17 REAL ESTATE PRIVATE sle, closeta1Kg. bride. 7-raom brlrk-spllî, plus garage and finished rer. room, 2 fireplaces. lterior trier ma- hoan staned, red oak floars. ffe .1878&9839 afir 6 pas. 17e53799 Leonard R. CHANDLER REM. ES1'ATE BROKER Coum-eaus, (Frofessional Service Thinking of Selling? FMR-FAST RESULTS, LIST WITIt Leonard R. Chandler A esdlng R-ai 'Estate Braker 824-9199 R.R. 1, Moffat Homes - Pas-ms - Acreages - Bssintsseo 17049-tf Christie & Woods REAL ESTATE BROKEItS 189 Main St. - Milton $16.500 fuit prire, 3 - bedmoas brick bungsam, paved drive and garage, liviag montan ad bedmooms wmus has-dmrad floor, kitchen has ample cup- hourds, -fullhasement, oit for- nace. Terers. $11,900 ful prire, splii - level brick and rame home. 3 bed- monts, aitached garage, cod- s-m hutches, large living s-om, 4 pitre bath, large tamiiy mos, 'as-ment muth 1finish- cd moe, heating and lauadry facilitien. Tersmnlube asrang- cd. FARM 100 acres, dais-y tas-m.vs-sy pro- ductive 1usd mtis modem home, large bush barn, on maia paved highwap. close ta Hilton. Askisg 36,000. 30 acres, pas-hp muuded. sver- flomuag priag. Askiag $10,900. Cali 878-2095 878-6057 175 ACTON AREA DUPLEX 2 - apartmeet building. in the couantry, ranIs briag ia 3155 maaîhly. Askiag $11,500 fuit prire mtis $4000 dam. COUNTRY SCHOOL Brick building, 30 s 50, os ont acre. sus-soudtd by mapis- ires-s, gad ms-l. Asking S6000 <sli price. NEW HOMES Exclusive agent for Sesto Con- stmuctionanad IBM Homnes. LAKEVIEW HEIGHTS 3-bedsoom brick buagalow, nom ondes- consruction, in Lake- viem Heigisis. 119.400 <fli price. 4kedroam spit-itvelthutisa- iached garage, 2 baihraams, Lakeviem Heighls. 121,595 fu price. SOUTH END 0F TOWN Hem homes ondes- costruction, larom32,000 dama. 3 - bedsram brick splii-levels mush atiaris- cd garage, tram $18,800 fuit price. Five bornes nom ondes- consrution - tins-et airady sold. COUNTRY HOMES 3 - bedmaom bungalom, on 1H acres, ils modes-a ronveni- enees. sire treed lti only 3 mils-s fsoas Actas. Askîng 312.000fuit prire wmuhS 3,500 dama. 3-beds-uam briek bungalom mitis 2-cas- garage. oa 414 acres, an main iighmap. oniy 3 miles tram Acton . Askiag 512,000 fulpsire ils 3,500 dom. 8-rouer stase house, an 12Vi acres.,ns-m baihrrarn. modemn cunvs-nis-cts, newiy decorot- cd, sem fusnoce. large bas-n nuituble for horsen, 10 box stllis. 8 standing sialis, 5 asi- les fsoas Caerpbelvitit. Ask- ing S33,000 ful prire. ACREAGES 1 acre, nauih of Actas, 33,500 tuti price. 1554ares, suais of Actas. good pond site, guod homne site. Asking 6,500 fu1l pric. Sydney K. Lamb Realtor R.R. A, Milton, Ontario 878-3212 Membes- of anadiaa, Onario, Os-ngeville and District Real Esiate Boursd. 17h49 q i i The Canadian Champion, Wednesday, June 7. 17 REAL ESTATE 18s TENDERS PRIVATE SALE 3 - beds-uam home, corner loi mils double garage, 2 bath- moins, turaished rtc. raom, taundry roue, mal - ta - mal broadtaom. Aking $23500. Op- tantfs- ottera, TENDERS FOR PAINTING Tenders iti be ractîved usp 10 Juas- 14, 196, Mlots Helgiss Scisuai, 2 riasss-oams, corridor and ashrooms; Limeeiuse Scisuat, 6 lasruams. PHONE: 878-3434 1 Sesied tenders 10 be address- 17c-f td to: A. E. LePAGE REALTONS UMITUD Member of tht Toronto, Onario and Oukvlle - Trafalgar Realt Esiale Boards 54 Yearo Cusîtinuous Service MILTON COSY HOME $9,000 or bssicans offes, 4- marn hume, 2 bedmoers, 3- pis-rt bath. partial bas-ment, gas ieatisg. 60 s 132 lu, on semers and malsr. Aay fis-mT ras ottes- mlurersive seri-A oas coasiderolios. Inspection hy uppoinîment onîy. MOFFAT 10 ACRES WITH STREAM f 17,000, nicely tseed ils sver- green irs-es, iovely sîrterm and partial dam. excellent gens-sai puspont land, step off pavement. Il's mosth a look. CALL TOM BRADLEY 878-9543 17c4 p Grab This! Capîivating 3-beds-aom bunga- low. in sos-isHilton. mus ga- rage and paved drivemay, uts- sant back yard, ches-ry lvag rouer and modes-n huches mith dining area. eai-iaisis- sd basement. Cas-riss$110.60 PIT. Homes as-e scarce, so dant miss sesingotis in 09e Reunonubîs- prirs- f $15,00 Building Site 5 acres of muodland, in very scenir use, convenis-nita o401. Jusi isled ai 310,000. Money Maker Wisy nom du a tlis-l farmiag un lies ids-? Good family home. 2 ms-lsquipps-d bas-ns, extra shed ils 2-car garage and 14 acres of ricis. ms-Ibm, gardes loaar, gond locaion, scisuol bus. strong crs-sk f oing ns-asbp. very piesans seiia. Frics- $31,500. What's Your Trouble? Oas- trouble- s Ihat aiaf lu .aany -redeni sais-s, me as-t mn- ning lom on iomes and me have masp goud boys-ss wait- ing. We dsspesalyeiased lums and country propesties toaca- commudale aur clis-ats. For prompt and courts-oass-- vice, calpon Cison.Wii- looghby Ltd. s-sprestauivs-s. Anna&Archie Cairns 340 Hais Street East Phone 878-6980 17c5 19 LEGAL Notice to Creditors AND OTHERS tn the maties- of the Balaie cf WILLIAM JAMES HAMII.- TON, laIe of 71 Thomas Si.3, ln tise Tomani Milton, la the CoSnly of Halon. Ratis-- ad Pas-ises-.deteas-s. Al ps-ssons hoving claies ag- ainst use EtaIs- of WILLIAM JAMES HAMILTON, lots- of 71 Thamas St., is tht Toms of Hil- ton. in tise County of Hulasn, Relisrd Fus-mer. deceased, misa dis-d oa or about tise i7îh day ut Januonp. 1967, as-s requesi- -d la sn-d pas-icutors of iheis- claies ta tise uades-sigas-d os os- bs-rtaste5 241h day 0f Jane, 1967, aflen miich daI-tise said etaIs- itI be disibiuied am- usg tise pas-liess stiled liere- l, and tise Executor mili sot be hiable tor nyuap aims of miicishe hasnsot lies recsived notice. Duied tiis lois day of May, 1967. SIfARPE & NICHOLS, 207 Mary S.. Milon, Ont., Solcitors ftushie Ens-culas-. 19c5 MRS. C. A. GRANT, Sec.-Trs-as., T.S.A. Esquesise, R.R. 3, Georgetown. Lowesi os- any tendess oi necessarily accepted. 18b49 20 AUCTION SALES CLEARING AUCTION SALE For ELMER LEWIS Lot 14, Con. 2 E., Tor-onto Tmp., 4i mile souih of Sieties Ave., SATURDAY, lUNE 10, 1967 At I p.m. 2 is-actors and cmpiete tise tarr machines-y, hay and groin, furniture. ALJBERT HOBRIDE, 1%,649 Auctioneer. GEORGETOWN ROTAIT CLUB AUCTION SALE 0f itauzeald Pus-nture, Appli- antea, Gas-dan Tacts, Toyraaec '59 Chevrotet. 6 cylindes-, auto- maîic. tic. J4-542; guod uprighl piano and beach; chestes-fitld suites; chais-s; odd tables; siov- s-s and refriges-ators; washing machine; dishes and cooking ut- ensits. The hesi loi me h ave s-vs-s-had. Sale ai tht Gans-gaosn Area Mondap Evenlng, isasa 1»8 6.30 pa. Open for vicming fmom 5 p.m. TERMS: CASH. 20h49 CLEARING AUCTION SALE Of Grade Holataina, Patr and Dais-y Equipasesi, Paad, Pas-ti- tsure att. For CECIL CHISMOLM Lot 6, 2nd Lise. Esqos-sisg, on ?5 lfwy., 2 mites nos-th ut Mit- .on, un FRIDAY, lUNE 165is At Il ar. 16 GRADE HOLSTEIN COWS. frss and close sps-isgsrs, a f ood osefut commercial herd. IMPLEMENTS - Internat- iosal 340 uîiliîy tracio-. live PTO grass ses-des-; Fis-us-y Bissel malt H tractus- mith heai hous- s-r; 35 c. McCormick irip-beaer tlom; 7 Il. Coekshuti 356 erow- s-r. cul 35 acres; 1.H.C. 46-bales- PTO gras ses-des-; Fis-us-y Bissel] 30-plate dise; As-ps adjusiable snuw blade; Case tractus- sprea- der; Hergoit grain ths-ows-s; M. H. 10 in. grinder; 24 fi. bale el- s-valus-; 16 fi. grain auges-. Cockshutt 15-msn power lift tertilis-er drill; No. 5 I.H.C. 4- hars- ids- detivs-rprakte; 5-ton White rubbs-r tirs-d wagon; 2 rnbber tircd wagons; 2-fus-sow traites- ptuw; bale bunche-; flat .rack; 3-section drag cullivatos-; 4-section harrows; Bain wagon box; 5-dram vsetl miles-; hay loader; cors binder; 2.000 lb. scale; McC. 7 fi. binder;s-;nn huai; quanîiîp ut nies-i siding; oit bs-ondes-; tractas- umbrella; cedar puns.s hydro potes; some lombes-; pile utfîs-rewaod; 2 5rock silis; 10 mods ut ns-w tesce; wirs- tence stretche; nste pusîs; 4 bags utfs-stitis-es-; pont drill; 3 h.p. slectric grinder; us- ual smail articles. DAtRY and FEED - Milk- kceps-r 25-cas butk erilk couter; De Lavai 2-unit magnetir euh.- cr, pump and motos-; pails; stainicss ste-el straines-; about 500 baies ut hay; about 200 bai- es O utrsaw. FURNITURE, selling atIil o'ciuck - Spool bs-d; aid 5- picce pas-tus suite; pins- kitches cupboard; pins- and muinut table 48 n 48; pins- ches; s-vs-rai wash stands; nid rockers; barn- hombat-not; oak boiscase and wriîing desis; cents-c tables; des tante; studio coucis; bars-et chus-s; nid cocks; oId books; 36 n 31 bronze piclure trame; otises-nid tramcs; feuther iicks; slone cracks and jugs; 240 lb. tkilcisen scals-; bedoedihs rbutter ps-is and ladIes; iros npuis; trait s-ais-ss; 2 Beave- >scaiers; odd dishes; cuokiaf ut- cIvnils etc., etc. Dealers and cutiscos-s wil find Ibis an isis-res ting sale. t Owner and auctiune-s- oi ras- ,fponsibs- fos- any accidents an Lunch bonis. TERMS: CASH. FRANK PETC-H, Auciion-e-, Tel. 077-2864. Gen. Cornie, des-k. 20h49 NO ATIER mhai yoo need, u, ne of our readero pmobabty isaî 5il. Ts-y tise Wani Ad Page firat. 20 AUCTION SALES CLEAMIG AUCION SALE Thse undessgned bas receved instrsuctiosts a by auctiats, ia tise Tmp. of Oakville, Lot 30, on thse Dundas Hwy., usai14 of a aile east of tiseBranle stop- Uigi, tarer situated on tise nots sîde of blighway. Pas-sanasd Dalny Eqsipsus For MEU. WILLIAM FOX Cormner-sing SATURDA,Y lUNE l0, 1967 At -1.30 p.m. Tractas-. International 30, mus fsont end loader; tnt. issy baler 45; Massey Fegison side mnlivery rukte, 4-ar, ibis rake is just like new, bais only been used 1 seasan; 4-mteel rnure spreads-r, on flasher; !Fteury Bissell double disc,O8fil.; mIn. hay mômes-, 7 fi. cut; Matra hay elevator mOts erolor, 30 f t.; Cackshuit grain rchopper; Mas- sey (Fesguson iarvester %iii lay and cors header; grain biômes- iitis pipes. 2-furrow trailer plose, S" bot- tom; 12 fi. spsing toolis cultiva- ter; 2 sets of hars-ows, botis 3- section; isay hunciser; 2wheel tarertriter mush 14 fi. steel pialforer; grain suger mush mo- tor; 2 portâbbe hay rocks, 16 fi.; steel mater Isougis, wes-d sprayer mush 2 45-gai. drunss and iigis pressure puerp, rap- aciiy up t0 400 ibs. pressure and'14 lt. boom; 2 drive beits; dump rakte; steel land s-ller; spprox. 2 doz. good heavy cedar fence potin; 1Irllmi f nese bart wire; and msny more serait articles ira numeraus ta enen- lion; approx. 1,500 bales of mix cd boy and approx. 50 hales of oat sirase. I)APY EQYUFMENT - 20 cas Unico bulk craler; 3 Surge milking units; milk pails and strainer; double sink; eisctric pail ieter; De Lsaval vacuum pump and piping for 24 cows No reserve. Everything mrust ise soid, for Ms-s. Fox is giving op fas-snng. TERMS: Cash mus cierk day of sale. Auctioneer end omnes- not respoasible for accidents day of sale. 'Aucions-er: ONRIS. A. SCiIOUTEN. 1CR. 3, Miton, phnone $78-2576. Ms.-s.Bodes- and Jim Langedyk. cies-ks. 20b5 CLEMRNG AUCTION SALE of ltousehiad Pss-ssisms- Tise undersigaed bas received instruction t0 seit by auction in tise Town o Milton, 157 Robes-i St., rigisi straigisi opposite tise Agriculture Hall. on tise Fais- Grounds, for tise Estate of tise LATE ANNIE 3. AN1>EESOIJ Commeecing Wdnday Evnlng, Jsma 7,1967 ai 6 pas. sharp. CIE. refriges-atos-; Gurney 4- bus-ses-eteci-ir sange; Beatty washing machine, gaod as new; wood siove; chestesfieid suite; 1 beds-oom suite and matIrent; 1 bedroom suite wmus box spring matirss; 2 steel beds wiih maîtresses; compiete dia- 5f -mont suite; coffee table; end tables; ideboard buffet; was stand; 3 dresses-s; 3 rock- îng chais-s; 7 wooden chais-s; 2 card tables; t1flowes- stand; 3 flower tables; stssxt kitches table; 4 chrome kitchen chairs and round table. Singes- seing machine; sem- ing basket; antique lettes- wri- les; magazine rack; hall rock; hall mis-ms-; 3 ftoor mats; 2 rogs 9 s 12; fluor lump; ciothes hamn. pes-: garbage container; bath- tub seat; Westinghouse vacuuml cirants-, aimosi sew; caid ait tan, like new; fluor polishes-, ai- so ike new; set of bathrrant scates; eraniel radia, R.C.A.; rohises ais- cushios; portable toilet; bed pan; set of ait steel lausdry lobs; 4 sets of book- ends; electric kettie; elecirit tsying pas; eectrir dlock; higis tChais-; electrir iron; toaster; nesving tsay; quiltiig fsamen; eustain fsamen; bird cage and stand; wash tub stand; quan- lily of dishes, lasses, pois and pans; clothes horst, hasd- tmade; lawn and gardes train; 13 shovels; tawn momer; gardes- hos, 50 i.; sn0w shovel; set of 1lama chais stnelpipe. 6" dia metes-. 12 fI. i le tegth; stet laddes-; and masy more serai articles tua sumerous ta mes. lion. TERMS: Cash i l rsk time of sait. Evesyihing muni be sold foi 1Etate han 10 be cteared up. r Noihing to be semoved onti settled for. 1Asctiionces- and Etatsoi responibît for accidents, time of sait. Auctioseers Noie; Tht above mentiosed articles as-t la ves-3 good condition and nome of thse articles are s-ai antiques. Aucioneer: 20 AUCTION SALES COMPLETE AUCTiO9O SBRVIE Hauseisolds - Dispersais or Pas-m Sales Cliris. A. Scliouten AUCTIONEER GraduatfsoasKannas City Aucios Schoi Sales cosducied anymisere. Please cati coiteci 878-2576. 20c44-tf 20 AUCTION SALES ALREGIS AUCTION SALE For the lanmsRltisas-dac a t aae Pion family cansignerent. flsaraday Eventlng, lusse 15 7.00 pas. sharp. At 14 Lamne Si.. Georgetomn behisid Machs-scie Lumbes- Nit). Appliances. houseisold fumnil- are etc., inciuding 24" Viking clcici stuve; G.E. retsifs-roas; N$laler Re L bggy; crib; plappen; dresser; W atr enrart vani ty; mash stand; bs-d and Brampton Livesiock Exchange maltrs-s; curd tables; dining Sselgrave s-om table; serali radio; toast- Autoer sr; grill; 3 utiiiy tables; ui- Licensed A cioer iîy cupboas-d; Sai-Boy; manlel Farm Sales, Houseisotd Sales dlock; lases chais-s; serait dssk; asd Apprisalo TV lump; pieure fsamen; tri- PHONE light lump; caffetesabte; hais- Satîgrave 843-1071 dryts-; draps-s; dishes; pois asd Bolon 857-1726 pans etc., etc. Coleci Kitchsener 519-742-7437. Omes-and aucioster sut 20ctf respossible for accidents os day ut sais-. AUCTION SALE ALFRED R. SPENCE, At 7 pas. 20h48 Auclioses, 077-3206. FRIDAY, lUNE 951s 460 South Service Rd. W. f 41h ERIN Lins, Oakvills-1. Take notice thut Brin Township's miti rats- in lan - Rome Transes- Lid. up tromi lasi psar, ils cor- proposes lu ns-h ondes- the'Wure- panisons ut tise residenliat houos-mas's Lis-n Art, by public rate shows. Tht 1966 rais- us auction, tise îoîîowing sios-uge peurs in bsackesis otioming lots: tise 1967 figure. Lot 4, Dais-y; Loi 12, Kspas; County 21.4 (17.7); Toma- Lut 31, Lyons; ronsistisg of ship 3.0 14.01; ronds 10.0 hoosehold effecis: consoluT--V;110.01; Tmp. tire protect -. contins-niai beds; cdolmen claos. 2.51;Hish strep-sc- els; rogl dresses-s; GE vacum ian 6.4 2.01; E. D. Higis ris-ans-s; console radio - record Scisoal 13.2 (11.0); Tmvp. Scisaul pluper; rhestes-tisld and chair; As-sa 22.0 422.01; Erna i.S.S. bonk bs-d; bed - rhtsstisid; No. 2 31.4 27.51; Hillsburgh gossip bs-ses; hed liaesas naall 13.0 (14.5); Hitisburgis gasbage appliances; hutches was-es; chi- 6.0 5.01; Oston tirs- service 5.8 nu; lumps; arnumesis; 2 tricycl- (8.5); Moontain Vis-mgos-sage ss; cuts-s-y; and aises- items tua 7.8 7.5. noms-os ta ms-sias. Tise provincial gaves-ses-t grants s-sducs- tis eisvp against Auctiun-s-s, GEORGE FENTON. rats-payess-as toilows (tht 1966 Ho s-sserve. 2065 figure appeurs in hrackes)s: edoratias fronts $165.090 OPTIMIST ($134,303); iighmay fsanis S67350 (snms); eitars-fronts AUCTON S LE 4,000 isame); psr capîta Nution Pair Grunds esanis $15.000 ($10436.601. ICs-udaian) Thsa Cosoiy *of Welinfion SATIIRDAT, JUNE 10, 1967 nom isos a population ut 42,711 1.30 octock. according lu tise assessms-st Inctudiag used single bs-ds; commission s-sport for 1967, modern headbeds; duybeds; roli- secsived by caun ty concil. amuy beds; criss; maîtresses; This is an ses-case of usly 19 springs; dresses-s; mus ntands; ps-ssons, mbiets-tie acreage of 3 pianos; I argus; rocking ths- cous ly stands ai 631.186. chais-s; kitrises chais-s; pas-las- Bp mnicipality, ths- cess chairs; bus- stoals; chester- shoaws Fergus mus 4521, Har- fields; loveseuis; large sisoa 1,573, Mounti Fors-st and serait dess; kilcisen rubis- 28008, Palmerstun 1,671. Tise et; trs-adles- eing machin es; villages isI Arthur- ils 1,270, ts-evisioss; radios; lectis-irsiv- Clitturd 522, Dr-ayon 682, BI- ss; eterîrir lighls; lama chairss; us-a 1,632 and Bris 1,206. chaise louages; iumn swings; Thse townships' populations eetrir eromers; hand momers; stand ai Arthur- 1,568, Bsan- ist maies-tanks suituisis for osa 3,195, Bris 3,435, West zutvests; noms- plumbisg and Goasana 1,590, Gueliph 2,266, elecirie equipmes- s prisg so- West Luths-s 1,149, Marybor- ckisg horse; tuboggans; tricycl- nugis 2,071, Misto 2,034, Hichol ss, bicycles; shuai desks and 2,079. Ps-s-i3171, Pikinglua iuys; and aumes-ous olisers eaîl 1.270 ad Punlincis 3,004. us-iclen, ns-aie atm condit- n n Haie: Tise above items have GEORGETOWN bsesn dosutedl by tise cis-ens of tise lumnaund sorrousdisg cam-Ris-vs-s siresitaGeorge- musiîy and tise emure preeds town iii be permans-nlly pav- ai ibis sale are beisg used hy scd, rurbed ad futtes-ed. Total tise Mlon Oplimisi Club for ranI ut tise ps-ais-t, $207,676, tise tornising oif a rouer in iii be shored 50 ps-s ceai by tise Hilton District Hospital tise Deprimeat ut Higisways, and fos- pouls mos-k. Cameeut- leasing tht tosta $103.300 as osg Saturduy atternoas and tlhirshare. This amouo i mii hslp tise club in the goad mus-k s- dées-ured. tissy are dise. n TERHS: CASH Thea Las-ne Seuls Refiment In ncase ut met meaihes-, sait mut pop Iribute ta tht ths-e- hsld ondes- cuver. counnues fromtmiicis it dramn Local auriiosees-ssistinf. ils ms-miss-ss (Haltun. Ps-s-tand 20c5 Dutterin)ai aI a Iopia f utIhe _____________________ colos-s ceremuny Joiy 2 ai Brampton. Some 400 Larne AUCTION SALE Seuls iii be on pus-duondes- or Antique andiOumtes Pnitus-e, DbSIIS4 TactseV-» For Nm GCuy WUaen The Ras-I lyst t ia Bots of Norval. and Ms-. Ms-inaisy of Brampton. 'Ssling in lise Horvai Parish Hall un Taeaday Evanlng, luna 13th At 6.30 nhurp. C.E. 21 ines TV; 8-pises- oak disisg raom suite; aid -pis-s- rnahogany living srn msuite; large. aid. cherr drap - leaf luisît; wash stands; aid and ais- sr rocks-ss; aid muntel, kiteisen and malt dlocks; srnaltalises; round aak eniension lubie; smull. old, oak desk; aId pic. tus-e fsres; pins- flous- bis; coa- lisealal bs-d; Sirnnst nes-i hed; rnaisgaay dresser; ireadis- sewisg machins-; studio cours; Electrolus vacuumn cItants-; ran- gette; G:E. retigeralur, suitable, collage os-s-sc. romr; mis-sors; Gurss-y 40 inchistslve; chrome hutches taluss-and 2 chairs; ma- Is-i radio; cottes- tables; electrie heales-; lumps; rof unds-riap; 9 s 9; s-og 9 n 12: otd glass and china; good aid cas-pentes- tuais; trait jas-s, cracks etc. A gaod citas lot wih svsrai grad, aId pis-ces. Omners, Hall Hard and aur- iases-r nul respansîble fus- any accidents un ps-smises. Os vis-m ai 5 orclock. TERMS: CASH. FRANK PETCH. Auclionses-. Tel, 877-2864. Wm. Karjurh. clrisk. 20c5 est Hardie. Gao-gm ss .district Christ- ian neisool. R.R. 1, Geergetown, mas lise scene of a tiag saising and Ires- piaaiing csremuny. fi mas a special occasin, ps- ceed-d y a discussion ia ciosss-oums as tht importune of Casadas cenleaniat. Tiss as-m national lag and cents- niai bannes- mers- saised and tise national antheer nag. Small tir ireess ere plants-d and tises pupits listess-d lu an udds-ess by Esquesinfecouscil- los-a Fattlessos. missn he spolie ut tise puni bai rged theas 10 look ta thtftus-e. Pollckad ICampbel Manuta lu s-esnof j IHIGH GRIADî MIMORIALSI jMEMORIAL f NORAVINCI 62LeS t.oth, ALs- Tetaphose 6178 REFRIOIRATION DOMCO REFRIGERATION4 Domestir Refs-iges-atos- Fe and Fssses- Service Phone- Campbelîviîîe 854-2605 21cli *muTY SALON DECORATINO Vogue Beauty Salon A NEW COIFFPURE Deigntd Jusi Par You ' and - COMPLETE BEAUTY SERVICE Call 878-2461 192 fMaia Street HENNY'S HAIR STYLING 198 Miii St. - Hilton CARL 878-3263 FOR APFOINTHENT DRAPERY BROADLOOM " Resldetilal " Industrial " Commercial Ready-made Drapes in stock. For Customs Ses-vica CAU. 078-2067 FOR HOME' APPOINTMENT SYERS 228 Main St. 878-2067 2104f *Modemn Equlpmeesi GEIAL CONTRACTONS *Expert Styling, Cloring, Wavissg. e52t pRAY OLAN ELECTRICAL SERVICE McPHAIL ELECTRIC e INDUSTRIAL e COMMERCIAL. a DOMESTIC *e ýLBCI£ C = RZRING Complete Eîectric Home 66 Chasles Si. Miloan 878-9513 FAY'S ELECTRIC 'Indunîriai, Commesrial Residestial Pire and Bus-glas- Alars Biscîrir Heat 24 - Hous- Service 7086 TREMAINE ROAD MILTON Phone 878-2048 2Nel TV andi RADIO SERVICE DURNAN TV AND APPiiIANCES SALES & SERVICE " Phîtîps TV & Tape Recordes * R.Ck Sterto, TV. Applianres " Spurion TV and Sierea 222 MAIN ST. 87e4445 r-if LIUT'S T.V. SALES & SERVICE * EMERSON *B & W colos- TV and Sterea * Tomes- Service ti2 Mill Si., MMltas. Phone 878-3208 2lr50-tf BUILDING CONTRACTORS LTD. * Home Improveasents " Renovatians * Mies-allons " Addtians " Commercial o as-Idusts-al UL 4-2263 CALL IRVING ROOFING For ROOFINCI AVESTROMMIO ALUMINUM 5MING0 RelRooflng ous- Spelaliy Carpentry Wos-k 0f Al Kinds Phoane 874020as-r7M303 MIITON - Fret Estiasatea - AM. WOR3C GUARMITRUD OAMN SRvicu Formosa Landscaping CONTRACTOR " Seedlng and soddine " Weed sprayisg " Pertillziag *Trea erlng *Patios 878-3263 PAINTINO AND DECONATIN GIL VANSOELEN PAINTING Contractor Industrial - ResidantWa Inierias- - Extarias- Cali nom for FPs-ne glatas 878-6137 Box 114, Hilton, 210-f WILL DRIWN WELL DRILLING J. B. RUTTAN SWING MACHININ R. R. 2, Miltan, Ont. _____________ Phase Burliagion NElsan 4-602 SINGER SEWING MACHINE SALES - SERVICE RENTAL PHONE 871-686 Milton Fabric Centre Servicssand Repaira ou ail erakes ai aeming machina. 30e-t TAILORINO - REPAINS *Tailoring * Miteraiions *Generul Repalas * Reasonabla SBB OUR SPORT COATS AND SLACKS FRED'S TAILORING SHOP Fred Vesrsate 217 Main 878-3302 TAILORING ALTERATIONS and REPAIRS KNIGHT'S MEN'S WEAR 202 Main Sîreet PHONE 878-4472 21047-tf CUSTOM UPHOLSTUY MILTON UPHOLSTERY 'Nom owaed and cparatad by Las-e Artisas PHONE 878-9094 R. R. 3 MUlots * Re.upisoislery * Auto trier " Upisolstery cîtsng " Custoas bul Iûfrittir * Fs-te pick-up and dellvas-y Halton Upholstering Rs-Upholstering Custom Bul Furoisare Chrome Iitoisen Chais Rug and upisotste-y sampooing Fs-es- pick-up and delvas-y. H. ENSEN RCR. 2, Caspbelîvllle, Phono; 854-9939 21c52-f 'DOESl IT PAY TFO HAVE YOtIRF'URIMTJE REUPHOLSTERED ? One sure may ta fiad ouI ai no casl lu yous-set<. Wark dont in Hilton. Caîl 878-2056 Haroîd's Uphoîstery Ris- 1967 e 1 The Canadiai Champion, Wednesday, June 7, A