Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 21 Jun 1967, p. 17

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I.OD.E. Chapter adopts Young Hong -Kong girl Sarah Martin Chaptes- af the More tissun SM000elîdren lns IODE. Miton, has financial- eight undes-develaped causa. ly "adopted' Wang Yn She- tries now are betng casrd for ung, a 101 - yeas- - id Chines. thsough Poter Pas-nass Plan girl, living in 'Hong Kong, by individuals and graups la thrassgh Faster Parents' Plan, Canada. Thes- cants-ibute $16 PO. Bas 65, Station B", Mon- manthly ta the childas support treal. and exchange letters ectI Th sponsoring ueana new month. with translations ecd hope and a chance in tufe for way supptied by the Plan. tht shild, who tieswise ap- Canadians who are Foster Parents inalude the Peas-sona, .' At~ the Diefenbakers and many othes- metI known persans. They also inlude many ordin- s- sypeople with love in lsels- hearts and a need ta share it wth athers Iras fos-tmate. Yn Shesang la an attractive litIle girl of nine years and inta with hier tamils- ina gov- crament resettiement ares of Kowloon, Hong Kong, one of the most densely populated as-cas on the eartls. She at- 41tends third grade in a school near hier home and is a good stodent. ln a recent examinat- ion, she -ranked ighth mt of a ciass af 47 ppiplis. AMON NOSPITALS CANDY STRîPERS ase pil. ig up gaad was-k records these days, as thp young girls serve endless haurs in service ta patiente and staff at the busy haspitai. lest week t the Hospital Auxiliary annual Jane supper party, tftese f ive wes-e honored with Lk:1ion MR. AND MRS. JOHN SARIIIT? nec, Miidrod Marin) (Photo by Chinni Bartlett - Martin Grece Anglican Chus-ch mas1 a prets- settieg on May 22 fori tht marsiage of Mildred 'Mus. des- Mrtin ta John Wars-en Bas-lIdO, Thtbride is tht daugbtes-ofai Ds. and Mss. C. A. Mastin, 57 Matie Si., Milton, and tht groom is the son ai Ms. and Mss. J. A. 'Bestett, Brampton.1 Rev. Dr. T. Dustan officiattd et tht 4 p.m. cesemony. Canon Masos as alsa present at tht Solalat Mis Joan Beaty sang O Perfect Love and Tht Wedding Hyme, accompanied1 by osganist, Mss. J. Ltdwîtb.1 Tht bride, gises iv mas-nagei hy ber faibes-, chose a simptei ful-length gomn ai white set-1 in-hacked crepe featusing un appliqued empire mai5, chap.- eI length train also apptiqus-d, and she wos-e a long lace sait. She mos-e peas-Is and caas-ied a cascade of emabitis orchids and stephanatis. Tht bsides attendants mas-s Mss Elda Presse, e friend, as maid aifbasas-; Miss Elizabeth Duncan, cousin of s-e bride: Miss Geye Robersosn, cousin ai tht groom, and friends Mss. Diane Johnson and Miss Casolyn Hots- as bsidtsmaids. Thty ese dsessed in fuit- length aque gawns ai satin- backed as-tpe oves-lad in chuf- ion. Thsss-ad empirs- maisîs mith appiqoes. simitas- ta the bsids's. Tht'. watt peas-is and cas-siad bouqutast'.aiariegats-d miniature pivh casnations ith matchine airhand'. ai casnations. Desid tMartin,. i-end ai tht groam, was bsst mas. Robes-t Bas-lis-t, cousin ai tht groom, Joseph Mas-iv, Charls-l' Mas-in and Edwas-d Mas-in. bs-athes-s ai the brida, mes-a ushes.. Tht racaplian fottasssd t tht brida". home. 57 Mas-in St. Mss. Mas-in rsceivad meus-- ne a costuma in tones 0f pturn, blas- and white ith os-. cid corsage. Mss. Barlitt cho'se an ensembls- ai hana psau de sais- with pinb acats- saris-s. Has-corsage as ai cs-mbidium aschids. Mrsa BastIet Sr., y s-om's esandmalhas-. wa'. a Mo'.t at- tractive fus-st in beige dca'.' mith bat ta match and cassage ai sws--thart soses. Dr. F. M. LaIt, anale ai tht brida, ps- posed tht toast la tht bride. Relativaes mas- pses-t fsom Ss-uth Africa and Caiios-via. Tha brida". travelling cos- tuma mas iv carnet and mhite ilhs-s-s-lts shoas and bag. On thir relus-n fsrn tht msdding tris- ta Nassa, ihey wilt s-ssideataI38 Ps-tdesick St., Brampton. vew sesvice pins. In fs-unt are Jackie Caughil with 150 hours and Helena Dezeeuw with 80 hauts. Standing behind are Candy Stripers Sherry Richardson 151, Linda Sesvas 152 and Judy Cannon 95 hours. (Staff Photo) WONG YIN SHEUNG Adapted by IOME. peas-ed doomed ta a lite ai heptess paserty je une of the wos-td's depsessed countries. She is a frieedly chitd and quite taîkative. She helps her mothes- with hausetsod chores and 'with the younges- cbld- sen. She belles-es thal Lame- day she woald like ta be a dot- tas-, but in the meantime. she enjoys playing with hes- littie irieeds and skipping rope. Her favorite subjects et sehual arc Eeglish. arithrnetia and best of al. Chinese. Women study church 1] today and tomorrow ST. GEORGE'S Shows pi/aures o1fr/dp te &po 67 By tire. H. Riches-dean Tht A.C.W. of the AMtesnaan hsanch of St. Geosges Chus-ch, 'Lowvilie, met t sht home of Mss. Wili Powell an Jane 14 for theis- meeting. Tht meet- ing apeeed mitb e hymn and tht prags-am "Came yt apart." Mss. Le Page read thte srip- tus-e and Mss. King, tht ps-tsi- dent, gave tht prayer purtnes prayes-. Mss. S. Camre gave tht thoaght for tht day. Mss. T. Howas-d s-ed a paern Tht rotl cati as "yoas- bisthday Fow- es-", miab mas eeswcs-ed hy 16 members and fous- visitass Reportas vre given by tht coeveess and plans wes-e made ta cates- et e sale on June 24. Mss. Doîbet gave a chaptes- ai tht tudy book wbich as usaal mas ves-y in- tesesting. Mss. King then ists-oduced 'Mss. Mcl Hoad, seha spoke an bs-s-trip ta Expo aed shawed piatus-es ai tht buildings f the vasiaus nations an e viewmas- les. Mss. C. Twlss theeked Mss. Hood fatrbts- interesting and infus-mative address. Mas, inlg clooed tht meet- ing and a miscettaseous sale mas bs-id with Mss. King as auctionces-. Lunch was sts-ved and Mss. Doîbelthtanhced th hostens and att who had tubes past in tht meeting. Vice-president Mss. T. Amis presided for the Jane meeting ast week ai the Robertson Autitias-y 0f Keax chus-ch. which was hetd ai th home of Mrss W. A. Masshal. At- tttough thbe day mas hot and humid, there mas a gsatifying attendeece ai 18 members and twa visitass Ms-s. Amis chose for ber op- ening theme, "Mysteries ai the Bible' bs- Walter Scott. This mas folowed hy the hymn "Gloriaus thiegs of Thet as-e spokee" and the variaus re- parts. Mss. Masshall repasted $20t1.60 sent je ta Presbytes-. iat ta date, and a motian was passed ta send $t0 ta Esangel Hait at thi'. tirne. Mss. Lockie asked that members kindîs- bs-sp in mind ths- bats-is Sept. embes-, and Ms-s. E. E. Yales gave a gaad thougbt an con- teetmeet. tira. Cooke s-ed tht Scsip- tus-e passage fsrn Ephesians 4: 1-16, fsrn whiah tht study was hased - a mast fitting me.sage ta the oval 1 chus-ch iv aur ts-ubied wos-td of ta- day. Mss. T.'Bsadley led in the fine prayes-fsrn the Giad Tid- iegs wsittee b' Mss. S. V. A. Gardas, fisst sie-psesident, Synadical o Manitaba and Nasthwestts-n Ontaria. The study pes-îad, deait witb hy Mss D. Smiltie, hegas sith tht singing of "Tht chus-abs oaee ouedatian." Tht questian asising fsrn thetotp- ic tas- study "Tht chus-ch ta- day and tamr-sow" was what s tht pasitioe af tht chus-ch taday - with tht sauts of ous- youeg peaple struggting he- tween Chsistianity and mates-- ialism, tht taeels- and depsess' ed, tht aeed. mass- oi whorn feei unnttded and negtected by theis- famities, and af cous-se, thtses-y high pescentage of tangues athes- thon tht two most familier ta us (FrenchbI and Eneishi fromt tht manya slsearns of humanity wicb ase flawing ita tht rives- of Canada's pecutias- dtsttey. Actas-ding t a Put iv tht abt-c ove leel, tht ans-wes- is in e "onec wa-td reetiaeship", a ioieieg and knilting tagether ai uit Chsisti.sns, ai ail deor- nations, of ait chus-ches las tht Body ai Chsist) iv tht uvity ai the Spisit, in the bond 0f peece; and fsomtIis, there must he a unity of action for an ultimale unity of Commun- Mss. A. Peddie sead an in- tesesting accaunt fsrn tht Glad Tidings of the change ta- king pace. bth in individu- uts and in tht oves-ail mis- sianas-y pistrt. metîoeing God's intention in bath the (aId and Ns-w Tstaments that His wasld be al anc. she s-ed John 10: 16 - "I bave ather shs-tp. bat as-t notaif this fotd; I most bs-me them also. There shali he ont fias-k. ose Shep- herd." 'Mss. W. Bell offts-td prayer and tht meeting adjaurned with the hyme 'Zians King shahl reiËn vitariaus" and tht Lasd's Proyes- iv unison. A pleasant ime mas enjayed by att oves- ight sefseshments. THE ANNUAL AUCTION SALI of contributed items was again a highlight af the Miltan District Hospital Auxiliarys annuel Jane sup- per party and pragram. Mrs. W. H. Mers-y hasted the avent aI her district farm. Follaw- ing a deliciaus buffet supper t he guests went UNIVERSITY WOMEN APPRECIATE HELP Deas- Sir: On behali ai tht Milton and 'District Univer-sity Warnen's Club, I mish ta thank you most since-ets- for tht spaet you have aitottcd us oses- tht yms- tas- tht repart ai aur monthty meetings and for tht publica- tion, iv its entirely. aioas-rbs-ici on tht Plunkelt Repos-t mhich me ps-eseeted ta Couvait. We coant auselvss er tas- tunate t ava-s-such fs-ns-soas ca-ops-tatiatt. Again thanbing s-au. Yoas- trots-. Winniis-ed Piichs-r. Pre-ss Secs-stas-y. auldoors where Ms-s. Rene Murphy canducted the auctian assisted by Auxiliary President Mrs. D. Ptolemy. Items auctianed ranged fsrn what.nats ta gonuine antiques. and t heme was even tome home baking thrown in. (Staff Photo) Sitch on nidAnytinwYn Lias Wth AnAdmO«àirai AIR CONDITIONER "Princess 72" - Fits Horizontal Sliding Windows Princeas 72 "THE SLIDEIr" la easy ta instail in almoat any horizontal slidlng wln- dam - whother lumlnum,. steel, woad, or aluminum- wood, Includes translatent filles- panai ta close gop above the window, whiie pes-mitting light ta entes-; a verticaily teecoping mount; and a safety sheif tisaI quickly adapta ta ail sili asrangemnents. T"b 720SI17 ps-avides 7200 STU cooling. Has handsomo Salem Beige front. and walnut and goid dhai plate. FOR CASEMENT WINDOW Princess 65 - cornes wittt adaptable mounting for canvenient installation n casernent windows. The 650C97 ha..: convenient top rnounted contrai plate in walnut and gald, Salem Beigo front, thermostatis- contrai, 6,500 BTU coating capacity, easily removable front, and a filter thts readily ac, cessible for cleaning. (Kit ave lobie for other than casernent maunting.) There's an Admirai Air Condîfionar to Suit Ev.ry Naad - Princess models have B.T.U. rafings frons 5,250 ta 7,200 - Royal models wit h B.T.U. ratings from 8,800 ta 18,500 0 Complote Automatle Tompes-aturo Contre§ile Air Frohmencaon ail Moale *BUDGET TERMS AVAILABLE* Check with us before buying any Air Conditioner - We wilgive you the boitdeuil RICHARDSON'S * PROFESSIONAL NURSING CARE IN VOUR HOME * Nursing care for maternity, V e medical, and surgical patients. Our fee is adjusted O to suit your financdal 0 0 circumstances. Ask your doctor or cail for more information. n . VICTORIAN ORDER 0F NURSES 844-9561 Milton resîdents cail ZE-33330 MikonEvents SUNDAY COMMUNITY CHURCH SERVICE JUNE 25 AT THE 7 P.M. HALTON AGRICULTURAL GROUNDS In Front of Grandsand GUEST SPEAKER - Hon. R. . K. Welch, Provincial S.cs-etary Chancellor Niagara Diocese Anglican Church of Canada Ciergy of Il denominations particdpeting Service under tht direction of the Milton Ministerial Association SUND$IY DEDICATION 0F MILTON JUNE 25 CENTENNIAL PARK 9 P.M. on the site of the Mili Pond ai Martin St. CONCLUDING WITH A FIREWORKS DISPLAY 1- à s -- wmmmý

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