6The Canadian Champion, Wednesday, June 7, 1967 Alm Amalgamation of Durlinglon mitit Hamilton is out accord-1 ina 1 ta heresulîs of a citizens' survay of naarly 1000 residents of Burlinglon. Titosa nrt of taeDundas Higitway mare unanimouxly agatasi sucit a mova, litosa condacling te survcy report- cd but aven uver te wbola municipalis' tetîran d was te The surxey %%tas initiated bsn a gtttup uf iîîlerested cilizens stitu sîre coneerncd about te periodit. discussions in Councit and among members of Coun- cil ragarding te formation of a regionai type of govrnmani xilh taearea ment ai Burling- To determine the general feeling of tite cilizens te group decidad lu moka a sur- va « queations wera posad. Do you favor te lownof Burlinglon being abxorbed ity Hamilton? Do yoo feel taI Barlinglon should go 1 ite expense of a siudy la delar- mine te feasiiilily of amal- gamation s'it Hamilton? Tite predomi nanceof rc-pliex t eiectcd amalgam ation wit sueit sommants as: If me manted to ha part of Hamnil- ton we would go tera. We're doing mlt witaoul any itelp. No smog wanied. Burlinglon itas ils omn rexources and po- tenlial. Lose personal loucit Amalgamation doesn't appeal "' witit governmenl. Dont munI t0 be swallowed up by Hamil- ton. On te question of a sludy the replies inctuded commenîs like: Tite information luaite gaincd would 001 t e sortit lte cust. Burlinglon is pro- greîsing fasler titan Hamilton. Many of te replies indicated the residenîs itad moved from Hamilton lu be in Burlioglon. Titose esprssing support for atmalgasmationv mut Hamilton suggested te taxes migitl go domn, titece was 100 mucit du- plication nom, and te arca was almosl one anymay. Mcas. W. Galli moitoîitialad te ides for te survey tat was corcied out by more titan 40 women, rcported mnsl of te petople mccc itappy ta bave been axked for teir opinion. As a resulIl of lie xurvcy a citizen%' commilîce for an In- dependent Burlinglon ix being ocganiced and itumper stick' ers are iteing prcpared wiie wlll proclaim "Burlinglon- Ours is a nice tasvn." Dancing students entertain parents Close tu 200 atiended te joan Waters Scitool ot Dane- ing recital Saturday evening, at tite Marltn Street Senior Public. Sihool. Ttî an outsider il would secm tai 011cr confsusion scîgne i n teitalls as the dancers ronited coff stageta citange inttume oteir next r-number. Bot evervlsnc kues e itere tes ssere gouf and muwt the exception vf a fat bt rivil midedste shtowas ru tsnciinl and te astdi Otec as oveil enîcrîained. 'i The show conn isled of' 421in d its dual ntîmhers inludin:, te sîword dance, te Irish Reel anti a multitude ut ulitt d.tnees Jttatt Waters was as Iiin te prttducton h% M.îîgtîCiaritain anti Piper Keit Gilmour. We, W. ~Rental accomodation Sshortage seen here TENT.DWULLIRS (oae Ameitas two Canadians - no indiansl tlai tings ovar t te Northt Besisqîns Cuborea Saturdan. Tita boys iceioda Mite Kelly of Pack 67 of Bufalo, N Y . Randy Nykorukothe lta14th urtnglun iKibdei park and Biiiy Hvaît of tae 2nd Waterdoocn pack The avant was te seventit annoal iteid t Camp Muntîne on Twies oad, sertit of Kitiride. (Staff Pitotot THE INDIAN THUME prenailed aI lita seventh annual Norlt Burlinglan Cuborce Saturday as 1.000 gatiterad ta match, par. tîcipate and bail inite 80 degrea heat. Hera Gary Krulikoski of te 2nd Walerdown Cab packt acepîx some ealiindian- style cors bread lrom dtsplaît superulsor avd omnar Jil Hill, a Guider from 2nd Fort Naelsnyack (taff Phtoto) Kanata theme Burlington Cuboree Close lu 1000 cuhssciant, andi packt sîces altendeil te iixtannua i Bringtîs Cuitîsec eitld t Camp Manitout near Kithide Saturdav. Bit fcom Campitelivitie. (artiste, Wasîedown and te Burltttg Ion District s wail as a gast pack of 50 itovn tram Bull.ý," New Yok Oece un itîv enjoy te activilses. Thte teme tiis year t "Kanulo' 1671967 anti ca, pack sel up a dispits spi lgtibine te lia ant i she'e- menlx of ana gecal C.în.ssia.t Thte citoice ranges1 ii îttRtk at Richard lu Lester Pt.tî te Te afitenonnvasrgariii cd sustaItîne grîttp ctI spend ime t cach of ftiti i avnns. Thte ient 'Ittî tae dispian shoitîsng tht' and uciieements ni ont, udian. Tite second mas uan e iily period cins'iichb hîvs parlicipalcd in igitl sffeit ct fumas. Ai snssn the ailcînîttî,n', agenda. was an sîtnîti miicit inciodec i t, Thea final cuint emyhasized MINOR ACCIDENIS Milton Police reportionl% trae min or accidents tîccor ccd in Mlotnturing te puni m-ack. Thte crashes vs. ludad one Tbîîcsdav mit negligible dam- age, une ridav ciuti ng500 pcoperlv damage' and te 1;%, on Satrdavecaus tnp S20 1 1 ualer saiels and was puI on hi te Bulinglon Rones. Foiitsing soppac te boss ,îîid thete families toinecî in a .ttîznt ,smpfitrcand ilnistnstng. Jeant CIîstîtu hc.ted teone .t.nîcîiriîînittte Othtnssn h, ,Iiiitee wme,.Mars S .îîBrtIti WiterBob i. 't ý .'.n . tsîn Jttve t n -r, ni, , lssne rli horta.ge ut rentai ac- mmosîtttîn in Milton a tpitasiLed lu Milton Cuoncil nMondas ssitn Cîtanciiiîtr ord'to Kranýz recoua~tcd ce- vni instancs citere lmlc 1uxiliary plans lne supper party Afler an astrameiy busy cac, ltae mmbers outhlita os- lai Auxiliury arc luokina foc- ard lu lte annoal Jonc sup- sr purly lu 6e iald aI lita xcilv home by Mrs. W. Har- and Marry, R.R. 5. Titis miii bctahie taxI meet- g uii Seplamber and il ix uped ailtltammtbars ara planning lu attend and la ring a iriandini wito would ec inîeresîed in auxiliary tort and in bacomica a mcm-, NMas.joye e Snçe is conve- icg and, witb ber comnmile, titI moka titis acolter daligit- fuI affair. Mrs. Race Murphy wiii ha on bond lu aucliOnlthe ant- iquel brougit bYlte memtbeis in ber uwn inimitable mac- ler. Su itring along tlitIant- ique ltaI paciaps doax nol bland miit yauc decor aI homne and no dubl someone aIse ailI be ihappy wiltl. Mfp.j A. WiIna bas gen- ts ý onaled a fine Krieg- liai peint. miticit will bc drama lac ltaI evacing. Remember lte lima, 6 pmn.; lte place, Mcx. W. H. Merryts home; and lte date, June 14. CHANGE THEORY Esperimanîs mithmeal patients and s.iild censito%, ltaI releasing anger on ponch îng boos, or mthtîv focs ie the case ai citildeen. ducs no' mnan ltaI prsn, gg sionihaiteen relieved anc tha ha tnili b6estenstclitne( lu tigit itn the future. The ut ai vsts tas matde hts Dr. Liti coin D. Clarkt. assuciate pet ressr oipsvchiate ai lite lUt iveesî tv fUtah Cîtiiege otiMM disîne. In fact, lie adde. 'Mental patients woupe.îclit miith punt.iing bags junt hall hetter aim. and cildeen whi plat wih lts neapons hs' mure fightv titan citildeen wi doit'" The nted that mut h s.sti'.ieti, 6e sasid. i, remîtv ofi an% threa t Ils cuitI Petîpis.'mnatsdoîthitxs erhasi or tttsu.andi .ccotrding1 i)r Clasrk '"theittrmerti nu nm tc.e ptable. I ~ ALW4YS AT WORK dai TO BRING YOUR FAMILY DELICIOUS ~ ~~'DAIRY FOODS For Daîry Monih . . . a salute to j local Dairy Farmers and ther fine j daîry herds. We are proud to be a part of the daîry induslry in ohis i community. IMILTON PAR K DAIRYI DON'T FORGET THE j OPTIMIST I AUCTIO N ForFriendy SATURDAY t JUNI 10 AT MILTOf, PAIR OROUNDS GRANDSTAND - 1.30 P.M. ;%te L TD . Service -Phono 878-9723 tno. tîtitr aueeomrntttttiton. Ïle nîtîcîtte demîlltiîtîîtou s(,netootte on Miii S t. îns'îlscd ilreLînsîies 't dosîî'thave a .ouiîtitttt', 6c etînciîteti but ntta.teted thîtatînr r tir Its' pethiem, B tîlîitt B 111.1 epnrted îhat hî%eso c, oeutlai tecuti ofithe mîthli\îsith ns.witere le Deputv Re -ne C. Mccciv oit .%-%d te îrtthim was geler- ai, lie sltggesltiite average ,tpar'ment in Ftîthtoett tu .tixtsgonone stp t 1tît4ttaSdlt nthl on a take t-lticvottit ai Cîtuocilisîr Krtntc tiîîttgtl sîtme tof te nottie, gil .1.tC pe rmitlrennovatîîlfn>mîchi ht stwan otît int nt'tt iunt ut muc i tihar revIs Mayor S. G. Ciils sîlggeest, tera oas ltile te t i ol ,lo about te prî,liem andt h di setîssion eonciuded. Burlington survey reveals L.W mmsne ()f iel conludle operation af pn0D O in ha pas dWOtkngforte p:cp itarsî havea and aPpp ceated tecnf iltonaand district Wtem in6000 g edohm rhdcexpse b intlltiton wo rk c lservice:dand ht .~ Waid be aeciatd ihose h hae0ttanding aPprees Wt 2krmn y Jonc 30 orcsais moid moka it 10 fialz theacon b retarrange etay 0MY tianits ta ai fo t lt ' 5as te yasand PlItefrendY b oi>~s he soniCs cstabised.hnste Rotary visites Mlon Clubo Prov! n Mill luor s.it ed tocý Rapr v e 5 1&Kn Bus Route For Kelso Swim Lessons SCHEDULE FOR BUS ROUTE FOR KELSO ... Ob LEAVE Lower Base Lins - 8.20 a.m. -- Boyne - 8.30 a.m. Percy Merry School - 8.45 ac.m. -- 'Hornby - 9 a.m. Milton - 9.10 ar. *Returning at Approximately 12.00 noon BUS CHARGES - $3.00 Per Student Per Month to Maximum of $600 Pr Family -SWIM LESSON RATES - Ail Age Groups - $3 per rnonth, less for additional children O F F ER ING Beg inners through RED CROSS PROGRAM Seniors And a New.*1 Red Cross Survival Swimrning Awvard Available and Royal Lifesaving Safety Award APPLICATIONS AVAILABLUE AT KELSO POOL OR *.R.C.A. OFFICE 225 MAIN ST. .- ITON *STARTS MONDAY- JULY 3rd For Additional Information Phono 878-6891 Sponsored hy Halton Region Conservation Authority tSepueidable ARE THE DAIRY FARMERS 0F HALTON COUNTY WHO CON- TRIBUTE SO MUCH TO THE WELFARE 0F ALL 0F US DAY N AND DAY OUT THROUGH- OUT THE YEAR. t>epueindifle> .' ARE THE MANY FORD STRUCKS AND VANS THAT SERVICE THIS GREAT INDUSTRY MOTORLTD. 409 Main St. Milton 878-2369J tl a a morltly for a one-occupant represenled hy E. B. Clements, W>,CflEfe SU unit wit a maximum income David Thompson and Jün Oila. 0 or 2,700. The one-bedroon atiles hma aporîmnent rents for $70 monlh- lv to d couple seit a maximum e-.q.ie Sc ne or Citizcus' aparinentS i3,500 incomne. Cluistopher Ramahaw wea ished in Oakville by the Provision jlf such a prajecl reported to have graduated -y Club of tai toms were here is beîng considered by tse from te University ef Water- cl by represcstatives of Roary Club of Milton. loo wth a Bacitelor of Science n Couanci and the Rotary Mayor Childs and Couneil- Degrea in last wee's Cham- of Milton tast %meai. lors T. Cosisens and B. Best pion. This was in error.' Ne vision o uthe apartiments represen led the tosson on the graduaîed wit a Bacitelor of, lon i. being inveslîgolsd, viai and the Ru arv Club was Apptîed Science. tics n. etcr 60 scit lîmît- reaenativea of the. O'k * Rutars Club consued a * uf ts. new shs1h rîse 80 * btilding )i nucit 'pset * vcumptleocpis.A tsî.'salomade.to in .er* loot hi lit5 * n îarimen i tP, 60 * MATCH DUR * NINDOWSLong or Short... .Your FOR * Hair is Our Business! *N~~ o malter wvial hape *PCI L your hair isain, our beau- * * ficiana mii Suid you* ~T * a gia oua atyle. * VestEn'd . CI.sed Mon. Relax in air-conditione comfort at * Open Ail Day Wad. ** nThur. and Priday 111 s gvq 9 au Fealure Rd Brand feei* Serve the Eau End, To 133 Main St. West 878-2131