Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 7 Jun 1967, p. 5

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Ei sh and Game News b yàar n coul1oon This being our Centenala ycar in Canada, we thought itN wauld ise a goad ides ta re. view 100 ycars of hunting and Ashing. Since thé eoeiliest dayst whth te white mon firstm stepped on thse shores of Con. ada, our fis and witd gme88 have ptayed a tremendous1 part in tise developemnt of 08481 land. first, mon must est ta, sur- vive, and lie got tis foad in ttiase eary days ot f rom s store, but fron aur forento and aur streamn. Even es ate as the StOs, as our raitruads pushed westward, a great num. ber of hunters were requred ta kilt buffato and otiser witd gaine. Witisout thens, 0818 railtoads 00uld neyer have been bult through those vast Plainss sud tise nortiland. In iban days, ganme mas so shundant, no restrictive incas- ures mre necessary. but asu thse population grew and tise tand was lered. greedy men kiled gome, and in many cases tef t muois of th carcass ta rot or ie etes by cornasn birds. toking only tise chaicent cuts home. Millions of buffalo were destrayed fr tieir ton- gues aoane. It was not long befare some farm af retrint on thse 00k ing of ganse and Bsh becsme necessary and a fewmansd Bis aws were put on paper. Usuaily lacking suy reliable form of enforcement, the taws permtted the slaugiter la continue inta tise middle 1830s. Here is anc instance of tise lacis of resight of people lto tise future. In thse province of Ontario in 1841, a fine of 40 shillings for iilllng deer b.. tween Jsuuary 10 sud Juty 1 was levied. For tise remalnling six mantlhi, tise relentîcas kilt. ing weni on. 11».safeciy of the lawma kers mas unquestianable. but Il mos iard ta see tisen, tist tise ganse cauld al be kilited or depleted to a dangeraus level. Some husters boated of bAIl. ing an higis as 20 to 40 deer daily n ibig drives down revin- Tien cmse tise firt orgas. zed sgency for fisis and ganse administration in 1892. Eveus 0f Pr 01 tr Si fe g, lç K. C4 1 d 1 cI Esquesing Council Esqoesinq couscit meltsnreg- ut ar sesion Munday nkigit and, e EntInnuRd a street dasce lune 24 in Norva iroins 7 p.ns. tilt widntgit. The dasce mutl ho hetd os the cousty road and dtours sil e placed os Imo streets omncd sy te tomnship. The insurasce company iS te bentified. *Voiced no objections tu tise officiai plan suhmitled for ti. tomo of Oaisvilc so a piro- poscd airport could ho bult. e Authorized 1888in shcep dlaims Br four ambs deslroy- ed and $10 ta theo daims exam- iner. 0 Recoived a conspiaint f romn Mrs. Sproml Sr. about garbage bcbng dunsped across from ier piace. Councillor lTunsMill said il as teisg dose iecause Adtos dump mas ciosed and ciarged tise toms- siip dunsp mas nom receîvtng garisage f rom oulside tise toms- siip. He urged lise dump ho matctsed ctosely and aspone caugit he dealt ith te the fuI- lest xtcn t othtietame. e Agreed te close a portion itise road altomasce htmeen ots 27 and 28 on coscession Imo. property omsed on bth sides ty Mr. Smalmood. The road as neyer opened. e Auttsorized poyment ta tise dog cosîrol off icer of 849 for seves picis ups. e Authorized intallation of asreet ligit on Mary St. in the village of Nureat. e Rfrred a requent ta cent tise toms grader. a Possed a resoluttos that tise dent, be isstructed to prc- pare a iy-lam ta prevent the keeping of ivestock in buitt-up areas in Oes Wiliamss and as amnedment to ttse presesi parking by-iam te prevest paris- ing on tovntip roads the year round. 0 Set lune 19 as the set reeslar meeting. 0 Heard a report fromn rood superinlendent Bud Snom os road expenditures mticts are $31,000 more ths' year tias at tise same ime last. Mr. Snom rcpurted ioever, more hat hees donc than aItishe sanse ime as vear. 0 Touis no0action on a re- qscst runs the Pool Office De- partmnet that street nases in Ges Wliass tise saie as Georgetoms sanses ise chasg- cd. The Pos1 Office said sansn msust he ctasged te avoid con- fusion iefore sait delivery conse Gles Wiliamss. ,fer tise Ganse and VInh Act vent tisrough leglslsture, sanse Sovinces lncludlsg Ontario, ?ebec and Britishs Columbioa led ta get the rulng done may with and nearly suc- eded. Their case ment ta thse 8preme Court of Canada. .2e to rise stubisbornness of o w staunch supporters of gaie lows, the Act held until [07 mhen cacis province then ýad their oten ganse and fis Tb ii. NIsO Mgrtoey Btrds Convention Act mas inaugurai- -d in 1917 and 1918 and recel- îd legistation. Jacis Miner, sne of 0848.first conservation- sts. warised untiringly until his deatis. Thanks ta Isins and hard.marking faresighted men ke iin iucis af aur wild Be is stil holding its own to- ay. The history of tise fur trade sn Ontario in a good example. The trade is as aId as aur countryi and despite iseavy trappisg, it is stili a tisrivlsg business in tise narthland. Cold, we, setmly weatiser hampered fisisermen and cons- cers un lthe first long holiday weekend of tise year. Despite the odds. most suglers caugisi aleast a kew fiis. Pete Tisa- sas and friends rans Milton caught their limit of plokerel .1 ISurgeon Falls. Owen Yens and four minis ranchers aise, aourneyed ta Sturgeon Falla for their pieberet. Ed Robertson, Dove Leslie, George sud Bill Baley sud tob 'Neilson west ali tise way to Rouyn, Ouebec, to fis and lenpite su inchis oOm Sot. urday nsornlng. they caugist five lake traut, five pise, sud a nice catch osf large wisite- os. Joe and Sandra Wsnder spent lise weeisend with Arn and 'Helen Coulson at Sturg. con Lake and returned home wlth a fuaIt catch of picixerel. Dtiliy Ranuh.w orLow. ville, flstsing wlth his dad at Otter Lake un the Parry Sound district, caugist two puie. George Coulson sud famlly, 2ith Jacis Davies and fanslly. :aught a fuît count af pise in tise Parry 'Sound ares. Fred sud Doris Grant, wlth s0n ton, npent tise holiday with Jacis and Roy Coulter sud 8.iven ot their cottage on Ottr Lake, and caught sose taise traut. Also ait Otter Lake were Poul and Bruce Coulson. Roy Robertson sud Gus Parcisen and fansily. Tisey sîso caugtit a few taise traut. the largest be- istg hooked by Roy Robertson. MkkCale iait.d t Ilgdtea cm*i Rick Cole. 16-year-old cen- tre for Milton Midgets last sea. son, han heen invited ta 18.0 oui for tise Hamsilton Red Wings hockey camp thin <ail. Rick, a grade Il student ai White Qaks Higi s chool. has ptoved tmo years pee wee. twc 'ocam bantans and two years nsidget hockey in Milton. If Rick maises the jum% frons nsdget ta O.HA. Junioi A he miti make hin homne jr Hamilîton Milton Cou ncil B ri ef s B.A. DIGREE Linda Peiîeterio, eider daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. George Pelletteria of R.R. 6, Milton, receved her Bachelor ai Arts degre at Yo'rk University Convocation on June 2. She mas a niadeni ai Nenon High Ichool in Burlingion, and hasu tentative plans loatatend the Ontario College of fducaiion, miih a viem la teaching. Harley to Halton 'î Tise pont meekin isthe Oouse( of Cammons han becs a quietc ose, gencretty devoted ta theo consideretion of estimatcs. mhich is thec detoiled examin-t aias of praposcd governmcst spending for the year endisg Marcis 31, 1%8. Scverel goverement depart- ments are under cossideratios ai the presest ime. It is ges- erally expocted tIai mot of tise montli of June witA be gi- 8880 over ta such study by tise House of Cansmons. TIer. lii h a fem Bils to ho considered. but these wilI ho non-cotroversial miti tise possible exception of the resa- tution 10 remove Mr. Justice Landreville rans the SuP- reme Court. The mater mutl he introduced in the Senate sext mecis and milt ties ho de- isted in tise Blouse of Cons. mass. it is expected lisat this reuatution mill carry and thcn the Governor4enerat milI or- der his removal raNn the Il may uml t htIduring the debale. the Justice may ho gnsnted permission ta 6peais attise bar of the chans- ber of tiseFHouse of Cons- mons as he has requested. Ihis itI be a precedent la thec Casadisu Blouse. 1% la expected tiat the House af Cosunons wmut re- cess at the end of lune or ear- y July for the sommer, so thot Members of Parliamnct nsay ho isIlseir oms constit- ueseies for thc majority of onsmunities' centesnial v. enta. Is mould tises returs ear- ly in tise F011l for consideret- ton of legislation. iaving cas- cludcd or searly conclstded, tise estinsates of goversmest spendine in lune. .10 asswer ta my requent for the opinions of constiluents an Vietnam and as Canadion policy on this issue 4including the Hon, W. Grdons speech ton il if ihed). t h&ve bail some expressions of opinion. Thse eajadity are agalnst tAisericon policy thore and ish Conado ta taise an a smare active rate and speais xg aisst tise Vietsnm contc. Same of tis e tters are very bref sud osiers are quite long suad go nto tiseprbes n thoughtful detait. NOW OPEN On 70 acren af woodland ai Inierciange 38 on highway 401 ai Campbeliville, adjaining Mohawk Raceway. At Monday's Meeting of Mit- ton Couscil: ................ a Quit cdaim deeds mere fives William Green and How- ard Griswold for water riehts 10 prî8perties hetd isy the 00884. e A isy-law mas approsed la regotate traflic on lBruonSt. lt etminates parking on lthe mest side of the street befmeen Mary and King Sts., ta, maise il saler for children miso use a paved pathway thraugh Vic- toria Park. a Accaunts totalling S14,848.- 92 mere approved for paymenl. 0 C,)ncillor Chartes John- sonl, chairman of the police constlee, repurled tise 1088 would Sot accept any of lisre tender'. on a tem poli ce cruis- er. Tise tenders ranged B rom 9t2,789 80 12.835 and hese aid tise toms had not budgeled for this ssuch money thin year. Courcillor Johntson said the committer soas moiting unlil lise Ballmisen the 1968 models corne out. and mili ans for nem tenders ai Ihat tise. 0 Dale of lise minor bal cisocolale har sale mas cisang- cd fr'>ns this weekend t0 Jo' l16 and 17. 0 Council decided 10 on the Association of Municipal Police Goserning Authorities at $15 a Be. 0 Reeve Austan Ledmitis mas ask-d t10lookis 810prices on an air conditioning unit for tise councit chainiers, aftler he ramplaincd about the stuf- iincss and heat of tise roons. Money ha'. becs placed in tise busdget for the item. a An aisatement utf54M0in taxes for 1967 mas granied Brasch 136, Royal Canadian t.egiton, and R. G. Clensentç Texaco Station on Main St. mas granted a $50 abatement in husiness taxes fur ast year, olRl5f Io loss ut business due 10 tise road improvsment pro- ject in that district. * Il mas reportcd tiselosns 8cm front end loader had or- ri8e last so-ck and8908050rk- *Con.illoî Pei9 10.1Bar <i tI 488004Ici he 88/8812 T i/4'8.liait00 Btrowîn Si. pavifl/job hui80flic1 DeParîmont o? Higb 8v8a.v/s coulîl sot subsidico' tbhe8888R. unless a qualificd Cflfifll/0// id thec plans. Thse eneineîering - timate '.SI1000 t 100, bch said. 0 Meoshers decide o wit H.olo' Rosarv Cissrch aibout dust, weed, cuîvert and stop sign prohicmrs on 4alc88pgr.rv privale road irî,m tiseir pro pe8-8s 10 Woodward S. [ollîow- ing a complaint Iromns eurgh- 0 Aulisorized the sîIicitor t0 attend a Municipal Boaîrd iearing on Jonc 30, mies C. A. Martin is appealing a Comnmit- tee of Adiosîmont dcisioîn granting RobnH îooI îeo Milîs Ltd. permtision t~(8o xieo (hiolemilI 3,r8818r15 88n 1Martin t78-r C.uno il oand lan.îning e Were adviscd bv the Healtis Unit an unsalisfactory mater sampie fr088 a Miloon location isad been foltowcd op and tise suissquen sample praved satisfactory. a Agreed nul 10 oppose as application for usiof a resi- dence for an antique business iproviding provisions for park- 1ing mere complied ils. a Agreed sut lu oppose an application for increased ltI coverage on a commercial building providing parking re quireenss ere met. If a rood existed 4800882 th.e.corl, and oed caeqa'pped .ctb the 88788Supe - Last So4e88/"99- Hgb Meag Poyeter Tres won set travelling, non-stop, ut 50nmiles pt hoor . . eve7 a tR t88hud coeoled h alobe 8.24, adho91884 taveiled 50,000 miles - /005 Sofety '99" tires would stili bhave t88ad 8880.454 etta stort c8880188for th thivd t8.e wucsd. The Poly,8eser8-99-7la 0881n/ 0087888882 8tade. l098788800888828 9of82272 tre.miles, bt having no "thrast"88i8'ht Sm 10881, 8874888ta 80 18 spot". Y84 ju848 2088 ge8875 "888077888 to7888 EVEra AT 11,1411111 MILES 8.Polyes88r8Sa888y ' !s the day 0.88841182 - they 1488 dnt getthot "7802217.08.dm05 .oy..8e5 S-fety 9" 8li 7,97080754888 8708878008848888a2d88178-748. Ad. .itt.2Oy it 0a e 0,888e 8.c787577884888 4boy initially, but co.oare ilby8 esIof8service, m-8 1988t7an2 taret . y80'lI 5478t ant 8e8. 88158888 Safîti "99" tg - ilMte re à al On8881 48a80. 488487808 8888588 (in7an0tire 870788gte8the sp7880818882888888885887 t8local ana lai ire S r is 888ering t8 i088888020ou t.488 P7t8r - TUE DEST TIotE14 0L4 TE W5 Thse Canadian Champion, Wednesday, June 7, 1967 improvement __ . LIVING COLOUR ALUMINUM WINDOWS AND DOORS I 15% SAVINGS PAY NOTHING fiEF OUT FLES I AND INSECOS ICONVERT S ERSILY FOR FREE HOME DEMONSTRATION - WIOIOUT OBLIGATION, CAL IIIIuIAUMIUMNWINDOWSI j PHONES: i878-2619 or 878-9632 88 8808budge 64.450/ 13_ _ 8326 36808 7.00/138S308.8 8.88Ïi7 7.75114 (7.50/14) _ _7, 88870 8425/14 (800/14) 828 828". aai 8 55/la (.50/1l41 20.88 88883 8 Ç/ e0/8.24.~ tt 7 35/15 _(6 404650/8 SF 35.4_8 39.62 15 8000ný20/1( stoîls - 33.5 Tiny Blemishos M0nthMp ÀP SAFETY "99- TUBELESS 588888848..E 580 TRACTION - - - 521/.11 2. 3=1 à.8 8 f- _p t, 2Idm j .987 28.88 19818 700/13 13 4 88 .4- 168.37 - - - 5~~00-520/14 2-8 (8 88 - - - - 44~~65/14 (560590 650/8) 2.0 (47 2.8 88 -dtel , te(U1 .., .àae2 .30 664623.18 825/14 (800/14) 2048. 8888 .W* 198 L.,ý - - . n, 22. 888 .6o.28. 8888 855/14 (850/81 20.88 IF ',8R 2 2 .28 8 .f the .--L-di85-1 1&690 4 828- 88 2 2- "88 Roud H 8788 22.20 8h..88 i35/1 455.. 851 82 .2384 2 ." 0 $787 .88.88 $887 ...28df.,-1..* I. 8 775/1ý5 (70/858 2 68 9 88 284 8 88. 88 .8888 888 .22.8. 888 22.8. 88 815/85(710/15) .8888. 1807 4888 88 .8 .. -h, 8 - - - 845/J5 (74/15)1 40.28. 49888 2 0.8 88 .88888 $7 2.210 #.p 8IN 8 et à".2 6-73 88 88M 58100820/15) d- - 22.687 Mo rRAISE 888088 8888 C dIi- y-, local C . -T8 CHYE BO.LII SI. . T-o.8400 MAIN ST. E. MILON 878-2349 88 I EXPO V of 05 Your Car's Needs * ARI. POWER'S B.A. à4 Un et Ont. N. 8784415 15 HERE Win front $1. t. $2,500. wlth the. B.A. "Money Game" COFFEE SHOP fuil dining service 26 motel unita ricis ln comfort. oyied ln colonial I IDap ln to tise coffée shop this weeis for a snack wiîh pin. paneliing are now renting. AIl are or fuil coarse meai and enîoy fine cuisina in comfortabiy air eonditioned, too. a n attractive rural colonial setting.1 1 n - . à.MMMJ STEWARUI22 Lynn Margaret McKerr, 21, of 260 Woodward S., Milton, graduated receniîy as an Air Canada siemardess after an intensive ive meek training course in Montreal. Miss Mc- Kerr mas bars in Milon, and received iser education bere. Prior to ioining Air Canada in February. 1967, sise man em- pîoyed as a nurse aitishe Mil- ton District Hospital. Sise s nom based at Toronto is tise irine. -Tise J. M. Dnyes scioot reports profits of nearty $500 os thir receoit "Canadian Re- flecions' variety show. Tise pr88cO8ds wilt bc used for play- gr<89nd eqaipmrnt for lise scisoîl grounds.

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