Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 14 Jun 1967, p. 9

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17 REAL ESTATE 17 REAL ESTATE PRIVATE SALE 3 - bedroom home, corner lot sith double garage, 2 bath- ronms, furnshed rec. room, launds'y coom, wall- 10 - wall brohloomt. Asking $23.50. Op- en for offees. PHONE: 878-3434 17c-tf SAUGEEN RIVER Fldws t bock of tis 100 acres, just second facm from vil- lage and paveal road, outstassd- Ing propety witis maple treed laoway to thse brick home, large back barn, 35 x 60 »Il- ateel ahed, conveniences are in. Palce 326,500 includea 2 trators, haler and oiser farm macinery. Also 35 acres in apring crop, 50 acres hay. Act now If you want a good one. Se M. K. Hendry REA4LTOR et Dundalk or Diii 923-2812 176 84 acres, 5 miles soulu of MOi- ton, on Hwy. 25, fr9stage on 2 roads, 1 % -torey frame bouse and gond bars, milk contradt. WeUl worth your in- spcton 20 acres, partly bush and cleat lond, strears at reor of pro perty, good road *frontage. $65W0 with terms. 10 acres rolling Rnd, 438 t. tontage, on N4o. 15 Sideroad, north of Campbeflville, low down payment. WANTED We bave clients who hait readyr cash for your home. I yota are thinking of buylng o selling, oel your loAl Keith ag tnt. STELLA PARTON Milton 878-6705 1701 t. 6 For Service anal Satsfactione Conaulb IREALTOR ANDI 310 Haasn S., Hilton, Ont. 878-6292 878-6592 JUST LISTED - 10 acre amal holding, ideal for cblcken, I pius or homses, 10 - room bouse, modern batbroomn, oil fumnace, bock haro 60 x 40 - 30 x 40, 4 Ooors Imuitable for 15,000 chickes), seter on ahl flooms, 2 84on- fend bin, it- uated 3 miles from Milton. Liteil price 335,00. Terms available. CalBb Cross 878 4892 or 878292. $38,000 - 25 acre facm, locateal 4 mies from Miton, 21 acres workable, 8room ibouse, bath- room. F/A oit htating. 2 gethue,18,00 n. l.,0 appt anal peur trots, tretS, ideal for maket gardenine. Terms avalable. Cal Tom 'Renetti 8782521 or 8786292. S12.00 - 4- bedroomn frame house, alumiasum sidlarg, situ- ateal on a 66' s 132' lot, in HIl- ton, clone 1tosntowshaop-1 png andl chatls. Taxes on, 1152. $9,000 - 3-bedsoomhbomne, cenl- rolly tocatea, in Milton, an-, nlallng of a living room, kit- ciscs, bathroom andi 3 bed- moomi on staond flat-. ANNE BLV.. - Modemn 3-beal- omr bungalow, spacicus liv- Ing room, kitches. batirao. fuît iasement, F/A oil heat- ing, paveal ariveseay. 6% 0418. A. motgage cares foc $104.73 P. I. & T. montly. Listeal price $17,50. GOFNG TO EXPO?' - Be bure, boy travel insucance aI nom- Inot rates before you eove. Buy or Seîl the Modern Wîy - Photo M.L.S. Members of the Bramspton Real Estate Board. Office open 10 9 p.m. - Mondoy thru Tisussday eveaings. Christie & Woods REAL ESTATE BROKERS 189 Min St. - Mlton S16,500 fuIt price, 3 - bearoom brick bungalowe, poveai' drive anal garage, living rcom sili horalseoal floors, kitches han ample cuothoat-da, ful hase- ment, i furnace. Termas. $14500 full price, 3 - bearoom home. aluminum siding, kit- chen. amnie roent anal living room, 3piece bath anal 2 beal. rooms upsairs andl 1 beal' room dosen. COUNTRY HOMES $24,000 ful price. 4 - bolroom 2 - taory trame anal brick home witts 2-car garage,.living ramn witis natural tone fit- place, aine groom selelschan- delier, kitchen witis ample cuphoarals and eating rea, 2 boths. partîatly completea l t- cretion raom, swimming pool, ail fenceal. Tet-ms. $2,900 full price. 3 - bedroomn brick home, built on a bill sitis o lovey vies, large liv- ing room silisbroadloom, extra large kitchen sith is la- ing arta anal lunch couster. 4- piece bath anal vanity, full basement. launalty anal stor- age moom, partiolîy fininheal recreation. FARMS 100 ocres, trame home, large battk bars. river mass through thse property. Asking 332,000. 100 acre aairy farm, very pro- ductive landl sitis modiem home, large bock haro, on main higtwsay, close to -Mil- ton. Anking 35000 Cal r878-2095 878-6057 170f Real Estate Sales Stlling Real Estte i probab- Iy the mot tbaltenging, inter- esting anal resarding sales pos- ition la the world today. We are enlarging ous' sales force anal are interecteal in interview- ing a salesman or saieslaaly in the Milton area seho requires o part-lime position. Tht pet-- Son acteplealhy us silI rective complote training. If yoo are filleal sitis aetermination anal tnithusiasm anal wish to set yourstif up in a cespectealfielal that is bth enjoyable ana luc- rative, phone now for anap- pontment. MRsOELLt'.î Powell Real Estate Limited GUBLPH, Ontanio. Tol. 822-5720 Pamper Papa If be is a gond oaldoor cook. hi seili love Ibis private littît 17 REAL. ESTATE Loonird R. CHANDLER REAL ESTATE BROKER 'Coueteous, Professionaî Service' Thinking of Seiîing? FOR FAST RESULTS, LIST WITH Leonm-d R. Chandler A leading Real Estate Broker 824-9199 R.R. 1, Moffat Homes , Farns , Att-toges - Busisesses 17c49-tf A. E. LePAGE RIALTORS LIMITIED Member nf tht Toronto, Ontarlo anal Oakville - Trafalgar Real Estate Boardsa 34 Ytars' Continuos Sereice OAKVILLE 20 ACRES $13,000 for fisese 2 vey attractive 10 - ocre lots. partially tretal. gond landl, sei locoteal, just a steP off pavement, convesient '0 nchool s anal xbuping anal a sounal Investment. CALL TOM BRADLEY 878-9543 lc Farms for Sale5 150 acres large bank bars, good c stone bouse. Prictal at a aac-C .-ifice pice at 925,000. 199 acre farm. large bank bars iib nese stabline. stable cIta- nec, silo. ed brick bouse. Pt- ced at 330000. An Esate sale. 450 acres, 3 sets of buildings, Conestoga River crosses pmop- erty. in a higis state of tutti' vation, siluateal t mite from Drayton, on a paveal road. Priceti easonable for a quick sale. 200 anre dairy facm, cement block bouse sith aIl modemn conveniences, large bank barn silh 46 tie-ups, stable cleoner anal sater boses, spsingcreek crosses the property, large new steel drive shedl 16' x 45'. drilled wselI. situatal 1 mile norlh of Kenisorlh on Hsey. No. 6. Att foc tht price of 337,000. 260 acre daucy farm with ed brick bouse silh ail modemn conveniences, bank barsnsith 39 tie - ups. seates basls anal 5 stable cleaner. second bars sith loase housing. slab silo 12' x 2', situateal on a gond pavod maad, Saugeen River crosses property. A real show- place anal prictal aI only S42,- 000. 100 acre farm, large red brick bouse seth al modern conve- siestes, large bank bers, sea- tr bsel anal cement stabt- meg. This is a farm witb setl edrained soit anal in a higit niat of cllivation. At only $20,000. up Obe arbecue, paveal drive- 144 oces of high. well draintal. way and nese garage, too, anal productive landl, 2-storey real nice littie wockshop acta in brick bouse, bonk barn 56' x tht basement. anal seitis moti- 70", in fait- condition. 2 oser- er's help. tht semi - finisheal flowing springs. Priceal at basement tan soon bu aomple- 112,800. 'ted. 3 ince heds'coms, bright living. room, roomy kitchen To inspeci these propertits anal bathroom on main flot-. phn olct: 'Ptict 815,800. Carries for pon colt1: It:0.16 .I.T. ' ALVIN COULTER 100 Acre Farms 848-2403 - Arthur Gond beef farm of rolling. san- Rpeetn dy, loam lanal, buildings on Rpeetn high etevation seith paooraen, lJonD.Ht it viese, close 10 nese co.nr: Jo ison vation area. 8 - mom bouse.ý REAL. ESTATE large bank ba. goo wsIl,2110f achool bus. Price $42,000. Beef or horst facm, large haros. substantial stone bouse, imp- lement shed,. 2 seetîs, gond productive lanal, 3 milest10401 inlercisange. Frite $70.000. Vacant Land 15 acres of seooded acreage, would make scenit building site. Frite 110,000. 15 acres, partly woodeai with some clear tond, seould make gond building sites. Frite 3 $5,500. 5-acre parcels, os good coad. each seilh 350 fI. frontage. good building sites. Frite $5.000. Listing ? We need homes as se bave good bayers seailing. List mils your Gibson Willoughby L-td. cepresentatives. Anna&Arcie Cairns 340 Main Street Boit ,, Phono 878-6980 76 20 AUCTION SALES COMPLETE AUCTION SERVICE Housebotds - Dispersais or Farm Sales Cliris. A. Schouten AUCTIONEER Graduat from Kansas City Audtion Schoot Sales conducteal anysehere. Please tait collecl 8782576. 20c44-tf LEGAL JUDICIAL SALE :f 130 Main Street North, Acton. Ontario. BY TENDER THE SUPREIBE COURT 0F ONTARIO ween A. L. RIEMER val. JO. EPH JANCAR et al. oursuant 10 tht Judgment id to tht direction of the un- rsigneal Local Master. sealeal dems addressed btise under- gcal and marisea "Tender for 0Main St. Norths, Acton". in ordance with the conditions thse sale hereunder will be eived hy the undersigned up 4.00 p.m. on Wednesday, the hl day of lune, 1967, ai Room UCourt House, Base Line, iton, Ontario, for tht pur- iast in two parcels of tise roperly hereinafter describeal nject 10 a reserve id fixed ytht said Local Monter. [30 MAIN STREET 'NORTH, CTON: This parcet of land is own as part of "Tht bony roperty" andl bas a frontage of P7 feet more or less andal epIb of 396 feet more or less di is wider ai tht rear thon ttht front. Tht rear portion iuld appear 10 hbe suitable for building lot or lots on Nel- n Court. This property is port ,fLot 190 occording to Plan o. 1098, and is descrihedinl nortgage regisiered os No. 09795. On the property is said 10 be in eight-room brick bouse witis stone addition at tht rear and icement block foundation for tother building althtie reor. il furnace. This parcel of landl is subjeci :a first mortgagt on tht build. ng for S14,642.69, payablt 223.00 monihly on accouant of rincipal and inieresi front tht h day of May, 1967. maturini :n tht Sth day of Aprit, 1976, and hearing inlerent ai tht raie :f 12.69% per onnoon, calculat- id haîf yearly, not in advance. fis hetieved tisai this mort- gagt s not in arrears. This mortgage contains a priviiege f prepayoteni upon terins. It is also subjeet 10 a first mortgage on tht vacant tant ti thse rear for $1,80000 beat- ig interest aithtie rate of 74% er annum payable half yearly mtlone September 7, 1968 'bis mortgage is in god stand in.Purchaser shall pay cash oi assumte both above mortgage! and outsîanding municipal ta, A tender must be proptrtl igned and sealed and must bi accompatsied by a certifiec cheque payable to tise Account ant of the Supreme Court c Ontario as a deposit for t east 10% of tise amount of th, tender. Tht balance of tht pui chase money shaît be paid i Court without interest on o before Joty 24th, 1967. Tiset shaîl be no adjusiments. Th ,urchaser shall searcis tht titiea his own espense. In aIl othe respects. the conditions of ih sale are the standing condi ions of sale of tht Court as in dified hy tht conditions of sa0 settledi by the undersigntd. iJpon payonent. tht pstrchase shahl bc entitled 10 a vesting c der, 10 be ohtained by tht pu chaser at his own expense il slead of a conveyanct. Tht tel der and acceptance 0f tise, conditions of sale, which sisi be deemed 10 forintpart 0fsuc tender. shallconstitute tht i reement for sale. Furtiser Pi liculars and conditionis of sa may bu obtained front C. F. La thertand, OOC.. Barristes' and Si icitor. 28 Main Street Nort Acton. Ontario; Harold Fut Barrister and Solicitor, 219 Ma Street, Milton, Ontario' or H( den and Ford. Barristers ai Solicitors, 196 Main Street, Pi ion. Ontario. DATED at Milton, Ontari this 3Oth day 0f May, 1967, Alan B. Sprague. 18h31 LOCAL PisASTE 120 AUCTION SALES ANTIQUE ESTATI AUCTION Norval Parish Hall Monday Eveaing, iune 19d 7 p.m. Some 250 snlectid Canadia and otiser pieces fromt o toria. Terra Cotla. BramnPi other estates and old family c, sigoiments incloding fine gli buautiful lamps; ".Eli.Tei dlock. others; gons; fucoi Jings; estate jewtllet'y. Viesing 5 p. W'alter Renhart 1 Parking. Sealing. No rsre Snitlgrovt Licensed Auctioneor Facm Sales. Household Salen and Appraisals PHONE Snelgcove 8431071 Bolton 857.1726 CollecI Kitchener 519-742-7437. 2cf ROY ASHWORTI4 P.V.I.,Auct. 20c6 Brampton, 459-0580. D. Snider manager Plains busy summer at pool mism of an tachier opening date for Millons Rotary Park Pool. pool manager Dentls Snider feels there is a lot of work 10 bu dont yet for tise poal to be openti in advance of thse scheduled June 24 open- Ing. Mr. Snider. presently a matis' emafits teaciser aI OS.D. Mil- ton. has hsd experience as a life guard and comes 10 Hilton fromn tht Ontario School for tise Deaf in Belleville sehere lit taught math. Aise onetise pool staff wiul bu head guard NialI Strase anal guards Carl Pucdy and Mark Swif t fromOakvillt and Bren. do Elliotît and Sharon Emmer- Ssimming lessons sill corn mente July 4 and will bt tar ried out ln two four-wtek pro grams. Lessons siti be given evr ay. Monday tiscougis Fi day inclusive. from 9 a.m. to1 Thse pool weiB be open inth afterncon f rom .1to105 p.m. ond in tise evening from 6 f0 9 p.m. every day except Sunday. whe il is open from t p.m. 10 5 p.m If tise propos' response i shown aduit classes wilb heti. "But wa'Ill e 1 r20 people for this". tMl. Snider said. "We oct alsr, tiinking of having a spiasis 7arty in con- jonction wifh tise playground." he sad. Sports, tea, concert Busy days for Sunshiîners Students ai tht Susbne ihool aI Hocnby ha-e bal a asy scisedule over thse pont tek. Tuesdoy of lanI week îey helal their fielal day, Fri- sy their isazoar anal tes, anal 10 AUCTION SALES CLEAING AUCTION SALE WGrade Holataean, Fuem md ait-y Eqisipseet. Féed, Fanal- tilte etc. For CECIL CHISHM Lot 6, 2nd LUne, Esquesing, on !5 Uey.. 2 miles north of Mil. on, on FRIDAY, lUNE lOtIs At Il a.m. Lunch booth. TERMS: CASH. FRANK PETCH. Auctioneer, Tel. 877-2864. to. Currne. clerk. 20h50 AUCTION SALE Of Furnlînre Tools etc. For BERT RAIMEY 43 Barton St., josi off Bronte St., Milton, on Frlday Evenss lune 23t-d AI 6.30 o'clock. 3-piete Chesterfieldl suite anal etra chair; sma.I drn table; coffet table; dinette china coab iet; N orge cross-top freezer. refrigeralor; citent of drawers; dressing table anal bench; single Simmons steel beal, spring and natîrens; buass trimmeal beal pring and mat-tress; olal Eng ish blanket chest; chrome kit chen table and 4 chairs; smaI kitchen table; ocd d Cairs; elet rit floor polisher; kitchen top board; small moral trunk; elec rit teapot anal other small ap tliances; bedaine; some disho and ccoking utensils; pictores fishing taekle; rubber tire weel barrose; poweer tasen moset garden and hana tooIs; anu ter sonoîl articles. House solal. TERMS: CASH. Osener anal auctionter sot rei ponsible for accidents on pru I'RANK PETON, Auctionto 20h50 Tel. 877-286 AUCTION SALE Of Funelture, Bous, CliIsmI For PETER LOOSER Lot 15, Ird Line (Guelç Linel. Nassagaseeyo, first fur, house soutit of tht monumet Mnnday Evee lunhae 198h At 6.30 o'tlock. Smali portable elettrlc corgi seith stand anal stool, new 5 months a go; shofflebos table anal rocks. near sent; new large coffet tables; 4 ne nigist tables; 2 new m-agaci: tables; new batbroom hampt new high fern stand; 24 fi. J las deep freezer; 21 in. Eletti home TV; mwhogany bsakcaw large searalcohe sitis mirrc writisg desk; kneeisole des nonaîl tables; Frigidaire refr erator. suitable for cottage; & dio couch; dresser; olal uprig Singer seseing machine: sm 1wardrobe; large ol space he ,er; hutches table andl 4 chai: odd Chairs; kitchen copboat -electric heater; 2 picnit tabl BOATS, CHICKENS ETC. - "nese Sea Fleas; 14 fi. boat; 1h.p. oulisoard motor: bnat farm trailer; 2 ehain sas small garden poweer cultivaIt set of good steps; bird anal ci ehooses; garden bools anal ho Bulck cor radin; about 60 S sex chickens, 9 wteks; 12 I ïing bens anal I rooster; oti .smail articles. Owner anal auctioneer sot n ponsible for any actcidents premises. TERMS; CASH. FRANK PETCH. A,-ctione 20h58 T'îi. 877,21 Fraalay ail of the Sunsisine school stodents anal pre-schooi chilalmen seul bu ireateal 10oa day aI Terrions J Square Pony Ranch plus pop. i ce cream anal hamburgs. Tht fielal day seas held in conjunction with a picnic. Tht senior stodents porticipateal in races, broad jumping. basebal anal football. Rat-Bler la tIse ytar thty were testeal on a cenlennial pisysi cal education program isandeal dosen by tht department of education. Golal, bronze and silver aseards wtt-e presenleal for varous degreen 0f othitît' ment. Bob Kanerea, president of tht Halton Association for IMestalIy Retardeal presented Itht aseards 10 tise recipients Honday night ai tht school concert, bufore approximately 125 people at tht St. Pauls Uniteal Church in Hilton. Tht centennial physîcal fit. ness program is standard for ail schaols in Canada analtise Sonshine scisool performs th samne tasks, hoseever tht stand' ards are scaleal someseisat. le spite of Isal weather lasI Priday, over go peope attend- tal tht tea anal bacons' at th scbaol and listened 10 siud- enîs sing. Twelve lea tables seere set up and crafts seere solal. At tht concert Monday. tht senior students dresseal in ced anal white, sang tentennial songs, did some foik dancing, square dancing and put on a iskit. Mohawk Inn àstaff ists g- Due ta an oversigist on tht L-part of our staff, a lisI of em- I ployets of Mohawk Inn on Page B12 of this week's issue > appears incomplete. Tht cor- ceci staff list shoold read as > folows: s Chef le tht alinlg coom is Rupert Entiammer, who com- es f rom Ausîria. 'He was train- r;ed there anal since coming 10 Id Canada bas buen tmploytd as a chef ai tise Vienna Restaur- ant -anal Cutten Club in Gu elph. Tht maitre d' is Bans Dotinis,wmisa sastraineal le s-Germany for this specialieda profession. Me tomes 10 tht Mohasek inn from Guelphs anal , more recently from tise Franz 4. JosephinlaToroto.. - Mrs. John Nesebolal of Camp- builville seitI iandît tht recel- lion desk anal oct as casiiet anal ssitchboard opecator. SIse was formerîy 13 years in a à Toronto lase office, six of those years as senior book- keeper anal office manager. A French - Canadian second cook, Mcs. Dotores Renaud ph silI bandIt short orders foi 'm tht coffee shop anal dm158 ril, cous, anal excets la spetial French pasicies. Tht manag ers expeci aIt easl 30 tmp loyets silI bu on staff sehen tht Mohawk Inn reaches its si peak xd 17 %o blaimed e; Fog, heavy cins anal slip- At. pery roods cosîcihuteal 10a -o- rashs of accidents investigatet t; hy Hilton OFF.. from Thurs- r; day, 10 Saturday. Most of the k; accidents bappental on the g. heavily - Iravelleal Highseay 401 tu- which is patrtlled by OPIP ýht from lise Milton delacismert ail on ils route throogh Halton .at- coonty. rs; Friday afiernoon, Ihree ac -rd, cidents on Higisway 401 sasea a. total of $2.950 damage as can -2 driven by London, St. Thomas 7 Guelpis, Windsor anal Rock- or Weod molorisîs became longl wed in tht traffit 109 RURIOIRATION ne; he DOMCO REFRIGERATIOI4 es- Domestlt Refrigerator or anal Fretter Service Phono: ampbelîviîîo 854-260, Tise Canadian Champion, Wednesday, Jur e1, 9 7 t.f BEAU"Y SALON DUCORATINO Vogue Beauty Salon DRAPERY A ?NEW COIMFME Dealgneal Juil For Yoo BROADLOOM S and - * Rasldential COMIPETE Ca 1* Industial 192 Main Street Rt HENNY'S c HAIR STYLING 198 Min St. - Hilton CAIL 8783263 2U FOR APPOI-NiMEO " Modern Equtpment " Expert Styling, Coloeing,- Waving. C32.t0 McPHAIL ELECTRIC a CObMRCIAIL * IOMESTIC 0 ELEC1I tEX N Complete Elîctric Home 66 Charles St. Milton MR 878-9513 FAY'S ELECTRIC lIndustial. Commercial Residential Pire anal Burglar Alarmns- Electrit Heat 24 -Hour Servtice 7086 TREMAINE ROAD MILTON Phone 878-2048 mes TV and RADIO SERVICI DURNAN TV AM DAPPUMIOES SALES & SERVICE * 'Pbilîps TV & Tape Recordera$ * R.CA. Sterto, TV, Applancea * Sparton TV ond Sterto 222 MAIN4 ST.. 870"44S iUT'S T.V. SALES & SERVICE *EMERSON s 'B & W color TV anal Stereo * Tower Service 112 Mill St., Milton0. Phono 878-3208 a 21c50.tf UW1NO MACHINU aSINGER k- SEWING MACHINE ci SALES - SERVICE )r RENTAL Milton Fabric Centre ts Services anal Repaira on ail makrea of ewlslg machines. p- TAILORINO - UIPAIM *s Toiloring * Alterations e *GeneralRepaira 1 * Regsoable mt SEE OUiR SPORT COATS AMU on SLAaC.S ac. FRED'S -TAILORING SHOP as' u- Fred Venraete 19217 Moin 87&3X02 TAILORING ALTERATIONS and REPAIRS KNIGHT'S MEN'S WEAR 202 Main Street 05 PHONE 878-4472 ýIC8.2104711 ne 14, 1967 eady-made Drapes in stock. For Custom Service CAIL 878-2067 FOR MOME' AIPPOINTHENT SYERS àMain St. 878-2067 210-d GINIRALCONTRACTOUS RAY OLAN BUILDING CONTRACTORS LTD. kHomne Impcovesnento kRenovattons kAlterattons oAdditions OCommercial or Industrial UL 4-2263 IRVING ROOFING For OPING EAVESTROUGI030 ALUMINUM SIDINO RelRcoflng our Speclalty Carpentry Work of All Kinds Phone 878,6020or 870303 MILTON - Fre Estimates - MLL WORK GtARANTEED 21041f GAMIN SVICU Formosa Landscaping CONTRACTOR " Seedlng anal soddlng " Weed spraylng " Fertlzlng " Tree trlmmning " Patios 878-3263 2104t FAINTINO AND DUCORA11NO GIL VANSOELEN PAINTING Contrîctor Industrial - Residential Interior - Exterior Cali cow for Free Retlmatea 878-6137 Box 114, Milton. 2104tf WEKL DRILUO WELL DRILLING J. B. RUTTAN R. R. 2, Hilton, Ont. Phone Burlinglon XI4Elon 44M2 CUSTOM UPHOLShRY MILTON UPHOLSTERY 040w oseneda" alperateal by Lorne Arthaur PHONE 876-9094 R. R. 3 PMillon * Re.upbolateey * Auto t1dm " upbolsterycleanlsg *Customn bult fiarnlture *Free pick-up anal delver 210-tf Halton Upholstering Pe-Upholsterlng Custom Bult Furniture Chrome Kitchen Chairs Rug anal upholstery shampooing Fret pick-up anal deliveey. H. JENSIEN RR. 2, Campbellvlle. Phone: 854-9939 21c52-tf D3OM IT PAY TO HAVE YOUIR FURF4ITURE REUPHOLSTERED ? Ont sure way to final out at no cost 10 yourself. Work dont in Msilon. Cali 878-2056 Haroîd's Uphoistery 210f h

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