Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 14 Jun 1967, p. 20

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- Our Readers Write -. A FAHION SH4OW FEATURING e vriety of cleverly.made in "mod" fshions. A crowd of avec 700 parents enjoyed the wearing epperel mes ana feture of the parents' open hoose open bouse program which inluded e tour of the school, prograM t Ontario Scitool for the Deaf on riday. Here are refreshments, and a stage show including rhythm band nom- severel of the senior 0.S.D. girls madelling their creations la bers, devras, e junior school play clled "The Elvas and the a landsceped gardon. They renged fram cool sommer dresses Shoomeker" and e senior chool centenniel pay depictivg made fram pper ta sleapwear, from spartnweer ta the latot Canada's early history. (Staff Photo) f or Junior Halton Junior Parmersheld Iherannual Field Day on May 27 t Aton Higb Sebool. Henry Stanein Oas the otti- ciul starter sit h Bill Sinclair acting as eairman for the duay'sevet s.The vets serre slarted ai 9.30 a.m. w.ith good competition iv eacb. Homever, due la ram n ibe atervoan, the basobali ganmes had ta ho runrelled. A dance was hed in the o- oning ta the music ai Mc- Leod's orchestra ai the Brook- ville hall. Spocial guest was Miss Jodv Close, a British do- legato froin the U.K. The Hal- ton Juniors presented hr wilh a birthdsp cake before the os- ening ended, as May 27 was hr Zrd birtbday. Judy was able 1ta tllmany inervsting tacts about lite in Britain and everyone enjoyed ber iit te or conty very mach. The following is a list of the results troin the Fied Day. GIRL 75 yard dash: Lois Kirk- wocd, Helen Johnston, Wilma Masan; 220 yard clash: Lois Kirkwood 36.1 sec. Wilma Ma- son, Joye Foster; 440 yard dlash: Verna Thasepsan 90 soc., Lois Kirkwood, Joyce Foster; discus: Vernu Thosepson 76 2", Joyce Poster. Lis Kirk- wood; sht put: Verna Tbomp- son 26' 7", Lis Krkssood. Lin- du Foster. 440 yard relay: Acton i min. 14.2 soc., Joy Hasseard, Liada Poster, JovcecPoster, Heler Johnson; Norvl, Doreen Hue- rap, Mary Hamilton, Margarci Oliphant, Wilma Mason. Running broud jomp: Verna Thompson, Wilma Mason, Ho- Ion Johnson; higb jumrp: Wit- mu Mason, JoycerPoster, Lin- da Poster; hop. stop and jomp, Witma Mason. Mary Hamilton. Jop Hayward sotbail throws Joyce Poster, Wilma Mason, Linda Fosior. BOYS 1003 yard dlash: Larry Camp- MIl 11.75, Bill Jackson, Bol Poster; 220 yard dlash, Jetf Nurse 25.5, Blt Jackson, Bol Foster; one mile: Blt Alexan- der 6 min., AI Huyward, Don Hamilton; running broud jump: Lrry Campbell 1' 3', At Haywurd. Bill Alexandet; igh jamp: Jef) Nurse S'. Lur ry Campehlî, Ras Swackbun- or; hop, siop and jamp: Larey Campbell 33" 4'. At Hayward, Ray Swurkhamer. URGES TOWN AÇCEPT 1965 PARKING PLAN To the Edilor: Il atspeurs hbat the Parking Athiirita lias bea unabie ta convince the merchants Ibat thrv sttoold accepi the propos- ai for paying for the parking lot off Mary Street. t distike interferriag in another malter, as I do nol realty sant ta rua att the Town's affairs, bot us a taspayer 1 regret baving att thai ime and moae spen t on tu in, the iaîiter, alon iigtih the extsenision ,[iii Sa Street uni 1 îîîwith acomîijli',h ed. Accoiiiiiilý t askiliai i proposai tto Ciaîcil, un Park- ing, dated Augusi, 1965. whieh was printed an The Champion also, ho lried, as I am certain il ra hoeilber ased as pre- scnted, çir ,liared sightlt to provide a workabtc solution ta this obhole que'stioin. Thorea re parts in the prie posaI the merchants rjecd wbick, shoaldlhi. atlered. The merebunts' share of the eost of the parking lot should be divided amongst them in proportion 10 the number of parking spicers eaî.bsboold provde. Il ss tupid ta is1s on dividing iis rosI in propor- tion tuaussessment, as there s no assurance thut abilily ta puy or parking needed are in proportion la the ssessment. Farmers Shol put: Jeft Nurse 35', Lar- rv Brasait, Latry CampbelL. diseus: Jet) Mrse 97', Larry Bennett, Lrry Campbell; 440 yard dush: Jet f Nurse 60.95 sec., Bill Jackson, Bll Sinclair; f180 ard dlash: Bill Alexander J mi. 34 se., Rap Swackha- mer, Don Hamilton. 440 yard relay: Palermo, Lar- ry Bennet. Larry Campbell. Blt Jackson, Bill Sinclair; Narval Don Hamilton, Ernie Alesander, Bill Alexander, JotO Nurse. 8800 ard relay: Palermo: Bill Bennett, Bilt Jackson, Bill Sin- clair, Lares Campbell; 'Narval, Jet) Nrse, Don Hamilton, Bill Aleander, Ernie Aexander. UECEIVES B.A. Miss Lynne Robertson, deugh' tac cf Mr. and Mms. Hatley Robertson cf 1.R1t, Milton receivad hec B.A. dagree fccm MeMester University on May 26. She wiii be tearhivg high sehool fnglish and physicai adoration iv September. A CUYI1WIAL MtAY depicting some of Can- wives of the fathers of confecderation. On the edas early history was produced by the senior lfti are French soldiers Michael larocke and students at Onterio School for the Deaf for the Bobby Dueck, in the centre are Indian Diane annuel parents' open house on Friday. Par- Shantz and settler Tddy Patterson, and an ticipants ircluded these costumed students ite right are English soldiers Mai Ming Seto Seated in the centre are Mariene Marchand and Phillip Powers and "General Moite" Paul and Joanne Stephens, depicting two o) the Johnson. Staff Photo) ARE Ugently Needed Those merchents on the sooth ide, who witt be able ta have an entrence oit the park- ing lot uhould pay a somewhal higber amoont than those who cacaos have such an entrance. 1 do nol know what propor- tion of the cost of the parking lot saas ta have been paid by the citizeas, bot sbey should have ta pay pari. it woeld ho bet tee tor the citizens ta have a good parking lot aad pay part ai the cost, thata have Pick 10 delegates bo PC. convention Halton-Weaîworth Conserva- ttves wilt meet Thursday lioae 221 ut f p.m. aI PC. tteadquar- sera, corner Guelph Line and New Street, Burlington. ta et- eet detegates ta the September national teadershipeconvenlion. With sevea candidates for party chiettain alre.ady in the ronaing, riding president Joe Sams iadicated that interest is higli amang association mem- bers, 10ofi whont witl represe-at the Burliagtiin-Dundas district. -There was another big erowd t Kelso Conservation ares on Sunday. -The Head-of-the-Leke His- torical Sociev tram Hamilton sponsored a bus trip throogh Halton Counly on Satorday. They visiled Kelso Conserva- tion Ares and toured the Hal- ton Coonty Museum. lu psy all the cool, which la the siustion when Ihere are met- ersaon the streets. 1 do srge that saine propos- al along the Uines I have nur- sested ho presented ta the mar- chants. It will have a botter chance af acceptance titan the praposat they turned down. M. S. Kernighan, P. Eng. Good Fences Make Good Neughbors But . .. Buils Break Down Good Fonces There's nothing like a wanderivg bull ta spoil neghborhood goodwill. His wanderings can be expensive, too, for the owver is jable if he wanders int0 a purebrad herd, if he damages property, or if ho atlacks someane. Meny Ontario breeders save fences, dollars and goodwill by subsfitstlng artificial insemination for the herd bull. The best of sires are available, tM. Find oui for yourself by contacting pour neerest office af Central Ontario C.C.B A. Caille Breeding Assoction Phonîng heurs weekdays MI1 9.30 a.m. - Fer Sunday Service cli Satrday, 68 p.m. ToI-fao. numbers lisad in local faIlohene dlrociea A nnfuai field day Summer Sausage « 85c lb. Liver & Bacon Loaf-- 59c lb. Bologna- -------41c lb. SmaII Homs - - - - 51 c lb. Smoked Side Bacon - 73c lb. Farmer's Sausage - - 39c lb. Fuit Hams - - - - $109 lb. Cottage Roll - - - 79c lb. Round Steak - - - 95c lb. T-Bons Steak - - - 95c lb. Sirloin Steak - - - 95c lb. JOHN'S MEAT MARKET 276 Main Sit. E at Cent mei 074 to Give NEXT MILTON CLINIC SPONSORED BY YOUR MILTON RED CROSS Thursday, June 22 IN THE LEGION HALL, MILTON CLINIC HOURS: 2 fa 4.30 P.M. AND 6.30 ta 9 P.M. Give Ded a day to remember, wtth a gift ha'll nover forget. An electrical gtft can give him a brand-new pastîma-or add a little more fun ta his hobbies. This year, remember Dad with an electrical gift. Hall remember, tao. live better electrically MILTON HYDRO ELECTR IC COMMISSION 250 MAIN ST. E. TELEPHONE 878-2345

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