Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 7 Jun 1967, p. 16

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Drop cream Jimits 84 The Canadien Champion, Wednesds y, June 7, 1967 WiII process applications supplementary milk Tise Cunadian Dairy Com- mission announced on June 2 it ias ieen uuthorized by tise goternment ta conaider appli- cations for supptementary quo- tas for ederat mitk subsidy la 1976 tu adjust seriaus in- equities miicis ouid resuit fronrigid aîherence tu quotas bascd in t966-6s7 deliveries. Tise Commission aso an nouncedth iat tise limitation ut 50,000 pounds for a peoducer ta b ieleigible for svtsidy in 1968-69 would not apply 10 zream siippers, and tiaItiere woutd he consultation ils prodîteer organizations as toaa minimum quantils ut creais ta ie eligihîr for subsidy net year. Tise quota are tise quantity for miicis escismanufactaring milk and creo s siipper wilI ise eligible to receive tise feder- ai governimeltt suisidy in 1967- 68 . Tise basiiouthtie quotas lhis yaar will ie tise quantities fr miicis aci s sipper received subsidies in 1966-67. Il has ieen ecagnized tisaI tisere sore circumslances un- der shicis strict odierence ta 1966-67 volume for subsidy pay- menîs in 1967-68 could create serious inequities for some in- dividual producers, and steps have lreudy been laken 10 deai witis some of tiese. Tise Commission announced earlier tiat soiere turms or herds ciangid haads it would consider applications ta real- bruate ta tise isyer tise quota to shicistise sellet woutd isave heen entitîrd. It is nom pro- cessig everal nucis applica- tions os oiving îraosiees due- ing tise pust yer an d iii deal witis others as presen ted ta it. In the great majority of cases tisese invaive desiraisteconsoli- dation into econamnic units. Thee are, iowevee, other cases miicis cannot ise adjust- cd immediatety tirough reat- location ai quotas. important umong tisese are instances wisere dirymen made suissian- tial espenditures during tise past year ta increase tise size and efficiency oi tieir opera- dons iefore knowing ai tise quota system for M97-68. and wiere a tarmers milk produc- tion stas reduced seriously ise- tow normai last year due ta circumstances heyond his con- trat. There a re some cases miere ptans have ieen made for expansion wltis the estabs- lisisment ai new processîni plant faclities. Sone ttuid mitk siippers may sois lu transfer ta manufacturing miik hecause ,,f circumsti nces sucis as low ibuid quotas or tise ctosieg out ai ssal ibid pant%. News from O. S. D. a rport on activîlbes ai Ontario Scisoo for, tihe Dii, Mlton CWOSSA TRACK & FIELD Three boys tram 050 Mil- ton reacised tise CWOSSA track and fied ciampianships ietd at Seagrara Studiais in Waterloo rocently. Bob Dunk- ley reached tise finals in tise 120 yard midget hardies. Ger- ry Wideman campeted in tise senior division of ties ame event. Grog Crocistard ent ta Waterloin twa events. tise Junior shot put and dis- cas. Tiera sero 753 competi- tars at this meet, repretenins seisools frani ail central wet- en Ontario. OSD must surely have ieen thse smnattet scisool in iigis scioot enrolment) ta roaci tie finals. nob Bunakey ran wmcl Inle s race. Me dtd net sin. but hiss performance aller e f111 mas cammendable. He ot onty finisised - but fiaised a fast- clasiag iftis. Gerey Wideman alta rai mellinivtise senior mvent. Bois of thse bays ere tom- peting for tise fiest ime in tise hurdies. lsy no means an easy event and lisey ero nt disgraced In losing by smali marginstoI more enperievced bays. Geg Croehford dld nos is tise shat-pul, altisaugis he did manage ove tiras ai 39 1". This mas gaod bul stili ieos iis persoaa average, and flot god enaugis in sucis select campasy. Tise Junior disevos mas held outside tise stadiam an a nearby iasebait diamand. Tise compelilosr set no rec- ords an tiis day for they isad ta tirom inta lise face ai a tery strong mmnd. Osty tire boys hadtt leeed 100' ater emo tiraws. Snow ai Elmira iad tise best tisso, about 108' and Geeg as liird ai sligitly mare tias 10' Ceusisiord eliminated Snow in tise third round ils a îhraw ai 12'. Greg won tise rigisl ta campete in Hamilan, miere hé ptaced sixtis in tise discus. Tise meel mas held aI McMacler University. CENTENNIAL TE PLÀNTING Senior stadents tais part in tise ptaating ai 2,300 seedling trees in a nursery plot iehind tise scisol iospital lest week. As tise trees grao during tise next fese yeaes. tisey witt be transplanited ta an area t tise souti-east corner ai the scisaol prapertqt, ta, become a wooded area sitis nature traits. A var- ietyaifiardwods and conifer- 005 trocs. qjseined f rom lishe Deparliseill Lads end Fa- tests, made up tise ptaating. Mr. Ran Postma. grounds sup- ervisor. wsatin ciarge. quotas lise Commission e xp ec t s isal isvtlisencd ot tise year isere 'wit bciseome unused luota qoantifies wisich it could use tisen ta assist in providiof supplementaes quotas is justi- laable cases. It is reeogoized, rowever, thzvt this teaves tise peopie concarned in tise oncer- tain position oif not knowing antit tater in the year misat provision cas ise made for them. Thse governisent, fotlowing dttscussions seitis repreSettta- tites in the Hause ai Commuas ad isy Member ai Pardiament, has authorized tise Commis- Jan ta deal immediately soitis applications for supplement- ury quotas in justifiaisle cases. This will permit tise Commis- sion ta accelerate its prograsn ot cncouruging tise deveiOP- ment ai ecanomnic units and wiul remove tlise uncertiointy as- scciated witis year-end quota adiustments. Tise Caesnslaalsts s tr es se s that tisis sotîl apply only in in- stances soiere strict adiserence ta 196&-67 volumes for svsbsidy cisis year woutd create seriaus hardship. mainly as a resuît of commitinents or circumstanc- es isefore tise quota system ws estuistished. Any requests for suppiementary quotas sisould site compiete details of tise eirdîsmstances isecause ai sohichis i is considered that a quota adjustisent is warrant- ed. Esquesing board accepts $368,343 tender for school Last week Esquesing Scisotl Board asked tise Townsisip for $283,537 tuertise year's isudget. Thsis is oniy the tuwnsip's sisare. Tise total ibudget is S617,- 893, utfseiich approsimateis $334,356 miii tae provided isy provincial gran ts. Tise board aiso accepted the tender ut A. J. McCartisy and L. Zanalta at $368,343 for tise addition ta tise Stessurttown scisoal. In addition tise architect's tees soiti amount ta $21,128, and tise furniture and cqutpment lu $4.80. A Federal sales las rebste ut $16»27 soilI ise returitet. Tise resigoatian ai Mrs. C. Hines of Speyside scisol mus accepted mitis regret. Three Halton Juniors win travelling awards By Geoif. Taylor ExtenetonAssistant Receslly it ias been as- naunçcd tiat three memnbers of tise attas Junior armers hLve isen selected for tise Travelling Sisolarsiips for t967. Miss RuthîsMas. Streets- ville, presidenl ai tise Halton County Juniar Parmers' Assoc- iation. has been cissen ta, spend a usa meek isit in Aug- uss la Britisis Columbia alosg ils fivc otier autstanding Junior Frmer delegates. Thiss trip is made possible by lise grasit ram lise Naional Cen- tentîal Commission. Ernet Alexander, Norvat R. R. 1, ias beensoseected along wils une oliser Onaria Junior Parmer Club memiser ta travet sitis delegales iron lise United Coperative% ai Ontario for a one-wecek tbip during August ta tise American Institule ai C-peration anisai meeting. BOX PLANTS 4 FOR $100 UARGE VAIY ELLISMIRI FARMS E.R. 4 - ACTON On Hwy. 23 On. Mlle Saufth f Acees Just Arrived ... BARBED WIREI Frm Belgium c com par able ln qual lty t . Canadien M ade, F Save up to $1.00 per 80 rd. uRFALPH and Îeu i~Ïltd. s l4002 TRAFALGAR RD. 845-4611 88-44- Cancer drive raises $3,650 Tise treasurer af tise Milton Unit of tise Canadian Cancer Society Casapaign, annaunced taday they have taken in $3,650 and have yet ta isear frasa some uceas. Tisey hope ta, reach a goal of $5,000. John Barlelt is president of the Miltan Unit and Adidison Woadley is tise campaign chair- In Hatland. ]and cof 1,0 canais, an average of 50 veis- icles a day plonge into tise wter. cuusing tise deatis ai nearly 250 people antvualiy. 1INIURANCI FJ19LY SILAGE June is traditlanally tic montis for brides. On tis artaoi it is utea ime for early bey and grass silare. While tise modem forage Isarvester is an excellent machine for isundlbng tisese crops it cannot distlnguis grass frora tingers, sonbeote you unplug tise machine or ail or 'adjuot -it., alsosys sisut off tise power tuake-osf. Dont ar- gue witis those sharp kntves. MiIk SÉNIOR STIJOINTS AT SUNSHINE SCHOOL for bers are:B i Gawley, Carl Bickers, Joyce Bon- rets ded children in Hornby, are shown oaove as, Sonuia Baadolft Louise Wellwood, Gogle tn front ai a mural they mode milS tise assist- Caves. Ken Sterritt. Garq Beism and George ente of Mit ortist Bill Robuerts. Closs mem- Adams. (Staff Photo) DRUMOUIN Showers, tea honor Joh lis dau Gec Sht Job dau lea Mr Ni 30. inv isi et ci ci pr lea Ha I.z fri ni% Avaliser Junior F a r isce.Fi Brion Bessey. Hilhare R.R. 2. or ii attend th Hagis Biley J5 Memariat Tour" of tise laiiit- les ai U.CdJ. andi retuteti coin- in punies in Ontario. Brian and ia one otiser detegale Irais On- tarin mili take tits tripmiicis s ose meecin englhin Janu- ary, 1968. Hilton County ean 6e praud ni tieir Junior Furmers for tise mans aards and recogiions tises are reeeiting in Provincial eompetitions. AND DALES FARM EQUIPMENT WISH TO CONGRATULATE THE Daiiry Farmers OF Hialton County FOR A FINE JOB WHICH CONTRIBUTRS SO MUCH TO THE ECONOMY OF OUR COMMUNITYI THIS MESSAGE PROM... LYLE DALEYS Farm Equipment INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER SALES, AND SERVICE 878-"74 R.. 1 MILTON Saturday'. By Mes. Ceeil Pelterson Sympatisy i s ex tended ta o Hansais and tamily on he passiof ut isis mucher rc ently. Mes. Hannais was tise augister ut tisc tlcCaptaîn -uorge Morden utftiaisille. e i% survived isy her sans îisn, Bill and Jim, and a ugissr Emiiy (Mes Parises) id iser isusisund Stuart Han- ush ot Oakville. Fciends weee sisockrd ta earuiftise sadden passingaof Ars. George Havmilton of tise is Lîne un Tuesday, May 0. Mes. Hamiltovnisud ieen nIll iseatisfor some lime. Sise s univedisy.asson Jimuat ame. Margaret (Mes. Treun- i.) Laura (Mes. Plant), More- (Mes. Siscal, sesen grand- -hldeen avd six grcat-grvnd- sitdcen. Mcs. Hamilton mas eedeceascd iss iscchushand ïveral vears ag0. Sise s arn Eiicaisetis Sivittatund aes tisee istrs. csWili Hamiltoîn antI Misses. Ano aîîd sabel Stîvutitvand a iseatier William Stautt. We entend sin- cee symtpatisv 1 att misa vouen isee pasive Aboaut Se relatives .vnd riends attencted a sueprise un- ivecsurv paci fore Me. and les. Lamne Chsamiselain on ridav esening. Jonc 2.,in hon- er tif tiseir parent-, un tiscir 251h wedding i nnviseea es We loin sous tice ir fiends tn extendinfîongratulations nd gsond misises We extend gel mcll sîises s bride tiMichael, infant son vtf Mr. vnd Mes. Len l.ister. He miii uvdegvta tnsitectoms sn O.sksiltr httspitalt tiis weck. A miscell.înectus shower t0 limite Miss Chersl Stmith, a Jaune 3tbieietîîtse, %vas given is iser iriends ut tise botme tf hec mîîthre n Sýt tîin iiMu 27. Abts5 0 tdies aîenîted and presen ted Ciservi scitis manislis.-.îitttit uî.11tîl tîcrut gil is, ior c» tic lt lue ttiîked hec m.îns itends Miss Anne Hltsun,njnadle trirecbides cula- bhotanîd a delîctous lunch sa ceved. Mes.Jatck Hîlsan and Mes. L. Hacher .trranged uhe ple.îaoant tecnt>in. Miss Marlon Smti tf Ham- iltotn enîcrt,,îved ai a nviscei- ano sishower for hec niece whevv rela tises uttenclcd t» et- tendt their gîotd seisits and giiIs. Miss Smiths, fieliao îtkees .at G.E. Qakisile iscld a parts flieri anvd preecnted lier seitis aisantîsome etectrie tttastce anti foo>d cixc> Mes Editis Smiths eîteetain- cd veigihîtes, feîends and cela- tives ai t asseuýau te.> at hec houme on Tiusstas esen ing. Lirne 1tTire guesis se re- c che d ire il>,.îtcs s earinf asmar>tirse ecmhrîîileeî g>itSoadthvltissltche in t hi te Iliii,-lsuit. Tite ea tahie st.sa,îti iiinghs a>iangf tsi îsitlî shitu tint-n îtîth, ca- natiotn tabile cenître and tapers. llie iridc's 1.-c.>nther Mes. Tint Rippnnot-f GibboinsAt- dear triend ufthlie famiiy. pour- cd vo. Assistivg mere Mes. Len Bucker. Mrs. Siater ai Oakville, Miss Ans Hilson. Mrs. Catisy Necrisonne ai Ottawa. Miss Anita Alian. Al juin in sishing Ciersi a verv iappY maericd lite. Mrs. T. Rîppon of Gibisons, Alberta arrived on May 31 ta attcnd her granddoueiters mcdding and will ise sisiling lricnds in tiis dstrict for a cm saehs. Birtisdav gceetints lu Miss GIadys Featiesrton, Diana Royt.e Jonc 7, Elizabetis Hall Jone 6, Larry Joisnston Jane t. Donna Break lune 10, Dianne Break Jonc 10, Larey Graves Jane 7 and tan McKay Jane 9. Wedding anniversars congra- tul ations ta Mr. and Mes. Del- iset tiosns Jonc 8, Me. and Mes.Ceaig Rovce June 7 and Mr. and Mes. Bill Lockee June il. Congraulations ta Peter Triscister. nom attending St. Afreds% Scisool. Cooksville. Peter was tise sinner ai a puis. lic speaking competition in his eoî,m grade 7, tiis competi- lio was %ponsored isy Onario Hvdea. Wi ones in ait scisools. oec rercccotly teeated to a bus rip ou Niagara Faits mus a tourt tisougis lie isydro plant and lunciscon. Peter based his invîng tatk t>n the lite ai Sic John A. Macdonald. Birtisdas gretings ta Nancy Course Jane 8, Randy Newton Jonc 4, Convie Course June 10. Anita Allan Jane 4, Laeey Rut- ledge Jonc 9, Peter Hall Jane Il anti Deisarais Van DePot Jonc 6. Tise graduation banqoct for gradle 8 tudentsiof Prcs Mer- r ,. scol %ilil e iseldin tise scisoot auditoriom on Tuesday esening. Jonc 27 ai 7 p.m. Mr. Marrioti, principal ai White Oaks Secondacs Scisoal mili Se guest speaker. Easy as 1 Yore certain ef gettiug a reaily Suod nsed ear hecause ouly exceptionaily good nsed caus ne chosen t. carry the Goodwill Sticîer 2Ton iuay h. sure your Goodwill Used Car lias lie.. luspected and reconditioned. lt's dlean, ready to ge, ail sprnced up. 3 Goodwill caai carry a writteu varranty. Yeoncan have confidec luinyenu purcliase, and it shows yonr G.odwiil dealer's laith lu the car lie mils yen. 4Goodwillcmaiae seld oulyhy yonr Pontiac-Dnlck dealer. Nelias a 4stakiyu yn couunuty, And a fnily-eqnipped service organisation te hack np yonx pnrchase. 5Becanse ypur Goodwill dealer haudles hest-seiling Poutiacs and Duiclrs, yon'Il always liud the widest selection ef good nsed cars on his Çoodwill lot MLTOd dOutfORget SAdwL Sru ~ey~re the craut.1th ro to me Le - BUlCý A ýAD1 Ae As Sericeen m umIwuys cbumi en When aur mon do thse job af painting or fix- ing thse body of yaur car, youre sure of the boit. AUTO BODY 29 878-2721 ,main it. 878-32511 MILK TRANSFER SYSTEM Coapitait slt oninesd, staiiaSS steel potable or,> ath sese rack ftrin-vplace cianin ad aoatchot ai dyin As sasyt iv venaas stsîîisu onîàapirda. Caes to asoît aisandlets yeviaeilli tor pod'lon rorcds. lutHRE odai1s. sacs h it tant elselt- storu transparentttursn. A shieta Il est fil yoor ibudget soi sass. -Horace Tomlinson SURGI DEALER R.R. 1I nglewood Phone 838-2264 SERVING PEEL AND NALTON COUNTIES Attention Horsemen. 1h Master Horse Feeds, Nutrtlonally baiunced for top perisrrance. aMaster Noise Krunch Cubes M Mster Norse Supplement Peletit eMaster Sweet Homse Feod aMaster Comspetasrse Cubes Maser Feede haeclai cele cdtg pragre toesupplytse eaectial eutitoaal requiremnens MI for Braedlng ad Growing stock. davelspisg ow and fittino herses for show. trinng at-d racine. Ask us for your copy of the New Bookiet jusf ouf.. . ý"Scisntific Feding of Horses" SPECIAL SALE JUNE 1 'TILL JUNE 10 IOVo Discount On Ail Horse Supplies --Halters --Bridles --Blankets --Saddles --Brushes --Combs -Saddle Soap --Wbips etc. - etc. W. stock a fu lino o mm a - - - -m avs m 56v M ~ ASTER FLLUS I adnsk ati Doet (STEWARTTOWN) 1 R.R. 2, Georgetown - DiaI 877-3512 I & a

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