HALTON MANOR Variety of enteriainment provided for ail residents By Mm. M. Warbantss andi Miss Lttis Moore f The residents once egin en- joycd a commutsty hyma sing on Sundap evcniog, My 14 wben tht choir ai St. Pauls United Cburch. akitte. isit- cd tht Menue. Thes 55000 0-1 companiedat thelicpianoîîîby Mes. J. Poiles. S. Cas ircîtcic thc choir end E. Rading opr ated lescreen. Belmeen the numbers ai the hyma sîng M. and Mes. Powtey played a piano end trompet duel, and a piano end ccordion duel. E. Badeug sang e solo, as did Bah Menncy. tt la always a plesurc ta melcame Iis graup ta th Menoe, they are al sut fricnd- ly and the soctaI houe s tan- jayed an mach as the progrem. Rev. G. Watt and Rco. C. Bar- den mccc ta attendence as wmdl. Rev. Budren gave the benedie- tian. Tht Manar Auxtiaey seeoed rrfreshments and Ms. Hoaec eipressed tht thanks ai th residents for e dlightîîl toc- ning. Tht Hey birtbday paeîy mes spansared by tbc A n gli ca n Cbercb Wamen ai Grace Cburcb, Milton, on Wednesdav evening, My 17. Ms Rownes introduced the ladies and then turned the evcning oser ta Mes. M. Brama mho made a chacm- ing M.C. The progremi which ioltosîed mas mail cnjovahle. Andy Bousaîl and Jim a Crt- swright sang e duel. Mildred. Joanne and Jane MeKinnon pcrfoarmed as a piano trio. Mer- zia Wilson ptesed the hagpipcs. Ruth 5'ilden piavea tihe piano acoralitîn îad ci.,hirangers tram Port Crodît îsilh tteir leader Mrs. Scott led in e commanits sing sang. Tht May hîrtbday resîdeahs mccc escorted Iotathe head table the cakc mes hroeghtina.the eandtcs lit and eseryone sang happy birthdas. A dei nt y lunch was serve-d b> the ladies and eech resident wsiib a btrth- day receiocd a lvour as a gi.t An evening ta remnember. w hope these gracious ladies milt retorn agein souan Mrs. Blina espresscd thantis on hehaît oi the residenis. The auditorium tvas t h c scene ai annîlter lvlc.ocoing an Friday, May 19 tehen a nom- lier ai the kitchon staît hoadeal hs Mr. Norringlon and Mrs. Hamnilton sponsorcd a masi en- joyabto program. Their talent- cd gutts surc StlotsOrches- tra tram Duodas Otchestral numbers. tceordio n duet. square dances isere the ordor ofithe evening and mech en oa ed bvall. The resîdents doiap- peeciale ihe cioto cithe staff. KILBRIDE Ged Neighhor's boequet, ,nuhrooplot tour ne ws By Mss. William Watson About 80 persans atttnded tht God Nighbor annuel ban- quet on riday evening. May 26, et the commuaity centret. Afler the dishes and other items bed btcn cleered eff th tables, 17 ecere tables mccc set up and pize inaes wee Mes. Meford Coling. Ms. George Robtson, Mc s. Straud, George Morrison. Ross Coling and Ara Powell Masti ltte nds enita oLeona Gl- braitb and PHorace MeAihur. A number ai door prizes mccc lsa drama. Tht United Church Womcn ai Kitheade c- tered to tht dinae. The Reeation Association bld their monthîs meeting on Mondey night, Mes 29. 10 malie final arrangements foc the dance oa Jonc 10 .ackts milI be precîcated te the 1966 ROSA Chempienahip Peu Wtt tem ettht dance. Dram tickets are still being sotd ta blp ith buying uni- foema and e *ulymeai for the hall teuton. Another date ta keep open s July 8 tehen e chieken bar- becue welîl be hld ai th soboot grounds. Mr. and MrssEric MeArîhor. Twlas Rd.. eltended the Sher- mood-Feltis edding ai Arbeit Ujnited chueeh on Sturdas. Mev 20. 'Mes. John Nyhocuti. MeNiv- e Rd.. ttendcd a ktchen showece la honer ai Miss El- enue Wallae, bride-elect ai Toronto, et tht home ai Ms. Vie Brama. J2 Kilîdeer St.. Lesidt. Mes. George Pegg is home aite being e patient et the Jo- seph Brant Memriel Hospit- a, and Ms. John Caulson is home aller heîa.t o patient ai tht Hilton District Hospital for two montbs. 'Harod Jackson, Kithide St., mon an O'Ketfe bowling tee- pby for second place in tht Hamilton chempionsbip boml- Mcr. and Mc. Jim Taylor af Carlisle spcnt a e cmdeys et Eapo lest wcek. Mss. Bernîte Laagda. a nat- ive of Englend andlaeresidcai of Kilbridc for 37 pera.dted ai the Joseph Brant Memecia] Hospital, Burlinglan. un May 2 in hee67thpceae. FaneraI sec. vice mas held Manday. May 29 frram tht MacNeb and Soc Chape, Milton. Iterment fol- losvtd in Lomille United ehureb ctmetery. She is suevived hy ber bus- band. Frank; eildeen 'Mci, Robin Joncs lBcrnceclofaili bride; Frank af Bathurst, Nesi Ml/vitoil Phormocy 246 MAIN ST. 878-2343 COSMETICS Elizbeth Arden F reparetions Du Barry-Max Factor Chanel No. 5 Agencp for LAURA SICORD jÇANDIES Brutnsik: Mes. Anges Mc- Lain lOuent oi Mount Bridg- es; Clarenceaof Buliagion; and sister Mrs. Clia Moedenofa Usbcidge; aise sucsiing art 13 geendehildeen. ons Wtdntsday aiternoan. May 24. grades 4. 5 and h mth teachera Mr. Morow, Mes. Coul sen and Mc. Wrigta'isit- ed the Hai;.în C. cela Motî,cuai ai Kelso. On Friday escning. May 26. tht Kîthide Saiets Palcol memberasacere îceaîed to their annuel outing hi' the Home and Sehool Asociation. Hot dog,aiinhio.d and hoitcho- colaetscre',er%,ed ai tht sehool aî 5 30 p.m ,ilice î%%ich we cent bowling ai the Milton Bomiasuas Teache cs accamp- anyiaf us mccc- Mr.Wright, M. Moriao, Me. Moecnm. Mes. Ceulson. Miss P. Gilmur an d Mes. A Beccv. iConlihuied by Stosen Lpard) Twenty-ane Cube and lead- ers [rom tho t4th Bulingtan Cuh Peck ad tme fthers. Jack taglis and Murray Calte- soey. touccai the Leaver musb- eoam plant on the Gueph Lîne on Wedaesdas tveaiag. May 24. Me. Leaser guidtd os thraugb tht plant. Finit, me ment te examine tht mentuet and to sec tht machine thal mises the cocra ebs, bey andi horse man- uce tegether. Ater Iis is min- cd logether, bremers' grain is sprinhled oser the top. 1 Nesi we ent in a building and MrSicaL,îer gave us a squarc' hîxîanda alight 10 set the mitabrooma Then mc mccl 1 na rnalli contaand sac' tht matucc in boxes-aind lthl white sccds juai plentcd. t takes 15 days for ihese mesh- rîoma ii geate. Allerthi,. mai tient inia a big oom and saw the bolers thai arc used for heaiing the buildings in tht inter. Before me eai home, tact boy mas gioca a fem mosh- c roastasl tahe with im. Mr. 1Leaver mas given a vote of thanha by David Fisher. (Con- îcihuted ho Bily Wason.) tee erea and delicinas smelt cakes mcme sern'ed t the close. Mri. Hoare ttnenked att mIna contribuîrd ta such a fine eve- ning. Chureh service on Sundey. Mey 21 wsanadueted by Rev. Dr. T M. Duttan of Grace An- glican Chitreh. Miton with Mrs. Wintc r> u ie onotan. Dr. Dastan took his sermon ieom the sixth chepter of Isaiah. Tuesday evening, May 23, St. Lukes Evening W.A.'romBr lington visited the Menor and t turned out ta he e very en- tertaiaing evenieg fr ai. Miss K. Donkin wes master of cere- mentes mîîh Miss P. Denkin et1 ha piano. Community singing staeied off the evening. fltote- cd by Revertnd K. Bteckmclt mith a short address. H4e also introdiiced the retired minister Rev. Canon Hethcatc mba at-a said a 1cm mords, promis- ag nat ta negleet is parinh- iners althe M anarno- Ie hie bas retircd. For voung ladies af tbe chai r ctertiead in sang, thcy mccc Lnda Persans. Christine Parsans, Wnio Slack and Di- zinc Hartiey. Twcîve girls of Central Pub- lie Schoot aisa pcriarmcd. wilh Mis.Johtn Clark directing. Miss D. Hartey gave e demonstre- tion ai haton twirling. Lest bat hv na means east mes e clamn bond comprised af eigbt boys dreased in assorted ctomn costames. These young lads iroduced mach merriment. At the close ut the coening eoeryone reccived a small gift. Rev. Blackwell said tbe bene- diction and the ladies seroecd e deis lunch. Miss L. Meure espressed the ihanks ut the residenis. A ery tleasant eenaing mas ipeni aitlteManor Wcdncs- dav ococoing. May 24, mhcn the Ce.lT. oi Hopedate Preshy- tenoan Chucch enteriained tbe residenis. Their leaders mccc Mes. Josce Redsham end Mrs. Ruh tGraham. Commanîts' singing opcncd the program. This mas iotiam- cd ho ih roc short skts called 'Child Phlosophv". "O Oood Impression" and "The Terrible Ctastrophy". Att the girls sh awed a talent fur acting and prodeced mono laoghs franm the r"idenls. Tîeccrtîccriilot,ed îîîth 1 a liai cii l d ii t, '%%tetc ott, iha t îthe l titi Ausliars and girls. Mis Moore titatked ho,,, lor On Fiidia ci cing, Mît 26.a delightitot oscallîg*, calottala- o'nLai' o hapici. Otil, r l the ELîsîcurîtStar io Bei ingoitt Thes bciîigbih tladieschotiir ,ft Fat Sa ossDistrict h ta elttcrtai i ts t oîîked oery charmirg int bei r lonîgswhite dr,,es andsorneisvere in Cen- tnilcostume, Thmesical bers. solots and gîitîtr scec- Drctcand MCas Mr. McKinlev aith Ethel Nichais ai the piano. Aitihe concusin tiithe cconcert a lcs'oto unl %cas scrsed bhthe ladies iof the "Star", nîtietties and hags ai 9candi' tore goen iii att the a residntsMr,. J. Hoare he.i- 1 iliiithanti d the ttaîtîrs. :t DONT FORGET THE IOPTIMISTI AUCTIONI iS ATURDAYI h IJUNE 10AT MILTONI GRANDSTANO - 1.30 P.M. The Canadien Champion, Wednssday, June 7, 1967 87 SLibrary Notes by m sjs p ie jh so 'IT WORKS LIKI THIS", Harold Caulsan, Captein of tht Milion Pire Deparîment tapleins the operatian af tht manie projectof ta Darren Diagmen and Hedther-Lea Eige, guents et an Op- timisl Club meeting Thursdap et the Milton Inn. (Staff Photo) Sons, daughters visit Optimist Club meeting A geaup ai paongsiees set ta an tehaiteeas peoabîs their firsi îrgaaized meeting on Thuesdas ai the Mlton Inn. The meeting was an Optimisi Club meeting andltho greate part ai the votîngtees mccce sans or daughteî s of the mcm- becs.Thasewso ha bd no chitd- recainsiteut neîghhors. Tht childreneranged tram scvcn te 12 veers ia age. Optinstat Jlmn Elge said il Five years no injury Ftty empluescataiioded the Robin Hoad Fleur Muta bean- quet. markîng thofiîtlh acci- dent i c v ear. Maa 20 ai the Legian Hal Ceaicantal tra*vsa wecpresea ted It a ch cm- ptoyec. Danccigiiîîoîlt i he banquet. Burning Rectal htch Relieved In Minutes Exlusîve etîng Sehtante RetIes Pain Au It Shrlaha Hemorrhoida. If o pa ssatlsfatatp relief ram 'Ithtsg PIles-here's taad accu. A reeswsed rtsemrh lmeoatory bas fausd a unique heaaiag substance tht pmomptly eiaves the haeiag ltdb ssd pain-scuallp as-tenk. liemoethoide, This suhstace hse lies shaits ta peducen ai niot effc ln a aetltig. lIa tnîi-kitthtg cnete isebellp prevnt tneatue ater ecasntrp uttilng lmpravemest wass ated, aven a asesoftlnstaneiding. And 116imptv= mntasu maintatneid ose pe modni ials Tht. u c.aaromplinhed lips sec hesiat substace (ii-Dye- whcaTc' liîs licoal îjured cel tmltrima h or ai tisue. NuitBio»Dyn eitteed in oinimeat ssnd sepjîýtxsitt fate catttd Pepatatione'1I". Atfac id. t att drue stres-satisfectios er masney t.fusded. tivea ii cach childîc ahîtt police ss'trk and ira ta achiese rcoeîgnitioînfti liticeait a cry agc Mottes isere ahît n end the rcgîîiaî club business tues deatisitbh, a ipravided the yîung gîîeaia îîîh an idca tif a-bat gîta o at business tîteetiaga. The club s, panning a en ercîtasi and i dance in Jîtto. They also plan tutiavile petope n the 132f tpe grluip tIi a mneeting in the iait This sommer egain, yae taitl be able ta teke 12 bookis oui on saur caed. ai anc litat. and hase ihem markod due in Sep- îembcî This ia toc both chlîd- rnadaitaîts, and lori tus hbook %îîîte ibc'ccti1,m ofith neococunes and sonieiaîiii bocks. We wili alsa as las[ter e main open aIl sommer, buit \mill hc closed Saturdao anti opent Wcdnesdays. NEW BIOGRPPIY The Autehlegrephy et Ber- trand Russell 1872-1914 - The tiesi volume ici theolte o n ai the masi roînarkabie men ai ibis century or tho ast. an im- pact ant canirihiiion to the hîsiors of the British itîtotîc- tuai class. Madame Sarahbhy Ceretta Otîs Skinner - The lite oaitho phenomenet F rcbehacîcesi. au ritien suith love and Jevotion ho, anîtîher oct ross titades- erîbes ber as "incandescent" King Cuba hy Bah Thomas - The stars'oaitho iegendlacv mogul et Coliumhiat Pictitre- ili a bookthtiia"gtd tiilla ofi Hillvasaîd anctesc The BesITMimes hi John Des Passos -Vivid impression, 01 bigh adacalare. Hia soit01 typhurs. bîîmha. itannd, mîaraaders anti aima if Hollywood Pilot - Tht Bi- ography et Paul Mante hy Don Dwtggins - From tht great dayaoai lIving. the salis and outspken sîorvofoîne oia- tins[Ll egendatra' îgere. FICTION Under Tht Eye of Tht Storm hy John Hîescy -Fmotiiîns udrsiress, as tisa couptes ttlitiut a vitlent storm in e salî boat. Tht Glît SInep hy Charlotte Armstrong - Gipping iet-pec- cd adienturc of a desperate daughtcr. The Sea and The Stars bY Robert WildIer - 'Fect end f4c- lion in a penoremic stary of ane family end the develop- nient of Flaride. It's an OId Ceuntry by J. B. Priestley - Absorbing tale of e young Australien Proiessar woacames ta Engtend ta search for the fether tebo de- scrted him as e child. Take Handa at Mater by John Peter - Set ia a mestern Canadien community, a yaung Englishman takes todgings in he home of a prolessor. and is aitracied by his wiie. A pleas- int. readibk novet. To ascet tht nceds of Canadien hospitats. tht Red Crans mest rcut a blond danar eveey eight seconds ot enery warking day. FIYRCRJSP CHICKEN SNACK aa 2 Pieces ai Chieben French Pries SPECIAL PICNIC PACK 'a8 Pieces of lavor Cisp Chiclien $1O --Rcady ta Servc. $ .99 CHICKEN IN A BOX 3 Pieces oi Chîchen French Frics. Cote Stasa, Bulicred èe FAMILY BUCKET 14 Pecets ai Chickca. 6 RaIls. Honev BARREL PHONE 878.6028 CltPieces a $.2 Murray Hood Drive-in BASE LUNE RD., WEST OF IGNWAY 25 AT MILTON PHILCo HOME FREEZER L ~with 10 Year Warrcanty ON SEALED UNIT START SAVING ON VOUR FOOD BIL NOW! 1 WITH A PHULCO CUSTOM TAILORED CHEST FREEZER NOW ONLY 0 For this 18.2 cu. ft. Chest - with 10 year warranty on sealed unit *YOU CAN BUY ON BUDGET TERMS RICHARDSON'S RADIO AND TV. 200 MAIN E. - MILTON PHONE 878-6949 $ 9 REG. $259.00 LLY YOU SAVE $22 $30-00 FURI CE andN BRING THE SPARKLE BACK ~~ JI Wn cen your uphosney / with modern equipment- skill and noperience guar- ~ 5I~' antee you thn bnst of re- suts when we clean your soited and/or stined ep- hoisierp or rugs - cait for more information. Ail our work is fully guaranteed MILON 1UPHOLSTERING 1~jJ LORNE ARTHUR THE NEW QUICK AND QUIET LAWN BOY MOWERS ARE HERE *SEVEN MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM Priced as *WITH OR WITHOUT GRASS OR LEAF BAGS lsw as *FINGER TIP STARTING AND CONTROL 9 *QUIETEST OF ALL ENGINE DRIVE MOWERSs7 05 *EXCLUSIVE SAFETY FEATURES *SPECIAL DESIGN ASSURES SMOOTH CUT *EXTRA 2 SPEED POWER FOR ALL MOWING JOBS *TWO YEARS MAKER'S WARRANTY 0 EXPERT SERVICE DEPARTMENT et only* FULL STOCK 0F ALL PARTS 0 GENEROUS TRADE-IN ALLOWANCES HORNBY GARAGE HORNBY, ONT. PHONE 878-4790