Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 7 Jun 1967, p. 7

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SAURA SECORD, piayed by Cindy Corp, and ber tamous cow weme accosted by sentry Douglas Barr as part of the Martin St. Senior Public- Sehool program Psiday. Ibat trealed historicai ' c' sihihii-'à'ih-eatdfsin SafPoo The Canadlan Champion, Wednesday, June 7, 1967 7 A track and fild mecs lsd. Animais wiii play a big raie tween the Americas and Eur- ai Expo 67. The Chiidren's Zoo ope wiii be held Augusi 9 and ai La Ronde bas 200, ail cuba. 10 during Expo 67. Ite con. There wUi be baby lions, llg- leotants wili be seiecled from ers, Ilamas, oshsichea and ma- the finaliss f the Pan-Ameni- ny more. Osilside the Austral. cao and Esiopean champion- ian Pavilion, kangaroos wiii be ships. on display. Iepgthe N Diry A Fone te Prodce More, with Less Effort Congratulations, Dairy Farmers, on a lob well done t's a privilege to serve you. j SUICIDE FINDINGS Dua ' fot IAI lADS IDA DID Cotrary lu poplar opin- 5' U U ion, suicide is not alma ' s ps-e- ceded bv visible gloom or de- t k ~~~~~~jection."s.citit okn pu at i ydai suicide *ps-eestionscnt have discovercd that ttempts Wbcn is a iamn dump soi a Councilior Bsian Bcst satd l by patients to take their omn îamn dsmp? mas aai feasîbie ta spcn lise ivcs trequco-tis arc prccedcd Whes il is flot open enougb dump seben tbe operator is bhv smiling depressios' - a hours to ser-ve the people misa nol there. as the toose papes- coverisg - op of inser feues of pay for it. says George Jack- btoms ait oves- tome if it iv 501 fai'ings with an air of good son of Onces St., Milton. Heceosee-d op immediatety. Bic homos-."Once the suicide bas -appcaeed before council on recalled tise toms opened il mode up is misA 10 take is Mosday 10 cormptais the iown's on Saisisday mos-nings for ab- lite, he may ssddcnlp sccm sanitars disposai site mas use- out six monlbs, but il mas us- reiaxcd, even hsappy and se- tcss ilb is preseni opcn cd so itilc, it assIt wos-ih- lieved, bccausc he bas deided houes of 7.30 a.m. 10 4.30 p.m. white 10 keep an aperatos- on a '.ay oui of is agons." ac- Mr. Jackson eald last fati he duty. He wondcrcd if ht coulA cording Io Os- Robes-t E. Lit- cteascd up is yard and gatlis' be opesed ose Solos-dos mos-s- mon of the les Angeles Soi- eed up a trailer-toad ot rocks. ing cacb montb 10 accammo- eide Prevetios Centes-. THE CAST 0F THE Bathroom Don!, presented the lef t are Jo.Anne tadley, Ga"ryMacDoug- Friday by the Marin St. Senior Public School. al, Brian Williamson. Shelley Beeton. Diane delighted the audience during the school's Gibbons and Barbara Hodson. spéçial centenniali ear va riet; pregram. rom ' (Staff Photo) Asks Warden present chain to Mayor Syd Peesentatios of the s-cees ty purehased chais of office fer Miltons Mavor s- io0bc r- ranged ln lunc, membres of Miltos Cauncit agrerd dsrisg Mondav's meeting. Tt mas agrerd the Wardcs of Halos Cosntv wootd bc le- vled 10 make Ibehe res taion sitb ait formes- mas-ý ns- siI- cd 10 attend the event. The chain îf office. was specîaity ilcigned for the tome and wiii hbe wors svmboicatiy dr leg evens at mticisthe may- or mas be preseni. Cauncllor C. Johnson, se- ferred te as tbe senior menm- ber f couve il le terrns of yeurs ut service, mas ttomed tu serre as ebairman for tee prcseliiiiie An opcelenvitation 10 al c iizle,îenl service groops ta attend itheceveet, that ii be pianeed to follow a short reg- star meeting, is to be issued men asuitable date for the Warden's presence is estab- lished. WIFE MISPLACED A tourist, ufter spending the nigbt inv Myrle Beach, S.C., uppeuind 10 the Chamiser o Commerce fr beip le finding bis ite. He cosidn't remem- ber shcb ufthie tewns more than 20 motets they had check- cd in te. The mas bad tft ta gel gas for bis car and wben ho beaded back tu pick op bis wite. be rcalized bhe didn't know which of the nom ross places atosg the Occan 11gb- mas mus home base. 'Poice- mven toek hîca [roma moteltol motet and heurs tater. he f in- uly bit the right anc and a reunited mtb bis mife. Tii. Rtai! Division of the Milton Chamber of Commerce Wishes to express its sincere thanks to the following or- ganizations and individuals who s0 willingly and ably worked ta a-ake aur Miss Milton Ciamber of Commerce and Pancake Festival a worthwhile venture: Tise Ceeka Supersweet (Raiin Meedi Maltai, Creameey Malien and Peel Conservation Authrity Milton Park Oiedes Oalinger Mtera Trafalgar Mtars Bell Bras. Milton Mter Sales OntarieelaiC. Ontario ydra Pyrfas spectal mentitan ta P. Bar fer is efferts) Tiny Mopkns (MC.) George Swann Dr. Stevenson Tise Judgea and aur 8 wen- derfai cntestants fer Mina Mlten. A h.arty "thank yau" ta the following Milton marchants who generously donated their services and marchandise ta provide the selectian of prizes: Dank af Mentreal Salas Capri Ianl Bleck Miltan Inn S. Lawrence Mariset International Bakery Milton Shoe Repaie Lido Retaurant Fahies Beauty Lunge Maris Statieneey Jais General Stare Llyd Devis, JeweiIer Mixais Vriety SeIiche Stre Mltn Dept. Stre Fred Milîs Fiara Shappa Iarl Mengraw Barber Shep Ledwith's Fend Markets Wayse's Reard Bar Miltas Fabric Centre McKim ardware Charles Mtai Pure Feod Bakery Miltes ardwaee Tam Dear Sheas Freds Taller Shep Adama Furniture Richardson'% TV Vague Beauty Salon Knightas Men's Wear Ilsley's Pbarmacy Milten Pharmacy Bank of Neya Scetia Ras' Blliards Maltas & Peel Trust Syer'a Famiiy Fashiana Rasa Brancier Jeweliera Can. Imperiai Banks of Commerce Chariet Anderson, Barber Mlton Phtageaphic Murray Maed Drive-In Soedrifi Christe & Woods, Reailtate robjble and genes-at debris. He didn't espeet tbe toms garbage ces mtl take il amay for hlm, -o be IncA ta deiver it im- sefflu the town dump off Wl- liams Ave. Bui by tbe ime he gt bome fromt work. tise dump was ctosed and il wasn'l open on Satus-days, cubher, Afler repeated aitempis la gel it Ibere during the dumpa 'business hoors", be finaiiy fol mad and dumped the ioad in front of thse Ioeked gale. "Nom i am bothered with a charge, wicb 1 iii go ta court about,' he told council. "lTsai dsenp la a publie fac- iity thal sbovld be available ta the public ai reasonable Iours, and tbose are n001 rean- onabte bours,' he complained. dte tose seba cannt came there in the daytime. Anoilser suggestion came from Cooncittor Chartes Pay, who said tf a resident telepha' ncd tbe town hait, the gar- bage cris-av ouid pick up trees and large piles of debris on Wednesdati aflernoans. The maltes- mas lefi with Counittar Besita inqoire if cise tome works foreman f a- vored apening ane Salas-day a mantis. A repart la etpected nert week. Spare irscat iyau carry around yor waisi are lthe kind you danst wasi la taise aiang an your vacation. Sim down and have a pleasant sommer. UN A BuER UUED CAR! Have a Look at Thes. Summortime Vacation Specials '66 RIBEL 2-DR., NAROTOP, V-8, Auto, power steering, power brakes, radio, buckel seats, custom interior, t17,500 miles, lic. J-8705. Was $2,995 - .SPICIAL $2895. '65 AMBASSADOR '880', 4-dr., V-8, Auto. power steer- ing and brakes. radio, Lic. J-8867. Was $2.095. .. ...................SPECIAL $1995. '65 CLASSIC '550', -dr. 25,000 mi., Lic. J-6024, was $1,695. ...- -... ....-1 ....... SPICIAL $1595. '64 RAMBLIR AMIRICAN, 2-dr., osto, radio. Lic. J- 9327. Mas $1.325. SPECIAL ...$1,250. '63 CLASSIC '550' 2-dr., lic. J-10220. Was $1.095. SPECtAL $1 ,025. '63 VALUANT CONVERTI- BLE, Signet '200', 6 auto., buckel seats, lic. 658657. Was $1,595, SPECIAL .$1,495. '62 CMIV., 6 auto. 2-dr., lic. J-8373. Was $1.050. SPICIAL . ... . .$975. '62 CLASSIC, -dr., auto. Lic. J-9653. Was $995. SPICIAL ... .. . $095. '61 CIV 4-dr., 6 auto., Lic. J-10218. Was $995. SPECIAL ..........$875. '61 RAMBLIR, 4-dr. Custom Lic. J-9989. Was $895. SPECIAL ..........$795. '62 FORD CONVERTIBLE, '61 VALUANT STATION V-8, 390, auto., lie. J- WAGON, 6-cyl. aulamatic. 10224. Was $1.595. Lic. X-5603. Was $825. SPICIAL - .. $1495. SPICIAL-......-..$750. '62 FORD CONVERTIBLE, 6-cyl. auto., fuît power, lic. J-t02t9. Was $1.595. SPICIAL ....$1.495. '62 CMIV. V-8, 2-dr. auto., lic. J-7525. Was $1.150. SPICIAL - .... $1,075. '62 RAMBLER, Custom '400' aulomnalie. radio, Lic. J- 8507. Was $1.095. SPICIAL -, >-.ýý.$995. '61 RAMBLIR AMIRICAN, 2-dr. Lic. J-3719. Was $495. SPICIAL ..... ....- $395, '60 DUICK, 2-dr. Hardlop. V-8, auto. radio, Lic.J 10222. Was $795. SPICIAL -.........$700. '60 RAMBLIR STATION WAGON, 6-cyl. auto., Lic. 78356-X. Was $695. SPICIAL .. ..... .$593 0 Easy Terms Arrang.d CLEMENTS-WARD MOTORS LIMITED YOUR RAMBLER DEALER BRONTE ST. NIAR THE MOSPITAL PHONE 878-3441 YeuirIloal trust cemnpuly pays you goed interest! 4 cY CHIQUING ACCOUNTS lnterest starts the day you open your account and is credited every 6 months figured on the minimum quarterly balance, Free chequing privi leges! d4'/2010 SPICIAL VIGS 5 CîO Interest is reckoned on the minimum monthly balance f rom the day of your f irst deposit. No cheques may be writ- ten <withdrawals in person or by mail) 50 you con really sa! MONTHLY SAVINGS $7.33 deposited monthly will give you $500 in 60 monthsl $1466 deposited monthly wiIl give you $1.000 in 60 monthsi 6 c/wo GARN1 (Term Deposits) Purchase your Guaran- teed Investment with any amount from $100 up, for a tes-m of from 1 to 5 years. Interest paid half-yearly or you may leave if to accumulate 'tii duel Choose tho Accounts that Suit You Best 1 MILTON 252 Main Street - 878-2834 LORNE SKUCE, Manager LOCAL DIRECTOR - Or. C. A. Mas-is, Vice-President NORTH MALTON AOVISORY BOARD John T. Armsrong, Chairmen Retord Gardhouse, Maurice C. Bealy, Michael Ledwith, John Goy, Dr. B. O. Young CON'VENIENT OFFICE HOURS Mon, - Thus. 9.00 - 5.00 - Fridays ftil 6.30 HALTON &. PEEL TRUST a SAVUNOS COMPANY Member Canada Daposit Insus-once Corporation Our job is to help you in your good manage- ment, with time-saving, top-quality farm impie- ments. Boost Farm Efficency. Tool Up for Top Resulta e àIwF MILTON EQUIPMENT CO. LTD. Bas. Lin. - Milton - 878-2121 W. have tried te mais. this lisi cmpita. 0ur aplgies te asy whe have bees emitted.

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