Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 10 May 1967, p. 6

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MODEL 717C - RECTANGULAR COIOR TV Now Ne ln a New Silo Cabinet with Funa Fismiture Stolng WrH 0 OFREE ee $8.50 raerC5t15Oemes-lb HOME u4 Aom rare sartis phosphore RAsusi Dy Mes. A. IL Coujiar Tisa evening unit of tise Lcm- ville United Cisurcis Wtomen mcl aI tise home cf Mes. Mue- ray Coling. Tise morsip ser- vice mas taken by lb. leader, Mes. Eric Gudgeon and Mes. Reg Coulscn reviemed lise ciapter on tise gros-li of tise cisurcis ln Eastern Canada from lise study bock, Inîo, a Nation." A gift mas presentad le Mes. Ran Mason miso milI b. mcv- ing 10 lise Omen Sound ares in lise near future. Mes. Mason isas been secretary for lb. geoup and Mes. M. Colling mas appoinled 10 take ier place for tise remeinder cf lise yeer. Tise istees and commitîe served refresisments durlng lb. social boue afler tise meet- ing. Mr. Md Mes. Arnold Coul- son and daugiter Wendy viil- cd ils friands in Manîreel axer tisa eekend and attend- cd 'Expo. The auction and beke sale iseld aI tise old t.omville Scisool ie Lowville Park an Sturday atternoon offered e verlety of garden plante, antiques, for- nîlure and e good selection of baked goads. Auctioneers mere Fred Auckland and Roy Caulter, and a good sum mas realiaed for lise Retarded Ciildrenes Association le Bur- linglen. Tise Afleenocas Unit of tise LomviIIe UInited Cisurcis Wo- men met et lise home of Mec. L. W. Couleon lest Wedneedey. The leader. Mes. R. Coulter, opened lise meeting ils a epeciet prayer for Expo '67 "Man and Hie Wortd' and tise iymn "Lend of ose iirtis. me pledge 10 tise' mas sang. 'During lise business pericad il mas reporled tisat tisree crib quille iad been quilted for tise bezear, donations 0f material mere requeeted 10 make quitte for lb. Volunlery Services or- ganization, and ebeets and mitie ehirle mere needed for tise Willing Woekers groop. Il mas decided bo go 10 lise Pion- ner Museum et Doon on lise second Wednesday in lune for a piceic lunchs and tour of tise buildings and grounds. A speciel cfferisg mas laben ta relieve tise groupe t Kil- bride miso hsave been prepar- Ing food al seek for the mes morking le tise Ontario Pro. vincial Police searciing part- ie. Baked goods mere also doneted lisrougis the s-eek bv momen of bots churcises. iMs. G 0. Coslsoas, Mrs. Mer- vyn Coelson and Mes. W. Wright mere in chaerge of tise mcrsisip service and prograns on tise Centenniel liseme. A lttany on tise source of ciseer- fuinens and Sciplure mes teken by Mes. M. Coulson, and a duet mas seing by Mes. G. Coulson and Mes. M. Coulson, «Count Your Meny Blesing.' tb. roup joleslng in tise chor- us. Mes, Wright reviemed tise RICHARDSON'S RADIO A TELEVISION 201 MAIN ST. E. MILTON 87".949 'Ona~e. 6 Thse Canadian Champion, Wadnesdsy, May 10, 1967 CAMPELLýVIU.E Institute pot Iuck suppe 1r starIs new year of business Dy Mrs. George Inglis A bountifut pot luck upper wase enjoyed by membere of lise Cempisetîvilte Women'e In titute onWednesdey, Mey 4 to tart tise nene year ils e bang. Eacis member irougtst a friend. New tecking tables ieevity ladened mitis food, recentty purcised for useains lie Mes- onic Hall, mere prettily decor- ated wili senepdregons, mumns in pink end whitie ils cotor- fuI place mate, new ftatware and dinnermare 10 m a tc b, miicis made tise wisote evening a isuge euccems. In aise absence of tise presi- dent, Mes. J. Wbeeliisan preeid- ed over tise business session mitit Mre. B. Eeeery giving tise secreary's report, Mrs. . Van- Sickle tise financiat report, end Mers. A. Motore tise cheer re- rcrt, Cantannial plaquas mere on dieptey for isomee 10 years and over in tise village. Mes. S. Cramp and Mms. O. VenSickte were delegales nemed to lise T.B. cinner et tise ine Room le Oekville, May 10. As meny as possible wili attend tise Nat- Ion County annuel on May 24 at St. Paut's United Cisurcis in Milton in otd fesioned cos- tume, Programt committee for tise coming year witt b. Mrs W. Webb, Mes. M. Maison and Mes. . VanSickle. Tihe May coileioniI b. sent bo Mental ifeelt. Plane w-ee made to cater to tise Hal- ton Counîy Recoeition Service Juty 1i n Miton, aIea tise Mes. Lynn Baker antique auctian sale Mondey. Mey 15, Memisere treseed tisey were egainet trad- ing stempe et grocery stores. and in favor of minimum weed spreytng on roadeides. Six members expressed a misis 10, attend tise National Con vention ta b. hetd lune 12 aI Guelphs University. tt mes de- cided toasak Mes. E. Harttey of Burtînglon to meke a WlI. ban- ner. A tour of Mohiawk Motet soon s-lItlb. avaitaiste, please get Four tickets for ladies or gents from Mrs. G. Inglie. An invitation mes accepted t0 at- tend a tee et Scotch Btockes Ligny Hall lune 8. Mes. L. Andrews es appeating for pictures and interenting fades for tise Tweedsmuir Hie- tory book 10 b. dieotayed t Naseages-eya Centennial meek- end lune 23-25. Tisa lune meeting mitli te tise farm ofaf kitcben utensit auclion sale ils Mrs. L. Bey- ley en charge, misa also an- nounced e used nylon collec- tion Iis Satsrday for tise mork- ehop et Horeisy and also an- nounced a ýMini-Gang shsom et tise Masonic 'Hall Tbursday. May If. sponsored by a Cuis Peck. Court whist mas ejoyed by att tise ladies and prives mere ewarded ta Mes. F. Edmarde and Mes. L. Baytev. LOWVILLE Lives of women writers reviewed for United group Chassis a Tmo Speakers " Tint Contrai " Aufomatic Demagne- tizer. -0 Color Indicator LigisI book on Food from tise Cen- tennial Libeary and Mes. G. Coulson epoke on tise lite of seceral momen mitere cf Can- ada. Pauline Joisnsîone, Emily Ceer and Jane Scott. Several round robin carde mere igned for ick and sisu. le seembers and communiîy friendesip visite reported. Mes. W. J. Robertson gave lise cour. leey report. Tise bostese serv- cd refresismenîs assî'sted by Mes. Geo. Colline and Mm. Melford Colling. At a speelal meeting of lise execolive of altIon Federalios of Agriculture aed tise letlton Mitk Committee os Selorday nigist. plans mere made 10 isotd e Genemat Perse Meeting ixnlise near future 10 expIais 10 tise fermers le the counly tise rea- son of tise comisg mercis on Ottewa-e rgerding lise recen ly announced Federet Dairs pot- icy. Mes. L. Andrems sisomed coi- ored -tliden on hsome economice crafte misichn sere eeiayed by ail]. James Farrier, Gerald Borne. Mes. F. Garrett and Mes. D. Mutten are ail in Milton Dis- trict Hospitl and Mms. L. Craw- Ford aed Mes. D. Homard are te Jasephs Brant Hospital, Bur- tieglun. Wemiiss tisensail e speedy recovery. Misses Anne Wiseeliisan, bridesmaizi, and Pauline Matis. ves. meid of isonor for Mise Su- sen Shields, tendered iser s sisomer elthtie home of Mes. J. Wiseetiisan on Tuesday evening mils a centenniel tiseme. Gifts mere prenented mils goad miish- es by about 30 friende, ln an old fashioned poî-bellied etove. made he Mes. S. Heederson. Conteste mere enjoyed and gaudies mere parleken of by al] guents atrending. Mes. Russell Hurren enter- tained a number of ladies et s Tuppermareishomer on Tues- day evening. Nis. S. Ceansp spent Tues- day. 'Wedneday and Tboredey of lest s-eek attending tise 7011e Officees' Conference for tise Womnen's Inelitute of Ontario at tseGuelphs University, mises 500 ladies etteeded and elso lied a tour of the Adelairte Hoodflese Home et St. George. Mms. W. Hembty entertainsid 24 relatives and friends and scistel mates of Miss Betty Watt,n nom morking ie Toron- to and miso mitI b. married in Fort Arthur on May 20, et e miscettaneous ebomer on Fr1- day cvening. Gemes and con- tents mere enjoyed and Pans- uta Nemisly and uIt Watson as. ,teted tise bride-etect mils gifte and mrappiege. Scisoot pictur- es isecugist back fond memocr- tes '!uring tise social isour misicis fotlomed. Me. and Mms Edgar Calens spent Imo deys lest week mils lberr daugister. Me. end Mes. Thamas Dates and family ie London. At mise Masonic Hall on Tisursday evening. a fty-up cere- mttey bob place misen Mary Elle and Pallie VanSiciste flem Prom Brownien 0O Gu i d es. Brome OmI Audrey Gadd isad charge of tise ceremony. Un Tuesday esrenlng tise Hat- Ian Division of Girl Guide and Pramete Commissionere, lead- ers ced a tew moîhers attended a isanqtale St. Davides Pres- issîcrian Cisurcis mien Miss A. Buchsanan. Toronto, Girl Guid- er in Mexico for lisece yeare, 1963-65, sbawed colored stides af Mexico. Mes. V. Prengrave ut Georgetown presided et tise isead table and Miss C. Lane ovf Georgeown conduced a sing-sosa. OMGN First district family to see Expo sees 27 buildings, passes on hints By Mm eci Patteeaon Mr. and -Mre. Joisn Wiltmott and liseir fine ciildree rature- ed isome Sundey eveeing fromt an enjoyehle and interesting isliday et Expo 67. Tise WiI- moît femily tef t for Montreal on Wednesday and isad secured acconimodat.vre tirougis Log- espo. Tisey iad îwo adjacent aparîmeats witis cooking facit- ities. Tisey were tisnable 10 have îwa isot ineats. breakfast and dnner and isave prepered luncises for nson. Tisey mere very ealisfied witistise lodging. Mrs. Willmoît totd tis re- porter tisaI mucis ime isl be by iaving to line up elthlie entrance to buildings. Anyone planning ta visit Expo sisosld have an organized plan of tour. Chisidren sucis as scisoot groupe sisoutd stay togetiser as tisey costd eaitv gel loet. Tise Expoex cpress provides e free trip around tise stand and caves a lot of watking. Tise enpreàs is ssually very cromd- cd and tricky. Passengers muer gel off and on quickly. One of e grosp migist sot gel off and bse carried away tram tise rent. Small children muet ise natcisnd cunnlanîly. By careful planning tise Will. mîrt famitv managed taunse t least 27 buildings and Mrs. Willmotî sers kindly gave ber impressions of somte of tisese. Tise Indien pavllones gave a complete hisitcry of Canada's denelopment and tndian lite snoce iefore tise white man arrived. Tise pavilion frvmGret Brit. ai enan' mont interestief and bail something for alltthie tam- ils. Tise telepisone building mas a tantanric pacet; t showed tele. phsones of tomorrow and on a larg - circuler s'cenu. a film on lise iigiligists 'cf Canada mure Tise Ranian Building was al"o tucineling ibat sers tcei- nical. sculpture and arr pre- diminating. Tise Darcis pavitý ion sisowed e model of their hcmelend complele ils dykes mid an inlerestine mav aI show- ing wae levets. Tise Avînraian biliding mes a fine place Io visit if une is tired and would tube la rest. Tise tovety soft chairs have speakers huitt in tise back. Chairs for Englisis speaking people are att green ie cotor; Frenchs are green minis orange Tihe Midway "La Ronde Is- tend" was tube mont midwass and a good place to spend lots of time and money. Tise amuse- ment areas are very dlean. Marine tend proved an in. teresr:ng place. Tise buitdings "Man and Healtti". "Max and Community'. "Max and Explor- er", a Canadien projectl. ery educationat and mortis a sisit. Musie in sang was rendered iss Pameta Hamisty. JitI Wat- son, Karen Early. Cindy Coul- ter, and Nettie VanderVinde teris Janice Maison as pianist. Srntv ladies atrended. RICHARDSON'S "COMPARE" ASK .. . . THE TOP THREE AND YOIL HOOS... MOTOROLA WITH COLOR BALANCE! Recuer $1,073.00 flow OMLY $925. I Ties elte 0f'Main isad an in- teresling building. Tise Wilbmott famlsly found thse Montreel people very kind and mont istîptul in giving di- rections. Mont of tisem spoke fine Englisis and tiseir help mas mucis appreciated. In Ouehee tise provincial sales tan is t per cent, as compared lu 5 per cent ie Otntario. This was on every- tiig but food. Food mas gocd but generetty more expensive tisen usuel. Because tise stand le sur- rounded isy waler and han e tiff breeze bloming in, vieltore ta Espo sbould wear warmer clothes tisan usuel. Tise Wittmotts are tise firet family group me know of from Ibis district to visit Expo. Mms. Willmott tindy siared their trp nitis us and me hope maxy mitI dermve ienefit tram il. We hope tisaI maxv more milI bave a isoliday et Espo. Me. and Mes. Elmer Harris of Wiitisy mere dinner gueste ils Mr. and Mms. C. K. ternis on Sunday. Tise May meeting of tise Dm- agis Prenheterian Charcis W.A. and W.M.S. were held in tise Sondas Scisoat rooms on Tisurs. day. May 4 et 1.15 p.m. Mes. J. C. MarshaIt, piesident. open- ed tise W.A. meeting minis prey- er, tise as tolloseed hsbyme and Apostles' Creed. A leller of lb.nks was read from Ted Amme for tlomers sent dueing bis recent stay in isospital, also an invitation frvrm Hornisv Wl. ta tise craft and hobby show ta be beld in Miton in Jane. Exhihîtors may cisplav quilîs and otber crafts. Iiser asafroup or individuel ty. Plans were compteted for tise bowling ibanquet to heciseld le Bavne 'Centre on Mev 12 and Omagis W.A. are catering. A discunion on tise centen- tial project mes isetd and il mas decided a new floor in tise Sunda *v scisool rooms was tise Mont needed impruvement. A committee witl meet tise board of manager very ecacn to make necessary arrange mente no that tise projeet may he accomplinis. ed durieg vacation in Julv or August. Mre. R. Marshall gene thse Scripture reeding and prayer. t Tise W.MS. meeting wee ciardby Mms. C. Pettereoni preaident, and opened seti Gtad Tidinge prayer read isy Mms. Colin Marshalt. Treasur- crs report. mure rei.eived and accepred. risc W.M.S. attuca- lion bas iseen increased by 20 per cent s0 vacis society mont sirive to attain their amount. A history of tise W.M.S. te ta be compited. tt mas tirst or- ganized in 1921 anîd programe for tise vear sucre ftreî ptanned n 1922. Mms. D. Switeer mas tise fient proeident and alter union ix 1925 Mms T. Galbraiths mas president for neyeraI years. In 19301 lie ladies decided to take lise lame Rasatind Go' forth Aur'iiary ;n ionor of a noted Presisslerian missianar%, Dr. Gofortis and bis wife. Rail catI mord for tise des mas "Home" and wan ansmered isy Il memisers. Mes, 3. Peeeoek mas progrem coxvcner. Fixe readinge on Hume and Mother were given iss Mrs. H. Peacock, Mes. F. Jeffcutt. Mes. Clarence Peacocis and Mes. R. Marshsall. Tise lunch commilîe, Miss Maggie Douaglas and Mes. S. Curtis, provîded a delicious lunchs, and in lieir absence il mas stervul ise Mesdames Mer- ,hall and J.lrcolr. Members of lise execative of Hatton Mitk Froducers. Ontar io Federation of Agriculture and represenlatives of otiser commodities. as isog and pool' try producers. met etthlie home ocf t>eneit Lawreexce on May 6 r<o malte plans for a marcis on Ot!awa rtn Mev 24. Farmers learntbartishe 25 cent mitk in- crcase atlowed tant vear on mils bas Ieen disconlinued 26MAIN ST. 878-23431 PRESCRIPTIONS PikdUp LoliZJe FREE DELIVERV April 1. This wili remuit ln a tomer incarne ln 1967. Twelve treetor Ioads of eggs brougist lni ront tiseUnited' States were offered recently ln Toronto for 27 cents a dozen. Poul.try farmérs and otisers reatize lisewill isave an influ- ence on market price osf Cen- adian prodsce. Il je felI cisat lise fermers muet lectare an agreement wifis tise Federal Government and it is for thie reason tise mercis t being plenned. Felendaseuil b. pleesed la [ern -tisaIiKen Lawrence te do- ing nicetsin Bearlingves Ios. _Tioa-.ke wungl1 Get a Falcon.' Think of the fun you can have this summer in a car like this-with the money you can save now! The great thing about owning a Falcaon s that are being passed on ta yoa Su yoa get a record- yoa can liceit ap in style aod save mufley eit breakiîns deal. See your Ford dealer today. Test the same time. And rigist now ns the lime 000 drive a liuely Falcon and see how much tan pou Cao save the most when yoaabay a new Falcon, couaId have thîs summer. Deal today-and see Ford sales are breakîng records and the benelits how mach yoa cao save. M~ Where the Falcons are! il NOW AT ALL FORD AND MERCURY DEALERS TRAFALGAR MOTORS GALLUNGER MOTORS LIMITED 409 Main St. 1. TIagisen.t 878-2369 Muis Plare Tehishoe: 878-M0 DY CacItOs - Seautifl s secion tisai express tha sentiment you seant. - and Mother's IDEAL BOOKS that are so popular. SEE OUR COMPLET! SELECTInM GIFT SUGGESTIONS for MOTIIER Seiactad Amorfmant HASTI NOTES --29C to $1.00 Soxed WRITING PAPER - 85C to $2.49 Sheaffar Pans and Pen & Pencil Sets $2.95 to $24.95 A Wida Seiaction ot Lady Buxton Wallets and Frenchi Purses - $5.00 to $7.50 RECIPE FILE BOXES 79c to $2.25 RECIPE BOOKS FOR TE ART1ST $315 and Up A Slectien ef 011 Paints,, leush a., Contas, Skat! COOK BOOKS Pads, Waiter Postar 1insieuc. $400 and Up tien &ols. ..and Hundreds More Gift Suggestions HARRIS STATION-ERY & OFFICE SUPPLIES 162 MAIN ST. E. 8784%92 -L . -- - - - - it- - - pilai.- We wleis in a speedy re- covery. Birtisday greetings to Robert: trelesd May 9, Wayne awrenee May 4. Geil Kiernan May 14j Jasis Wrigist May 13, Lori La Ford May 9, Beverley Tinibers, Milton, May il and Mfn. A. DeaIs May 3. -Meny Milton Op. fsficmr joined intise searcis et Ki]- isride wisicis ended Sunday af. ter 10 days of fruittese isuntlng for lise miesing girl. -Milton O.P.P. Dtantisent nvesligated 33 accidents dur- ing tise monts Of April.

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