Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 7 Jun 1967, p. 13

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Jim's Jottings b by îim dills Sugar and Spice b y bhi11 s m ile y 0 The wrestilg show in Miton lut morniig trip ta tbe pont office. Besiden week ttrueted a guud degree ut interest piekivg up the mail and prababtv chat. and pcrbupn ome unenpecied participa- ivg vitti same atong the sas. the post ion. If's a long ime since Ive seen a office served sfsiie informuitv s' uauoth- mretling match but in Mitton A renua o r communication link. Death notices wsa tua etuse lu miss. t mot admire the pl.îoed îh,.-co hore tmî,sî certain toat- abiits il those lllo\%s to put un a shaw. î tra boheattnon ,[ iiiiii sbao entrocf sonie peuple uako t seriosly and somte thereý Ands suhe isard ut a sfouhin i dont. Thats up lu tbem. I ied their thetumil, quichîs spreud. ass that abilt t t anticipate erowd eactions and esverypane docsnvl isit the post office came up witb cruwd-pteaing renuts is avp mare byve offered aur front ns indonv uncaeny. The ring side chair ielder in for sucb notices. Tt scuet be as gond an the audience gaI ufiienty worked up the pot office, wich sas isitrd by ta attempîta take oui is amy disike aImant everpone once a dus, but pcchupn othe "bad' guy.iv ime il itI ilt as use fuît a raIl. OO Cardss ilI be ptaeed in aur front sindaw 0 A suggestion that bus service as suait as Ies are receivcd ausa sersice houtd lbe praided tramn Milton ta la at. pointsnoerth and snuuîb n nametimen beard. Itîs rgurd il moutd proide im- portant flinks ta the transpurtation Unes si Eart Back bas lits flosner boxes abuse and belias us. The losey councit and bavgivg flower baskets ouI on the tried ta gauge the interet witb the Main S. again this peur and t ffer con- introduction outhae GO transit service gratutaties. If the idru coutd jut be fbraugb Oakvilte and Branle. Onty 10 pread att the wup dowe the Sreet peuple enpressed unp inîrennso under- peuple mnutd drive Iat the losey 051 10 vandabtp the town dosn't bave a cane see il. And those shîî chaved ons the ta plt toanavp ravchised bus upertar la communiîv îîutd remember il for that indicate ueb a service woutd lbe wortb- atone. Beautifictian iv vametieg nu wbiiu. Perhaps theres apathetie inter- ove eue do atone. -bu t if esc rsovcssoutd est but shen il cames ta a questionnaire piîcb in the results moutd be miracutaun. that tubes action. RarI optimisticatîn bayes hbidca sett becupied and su doi sc A ltIlle beauuv 0 It In uile ways 300 miss the is metI înîîrîbnnbîf Down[s] in this w b apdane Corner Hvading foe Enpo 67 iis summer? Dcvit miss the big show t Montreat, but he prepared ta put up witb rowdn. beul. lie-ups and snoc elet. Canadas birthdup exposilion in viel underseap and shite il's a worldn tfaie pou carlt affard ta miss, il bas heem vo puputar the big cravds hase cauned a fens prabtems. Dur famity spet tour duys aI last weeb t Expo and rther than tIlpou seat me vu, td prefer ta arn pou of a fese ut the pilfalîs about aîîending Espo. Recause uftheb crowdls, youtIl hune tta nîd in tîne-ups ta er many ut the major and more poputar puiions. Wr ment eurtp in the er baping lu miss the Jutp and Au gust romds but il mus stlpirlty bîîss tat mek. thuks ta the American holiday on Tuesday. Duelt plan 10 see if llattn ove day, il's imapossible Plan t lravI Irer dupe t Espo. and marn tf ime pv-mils. Tep lu plan pour visit ta er neeraI puit- iouns close taove another in une day ta cut lodwni on the mutkivg. The Espo E- press train is fast. free, and eany ta gel an anîd off, avd il savev a lot ut long muks across bridger belmeen the tree stands that comprise Expo. But il ont take pou enerymbere. Miniraits are fan and sou gel a good irm ut eerytbing tram hem, but lhey cot 25 or 50 centv a ride and ont drop soua eerymbere pou a ut ta go. If the ig pavillons Uke Labyrinthe, US., Russia, France, Grmaey, Bell TeIe- phone and a fese otheen look tua busy and the ineaps arr tua long for pour liking, paulI hune juvl as much tue ie the nmaler paiians fibe Japan. Arica Nations, Monaco. Seundinania, Burma, Tbailaed. Habitat and muey outhIe theme puiions. And Ihere ont be line- ups. '<au sbould drestue a warm day but carry sweaters or jackets in case il turcs cool, and lu prutecl pou tram breezen. Bet bel s ta mIlisen lu the radio e.tcb morieg for the dup's ether fore- cas1 on any ut the MonteraI stations. Theplîl usualtp telpou Expo tempera- lures are uabut fine degreesematler thun n downtuwe MonteraI. Wbatever pou do on pour trip ta Eapo, crry a pienie lunch mitb pou. There are maey good places ta stop and it dame for lunch. '<ou eue boy snacks, box lunches, sandmiches and bumburge on the groundcs and the pricee are firly reavanabte. but pauI hune ta stand in ice t une booth for food. Ibmn lice-up ugain t another boolh for a bol or eold drink Wanhruum fuiitirs t Espo serent tarte enough ta handîr the trger-than- expecird cromds and more are being eunstructed. But untit there re mure, the ladies nitt fivd Ibm hune tlu lier-up for anvweshrc ram 10 ta 30 minutes. Ms-vs vanhrooms dide't seem as buvy, but le ladies iv aur parts decided ater the first 20-minute seil but iv future tepsoudnt waitutit itsvas anemcr- gency cai ta )iv a ine. If theres a speciat puvitiîîn sou moutd ike In isit and the iveups are tua long for saur ikivg, sou coutd try tbe "Reservespo' service uvailabte t any Esso inlormul'on bootb on the grounds. Gel la, Enpo by q .m. su pau're fiet in when the gales upen t 9.30 and bead for the firt Esso bootb pou ind. Be pre- pared, evn then. ta mail in line wbite computers pracessaur application tor seuls ie the puiion of paur eboice ut sebatener ime poud ike ta be there. A smal] perceetage ut eats cun be renerv- ed t fine major pavifiunv wich show films. t trird il once but atter 20 min- utes ie the mie found peuple in front uf me had bren saitivg toc Ibre bnurs for their reservtions. Iftypaître takieg the cildree, plan pour day su that when thev gel tired sou eue stop t a park and It them test. Or sehen tbep gel bored. beud for La Ronde amusement arru, sebere tbep cun go on rides and bave att kiedn uf fun. Watever pou do. don't rowd ton mucit watking Ia u ny une dus beause the eitdren itI be ne tired out the neet day il milI spoit il for evervune un pou drag tbem uaround. Mealn on tbe grounds range rom un ineepensine bus lunch lu sume rather ig-east meats in nume ufthIe mare taeivb puniions. The Onario puition ban fine restaurants wiîb a seteellue ut menus and prie es sore lu pIeuse mot iitorv. Tbe Cavadian puiion serves an excellent buffet dinner t 52.50 a ptate. Nom eraus steak and etieken re- taurants .ils-) give sou a fir meut fr lesIban $2. You eue get dinttv with pour dinner in mot ut the bofildings. Ch idreen hautdnt miss a free pup- pet showe t the Brewers' puiion. '<au eue puy ta bave toddters ptaced in s baby-sitting park for boIt a day, or rent a strolter ta pusb them around te grounds. Tbey bave a eitdren'v creatf ne centre tue a imited number ut 6-t1 peur- olds. Night ime iv tue texpu, espeeiuttv t La Ronde. Tbe Evpa Express or Mini. rail rides will gine sou a breithtalkieg vieseofuthIe iltaminuted buitdings and t midvigbt a grand disptav out"dancinig waters" ith fireworbs is a free show Yeuvshouudnt mfns. If poure tired out ater a coupte ot duvs t the fir. paure smart ta take a une-dan rest betare heudivg bock agate. Muntreut b% us amerous attractions and the easiest and trust espensive is a ight siens ut the cils tram atup Mount Royal. Hune ton t Expu. but go preprerd. Il PEEKING INTO MILTON'S PAST 111 SMNO THEI BOYS OF TO WAR bacit ut part outh crowdelaitaI ata snow le 1914 mas unesoutheb.social blgbighta the C.N.R. station mban Ibm irt con- ufth Ibtima. The mhuilame m wuudtdingent loft ile1914. Photo courte galber at the railmay. station ta Say Ms. C. Kennedy, Milton. goodhye lu the soldiars. Hersa a phato WO4AT BAREFOOT BOY wouldn't mile norheast of Torontoi This province has proudly at Ihis catch - a whopping a quarter million lakes tu tempt the lake trout taken frore Lakse Kashawiga- asid angler, (Ontario Depart- mog je Ontarions Haliburton Highlands ment of Tourivni and Inforrmation Photo) ~IialpiU EitoialPage Y#tifttion at k~ One ot the malt pleasant and im- aginative parte ut the t10mev Centen- niaI Millf Fond projeet bas be the stacking ut the pond witb specklad leaut. Nthing mense sean iv racent timas has attractad nu mach intarent or pros-en the potential ufthte praet as mach as that single set. The poantial ut the pond ahas e therealal the tîma bat the smple stock- ing o ut t mth hongry f0mb han made it a focal point for evaryuva tram sehool children ta truck drivers. For aembue t ooked likescvhoof chiidren mght h a pukîng their fishing gear with the ta school rather than a hasabali mitt. On ses-ara) accasions ses noticsd trucks parked and drivers evidentf y mtting a lina on s lunch stop. We understand the Department ot Lande and Forants seul keep the pond stocked as long av the love iii permit the ishing, and Iis eemssta ha quite a happy arrangement. Nase the poung lads with that kind of an intarant dont hava ta hike ott to ished aut neighhoring triekien ut valet for a chance at some kivd ot a catch. Fese tomesbhas-e sueb a voribsehile taeiity vithîn theîr borders vbere the boys and eriaus tîshernien cas get a look aI a fish. Prohbtng power huais iv also an intelligent, as val) a s neceesarp regu- ltion. Paver huaIs on a body ut mater that sze vould nul only ha ridieuiouv but also trouhiesome and me libe the tbought thal somesehere there iv a chance for a quiet paddle or rose on a body ot mater vîthout a svampîng by a speeding paver huai, Wes-e been talkîng about the po- tential of that vil) pond tut yearv and nom il appeatv the body ut vater iv ta achieve a rîghttul and vorthsehile spot as a focal point iv the ommonity. Hopetully t if ii be lnked hp a rostie bridge lu Rtary Park and the vhole complealiînked by a streain-vîde vaib lu a pet-ta he-des-eloped park in the voutb end ut tosen. Then me vil) really bus-e realiîed a saturai tacility, prevers-- ed for quiet enjopseent, vithin the bocderv ut the losey and around sehieh a parks complea seorthy ut the tosen might be cevîred. Lb.*i"hftg, tofit ceo4e4 Tha drumning statisticai survay pub- lished reentiy hy the Cavadian Red Cross shoms that dromnings in 1966 in- raed 141/2 par cent ta 1,265. The majariîy ut thase casoaltias mare as- sociated mith huating activitias, ewm- seing. mading and accidentai tallsis m the mater, Hearly 28 par cent ut the fatalilies es-ais-ad boating mishaps. Drumningv uccurino sehile persans mare smimming or mading incraased mure then 53 par cent ta 273 vietises. About the name nombrut persans font their lis-es as a revoit ut faf ling inIa mafer, inciuding faf livg averboard. This iccl adev 36 per- sons seha talint lu mals, ditces, sluughs, tanks and excavations. There mers increasas ut 100 par cent or mare in Ibm caeaguries cavering drumnivg aesociated mitb diving inia maser, atsmptsd rescue, nun-aquatic vabicla, neizure and occupations. The aga group belmeen 13 and 21 continuel ta record the highast nombr ut fatelities mitb 293. Tbis raprsets mura than 23 par cent ut the ttalifg- Whiia statinties are nul eompfete, figures show Ihat aI leant 170 chifdran under 12 panes ut age dravnad ha- cause there mare nu aduits supervsinn them. The increase in droseings anar 1965 man probabiy due ta the entra- ordinary ine meather that mot parts ut Canada enjuyed in f966. Peupla toob ta the mater in greater nambers, and more frequently tua, in urdar lu mabe the mont ut the good meather. Tbis increased the probabîlity ut acci- dental drumning and the tigures bear thîs ouI in the final resuls. The Red Cross has nu alternative but ta keep harpivg on the nubleet ut mater afety and ta continue enpavd- ing ils educafioval prograse until the annual deaf h toîl hy dramning dacreases lu a reafintic figure. Dromnings can navet ha totally preyented but they detinitaly can ha redueed sabstantially if everpove makes an hument effort ut bacumivg mare amare ut mater safety priniples and praclices. Be mater misaI Learn fa nues-mal \\a',them mont common question bsiim-,b,îiisd abaut the counirs thene da\, s?That- righ. i',t\"Are vout ging t Espa?- arcl %oi u? Il nlt, wisbnonti You ciii lt ard Ti l? (course sou can. You a1ell\ u li itt liic [0 mis, i Yeah, yo u s, but what about hreud. luot. gelt, maney? Nothing tu il. Am- hadv aho cant make samne fast s-uney in iis ridicutuus %vrd deserves te otivet death, lt alune vol go ta Espo. 1 have a few suggestions. In tact,1 1 have quite a tesv, besaune t've been giv- in, the malter of aur asun trip samne thaught. tve discarded une or tvaot hem for varjous reasans, but il's ever min ta his alun taste, and une or more uftîhcým might he just the ticket for you. Put your ite lu work. If shen utl- ready working and pou satil cant aI tord the trip, have an auction sate and gel rid ut a lt of that otd junk yauvr accumu- tated over the years. This dues eut reter la yuur ite. If yuu havent any aId junk, think ut something. Throm a bingo party. Chicken tecd, yau sap' Att righi then. hum about thraving a martini party, aI $5 a ratte, un the Monday of a holiday weekend, whsmn eserybody bas ruenulutofbooee? Yoaod etear about $300. Boy saime veterans' cutendars, cut att ove uf pour arms, and selfthtbmduar ta door. Camne on, pou eue igure mat a gim- mick. Send your kids ouI maming tames. If youu lave vo kids, seed pour muther- in tuw oui mawîvg tawes. And if she's lau decrepit, insure ber beanity and pusb ber off a cift. Arrange wth a friend ta bump your crgenty tram behind aI a stop ight,, bsen run screumieg lu the dutor and clîim sou have a mhiptasb and cuttect hugs ofi i ace No? Hov about somte btaebmuit? Knuian vybas whos rune ivg around %%hts mebody' wbo shouldel be rue- ing riîuvd vilh anvbods'? Ituse a mîiiv van camle in tbe mid- dis t- fIhe ight, remave att saur tureit- urc, thon svost sot ire ta the bouse and cl,im ivsuravce for il and the turniture. bau cîîntd il-ar $3,000 an Ibis one. Speialdng of movteg van, hum about pusbing yaur ite, or bunbaed, iv front ut a mavivo mavingvn, pravided pou have a joint acrouet and mutoat cosur- ance? Ali these are tua course, an case- mon, or cuvptieated for pua? My, oua aîre an aId pake. Sa cuv a hookie joint, self pot. hotd up a bank, if pou wavl something simpte. Againsi pour prineiples? Weil, att rigbt, aIt right, but it shos thIe depthn ut deprunity ta wbicb t eue sink in fhe middle ut tbe eigbt, an I try ta figure ouI base se con afford Espo plus att the re- decorativg mp nite iv doieg. Wei, yen and your davged principtes bave forced me inta it. Herens the dcal. Were gaing ta bave a contest. Nase, me att love covîrsts, dont we? I bave been writieg this clume for about 14 peurs, witbaut minnieg a weeb. t mant a week off ta go ta Enpo. Stiwitb me? t bave a great mavp taithfut readers fand nu doubi a fir smatterieg ut Uv- faitbtut aven, tout Maep ut tbem write verp wetl. as t keone tram letters re- ceived. For the hent galeat columen ubmit- ted, t it persoaattp end a cheque tor S25, utovg with un uutagrapbed copy ut my lutevt bouk. The latent one ns the une t bavent written for MacMillan Com- panp. The other books 1 havee't written mere eut publinbed bp MeLettuedAStese- art and PrentieHall. This baednome uward (Ina tm eut J. P. Morgue) iI be nupptemented bp the Telegram Newsn Service, 440 -Front St. W., Toronto 2B. Tbep mitI ither double or triple the cash uward, depending on their attitude seben îbey read tim, wbich iv the fîrnt tbeyve beurd ut il. Tople: anythlng you ike. Leegtb: ab- out 700 wardn. Send att entrien ta above uddrenn. And bere pou are. Canh. If pou win, pou eue tuke your cboice. Yau eue hiteh- bike ta Etupa and btow the sebate bondIe on high living. Or you eue bel it an a hurse, fly ta Mantreat and raugb il ut the Quee Eizalbeth. This in real. Gel cracking tadap. Pages of the Past à ftr om champion fi les 20 years ago Taken tronc bbe isue ef The Canadian Champion, lune 5, 1947. Tma persans escuped injury sehen he curs thes serre driving serre in cal- issue ut the intersection ut Commercial and ine Streets rartp Sunday flereoun. Accrding la investigation by Chief W. G. Canning, Lloyd D. Wood mas driing cusi on iee St. and the second car mas uperuted bp Bruce Enviner seen the im- pact uccunred. The Woods car mas turc- ed mb u atelephone pale un Ibm nurtb corner, bnueking damen eyerai mines and disruplivg tetephuenenevice. The ranle ai the selictes serre badty damagrd. Police suid vo changes mouud be laid. Operaîîng the National Cafe brrr for the pust 14 peurs, John, George and Ro- bent Mark have sold the business ta, relatives, James and'<um -Mark of Tue- onto. The nese proprirtars took axer bhc business Jane 2. '<um Mark, sehu mil be chef ut Ibm National, bas bren bead chef ut Gm-Mr Ludge, Bobcaygeon, tar the tant smen peurs, seile is nepbaw James ban aperaîrd reta urants aI dit- fement centres in the province. The Mark boys, sehu meeaWagblp eteemed tue thein bonerty, arr luking a vacation befone tbmy decide mbat tbrp mIntd tlu do. Tbey milt be -mmmsd by the ypunger cruwd, sbo serre greul friands ufthlea trio. Thep att misb tbmm succens in mbat- eernventure Ibmy decide lu 18kg. 50 years ago Talken tronc bbc Isnue of bbc Canadien Champion, lune 8, 1917. A convocation af the Liberuls ut Hla. tan iii bc bmtd in Ibm lame hall in Mil tan, Friday, June 15, tue Ibm purpose of setecling a candidate ta contentthIbmcourt- îp in Ibm uppruucbing general election for Ibm provincial Legistature. At the clave outhIb convention a public meet- ing milI bc bld ut whicb addresnes sl be detisered by Ibm candidate- miret and ulso by Ibm fattoming speakers: Mes. Mar- garet Hpstup of Toronto, urganteer for Ontario ofIbmhelntrio Womens Liberal Association; Wm. M c Don aldc, MsPaP., speciat udnucutm ut mumen sutterage in the tegisiatora, uand Sam Carter, M.PP. The band mibi papybthluing pro- gram on Ibm band stand in Victoria Park, Tbunsdap mnning lbanigbl) aI 8.15: Dauz- ets "Rayai Atilmry" marcb, Gungils Casino Tram m alte, Scbumanns "Ceas- cent" marcb, Buleldieus CaiphofB ag a- dad"aneture, C. Ancilttcs Smiles, lien Kisses" maltzanud Rosenkan's "The Perambutatur match. The engineers plansfor lias propased bridge t Tansbmy mere cal eeady for Ibe meeting ut caunty coancil yesterdsy. Thereture il mas nrcrssary lu, adjourn tlu neel Wednesdup, mben plans milI be neudy and il iv mpecîrd the malter milI bm ettird. 100 years ago Taken troincthIsseue ot the Canadian Mditona, lune 6, 1867. We regret ta tern acenue mretehed iecendiury set tire lu the itîle cottage ut Mes. Stewart neur Dmagb. She liad j unI eeceîd a dmelting and mus su pour site bud recivrd aid trom Couneiltotadu so. A more inhumun act han ruretp bren perpetraîrd, and me trust she and ber itîle family may receive nubstantiat aid frum the cburitablp inclined, and thut the Couccil ut Trafalgar map aguin grant ber aid. Tu the Edibur: t terned toduy regi- mentais, military clotbn, Red Coutn and white pants mith bait and teather are be- cfg made tor bbc boys attending Com- mun Schuai in Ibis tome. Nom ie, te the nery dangeronts position in mbieb me tind ourselves îuday. il is, t admit, unly a nc. esury art ut prudence ta drill the scbool boys, but t tac une munI pralent againsl tamiliarizing their minds and habite ta the Peacuck Taggery ufthIe mititury be- fore tbey are ouut fnchuol and manted in Ibe tield - William Kng. THE CANADIAN CHAMPION Publiishd byte bc liPriutheg and Pubiaing Ce. Lsd Managtng Rdibar - James A. D bts Nles Ed r RyrE.Dmni Aderttsing Mgr. -Hde Parket Pîahtanbed every Wednesday et 191 Main Si., Miltan, Ontario. Membr ut the Canadiata Werkty Neme- Papiers Association and' bbc On. tario Weekfy Nemspapers Associa. lion. Subscriptiun rates papable invaadnance, $400 in Canada; 57.00 on ail caunteles ather thase Canada. ahatn e vant ofee à a 1e nt thè taionnofen"et i.«btsa mU ceed he Ilsceassi tems, tesSa cas enupA»naàbte saniasec utgifore eut hst heaecasfec, butbnsane netbnthe artt*eecnt eSwn ui tic ai h.e, ttscblaste.i ta netievnt ora s bpmapSierrernas.5 asatetnineds irn effeicu ni, n casai paie, àd ne ceaise« us. hSeailau. te., h.irz- eues ta seU and a eciset My ansien Autborlzed at Second CiemsMaili b? the Pont Office DaIpartiment. Ottawa

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