Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 21 Jun 1967, p. 18

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STha Canadien Champion, Wadnaaday, Juna 21, 1967 FOR HAM AT UTS BIST - SKINLESS COMPARE AT 59c - 12-ox.ins SHORT-SI'ANK_ SMOICW SPECIAL 11 COMPARE AT 89c - Twin Pack SNOPSY'S FAMOUS F0052OOD aeS LIQUID DETERGENT Simoked Cored Beef 20,49c IR COOked Salami Chubs 12e&59 *e M IR 75c mumI4S mu STRAKUD FIOSA5LY OVUR A CDITURY 0WD, the aid aiong the Martin S. end of the pond. The oid COMPARE AT 3 FOR 37c - Reg. Six. house ai the Martin-M ilSms intersection thai beams were noiched togeiher and toma aild unti i naw han biocked the vew of Mitons square-headed nais were found in pariions beautfied w i pond centenniai projeci, is no of the house. This is how the haute iaaked more Harry Herensberger and a crew of mer on Frday jusi hefore the workmen finshed have wrecied rt and removed it from the ste, sipping off the salvage and pushed over the ta aiiow landscaping and gardens ta be added remaining framework. (Staff Photo) E L 0 e New secondary school program JE L l better than "mou Id" method C1p- e 3 The reorganized program in secondary schoois recognizes the dii erence between individ- uals as opposed lu the former "moutd" method of previaus years, Irving Harris, inspector uft he Miton District Higb Schoot summned up when he addressed the Rotai-y Club iast week. He pointedl oui the mouid methud gave the student ive years je which tu adapt tu a pi-scribed ouline. While rem- nants ut iis metbod sitl exist, educators are n0w recugnizing thal nu îwu seeking an educa- ion are aibe and wilhin cer- tain limitatiuns, curiicuiae have lu be tailor-made fur the individual. Tise re.eeganized program, initialiy called the Robai-t Plan. divides students i n luo roups basrd on aptitude, tn- leresi and abilils. A composite sehool bas lhree b ra nc he s which recognîze the ditterence in student interesis. The Arts and Science brancb compares wilb the nid academ- i c coursr wilh a tew modern KILBRIDE Pee Wee c presented By Mes. William Wataaat Eighly persons allended the dance sponsored by the Kit-1 bride and District Recreaion Associatione on Saturday esen-1 i ng, Jonc 10 ai the Centre wilh Milies orchestra provid- ieg the music tue dancing. The ORSA Pce Wee champ- ions - Gary Coulson, Craig Timbers, Bruce 'Brown, Randy Nyqorub, Bill Omali. Siese Jo- ncs, Roger Couison, Jim Gui-- ter, Rot Campbnell, Dave Yemm and couches rank Colson, Bill Jackson and Roy Robertson - wccc prescnlcd with jackets by Gary Twist. presidenl ot the ibride and District Recrealion Assue., as- sisted hy Guidon Harris, hase- hait commitîce chairman. Spot dancen mre won by Mr. and Ms. Ken Heres and Mes. Sam Hamiton and Mr. De Coeur. The door prize wsa a chaise lounge and was won by Ron Archer ut Georgetown. At iis ime, the iacky draw to promole the basebali îeams tobk place and Rot Smith ut Grimsby won the $50 bond. Other pizes werc won by Ros McKay of Sîrecissitie, Audrey Couter ut Campbellsilte and E. Cariic-c t of amillon. The Land Ranger compnny bas heen quite husy since lhcy weee organized in Janu- ai-y 1967Captait Ms tube Litiyceop Tcporlcd hat the girls bad compietcd tour pro- jeets. These were tersing ai Imo banquets during the monlh ut Mai-ch, une heing the ather and Son banquet and secondty the Exporer% and CGIT ban- quet. On Aprit 14, the girls sev- cd retreshments in the tino ciassrooms wbere the adots piaycd cards ai the annual changes. The Business an & Commercial branch and the science. tecbnology and trades branch oter inleresis as des- ignated by Ibir tilles. A student e n te r i ng high scbool choutes one ut the branches, each ut mhicb otie lwo and sometimes lhree pro- grams wich ditter in lemet u dîtticuly ilb the length ut the course. Eacb branch, buse- eser, otters a ive year pi-o- gram thal leads lu a commun grade 13. The tour vear pro- giams terminale ai grade 12 and ibere are aiso twosyear ter- minai programs. Thse difference in the ive year orse in eacb ut the lhree branches repiesents a difference in only 20 per cent of the ime table. The i-e maining f0 per cent ut the ime lubie inctudes idenlical courses in Engish and other subjecis, There is nu division outhlb- branches in grade 13, Mi. Har ris oullined. The speaker stressed the tour year courses mere design. c d toi- those wbo did nultn champions jackets Fut Nîgbt hcld aI Kithi-ide seboot and aiso held a Tupper- mare demonstralion in April ai the home ot Mrs. George Robertson, Cedar Springs Rd.. whicb mus a grea t success. The compuny would like lu entend a sole ni lhanks lu Mrs. Robertson loi- opening up ber heme. Thse Klbrtde ued District Re- ci-cahot Association is asking for suggestins for wieter i-e- crealional croups. Witb your betp. îbey shouid hase a good peogi-am sel op milh somne- nhing 10 ie-est eseryone. It you hase a pi-etci-etce. gel in îouch with the seci-eiary, Mes. Gerdon Har-mi 78-3320. The Kithi-ide hait leams Ibis year wiii be dressed te jer- seys. panits and caps of blue and gotd. They arc asbing that the ueitoi-ms be more toi- ga- mes unis. Come out and svatcb the bids play. Yeatt eenjoy il. Keep Ibis dole open, Satur- day, Juty 8, 5O-f8p.mw, ehichen barbecue ai the schoot grounds. Aduits $1.50, childece 75c. le case otfi-ait, il miii he held ut the Centre. There miii be home detivery ter shul-ins. Captain Mru. John Lillycrop oi the ItiKîthi-ide Girl Guide Company, Lieti. Miss Doris Robertson and otticers ot the local association, peesideel Mrs. Donald Couison, secret- ai-y Mms. Franb Couison and badge sccretary 'Mrs, B. An- dercbcb aiicnded the ycar-end put iucb supper and meeting heid ai St. Phillipys churcb in Burtington, Thursday ceeing, Jute f. Ritheide Banlams deteated Di-umquin 25-S Wednesday es- ening, Jute 14. KiPbridc Squirts deteated Hornhy A by a score ut 11-9 Thursday cvn- 1ing, Jute 15. tend lu go lu unieersily. The two year program seas design- ed tur those sebo may bave bad ditticulty ait the was lbrough scboot. They are îransterred lu bigb school and enroited in oc- cupations c ou r se s Ihal are roughly hait practicat and hait academic wilh the objective cf inlrodueing lbem lu a wide sariely of occupa lional inter- Replytasg te a commun reac- lion lu the program, Me. Har- ris admitted sou do gelt ome smalt classes "but voui-e gel. ting Vour moeey's worlb". He enplained that withoul an et- pendilure on educaltion il would bc possible a gond pro- portion coutd become tome kînd ut social iiabiliiy. Introduction ut the compos- ite scboot program was once lboîîgbl mosi praclicat ai the tevl ni 1,000 enroiment. "There arc good arguments now for enroiments ut 1,500 lu 2,000. Turing ta esulta uftIhe ce- srganized program, Me. Har- ris rccaiied that 60 per cent compietion ut courses slarled was once regarded as etcep- lional. Mition's relenîton rate 110w i abuse the provincial as- erage ai 96.b per cent. The pro- vincial average s 03f8 percent. Me. Harris noled the current addition being ptanned tor- Mil- ton District Higb Ochoni woutd make the local scbooi a toits composite scboi. Crowd present for H.O.P.E. open house Mes. H. lsham. matageress oi the Hatton Gpportunily pro- daî.t Enterprises morkshop ai Hornhy, reports a large tom- ber ut people attended the tii-st oen bouse ai thc workshop Wednesday atternoon and esc- nîng. The Iraincs es me ai îcork io the building during the toue, and a large nu mber ut ordcrs toi- worh mere reccived trom lie visit0C5. Thse management oi the shop plans t0 mahe sesera t major renovations during the som- mer montbs, înciudieg the wm- prove-ment of balhroom tacil- lties, interior lace-lifting, the in the altic. construc tinofuta maeageress - office and wm proe-ment ot hutchet tacililies. CHURCH PICNIC Sunday Sebooters and parish- iners ut Grace Anglican Chai-ch enjoyed their annoal pictie ooting ut Ratleseake Poini Park ut Sondas atter- IA.T.MOOREI 1NSUR»NCEI ICMPELLVILLII IllIIUMI JL U%NIUlll FULLY COOKED SMOKED HAM SLICES 891b -CN«TINNIAL FRATURE- SSOESKINLESS WIENERS 545,1 CMAEAT 79c - Hostoujss Red Breus t Fncy Red I A A S 9c COMPARE AT 93c - 2"ze. Boffi. COMPAR AT 47c LIQUID Btty Cr@cker b Wite «r D.viI's FS od$ GentieFels 67CÀAKE MIXE3~s COMPARE AT 53c - HEINZ - 16-o:. JAR SAN-DWICH SPREAD 39C COMPARE AT 39c - LOWNEY'S - 16-o:. BMG MARSHMALLOWS 3 1 COMPARE AT 2 FOR 39c GARDEN PATCH FClifomie NO. 1 KERNEL CORN 3"55c IPOTATOESM COMPARE AT 49c - 64-o:. PLASTIC BOTTLE 1 9 <IIDSD n'uTfI. sa59 1 9-- 1

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