Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 10 May 1967, p. 9

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r7-,-- -.-- -- - , ..,~. -.- 17 REAL ESTATE -1 REAL ESTE li TENDERS Leonard R. CIIANILER REAL ESTATE BROICE Ctonus, Protessioal Service' Thinking of SeIing? FMR FAST RESVLTS,c LMSTWrm ÀLoonard R. Chandler 1 ÀIeadisg Real -Estate Broker 824-9199 R.R. 1, Moffat Homes - Ferma - Acreages - Bualeesses 17c49if $17900 lýi -slorvy 5- roorerd bnick iome wiîis altaclird gar- age, lias large living more sitis irepiace and a family sized kilcisen, 3-iedroore and a 3-piece batiscoore. Will que- lify for VL.A Early posses- nias. Termis cas lie arranged. $19,900, 11.1 - starey 6 - roarerd brick isome sill attachrd gar- age, ituated os a secl treed lot. 3 bedrores, 3 pe. bath, kilcisen, living romrwsitis fire- place and dlnisg rore Ir. maculately ciras. Terms cas lie arranged. W6,000 fer 84 acrms le Oakville wntIs frastage os 2 roada le- cludisg app. 80 roda on Hany. 25, 7-raamed I1 -slrey trame bouse and 2 lieras, al le ex- cellent repair. Tera can bie arranged. 0611k conîracl and ail equipreent cas lso lie purclia- ard trure present oseser.. Wlietlicr yeu're buyîng, ellieg or trading, callt yur 'Ieitis ce presestetives fer service. Stella & Alan Parton Milton 878-6705 17cl Take Advantage 0f Iis large t - more country borne wilb a cornmasdisg1 view of tise beauliful Kelso bis, ceevenleel for skiisg and summer pleasura. Thiss aeli kept home sitis modemn casveeiescea la on large lot, 250 by 125 f., amati barn and sisady anna. A littie repair seould makre Iis tiseberne of your drearno. Wake up and look attise price. Only 111,580. Anoliser seat I - more family borne muaI lie eld te close estale, close la downstoan er- ra lavely trerd lot and t- laclird garage, rnany extras go uts Iis berne, modemn il fumnace, alurinsur alarma and screens, raaily ceeverrd ta 2 apartreents. Askisg price $16,80. Wuld cansider god aller. Better Tban New Immaculate 2 - storey 8 - more borne plus corepltcly finiis-i od walak-out basernent, 2 4- pirce baîbrores and extra wasbmoom, bot sater gas licol- isg, lovrly stase firaplace. gond construction. MuaIt'or secs ta lie appreclaîrd. Large atlacbcd garage aitis sus deck. Cal for appisîrneet. Price 125,000. Immediate Possession l-year-old 4-bedronre brick bun- galow ailis mart reaiogany cupboards le kilcisen and brigit living more, lovely di- vided baseent rvady for fin- ishisig, in gond residential ar- cs. available by May 15. Price $22500. Garden Farm 14 acres of cisoice gardensoil sili 2 good barns, 7 - more stucco borne and 2 - car gar- age. excellent saler supply, vcry scei area. Worths look- isg ever. Price 331,50. Osisg ta reany recent sales, sec arr russisg 10w on listings and iave reasy buycrs walisg te purcisase lin0Milton and arca. If you ara lblekleg of sellleg, NOW 10 tise ime te lit yonr preperty with Gibsos Willoughs- biy Lirited, Representetives Anna&ArChie Cairns 340 Mals Street Eaal Two B.drom Home in Milton Large panelîrd living roore, god tamlly azec kitcises, bathi- ronre, lumace, full besement, entire borne al-conditioned, 1- car garage, ituated as long ri- ver lot, god gardes. Fu11 price $14,000 ailliterma. W. F. HUNTER Real Estate Broker 122 Guelpli St., Georgetowen, Ont. PHONE 877-444. 17c1 Christie & Woods REAL ESTATE BROSCERS 189 Main St. - Milton $18,900 full price. 3 - bedreere brick bungalow. kilcises sill reaisgany cupiseards, large living more coreplete sill waal-lo-walal broadlonre, 4-piece bats, fuil baeent, aeli mais- teincd home. Terma. S19,900flt price. 3 - bedreorn brick, slerey and a hlaItobe sitis altacised garage, iraI tbtor rentamas living roore sitis fireplace, arparate dising more and large kilcises. Termis. 529,880flItprice. attractive 2- torcy brick berne and aI- tacbcd garage. 4 bedronres plus tareily more. This boe ia le top condition and secît aortis seeisg for tise fareity tisaI needo plenty et space. COUNTRY 4-bedroonm brick lieuse and 10 acres of land sitis large barn, an mais paved road. Askisg 322.900. 100 acres, tone beneme itb al cenveniences. ank liern, as paved ligbseay. Asking $58.000. 1W0 acres. 3 - bedmoosi homre, bask bars, river runsa tlrougb thia praperty. Aaking $30000. 10 acre Iota.$33500. JUST LISTED 119,900 fuît price. brick home. L- abaped living and dising roore, kilcisen sitis breakfast ncok 3 bedmores up, panetled rec- reatios rrn pn4 d1 bedrore desen. aluriniursus deck et rear, paved drive.,ancl land- scaped laI. Terms. RENTAL Furnsalid bouse for rant frore lItJuse te lIt October. 5150 per monts. CatI 878-2095 878-6057 17cl 18 TENDERS TOWN 0F MILTON TENDERS Tondors are invited for tho suppîy of a Police Car Speciications and require- remIs arr availabte ftram the Towen et Milles Poice Deparl- ment. Lowsrt or asy tend er sel se- cesarily acccpted. Tenders sel lie racrived le 5 pre., Friday, May 26, 1967. Selrd tenders, plainiy mark- cd as 10 contents, sel be receiv- cd by Dcputy Ctrk, MRS. A. BRUSH. Towen Hall, Milton. 18c2 The Board of Education for the Town of Oakvillo TENDERS Tenders arr isvited fer tise supply et a IIELIVERY VAN. Specifications and require. reents rnay be piclird up aI The Board et Educaties for lise Tewns et Oakviite. 77 Johns St., Oakville. Loaet or asy tender net ne- csaariiy accepted. Tenders aili be accepîrd up te 12:80 Nons, May 16. 1967. Seaird tenders, plaisly mark- cd as ta contents, sel be rrceiv- cd by A. H. BISRRILL, Maintenance Superintend- est, lOtI THE AD In thîs space lest weebdk was topped hb.- Written Tenders for Mowing of Grass 0F PLAY AREA ONLY AT AU. AREA SCHOOLS Intes Towshiip af Eaquesieg. Pirate subreit tenders by 4 p.m.. May 24, le Mra. C. A. Grant, Sec-Trcas., R.R. 3, Georgetowns. 18b45 19 LEGAL Notice to Creditors In the Esàta t eof MELVILLE ROY NORitIS, laIe of tise Towen of Milton, le tise Ceas- ty of Haltas. Projeetlanist. de- AIl persans iaving asy cdaimsl against tise Estate of tise above namned deceared. anis died on or about lise t3tis day of Febru- ary. 1967, ara rvquircd te send notice efthlie samne ta tise under- signed Soicitors os or before tise 3tst day of May, 1967. aller whiicis date tise distribution et tise Estate i'li e rmade ilis regard onty te claires on notice. Dated at Millesntiis lot day of May, 1967. HUTCHINSON and THOMPSON, 219 Mais St.. Milles, Ont.. Solicitors for tise Adrisis- tratrix. 19c3 20 AUCTION SALES Walter Reinhart Brampton Lisestock Exchange Snelgrovr Licensed Auctioneer Ferre Sales, Housebald Sales and Appraisals PHONE Snecgruve 943-1071 Botes 8571726 Collect Kitchseer 519-742-7437. 20ctf AUCTION SALE ESTATE ANTIQUES CookrAlle Orange Hall Mooday Rvenissg, May 13 7 pr.m From Fort Credit and Bramepton Estates etc. Foraisisa:cisa; glassanare: lampa: estate jcwetlery; boaks; ctocks etc. FPor col lectera et Casadiasa etc. (Hall la as "Agnes St." sext 5 and t10 Hwy. interaection.) Viewing tram 5 pr.m ROY ASHWORTH, F.V.l. Ascioseer (Since 1946), 20c 1 Brarepton 4590580. AUClION SALE 0f Modera Furfhture For JOHN DEART 20 Agonquin Rd., Brareatea, att Brareatea Rd. (4tis Lisci, on SATURDAT, MAY ltis At t 'ctocli. Complete ise etflieuse fura- ashns includief 23 in. TV; bcd- ronre suite; 2 busk lieds: kit- ciscs suite: cbesîerfield suite: Lazy Bey and otiser ciairs; srt- tise desk;: redern buffet. Al sean about 6 eostisa ago. Walsut tee wagon: bedroore sile; cbetertirld suite: dcec- tric srwisg rmachinie; appiasc- es; tables: lampa: disises etc.. etc. A gond cIras lot. Oanser and auclieneer sot respassible for accidents. TERMS: CASH. FRANK PETCH. Auctioseer, 20c 1 Tel. 8772864. AUCTION SALE Of Antlque Selling under instructions tram tise Esecutrix ofet lsrtate et tise LATE LTNN BAKER Lot 4, 2nd Lise, Nassagaseeya, on MONDAY, MAT 151h At Il are. siarp. Large quantity et uninialird trsitore: masy primitives: ev- eral ftisalid piecea: cierry. pise. wanut. canopv asd allier lieds: cherry chiairs and deali: corser and allier cupboards: picturva and prints: aId tola: alases: glass: china; brasa: irus: ld car parts etc. This is a large and varird af- fering. beisg tise complete steck et astiques wils several perses- ai fareily pieces. Estate and auctioseer sot ras- Spossible for accidents os prae- lass Lunch caunter. Lacation: 2sd Lise af Nasa- gaeya, a cntinuation ot Taisa Rd. in Burlingen Norts. Promt 401, ltercisange 3, turs wsrainleCampliellville te iraI mead, ties Ici ose mile. TERSS Cashs or keosen cheques. FRANKC PETOH, Aucianeer, 20b45 Telepisane 87-2164. ClR.A. insc ue AUCTONEE 20AUCTION SALE ai eh l - ise rs n Glen Wiis os Tales ody, ed a16, 1967 Pl A t 6.45lc re.t88-56 iii:fratan:tbe tms ins etainsandslleroes tues esand ans: 1 ecica Hppianes: lasen mners: dofd botss and sengsllierster-a isearere sagd;able et gond used chtlaliissili rbutedsise- ced for bktis Wespd eas lies O.E.S., G anrgetase eX aplacs Actioer;do ALFRE ad m SPoteNCiem. Also rumage sle2o go5 MORTOAGRS FOR SAW OR WAHTW Need Money? Payments too Higli? Conaolidate your bUIs io- ta anelcolststmorîgage bas, Caîl day or evenlng. GLENN DAMZEY Branch Roalty Investmonts Ltd. Oakville 845-2879 21c2 -* Tesee-r Service---- 112 MilI St, Milton. Phone 878-3208 21c5-tf PAINTING ANOD DCORATINO GIL VANSOELEN PAINTING Contractor Industriel - Residential Isterir.- Exteriar Cal) snwfor Frec Estirnalea 878-6137 Bax 1347, Miltas. 2Ib45-sf WELL DMLUNO WELL DRILLING J. B. RUTTAN R. R. 2, Miltas, Ont. Phoene Burlinglon NElson 44M2 BEAMT WATER PUMPS Sold. Serviced and Inssalled. JOHN RIDGEWAY 878-6175 UEWINO MACHINES CUSTOM UPHOL.SY SINGER SEWING MACHINE SALES - SERVICE RENTAL PHONE 178-686 Milton Fabric Centre Services and Repaira on ail reakes etofseing machines. 20ctf TAILORINO - REPAINS *Taileriag * Alterations *Geseral Repalm * Reainnable SEE OUR SPORT COATS AM) SLACS FRED'S TAILORING SHOP Prad Vertraete 217 Mals 8M13302 TAILORING ALTERATIONS and REPAIRS KNIGHT'S MEN'S WEAR 202 Mais Street PHONE 878-4472 2lo47-tf. MILTON UPHOLSTERY Nase osed and operated liy Lamne Artiur PHONE 878-9094 R. R. 3 Miltn " Re-upblatcry " Auto lrim " U.pboltery cleaslng " Cuslorn built listIiture " Free pick-up and dellvyr lic-tf Halton Upholstering Re-Upioltering Custome Buil Fumnilure Chirome Kilcises Chairs Rug and upbolatery shampooing Free pick-up and deiivery. H. ENSEN R.R. 2. Camplieliville. Phono. 854-9939' 2lc52-tf DOES IT PAT TO HAVE YOLt'R FURNITURE REUPHOLSTERED? Ose aure aany la lied ont et ne test ta Faur seIl.Wack dose in Miton. Ceil 878-2056 Harold's Upholstery Village The Canadien Champion, Wednescday, May 10, 1967 9 survives ... tContinued f romt Page One) £ 4 4-(«eA surrnoustable odds te prepare mecala and snacks for tise vol- unleers whlo searclird the dist. *EAUTY SALON DECORATIN0 rict for any trace Of Mariasse.____________________________ Tise calareitous weelsend, ahneSao abostl18,0t0 flocked ta tise Vogue BeautySao comrnunity to render assist- R P Y ance with tise massive searcis A NEW COIFFURE veras to mucis for tisem. Designed Just Fer Yoîi BROADLOOM BF Monday of last week, tise - and searcisers seere redsced ta ovei COMPLETE BEAUTY SERVICE * Residetttial 2010 mes, mainly police front across Ontario and severai o 7826 * Industrial Brampton factory workers Cl 7-41 *Cmeca wiso were laid off tram t5eir 192 Main Street *Cmeca jobs. Feediog tisem anas still Ready-made Drapes te stock. a problere but tise EMO. FrCso evc stepped in and, aitistise fines- HENNY'SFoCutrSevc ciel backing of HalIons emer- CML 1878-2067 FOR HOME gescy aelfare fend. made sure HAIR STYLING APPOINTMENT tisere was esoagis food os liasd 10 give tise tired, weary 198 Mill St. - Millen SYERS searcisers a decent recel. Event witistise fisascial iseîp, CAtI. 878-3263 228 Main St. 878-2067 tise ladies serre stili required FOR APFOINTMENT 214tf te prepare and serve tise food. It anas as ail-day job te pre- * Modern Etuipmest _____________ pare a isot noons meal plus a * Expert Stylief, Coloring, GNRA COT COS rid-aftersoon snack aniicla tise ERLCOTA O E.MO. ereergencycfeeding van Waving. C52tt delivered toe lmeren le thse outls'ing districts wherever tihe ____________ _ R.AY OLAN searcis sas being coscentratrd. Tise worne gave unflinching- IWCTRICAL SERVICE BUILDING Iy of tiseir lime, and lier -CNRCOSLD isosseisotd cisores serre alilbutC NTAlRSLD forgotnes asniey rallied te aid McPHAIL ELECTRIC * Homte Improvessenta lise efforts le fisd Mariasse* eoain le tiese lco aay tisey kaew 0 INDUSTRIAL eoais "W. are gving thm t ea COMMERCIAL * Additions licol e an es, ose kilcch qiçp- * DOMESTIC * Commercial or Induatria er said as se disised Up a iseapieg plate of coast becS, a ELECTRIC HEAMtING UL 4-2263 potafors. pesa and gravy fer a ____________ tired policeman wiso slood le lise lineup at sons Tiursday. Complote ElectriC Homne CALL "Tiera is sotiig Ion good foc 66 Cisaries St. Milles IRVING ROOFING fiae, tise mes are beat wisen For tliey conele frore sealkieg ail 8891 ROOFING EAVESTROUGING meroing ile fs wampa and 88953AUMINUM SFDING tise bisai." ' Re.Rofisg aur Specialty Today, thse searciig lias ed- Carpestry Work of Ail Sinda cd altiseugistise police arc Poe8& 0o MO stili isvestigating isundreds of TV and RADIO SERVICE Mios ILT-.0Or 7-90 lips and ciscs. Tise coremueity- Free Estimalea - is jual about back ie normali, D NAALWR GAATDI But Marianne ila11tii D RrN losi.UAANEE and tise emory of tisose"g i VAlS PLACS21c-tI 10 days seul neyer befle SAE &SRVC pletrly gone.SAE &SRVC JUST PASSING BT * Fiilipa TV & Tape Recordera OARDEN SERVICES Tirougisostier 70 years, * R.C.A. Stere, TV, Appliasces se lad takes lis very * Sparton TV and Sterco Formosa calmly. Nase. as sise sel keit- 222 MeAIN ST. 8784445 tin bythedraingroo %vn-c-tf Landscaping dow, se barely raisrd lier CNRCO ryrs frore ler seork as ier 15- C NRCO edino h r ru ec ais- , LIUrS T.V. Secdisg and soddieg 'Ois Grassy, Fatera tfalles e Wecd aprayisg off tise roof! "I.knose, my SALES & SERVICE 0 l5ee rti ig ciild," aas te lse gerreply. e rims I saw iim posse isest- EMEB SONO0Patins dose." B t W cler TV and Sterro ~ oos. MEDICAL CARE PLAN PAYS v " Ail SuricO peratiai Individuel or Ernpleoree Groupe " Doctoe' Office, RoSna May enrol at any dmUrneaithe end Hospital Visayer.* *CouimentaRERVSD RATES *Anauaetilat'Servis Monlhly -835.73 Singla *X-raym Msehldy S:: oul * Almo Major Mediel dthy-113M5 Paiii Yeary Pla, n. Dp payable urteri, o Yrtay HALTON. COOP MEDICAL SERVICES 143 Main Street Boa 474. Millon - fiai 878"712 Please vend me information. ý(Na obligation). Nane .............. .. .... Addres..................... .. MILTON CO-OPERATIVE NURSERY SCIIOOL REGISTRATION FOR SEPTEMBER, 1967 Open Houe.and Ragltration for Pre-Kindargarten Chidren wil b. hold et ST. PAUL'S UNITED CHRISTIAN EDUCATION CENTRE ON FRIDAT, MAT 19, 1967, PROM 7.-9 P.M. For furtiser information cali 878-2087 or rture form below to, c/o 391 Belllt, Milton Narm e of C hild ý................................. D ate of Birth.....--- ...... -..... ...... A ddres --- ........................... ..........:................... Phone ...... . ........ r40" Perma-Press Cottona - Reg. $1 .98 Now $1.69 yd. 45" Crochet Knit - Reg. $229 Now $1.89 yd. 45" Solano Linon - Reg. $2.49 Now $1.98 yd. 7Dominion Textile Cofton IRmuansof Ever bescipflo. ONEjWP ICE - 49cyd.P INDUSTRIAI a COMRCIAL CONTUCTIN SUISTAIm ONS OTS PM BOX M, MILTON, ONT. 878 -2206 - ------ ------- WIG LITS ère with It for Summer '67 Wouldn't YOUR Mom Like Fashion p V.rsatllity WigI.ts from..s 30.oo Ç~rI<t C~pi.i133 Main cmt crp**i 078.2131 ,13 Cub, Scout mothers plan n.w kitChen Despite a diacouragleg t ive 'acceptances of 90 invitations sent te soensisetise aea, Cuba and Scouts Melliers' Aux- iliary iseld -lisir second re-ar- ganization meeting eithtie home af Mrs. Millie Dance, Wlliamns Avenue, on Tisuraday evenieg. Tise meeting %yas celled to le- ject eew Ilenm. tise auxilllary. !eo-wh < Iipate el- ecîcd as exectie, includlng president Christine Langsldge, secrelary MilIte Dance and treasurer Jean Hawekins. Tise graup intenda te pro- ceed with their Centennial pro. ject, a nese kilcisen for thse Scout Hall, and an esergettic pregrare of rtammage sale, card parties and bake sales has becs planned te raise funds.

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