY 7.75 x 14 - 4 PLY - WHITEWALLS 8.25 x 14 - 4 PLY - WHITEWALLS 8.55 x 14 - 4 PLY - WHITEWALLS 7.75 x 15 - 4 PLY - WHITEWALLS EXABWaS FRENwTHIPurcAE o BONUWe W Sh ONE wTHIS hSAE f 2 or Moro Tires ALL THIS WEEK AT McEACHERN'S ESSO STATION Main and Bronfe Sfm. Milton, Ont. Phone 878-9732 ivril-4 ativirLr-, moi Io ci a