Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 7 Jun 1967, p. 3

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At their lune meeting, Nos- sagasseya Couîtcîl passed a tri- tien graoliog quarryiîîc licens- os 10 Gordon McPbail, Chartes Mitchell, Milton Quarries. Hal- ton Crushed Stone, W. J. Ma- hon.; Waltec Simmons, Camp- bell le Cravel Suppîs' v and Tho m as Kerkhoven. Alm<t sisxseeks prior lu the isalance. a Jetegatioo from Council made a tour ofetsru- lion esl,îblishments, m.iking stire Towsnship bv lawssîsorc heing idht.red ts, -Summer must bave arriv- cd on lise seckend, if the wea- tiser coutis. VICTORIA ORADUATE John D. Hall, son cf Mr. end Mrs. John A. W. Hall of R.R. 1 Milton, graduated on Jane 2 f rom Victoria College, Uni- versity cf Toronto, wth a Bachelor of Science degree in iologicai and medical sci- IOPTIMISTI AUCTIONI SATURDAYI uJUNE 10 AT MILTON GRANDSTAND - 1.30 P.M. AU AlSurglcal Oprations * octoc' OffcO, Rome aMd ItoilVis *Confiammea *Anaetheta' SerIce. *Atmo Major Medical Yearly Plan, Dmip individuel or Employs Groupa may enrol et any dme of lhe paar. REVISED RATES Monssly - $5.73 ShIngl Moutly - 11530 Coupla Montlsly - $1323 Fmily Payable Quarterty or YearlY HALTON C060P MEDICAL SERVICES 143 Main Street Box 474, Mlton - litaI 878-9712 Please send me information. (No obligation). 1Name ...................... Address........................ UIRI ARE TUE CONTESTANTSI From teft to McDougall, Mary Green and Linda Bates. The rigisi the entries in thse Miss Milton contesi girls had te ive short i mpromptu speeches seere Susan Copley, Je-Anne Hayes, Lois and were judged on poise and personality as Cairns, Donna Keosles, Faye Mathies, Bonnie well as appearance. (Staff Photo) ffS CUOW DIME t the Chamber cf Commerce vie pancake festival held behind the Post Office The Friday end Saturday. Doug and David Wight Mi Milton St. John officers earn warrant certif icates On Tuesday, May 30, the an- nuat inspection of the Halton- Peel Corps of the St. John Am- bulance Brigade was held in the Brampton arena. This corps consists of Oak- ville combined, Acton combin. ed, Bramopton combined, Mil- ton combined, Port Credit combined, Burington con1bin- ed and Acton combined cadets. A combined division consîsts of both ambulance men and nursing members. Miton divi- sion iad 20 members presenrt and eght marked ecused b- cause they were worklng. Aller the inspection party completed Iheir tour of the various divisions, the units broke off and eacis division put on a demonstration of first aid work. Among the ighlights aof1the varlous aseards sas tihe presentation of their charter 10 Port Cre- dit division, and tise presenta. lion of certificales te 1the Mil- ton officers. Mayor S. G. Childs0f Milton presented Don Miller with is Divisional Superintendent's Warrant. Th ise tlloing officers secte unatle to bu presunt to obtain tiseir Warrants - DrR Mac NOTICE t. Property Own.rs DES TROY WEEDS Notice is hereby given to aIl persans in possession of land, in accordance siti tise Ontario Weed ContraI At,1965 Sec. 3, 13 and 19, tht un- lese noxious w suds groming on their lands sithin tise Municipality of TOWN 0F OAKVILLE are destroyud by date of Jane 15, 1967 and throughout tise suason. tise Municipality May enter upon sald lands,. and have tise meedi des- troyed, ciarging tise colts againsitisthend in taxes, as set out le tie Act. Tise co-operation of al citizens is eernestly sollited. Weed Inspace R. MMII, MunIlpally ef TOWN O OAKVILLI Kay, divisional surgeon; Dr. R. 'Edwards, divisional surgeon; and Water Arsenault, division- atransport officer. Rfresbments secte served following dismissal. HoId open house at Hope workshop Halton Opportssity Prodsct Enterprise I9IOPEI will 11e ha- ving an open busse Jonc l4tti from 2 10 4 p.m. and rom 7 ta 9 p.m.. workshop manager Mrs. -. lsham reported. Trainees milI 11e wurking 1n tise sisup, and relreshmeots will bce servcd by Ladies' Aus- lianies of the North Haltun Association fr 1the Metallv Returded. Mms. 1.11m noted the work- sbop bas oneen esîremels busy thi s seasos rewebbing cbairs, produciof crattwurk and small pritiot jubs on 1the du- plicator. The work'sbop wilI close in lte lune for vacation and al- leralions to the building. FAMILY FIRE DRILL If you had a fire in your home, would your family know what te do? As a safety measure, plan and rehearse a fire escape routine. Make sure that eues your youngest knows its important te get out ot the house quickly and go to a previously arranged meeting place Too many people have died geing back into a burning house te rescue someene mIte mas already out. Make il a speciat prject lu plan alter-nalc escape routes , so nu one mill he irapped. Publlshed ln thse Itereat of yosr safety by your CIA representetlve: MSS. THEA KURZ bu %l,- BOYS' SPORT SHIRTS Knits and Connens - PaisUap., Checks, Dots BOYS' CASUAL PANTS In Asserted Styles and Cloe. $1.88 - $2.48 MEN' CASUI PAN' 0 TERYLENE AN[ 0 LIGHT SNOW ONLY VT AND DA 0sMEN"'S Y0I IA&L CASUAL 5 irs ~KORATRON C D COTTON NTp .RK SHADES 0 BEIGE, BLUE, GREY 0 BEI REG. $9,98 REG.$5.98 s's.88 , NOW ONLY...- ...s6.88 NOW ONLY -- $1.98 Six.. 8 - 18 $3.48 JNG MEN'S SLIM STYLE 'ASUAL 'ANTS IGE, BLUE, GOLD $3,88: styîed to suit every These are in tovely These hot weather - mood - every age shadus and styles that coolers are îust rîght group. Subtîe f0 are just rgist for the for summer fun- sultry. Gef your young misses. and comforî swîm wardrobe now f Sîzus 2 to 6x FROM $298 SHORTS OR From $7.98 Sîzus 8 fa 16 TOPSv FROM $398 -rm$29 Pre Teons 0r m $29%0%dP D s,,.f 5-pW8fI h S FROM $898 *WE HAVE A LOVELY SELECTION 0F CASUAL WEAR FOR AU. THE FAMILY MILTON DEPARIMENT STORE 200 Main St. E. 0 SHOP IN AIR COOLED COMFORT 0 Phono 878-9261 The Canadian Champion, Wednesday, June 7, 19673 I HALTON CO-OPERATIVE MEDICAL CARE PLAN hPAYS, v I Maple L.af COOKED HAM, 11/2-1b. tin $1.69 Sunkist Navel ORANGES 3 doz. $1. PORK CHOPS 69c lb. Maple Leaf WIENERS 53C pkg. Prince Edward Island POTATOES, 50-lb. $1 .39 Colgate '100W Oral ANTISEPTIC, 20-oz. 89c Grade 'A' CHICICENS . .. 35c IL Deon BACON 79c lb. RED BRAND BABY BEEF SIRLOIN ROUND c T-BONE 9 li STEAKS S FREE DELIVERY Joe's General Store 176 Main St. Milton 878.3161 rlerwnvlww Il UV W'W'W'Wvà

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