Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 7 Jun 1967, p. 17

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The Canadien Champion Wednasday Jupe 7 1967 55 ~ aI~ MCMASTIR AD Seensce Moore, daughter of Mr. end Mrs. John Moore of Moffat gradua ted from Mc- Master University with a Bachelor of Science in math- ematics. Sernice is a gradu- aie of Milton High School and nilIl each at G. Williams Sec- ondary School in Aurore ths September. Parked cars oft.n hazard Mlton Police Chie! Aodress reported the Mlton force is concerned over the number of cars parked on the travelled portion of the towns back streets. Ciidebn bave a tendency to dart front btwees the cars, and a serious accident could resait. Traffic is alsa obstruct- cd Lad numerous complaints have been received by -tihe poi- lice ffice. "In tht: iteeests o! safety, we wtd agk the citizens of Milton ta ca-operate with the local police in an attempt ta salve this prceblem Sa that il wiIl not bc necessary ta issue parkiag tickets ta the offend- ers" Chie! Andress stated. Dr. T. Wilson new principal Erindàle school John Tuzo Wilson, prafessar of gcophysics at the Univers. ity of Toronto siace 1946, dir- eclar af the tastitote of Earth Sciences at U of T for thse post sevea ycars. aad aa internat- iopaly kaowa authority la his. flédd, has been appinted Prin-' cipal of Erindale Cllege. Dr. Claude Bissell, President of the Uiversity of Toroato. lnanaaauaiciag tise appoint- ment, said tisaI Dr. Wilson wouid succeesi Dr. D. Carlton Williams, who receatly resiga- cd the prlacipalship ta become President aad Vice- Chancel- lor o! the University a! West- en Ontario at London. Dr. Wilsaa's appoistment takes effect oa Iuly i. Borns InsOttawa la 1908, John Tuzo Wilson carned his BA. la physics and geology at the Unversity e! Toronto, tudied geaphysics at Cambridge Univ- ersity, Engtand, where he gais. ed the degrees a! M.A. and Sc. D., and gaiaed his degree a! Doctor of Phlosophy la geai. ogy at Princeton. He has haa- arary degrees fronm Carleton tUniversity, Ottawa, and West- ern Ontario. During World War 1l, Dr. Wilson scrved wth the Cana- dias Araiy, rlslag la raak frram secoand lieutena tacol- onel. Dr. Wilson has a speclal la- terest la tise Arctic and la Antarclica as wcll.Inl his final year la the army, he pianaed and directed Exercise Muskox, a test o! troops, training me- thods asd equipment tiader barres Arcllc conditioas. Dssmlng the international Ge- ophysical Year, 1957.58, Dr. Wil- son, as presideal o! the Inter- national Uion of <eodesy aad Geaphyslcs, travelled at leas 100.000 miles; visited Eu- rope three tîmes; crassed the ieagth and breadîh of South America and passed aver both the North and South Ples. '154 travcls durlng his career have totalled well over haif a million mlles, have lacluded f ive trps around the world. visits ta more thas 100 cous- tries and ta mare than 100 un- iversities on six contineats. Mis. chie! research interests are lanfthc physics a! the earth and Inter-continental compari- sons o! geology includlng the problemts o! continental drift. This la the theory tsaI thse ecrlli is sightly plastic wth tise continents siowly driftlng over Ils surface, fraclurlng andi reualtiag and perhaps growving la tise proceas. Or. Wilson has been a mcm-. ber o bath the National Re- cearels Council aad tise De- fence Research Board, andi vica-ohaima o! the advisos-y conmlttee on science and me- dlcine for ExPo 67. Ne is the atlsor o! tisree books andi well over 100 scieall!ic papers. For recrection, he liks ta walk, collect Arctic Canadians endi sailiis Chinese junk on the, Grec! Lakea. SPECIAL' MEATY POIk SIE SPCA!HOE SPAME 1119 LSa.CH CKE5LGOR LB SPECIAL! MAPLE LEAF SLICED WARM WEATHER TREATI MACARONI & CHEESE LOAFc PICKLE & PIMENTOoR 6ÔOZ. LUNCHEON ROLL EACH2W T R E ON5AH9 H. H. CucumbersMU King Sisal FOR GARDEN FR5514 GREENTOP LFG CARROTrS 2 .NHF29C SPECIAL! RASPBERRY OR STRAWBERRY 4 i:iX :11 S'ÙI ' 10 O Z9 7 ~ ICE KRISPIES 3PKG SI 100 ORANGEL JIk9 SPECIAL! STOKELYS FROZEN55 MIEN RWXBASBGSPECIAL! HSTS SPECIAL! AYLMER ilF.OZ 0 CATSIP 5 OTLE CHOCOLATE MALLOWS 4 SPECIALI DEEP BUTTERED SI2 PKGS.9 ULIBBYS VEGETABLES SPECIAL! SIMONIZ LIGUID VINYL F1001 WAX 16 oz. TIN IWOTED EN:LSH OYA LUgROS $1.00 OFF TH UCAi OFiiiONEi sEOsîcAXFRIC $2.99 Wleh lthés Cope., s. $1.OO OFF ANY ACCESSORY PmoEC. - - M M - - 0OIEM Il ;J LYSOL 12OZ. 25 BIS. M.G 4 4 OZ.9 SPECIAL' SALAD ORESSING 2 Z KRA5FT M IR PCIM WHIPJAR0Z SPECIAL' I4OSTESS MILK 1 Z.5 e SPECIAL! '"NCHIN 9OZ PRICES Cnu.uOCORIS ~*PKG ftfuvu MEAT TI 9 EFFECTIVE SPECIAL! COLOURED SPEC IAL! LANCIA JUNE *nMII*M 3 LI It MiPIOMliM 2 EI. 78,9,10, ROSE MAROM RME PKG ý flJUEJUVIIoEUUNLII PK G .WV SPECIAL DEEP BRONED WTH PORK( 1 OZ .0 PCIAL! LIBBYS FANCY 48 FL. 9 w TINS TINS - UI - WJ .,IALI L0B3LAWS KITCHEN PRID 24 OZ. L .aaiusu BASOSACE PEPSBN OyF u A P PIES il ie BARiSi lI îîm1u :"u "e uu S A ..wUCEA PEPi2 8 - - - - - 2 - 2 -5 - SOF LAES samnssassc PZZ IR, CESIIS (119, IIBE II R EA LEMI IIISOIS TEN '-'i - -ýstmp "Mp 25 B AS 25 25 25 25BLSEPEPR OA PI SS 25LS AI 2E 5 KBY IAS 5 AS IXS 5 A (Il 1 iR lu 1i5OxT - - ---s ,.i.,,s",' i-...iaiii,. iii ,s Ison,. 252 52 5 iii 25i. i 25O 25 25oso ~ : - eîies ss oie '. s . mi iiii o i ie ose inn '-ims1m i - Tâp "P Mp ,I -' - - -- s ws1 'pslam1 - I- - -, )FFEE 19 ý 1 E B 1% G 1 1 L 1 ý k - à--à-â

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