HORNBY 17 United Church Women roll bandages for lepers fly M.m.esona Hmilion Membrs of tise evening geoup of tie Hoenby United Cistreis Wnmen met on Mon- day evening. May t, at tie home of Mes. Breck MaePiser- son. Mec. James Reid welcom. ed tie 17 membrs te tie meet- ing, o-bicis opened wfih a iyme ollowed by prayer. Tise de- votional period wcs in charge of Mes. James Snoo-, -ho chose as ier topie. PForgiveness". Foliowing tise business heur tise meo-bers rolird bandages for the lepers. A bake sale of a variety of fancy food o-as iseld o-ltis Mes. Snose as aoc- tioneer. Lunch o-as served by Mes. George Learmont ancd Mes. Garnet Hoo-den. The louilhaet Si. Pelers Ro- man Catholie Churcis held a very succesuful ruchre party on Satueday nigisi, May 6 ai tise Noth Trafalgar Commueity Hall. Tisere o-cre 1f tables ie play sitistise prizes going te Mes. Colin Beaty, Miciselle Dem- es, Clifford Norton and 'Ron- ald Kingsisott. Draw prizes o-cre won by Mes. Lena Ham- ilIon and Frank Hadley. Several docr p ri ze s were drasen siti tise foloawieg be- ing tise lîîcky winoes; Mes. Ernest Matne.Mes. Clae Wil- son, Mes. Jim Hamilton, Mes. Margaret Teresîra. G e org e Harris. Mes. Ciarlie McCarron. Ciarlie Trimble, Jito Hamiltton. Aisur Burton, Mes. Albret Mercure. Mes. Sylvia Gardner, Mrs. Frank Hadley, Clare Wil- son and Albert Mercure. Lunch o-as seeved by lise ladies ced Dora MeCarron ctended a vote of tiaeks te everyoee ai- tecding and mcking tiseir e- chre a cuccecs. plans are betcg made by memberes oai . Stepiens An- glican Cisurcis for their annuel Cemetcry Decoration Day Ser- vices ie cojuectioe siti tise îlts Anniversary et tise Chuecis on Sunday. Jonc 11. et 1l a.m. Mrs. Sylvia Gardner and tam. ily oE Brocte spent tie week- end ai lie home etfier sister anad brotiser-in-lase. Me. ced Mes. Joe Sammit. Miss Shirley Downs et Tee- onto visited on Sundcy sitis iser parents. Me. ced Mes. Dci- beri Dutwns. Get w-cl wisises arr extended te Linda Worko-ae. seis cill sitis the mumps. Belated gertiegs te Thomas Hoo-den. wise celebraîrd hic birtisday on Priday. May 5. Friendhofnith. district wil be pleased to eaiscetisaiMc-. James E. Maswelt i s receper ating aIisher home folsicg curgery in tise Welesley Hes- pital. Toronto. Mes. Thomas Hoo-den. Bilîs and Kennetis weee guests eithtie golden wedding anniversary et Me. and Mes. J0e Nec; et Huer- boue Beach. Michigan, on Suc- day. Aprît 30. Tise St. Stepiens Anglican Cistrcis Sidesmen ieid tiseir Centenciai Show "Tise Good Old Days. atie Percy Merry Scisool on Priday ced Salue- day eveniegs with c crowd et 230 atiendieg cacis nigisi Lorne Wisaley. M.C.. eptalord tisatiti is cet just Canadas Cetenniai but alco tise IJti year et St. Stepisees Anglican Cisurcis At- teeding tise show eithtie Percy Meery Scisool o-as Mes. Keene ot Toi ,acte. who is a membre of tise Otaneo Centeeniat Com- Congratultions to Me. ced Mes. Eael MeDoo-cil on tise ce- rival et their son on Saturday. May 6, ai lise Ockvilte-Trat- gar Memorial Hospital. Mes. Jae Sammit ccd Mes. Prank Martin lefI on Mendcy meening. May 8, foe Monterai te attend Expo. Me. and Mes. Andy Triscister returnrd home rrcently f rom a tip to lorida o-here they e- joyrd a vacation of six seceks. Anniversary grceticgs te Me. and Mes. Garry Break.,seho will celebeste their wedding anciveecaey on May 12. Birthday greetingc te tise toi- lowing seho are celebratlng birthdays, Mes. Anderson May, Mes. 'Harold Treacor and Me. tan Break on May 10, Sonny Mall on May 1l, Norman Cook on May 12. Mes. James Plant and Garey Hamilton on May 13. Aflalversary grerlînga te M. and Mes. John Forebr. oho el celeheate thiet weddiog ceci. versaey on May 15. Me. and Mes. Fred Arnold of Kîliside serre diccer guesîs on Sundsy nigisi of Me. ccd Mes. Ronald Plant. Oct seelI wicbrs to Frank Peu- rock, o-ho is a patient in tise Miton District Hospital. Me. and Mec. Gaeey Hamil- toc, Kent acd Kendra, visited sitis Me. and Mes. Keen, Jep- con and family of Gorgrewn on Sunday. Me. and Mes. Keitis Eila and Sisasn cf Georgeteown visited seilisMe. ced Mes. Ken lIta ced famity on Ssîcday. Carol Lestie, Jack Crawford ced Mike T yncr reterned home on Sunday moenieg rom c visi; se Espe where c good time was reperîrd tram ail et- ;ecdieg. Whec they arricrd le Montreraitise temperature was ceiy 301 degre-es. Tise Young Polk met lest Sunday cvening e; Ashgrove tinited Charc i -tis 20 mem- bers at tedicg. Tise secre- tarys report was give by Lois MoNabis. A report on tise eccent Cee Wasis Day proed quise successîsi witb c soim et S30.75 clererd. A pcety is be- ieg planerd for tis e r future and tise final meeting fer tise ecasun will bc beld on Sucday cigis;, Mav 14ea; Betiset Churcis A discuss ion o-as held on Espo temiterCetenniat Projeci. Lunch was servrd by the cem- mnter In pte nf the raies wectisee, 30f goets attended tise [lest opebou-se held ho tise Horebv Greecheuses. Guets werre- ceived hs- Mc. and Mes. Aedy Triscistr. Me. and Mrs I-ee-y Noo-ak ccd Steve Treecs. Dougiseats, ceokies ccd ctteer oerr seeved bv Mcdi Nowah anod ber triend Harrie;. Ninets tbeusand square fret ceder glassoas open fteeie- spectilon-s un guided tours ted by foreman Fred Maunteeder- sec. Adam Barths. Utricis Kav ced Uekisrd Nuo-ak. Visitors cawan cd tearceal what it takes o make tise tamous tiossers groTierc arc 21 0reebhuus- e ced racis one ts beatrd isy oil bureers. le an ordinarv oe 3,0W 0gallons of crude oit are uscd. Wter ced tertitizer are supptied to tise ttowers ho a machine o-ich waters twu heds at a time. le the o-lter the davs are proleeged is et- rctric ligiticg. People wner geeatty cmazed by the varietv of chessantisu meo-s. To show o-hat ccc be dunecsith ftte-rs, sucerai dît. teret arrangem-entso-uru o displas whicb o-ure made bv Me. HomeS. Bon Plants for sprins! plceting o-cre also un dtsplcv. Orders for flossers are delivered te Toronto, Peter- burocois ced tise Occhcc Pr,,s ineeTiscre cru 20 peple un bu staff acdtisey al ustend a vote et thanhs otu eguesîs -heo-cade tiseir day sucis a suc- cr55. Tisanks o-as alsu entend- cd ou thec oriers bv Mr. and Mrs. Triseler. Laclislady o-as prusented o-lti a grecen plant as thes refi $3,400 issue Milton assesser Jack Charl- ton report, building permtts o-lti a total value et S3,400 o-cre issurd during Apeil. The tigure, inciuding garage con- struction ancd reeova;iees, iriegs tise total for 1967 te $135,900. MAPRLE ROCK Trap leam feoActon maselise club, left, s siso-n preeenticg tise tropisy to officiai pnesentatioc cf a leophy to the Haiton Don Kearney, Roc Marshalland Ted Blum cf Sportso-ens Association Tisursday night. Art the Halton club. Hawes, secretary-treasurer cf tise Maple Rock (Staff Photo) Fuli-time duty i seurh for Mitone. O. ofc Severai officers ofthtie Mil- ton detacisment ofthtie Ontario Provincial Police were detaiied te fu time dutv le tise searcis fer oissing Marianne Scisuett et Kilhride. During tise period April 30 te May 6, personnel efthtie de- tacisment werked a total of 9751 heurs and patroiied a totalioet 6815 mites on aea iigiso-ys. As a resuit of patrol. five tref- tic charges o-ece preterred. 10 trattie violation warniegs wer tesurd, 18 vehicles o'ecc safety chrckrd and Rt convictions re- gistrred. Tiser werr threr personalinj- iury accidents and oee proper- ts damage accident investiget- à, resutting le sic persens he- ing iniured and appronimate- Iv S4,f411in proertv damage. Causes ot accidents were inat. tentiverdriving. careless driv. ing aed [olio-ing tee clese. Tisere o-cre 100 general oc- currences dcring this peciod. macs eo- hicis eelc;rd te Mar- laner Sciseet;. missing tro- Kiihride. Other occurrences inctuded one atteo-pird theft of auto from Ceo-pheilville; one stoer auto trem Esquesing To-p: twe stoien autos rrcovered for other police drpartments onee break, enter and tiseftt etscm- mer cottage in Esquesing To-p te sshtchae antque dark wood THIS VITAL YOUNG RELIGION i any c i Thony n Sin. sresmont ..o-.,c t. e-ird eduenie in- li e he tle e.ate ., f n.ki.ne Pense, Boni à ehot yea S neeee Pn .q..St: t5 tain anea, tenete7. manlel dlock, keyisotr shape, o-as stelen, atoeg oith other it- ems; thefi et ;wo Hereford steers [rom tise faem of Fred Rudduil, Esqeesing To-p.: tiseft et four - sperd transmission [rom a car; one asseult ccusing budilv haro-.rersuttieg in one persen heicg charged; one im- paired driver: one L.c.A. inves- tigation resulting ie ocr per- sec bring cbccged: onec person charged under the Gae-ancd Piiss Act: one driver ciargrd for driving ender suspension; a 15' xc33 home-m-cde boul [oued on tise river et Glen Wil- liam-s! îwo premniers [oued in- Otiser occuneeces o-cre et a miner nature. There o-as cene escort cep- plird for a Centenciat Cara- van le this detacismeet aea during the pant o-rrk. Pry dr a dory esUffl iwh cash A sum of money o-as stolen tram Milton Park Dairnes on Main St. Monday evening wisen thieves pricd open tise donc to gain entry. Two desks were aise dam- aged ln attempts to get ait theit contents. Constable Russell Connor of Milton Police is investigating. Accdenat bloene On Muay saewfaII While a Mav 7 snov% equali scefll clu the books a, "one for thc books" on Sundas. ma- tlori sts had a bit uf trouble ne- gotitief on tise slipperv reeds. A Toronto mnanscar skidded onl ort pavement o n Higftway 40t Sundas- atternoon ccd thse driver and to-o passenpers vvere injueed. -Be sure tu remtember Mum this Sunday, ite Mothers Das. -Tise pond, cou tiusoe v- ter, i., drawing taverable co-- ments. much you cure!m *HOUSECOATS *SLIPS * GOWNS eL 5SP E CIAL 1 S COTTON GOWNS$29 7/t0k'iifèrnteeÇhomte IN&IjMILTO rLAZý ~878-951 lUGUARANTEED INVESTMENT CERTIFICATES *b 6% internat for 1 to, 5 years " for amnounts tram $100 te, $100000 " interest paid half.yearty tep choque " interest may b e accumnuIote to ha rapaid with principal when due ASK FOR FOLDER HALTON & PEEL TRUST & SVINGS COMPANY VOUE LOCAL TRUST COMPANY ASSETS EXCEED $69,000,000 HEAD OFFICE: OAKVILLE OTHER OFFICES - Brampton, Burlington, Coobsville, Georgetown, Simce, Delhi MILTON 252 Main Street - 878e2834 LORNE SKUCE, Manager CONVENIENT OFFICE HOURS Monday - Thursday 9.00- 5.00; Fridays 'tii 6.30 Tise Canadian Champion. Wednenday, May 10, 1967 T/s e topq À, &hjft World Wide observance of Mother's Day had a modest beginning. The f irst Mother's Day celebrat ion resulted from the inspirat ion of Anna Jarvis of Phila- delphia, who feit one day a year should be set aside as a tribute f0 ber mother. She incorporated this idea info t he churCh she attended . . . plans were made to hold special services dedicated f0 mothers, on t he second Sunday of May, 1907 ... and everyone was asked to wear a white carnat ion in honor of his or ber mother. t s unlikely that Anna Jarvis, ber- self, dared dream of the far-reaching in- f luence of Mother's Day. The idea caUght on and spread like wild-f ire. By 1911, every state in the union, Canada, South America, China and other coun- tries had adopted the ciustom. In 1912, an International Mother's Day Council was formed .. . the custom of wearing a white carnation was modified. ln 1914, Congress asked the President to issue a proclamat ion designating the second Sunday in May as National Mother's Day. We ail join foday in the observance and celebration of that day. FOR THE FINEST IN DIAMONDS ~ross brancir 'y jewelieryy 2» MAIN E. MIL Notice of Meeting To Se HeId at: STEWAUTTOWN HALL MONDAY, MAY 15 - 8.30 P.M. Meeting is called by Haton Fedleratjon of Agriculture and the Halton County MiIk Committee tc discuss the Protest March on Ottawa for May 24, regarding lise inadequacy of the Federal Dairy Policy as weII as Genieral Agricultural Policy. DENZIL LAWRENCE, Pres., Haibon Fed. of Agriculture GEORGE PELLETTERIO, Pres. Halton Coumty.Mils Committee RESTIVO'S ST., LAWRENCE FRUIT & GROCERY STORE Swe.t Juicy Sunkist ORANGES. 3 doz. $1. Tasty Sw.et CANTELOPE, jumbo sze. 29c a.. Red California GRAPES - ..2 lbs. 39C No. 1 Ont. COOKING ONIONS 3-lbs. 25c Apple and Sirawberry or Apple and Raapberry Norfolk Brand JAM ---g---o9. 2-lb. jar 39c Suemewrdae Frozen French Fried POTATO CHIPS ..2-lb. bag 39c C.P. Tenderfiake LARD ..........4-lb. $1. Frnsh Chick.in BREAST OR LEGS .... 49c lb. Maple Laif WIENERS ...............49c lb. CP. Devon indieus Slicmd SIDE BACON ... 75c lb. pkg. C.P. Country ICichen Pure Pork SAUSAGI . ... ... 49c IL pkg, ------------ 1 a