Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 7 Jun 1967, p. 2

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2 The Canadian Champion, Wednesday, Jun. 7, 1967 HORNBY Investigate stranger offering girls rides An investigation mbtc a man tatking lu and oefering rides lu imuti girls in the Norvat area of North Haton mut re- ported this eek hy Milton De- tachment, O.P.P. in their meek- ly press releus e on the punI weeks activities. "Parents ar- requested lu re- part immediatetv ta thei rnear- est police depariment aîtv such occurrences, %citih ,i ful par- tiucilars as pos,îbie,- said Sg. C. J. Parkinson icho heads the deîachment affice. Durlsg the perîod May 28 tu lune 3 inclusive, personnel o! the Mtton Deîachment mork- ed a total ai 895l'i hours and patrolied a total ai 7,530 miles o rahighwavs. As a resuit o! patral. 42 raiiic charges more prelerred, 69 trahtie viola- tion marning %ere issued, 90 vehiclessere sa eivchecked. Th,.re ere 45 convictions reg- stered. There %%,asanc persanai in- ,jicy accident re.,uing in tmo persans ein iniured; sixspro- perîv dantace acidents, investi- ga;ed. and approsimateis 53,- 40 in praperis damtage as recarded. Causes ai accidents mere speed toufaist for road or traflie conditico,; iatten- tise driving; ilog.llv parked; GRACE ANGLICAN CNURCH Meiton, Ontario. Rector: Rev. T. M. Dutan, BA., B.D., DD. R Associnie: Bec. Canon . H. Mason, MA.. B.D. I St.NII.Y, lUNE ltî, 1967 i Si. Barnahas' Das Trinity 111 i 8.00 a.m.-HoI5 Communion. 925 am.-lr Church School.il 930 a.m.-Marntng Prayer and Sermon. 10.45 a.m.-Sr. Church Scbaai 11.00 a.m.-Morning Prayer and Sermon. 3 Tbursday, lune 8 - 10 a.m.. Hais Communion, n THE UNITED CHURCN 0F CANADA Minster: Re. A. K. Oriffiths, .. 2, Milton. l Lovmvilie - Zimmerman Pastoral Charge "Corne close to Gosi and He iii came close 10 pou." SLNDAY, JUNE litS. 1967 Zîmmierman Unted Cbureb Appiehy Lin c Organîst. Mrs. J. O. Corneit ý 10.00 a.m.-U.C.W. Thankoller-b ng Service. Sermon. Mrs. S. Sherrati. Oiiciaiing. Mrs. Kay Griiiiths. 11.00 am,-Sundas Schoai. LowvilIe Unted Cisueci Gueph Line Organist, Mrs. J. R. Davey. 000 a.m-Sudas Scbool 100 ,u.m. 7,CW Thinhaiier- ing Sersice. Sermon, Miss Greia Gaulci, missiaunarv ta Farmoaa Ltnch servedl oloiteservice. 2.00 p.m.-Lausvilie Cemeters Deccration. it s reqaesired fomers he paced heicre 2 p.m. In the event of inle- ment meather. Sersice miii he heid on Lomvilte U.nited United Church. A Warn Welcome 10 Everpane KNOX PRESSYTERIAN CNURCN Minuster Bey. J. . L. McGown, BA. 878-6W6 878-2652 "0 came, let us orsbip and hum domo: let un kneei befare 16e Lrd our Maker." SUNDAY, JUNE 11h, 1967 9.45 a.m. - Senior Chucb Schoot, 9.45 a.m. - Young Peuples Bible Clans. 10.50 a.m. -Junior Cburcb Schooi. 11.00 a.m.-Morning Worship. National Vlnans' Week Memoriat Day. Veterans speciaiiy invited. Speaker, Mr Diie Dean of HCIB, missionary radio station, Equadar. Theme, "The Mvth ai Evotution". 11.00 a.m.-Nursery. Thursday, lune 15 - The Bo- bertsan Auiiary iii meet at the home of Mrs. W. A. Marshall at 2 p.m. CNURCH OF CHRIST OMAGH No. 5 Sidroad and 4th Line Trafalgar SUNDAY, ItiNE 11h, 1967 10.00 a.m.-Bible Shool Cluis- es for ail age. 11.00 a.m.-a-Momntna WroMip. 8.00 p.m.-Preachlnu of fis Gospel. driver tost central; and imn- proper passing t intersection. Pour charges under the Higb- sav Truffie Act ere laid as a resut of tese accidents. There were 55 generut occur- rences during this period, in- cluding one Iet: sis premises lound insecure ai night: one stolen car reeavered and one persan arrested as a resait. for other police depu , ic> persans charged ih cCuugeouasdrir- ng. As aresaitai drag t acing n the area, une persan mas charged iîb "Dangerous Dris- ing". on2 person chnrged mitît Racing' and one person mas cbarged sîith "Public Mis chiet". COURSE FOR JUDGES Hostein iudges ai WestCen- tral Ontario attend a refresiter conlerence just previaus ta the start ai the shoswscason re- ceniy at the Surodana iarm of Homard Tarzesel. near Hum- 6v. Mr. Tarzeeti as aisn the hast for a barhecued Hostein s teer dinner -Milton O.P.P. report there mere tien deer kilted by vebjo- tes on North Haton roads in the past iesv days. 50, members of Hall' clan enjoy ainnual family reunion m hij te da Tr A ai R B th E bi N BOSTON AND OMAGN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCHES Minister Rer. Stanley E. Smith, B.A. SUNDAY. JLSF iiîh. 1967 0.00 a.m.Omagi, Wurship Service. 11.-5a.m.Omagh Chucîrh Sc bicot t1.10 a nu -Baslcn: Chorcb Schaatl t1.30 a.m.-Buisiiio. Warship Servsi ce. MILTON GOSPEL HALL 306 Ontaria St. N. 878-2022 Christians gathered in ibe name ai the Lord lesos Christ. (Math. t8: 20) Lard's Day SUNDAY. lUNE tt, 1967 10.30 a m.-Mrcaking of Bread. i2.15 p.m.-Sunday Sebool. 7.00 p.m.-Gospel Service. Wednesdav. 8 p.m. - Prayer and Bible reading. Ait are meicomne ta Ibese Ye acre not redeemed mitb corraptible tbîngs. as silver and gv]d, but mith theprecious bimîd il Christ. It Peter t. 18 NIGHWAY GOSPEL CNURCH A lacal assembly of THE PENTECOSTAL ASSEMBLIRS 0F CANADA Pastur: Ber M\ Cirlensen LORD'S DAY SUNDAY. 11SF tlii, 1967 9.45 a.m,-Sundîs Sehoot. 11,00 a-MîcigWarship. 7.00 p.m.-Evivgeiistic Service. Wednesd,:v, 8 pm,-Bible Stu- dv and Priiecr Meeting. Frîctav, 8 pm -Young Peaples' Service. A Chcîrcb Yau Can Make Vour Home A W,îrm Wetcome ta Everynne ST. PAUL'S CNURCN of THE UNITED CNURCN CF CANADA Main Si. ai lames Si. Minister: Res IJ. Lamne Graham. Organisi and Choir Leader: Mrs. Harold Magee. SUNDAY, lUNE tub. 1967 11.00 a.m.-Annual Scrvcce of the Ulnited Church Wom- en. Speciai speaker, Mrs. R. O. Austen. Ladies'choir under direction of Mrs, Magee. Invitation to ali. EMMANUEL BAPTIST CNURCH Commercial Sireet Milton Minister: Pastor Clapton Colin 878-4473 878-3542 The Lard's Day SUNDAY, JUNE 131h, 1967 9.45 a.m.-Suoday Schoal foi nil. 11.00 am.--Morning Worship. 5.30 p.m.-Yautb Time, 6.58 p.m--Sang Service, 7.00 p.m.-Evening Wornblp. Nursery at Sunday services. Wedneuday, 8 p.m. - Bibli Study and Prayer Meetlni AIl Are Waroly Welcoaned Hy Mm. Janmes ilanIltoal Congratulations5 lu Bey. and Irs. Keith Hawkes on the rth of their son, Daniel Bur- n, who was born on Mon- Jy, May 29 aI the Oakviile- frafalgar Memorial Hospital. &brother for Timothy and Martha. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Plant ere dînner guesi s recen tiy ii Mr. mnd Mrs.loint Reid ad familvaof Erin Mien ihes tended the confieîîitions>er- ce of their Godion, James Reid, which mas conducted by Bishop C. R H. Wilkinson ai te Ail Saints Anglican Church, The annual Hall reunion was hcid on Saturdiy, lune 3, at North Trafalgar Communily Centre. ltifty members ni the Hll clan enjoved a delicious ienic dintr and supper whjich mas prepared bv the ta- dies. Sports in the alternoon %as enjoyed bv bath young and aid, The uidest member .îîending vas Mrs. Bartitt i o /îenrna. Ontario. The lamily rav'eling the larihest mas Mr. and Mrs. Ward and lamiiy of G;lIdvsatcr The vung.îst mem- bratnnLwsSuan Ward of Oritîta. the nortb Traalgar Euchre ltîb heid their meekiy euchre on Saisirdas night. lune 3, with eilttabls in plty. The prizes vcic von hy Mes. Cliliord Nur. t. Mis. Lena Hamilton, Mrs. tantes Cunningham, Frank IladLicN, Fred Workman and Rîoald kisngs;iott Lunch mas served hî the hostess. The noet iiihi t cciii bcon Sattir la\ night, lonc 10. Congratulations 10 Mr. and Mi,. ln id Plant (in the birtb oi thcir son, Thomas Arthur Henrs, mho mas haro on Thurîdas, lune t, ai the Milton District Hospital. A brother or Dtavid. Annovseraîs grectings ta Mr. ani Mtr, a. t:,Mdcii cho cele ACCOUNTING EARL G. BLACK B. Comm., R.îA.,C.A. Chartered Accoantant Municipal Audtor 163 Main Street Bas 4ffl Mîlt luit.Ont. 87"4542 ARCHITECT DONALD E. SKINNER B.Arch. - M.R.A.I.Cý 17A Miii Street. Suite 2. Actut Telephone 853-2740 or 20i Staehank Rd., Port Crrdit 274-3-428 Office Hoars hs Appoîniment AU CT IDNEERS FRANK PETCH Nta. oneer and Evatuatur 90 Chapel St E., Georgetowen Telephone 877-2864 CHIROPRACTORS A P KENT, D.C. it Chitsîpraciic 2;7 < ags Court C rescent (orner Martin St. 53iiiiWectiesdas, Thnrsday 1p.in tu 9 pm T acîdas% and Frida% 9 am tuo6p.m. SrdsIl a.tn to3p.m. Pho>ne 8782031 INSU RANCE CO.OPERATORS INSURANCE ASSOCIATION Atno-Hante. Protection-Accid eni -id Stchnes , Fmiiy Liabitity Farm Liahiits' Yîîni Milton Agent -Mis, Thea Kure R. R No. t, Milton Phone 878-9741 FUNERAL DIRECTORS McKERSIE FUNERAL HOME f Coitlite Air Cnndiliuning 1- Sîiere. Counteous Service 5. Night or Das ýr 878-9452 OPTOMETRISTS .ARTHUR A. JOHNSON, O.0 H 84 Main St.. Militon Phone 878-9972 Res. 878-967 Hauru: TUESDAYS. 9 a.m. in S p.n. FRIDAYS. 9 arn. to 9 p.m. WM.C MILLIGAN, O.D. Ilit Trafalgar Rd.. Dakvill )r Office Haurs Daily inciuding Saîurday. a. Cail 845-1511 for appoinmnen LIBRARY HOURS TuesdaY, Thursdav and Prida le 12 noon ta 5.30, 6.30 to 9.0( Monday. 12 nuon lu 5.30 Ciosed Wednesday Saturday -.9.30-12, 1-5.30 bated their wedding anniver. sary on Monduy. lune 5. Birtbday greetings ta the fol. towing who are cetebrating hirtbdays, Mmi. Frank Martin, Wilma Mascn anîd Ronald Plant an lune 9 Donna and Dianne Break on lune 10, Pet er Hall on lune Il and Patrick Annlversary greetlngs ta Mr. ani Mrs. Garnct Homîten and Mt and Mrs. Craig Roy'ce, mho mitI celebrate their medding anniversaries on lune 7 MM. and Mrs. Cliffard HunIer and Mr. and Mms. Bill Cishotm on lune 9, and Mr. and Mrs. Stu art McMilian on lune 10. Mr. and Mrs. Pred Workman viited un Sunday ith Mr and Mirs. Alan Bush o! Milton. Mr,. Elsie ing of Burling ton visited on t'riday evening fT WAS A DAY for cicke with Mr and Mrs. lim Hlamil- taîking aver polilics under ton. Sunday. Here Premier J0h lIra. Ganet Hamilton, Mr. Kerr and alon East Cons and Mrs. Jao Hamilton and famity attended the silser mcd- an the bank af Sioleen hi ding anniversarv of Mr. and park . Hundreds aîîended th Mrs. Wes Dunie,' eid an Sun - ----- day. lune 4, ai the home ut Mns. Duies sister and rtber- M n-tam. Mr. aid Mrs, Ronald Ldmtess of Toronto. Plans are being made ftor the Eden United Cb-îrch Sunday Scosîtipicnic, mic sel be beld on Sindav, lune 25. ai the Harnbs' Cammunit vPark. T I Johbn Giiiup iti be the stu-HE dent minister ai Eden Ulnited Cburch ichen William Toner tectes in lune fotr is nem THURS-FRI.-SAT. charge in Aberta. The ehurcb wiit be closect for the month "NEVADA SMI il Jlts and iii resume servie- STEVE McQUE ein Agut. ichen members "NHip ip of Ashgrîîve, Hornby and Beth- et iii be invted to attend ser- SATURDAY MATINEE - vices at Eden. SNO AT Forty-flve renfis and relu- "O FCP tives attendel a surprise anni- versarv party in bonor of Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Chamrberiain. SU.MON.-TUES..WED. sebo îeiebraied their slver -WHO'S AFRAIC iceddin g anniversarv on Priday nîght, lune 2. ai their home. The parts mas arranged by ELIZABETH TAYt their daschter Lynda and son "RushingR Keîth. The e sening ivas spent pi aving cards mith the prizes THURS.FRI.SAT. gîîîn -iii Mvi lîanne Yong, "BOY WHO CI Stan Fuler (ptasing as a lady). A FreciLi ster and Lamne Cham.- INID A bcriaiit Forai corsages mere 'NIETA made hi Mrs Saity Harris.D The master oi ceremanies for the evening mas Leonard Lts- - - - - - - - ter, hai.'niended congratula- tions a nd besi mishes to Lortie and Mars an iis special oc- casion. Many toveiy gifîs and iards ofbes misbesmwere re- ceived. Bath Lamne and Mary eîtended bhei r sincere ianki tavety evening. A deticiaus8 i lunch arranged 65 Mn. Afred 'n Bal. Mrs. Leonard Lister, Mrs. Carol Crozier and Mrs. Aubrey w li Robinson mas enjoyed 6v ait. itThe anniversary cake as siv> pied by Mrs. Frank Chamber- un, moiher o! the grommt --Circie lune 22 on yaur cal- endar. Thaî's the day of the nexi Milton Red Croîs biood donîîeclinîc. CALLI CROWE lTAXI S E R VICE Mercury 878-299 2 Tp lux tyou cn eiy1 RADIO CONTROLLED 1Cyclone -D. 578 nI ay 0 YOUR FAMILY 1 -AND yesr preperty deserve, the bste protectionye cas bsy. As peur lca f~ independent Insurnes agent, we arn squlpp. te adiss peu beC;e- -a reprsent njet oe but saveral rellable cempanles. 'We write Issurancesfer Preteet Vearoeif Ç 283 NMAIN RT. . 5 7..4or. 87e.3Ul ýen-muncbing, coî-keeping, or 8usf r the sbade-trees aI Lomvill Park .hn Robarîs, Halton M.L.A. George servative candidate Jim Snow chqt Mlue Crnek, mhicb ruois thraugh the the annuat P.C. picnic. (Staff Photo) -Friday, June 9 tol53 - ~Ph 922453a 8M58272 4-HIOMWAY 5 4- 1/2 MILE NORTH OF QUEEN ELIZABETH ONTHE 9th LINE OAKVILI.R IORIS DAY - RICHARD HIARRIS CAPRICE N COLOR 4-- QUIEN ELIZABETH WAT - r CrIENS S p.m DAILY INCV'G SUN.- STARTS AT DUSIC IE131 Speers Rd. PLAZA THEA E avil LAST 2 DAYS - AT 7 and 9 p.m. "H O M B R E " IN OR STARTS FRIDAY AT 7 AND 9 P.M. Salurday and Sunday Matines et 2 p.m. FLisrEKES sa in the Virgin Islands.. where the bad guys.. are giril ne Pe.. Rnt adveture.. FEI NT/ ]AMl AIS FUSCON r. JieaMoeS- oorbyDeLuxe_____ ialue -packed reasons iy you should shop now vour Mercury dealer. - ECRi proud out for its value. The rnd hnt machin hai machen pour kntd idean about drioing. Cornet Fut-ktnndnd Mrcr ntyliig and value ai a compact prîcni Anglia "The kent ltîtti car gning." Econumy, power, comînnt, ihey're ailyonurs on hIBm famît-size iitto car Cortina The Itattp ew Cortina in more Corina value lue pou. hem styig New solînes. Moeunury inaturen. Drve aondlokng l6e abkg, expensivan uou ry car. Rut int D eo Gve ou gcrcomtort ansi concenenoce ea noatter car prices. C ougar Trhe 1uxury sports car ibai han Canadian duivers purrtng iib pinanurn.Eociiemnnt. Style. And manp standard features See your Mercury Man- he has a lot -1d. Falcon forié Rap Ilfor ils tuuury ...ltt going fryou. Ils economp comeasnr '6 odbitcro qcpdwt ada aaas a ns. akg end backed up by our mure nomprahensiva 3-point marrasn. GALLINGER MOTORS LIMITED 12147 C MILTON PLAZA TEUONI 87-23 AILTON JUNE 8-9-10 AITH"l (Aduit) - Color EEN - KARL MALDEN IF 011, - Cartoon -2 P.M. JUNE 10 OTAIN BLOOD" - Color Cartoon JUNE 11.12-13.14 D 0F VIRGINIA WOOLF" (Restricted) LOR - RICHARD BURTON Roulete" - Cartoon JUNE 15-16-17 RIED MURDER" - Color Ail Star Cast) PNANTOM HILL" - Celer Dan Duryea 1 & Church Services] MERCURY Y] j options on other cars. &

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