Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 7 Jun 1967, p. 18

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The Canadian Champion Wdnesday, Jane 7, 1967 -Our Readers Write- Dear Siru: 1 read witb great istaraut saur article in The Champion ai May 10 egarding the land aipon wich tbe f ina nae Schrtal for the Deaf bas becs eracted, juI wasttofailMtas. 1 ealiaa base difficul il lu ta rasarrect happenings of the paut, wbes Ibeca ara fesert t- t an records, or people living wbtt bave ksosutadge af these happenings. 1 am ose ai the ottier peuple stitl acound and belee 1 an cleattp a ew i1iteh battindeobt Koran Kelly mt your article, as ana af the land opos schboul s but, as nal grasdlatbec. Ea 1800's hb: came ta Na. 12, iird lise and stttad ibera. Tbcre wec tbceef facisg as tbe third my balief tbat ail ti cd back ta thbasecon decing on Miltas. G Kelyvoonedth te mi opon ss'icb he et Licge ted b k lit) DRUMQUIN Police warn piip against taking ri TO YOUJNG TO U in the show berseif, iis young lady pums on hec oses impronmptu show os ibe stage cat. Saiurday at MortntreSit Schoot. She compeitid witb Margo Catisson n the background foc attention, as the siodenis of the Joan Waers Schooi of Danctng presented iheir annuai roctiai (Staff Photo) By M. Ceeil Patterso Tbe mambars of tbe Eigbsb Lise Bridge Club sera enter- taisad t the bome ai Mc. anti Mrs. Ellison Bail on Satucday evcsing, May 27. Mr.asti Mrs. Kacry Mantgo- mary ai Torostosera Satur- day evaise disser guess witb Mc. asd Mrs. Uricb Noseak. The puptîs of grade 8 ai Par- cy W. Mcccv seboot bhave stant- eti shap asti home ecasomicu classas ai White Oaks Second- arv seboat. Tbay bati attastiat classs at Lamne Shuce scboai but ocra compalledt lamiss saveral seacks becauof ai lire there. M. anti Mcs Nick Broaders ai osterbout. Holasti, are visiting toc the sent tesu months t their tiaugter's homc, Sixtb Lise uitb M. asti Mcs.Cton Ha esters asti tamily. Constable Machs outhebcSala- iv Diision of Oabville Police racastIv visiteut Oakvitie schbois ta ours ciidcas sol ta get inttt cars ttc tuke ridas oitb trangers. A film takan at Peccu' Mccc scbool was sbosen on TV os Mondas as- Mc. asti Mcs. Ettsos visiteti sn Sustias. Mas 2f. witb Ibir ount anti ancte.Mc. asti Mcs. Sasiev Learmant ai Bucliig- tus. Asu visiisg wilb ibeir "'jparent% ocra Mc. asti Mcv. Harnold Learmant ofBalasn. The Mas bal dag sala wOs aild ai Pe rcv Mcccv. scboiasn bhucudav ai nsous Fatv -five acscls asti wianescssure MMBRASSMENT STRUCK, nhen these two yousg ladies dis- prepaceti andstiscvct bv te coveed îhey bad prominent tsars in thsir saitor britches. moîbars asti belisars, Mas. F Margo Clarisson and Ruth Bibby were iwo of the soyas young R eNactin Mrs.B. aie cs ladies taking part in a dance, "The Saiors Hornpipe., ai Joan Waters Schooi of Dancing rectat, hetd ai Mortis Street Shoot Satucday. (Staff Photo) TI S VITAL ASH YOUNG ASH RELIGION Inice Gilbith, JohandHall, Livk* Peletterlo graduate9 By Ms. George Pelteilerto M. anti Mrs. arl Gabraith anti Jim, Mrs. M. MacGitl ot Palermo anti Mas. J. Lvdgec anti Donna iActas sure pres- est ai Convocation Hait, wsee Bruce Galrathbreccîvet i bs Hanors B.A. Dagaca [rom the University ai Toronto os Fri- day morang, Jonc 2. Bruce bas alsa, becs awaadeti as Os- laria graduatele ilteasship ta continue pot gaduale setrkin French. M. asti Mcs. George Pllet leria, Lamryasti Margia atend.- cd the canvocation aI Yack iUs- iversity wberc Lintacacciveti ber Bachelar ai Arts tiegrea os Fritiey afternuon, lune 2. lionne Gowand sicaebraîtid ber t4tlt birtbiay un Susday, lune 4, asti Jutiv Oatas seau i3 an lune 5. Mr. asti Mrs. Hrb Gabcaith ai Tarontu, isitcd Susdav witb Mr. asti Mrs. Eart Gai- hraiib. Tbe Zimmermas U.C.W. as- niveesary service sitl be belti aI teeUnlitedi Cburcb ton Sun- day, Jane -tai if a.m. Mrs. Ken Griffibu iilotticiate, anti the gueul speaker wilt bc Mcs. S. Shercati ai Miton. Mr. and Mr. Johno Hatl asnd Susan, .Mrs. A. osisg, Hamil- tan, anti Mrs. B. Daviiston oI Burlingtas wcrc prasas i at Convocation Hall last Fritiay ateanoas shen John Hall (trc eceiveti is Hanors B.Sc. tic grez rona tbe Untvrsitv at ATHUR A. JOHNSON, O.D. Tuosdey 9gR..M.te S pusi. Frlday to 9 l. 19inu. 804 MAIN ST, MILTON Toroto.taHe bas,lsttbeen av ardeti a Robarctsheottarsbip. andthe Edvt ,cd Chrstte tel- tttîsbip ,'tt-ac: t tctntinue post grttttate.tudv in pbssi- olagy The ltmvterman UCW cat- ceat u tbe '"Ladites Special" bowl'ing club di sner ai Bayne Cornînunitv Centre last Fridav nigbt. Satutctay eventng utsitacs siîb tbe Pellettertos wcre Mc. asti Mrs. R. Pettettecia anti Donna ai Dowssýviesv. Ors Betiboasa ai Niagara Fails. Donna Harris ut Toronto. anti Bill Nabets ai Buringias. rtir*. ..itnit.ii- -Pl n . t. -11I th..t... bot.. Pair. Onbh.t k1. hot.y-ana ROs orSTnnto 7. îtataaaaletttttIUitMtIiiUltiUtimtiUOtMitUtIiUIIiUttUtiUtIUttUtl sas, Mrs. S. Lambe Stooli, Mms. F. Bal lanae Bail, Mcs.GOt and Mrs. C. Patter W. ae aorrt tit Edgar Featherutar. pasurd aseav at is Mandas' morsisg, ter a bni ilnssu tbv is atestcd tc Mis Otodys Faatti att tbers ebo mau i. M. Feaiberst is lita -in thed wsa a bigblv resper Hec rtired a fesu asti.was asmarritc Bîribday grectin cia Shaw May 26,1 vs May 31, ileidi1 Rasdv Newton Ju Graves lune 7 and Jstnc 4. niioneti * in silîl stands tbere. The bricks ti ime owner for iis houe were ait hauled I wbicb the froru Cooksville. It %vas to this Pi smy pater. bouse ha baougbt is bride, arly in the Mary Robinsos.' ,this farm, Keeran Kelly died in 1857 cTratalgar, ieavîng is sidlow and saven h childran, ose son, Etiward, seho e tarmns thara oas my fatiser, Katharine. An à isa. It is na, Mary, suho married Mr.à hrac etend- Dan Heflarnas of Guelph,. Am-0 sd lise bar- lla, tnarried Charles OHara. I Erandather ita.ers le, Eiaabeth who bc- l itidta trru, came Mors. Thompson, and Fan- v ereedd tbc ns GrandiusothcKetîs died n s lc), t hcb 1890 beture ,tnv' ofter chilctren. A Je u \crpe'. il Grand muot het' deattb the ives- tetro part ot the farm, border- I isg the second lise was dis-I posed i o, t dont know t10 mhom, bol il could easily haveA becs Mr. Mais ts suted int yoor article. About 1903 the1 )ilIs balance of the ftem andi the bomestead seaus std ta Mr * Baryt-,nt) relation and tîbccc ,id es Klysses ahrnAn and Fanv, movcd isto Miltos b, Mrs. Win.asd ived sn lb brick cottage jl, Miss Mar- wicb sosu formnspart of the urge Peacack Mlton Greeshouscu propcrty. rsos. Anna Kellv. thse ast ut Keerý as Kaitys chitires. dicd in 1927, at the age of 8f. 0learn tbat Some lime about 18901 the ro, 7tb Lise, outhtb arm ut these original ýhome eaciy tb re ts'as acquiced bv Mr. Wil- May 29, af- liam Pattersun. sebese daugh- Our syrmpa-ter, Miss Olive Pattccson. stil o is nillce, esitiesin theu' original homo- hcrtas asti Ttc nortb taroncfltetthe tbrce )urs is pasu. whose huas,' aise taced on thse tas lived ait third ise sas tusied asdtic district and copieti bu a Mr. Orandt1 r ectcd farmar. is son Mr.Rtolandi Orr, A Miss vpears ago, 0cr sacriet Mr> Mathetu CIe- d. mess.,,sbuo as ContsSher- sgs ta Pam- i ii tor the Coonts of Htlton Richard Tai- focrsns s-cvars, havinit is of- King May 25, ltce in be Cutrtiflouse Mr. ana 4. Lat-cy Mathew erents îis-,ocvivcd id Anita Allas bv a cose eittise tin Milos. Mr. Russell (tentent,.The "Yes you can contmue yp>ur education." ONTARIO STUDENT AWARDS This bookiet shows you how you can get financial help. Do you plan to attend a unîversily or other posi-secondary ntitution? Do you need jinancial assistance? To leata whelher you can qualtfy under the Ontatto Student Awards program. oblato lhts brochure from your secondacy school, or from the institution of yout choce or mite to: Department of SUniversity Affairs, 481 University Avenue Toronto 2 Dairy foods go with good AIL-f aur NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERS DESTROY Nte s shereby 910ev toalaitpersans iv possession of land in accordasse wth the Ontario Weed Contrat Act, 965, Sec 3,.13 and 19, that untess nos oas weeds groa-tsg os their tands withts the Murvtctpattty oi Bar- ttngtov are destroyed by date ai Jene 15, 1967. and throughout the seoson. the Munictpality may enter tpos sod londs. and hove te eeeds destroyed, ehargivg the costs against the tond ilu taxes, as set out t ite Act. The co-oporatian ai ail citinans la earnestly sioliciiod. A. B. HARRIS, WEED INSPECTOR, TOWN OF SURLINOTON MANY SCHOOLS ihroaghout Haton Couniy are using Sonile Tours Service for iheir ooi-of-iown aciities. Georgetown 'Transprtaion Company wilhoip you pian a charitertrip anywhere in Canada or the Unitod Sates n one af iheir Air Ridae, air condtioned coaches complote with a public address systemn and hi-ft- mustc. For Cen- ienstai 'tsar, trtps to Expo are a specaiiy. PLAN YMUR EXPO TRIP NOW I PAY ONE FE WE LOOK< APTER EVERYTHINO 0 PASSPORTS * ACCOMMODATION 0 TRANSPORTATION Spaclal Atantion for Clubs and Organsaionas For Compieie Information Cail 877-2251 Georgetown GegtownTransoration Ltd. )rrs were neighbors oaf the ----------- Kellys tbrough ail these years.0 The chiliran rof both familles eîtentied a private schaal cont- l A ductati by a Miss Wilimaott on bhe saine farmn as nase occu-S IY .E piedi bv Mr. Jbe Willmnott. About 1907 the north farmnH a o vas acqairati bv Mr. Hilliard Wilson. wbho buill a new brick bouse facing %%hat woutd be an extension of the present Main Profty St. of Milton, about halfway ianf the road. The west part of this farmn passeti throogh Compliments the ownership of Mr. Robert Harrison anti Mr. tomas, usha 4Right ibis way f«i a new suas principal of Milton public umrhi-oOrMle scboot. tater givtnf usas for sumrhr-lOuakld the Hialtttn Mantsr and the beuiinswl tyeyu t ýnit addbe[urectosittg hi namt ooi the tacs, immediatels' acrosshiinaMt eon, the coridf romi the Kelly farm fashianable wey. svas owened and occupied by Our expert atyli.a Mr. Jobs White. M.P. for Hat- are alwaya on hamd ton for Manty vears, suha Main- lad a fine stable of borses.Fu 1 tbink ibis brisgs os op la the future in tbe bonds of the h o e u y L u ge voonigar peopia. THE HqOUSE 0F PROPESStdNAL HAIR STYLING Sincer.eiv vu At 171 Main St. Poo8893 M as' B. Kelly Kirby. - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - tMcs. John)

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