Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 10 May 1967, p. 4

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4 The Canadian Champion, Wednesday, May 10, 1967 John Perr<t is president e1 fikeon Miner Busehli John 'Perrott was eleced ested should submit their reg- president of the Miton Mnor istrations ta any of the follose- Baseball Association Wednes- ing places: At Turner 208 R- day might shen the executîve verpiace Cres.;Bob -Hamlton, for the comn seasos sas 266 Hestop Dr John Permitt, elected 260 Kisgsleigh Ct John Chari- The followng also received ton 27 Miles St. or Bill Me- Y pots: Jack Charlton, first vice- Trach, 49 James St. presdent; J m Eige second Anyone nîerested in helping vice-pres dent; and A Turner, out onthe coaching duties is secretarv teaurer. Bab H a. ugedoaconatan h of the ah-- m Iton A Skinner Max Brad ove names. Parttme helpers bury and Bil Thomon were are welcome. elected directors. A meeting ta draw teams O-et- 100 boys registered on w Il be hetd tonight (Wednes- Wednesday. Those boys inter. day). Rut. changs me profp<ied ut d oeuu aethigo.1 OA. Ai the Otara Hockey Assoc- could mnessbhe d iference ut a atIonts recent annual mccting cloh making or lasing moncs. il was decîded that there would he no overtime in OHA. pl#- l was proposed th t junior FOU YOUNGSTERS lace their skates before tarned out for thte first nigh f oler skating offs except for the Senior A eams ho allowed la use Play. and Intermediate A categories. ers front minor îeams wth loig in os the fun, rom left ta rgbt are af Milton Arena riday night. The music was Up until iis ime îhey played ii'hicb they arr affiliated more Martin Cairns, Nancy Noble, Sirling Buckley recorded bar Arena Manager Larry Arbic hopea i-ne 10-min-te overtime period egulacîs. la past seasons a and Na nc y Hethernvgton A good crowd ro have a band this week. (Staff Photi and then ent inia sudden player %vas lmted ta three dealh gamtes witb the junior ioa bc This change could hring an fore gong sp failtime ws h _______________________________________ extra gale receipit t i he ieams thal îeam. This cutîng wil go involved and in soine cases i beforc the O.M.H.A. Computers wiII calculate ~ ItUiU ~ ot vour giolf handicap Handicap chairmes and their cards mîlI ho pi, cammittees acrots the country members of clubý wili nom have beip from Bank nctb the provinci af Montreal computars in cal. sociations and the culating golf handicaps. G. Ar- cards milI ha eensw nold'Hart. chairmas and presi- ically aI leasl oset dent, said the banik bas mInro- The cards mil itb duced a nese service 'la relieve taurnaSienî parpos golf clubs of the chore ut cal- Eacb o the bank' culating bandlicapsf'. in Canada milI a( The prograni mas developed point, far the reg with the approval of the Royal centres, Canadian Golf Association, at lhe Board of Trade Country Lw 1 Club in Toronto.,sebere il re- Law owlil ceve ethsistc support. pln 19 The service bas becs endocsed pln 9 7 for country ide application At a directors' hy thc RCGA. miase raIes wmut thetases bomwlng i apply. nigbl, budgets me. Twice monlhly, paticipatisg meeting masesfor golf clubs will receive summar- beclub milsem. ex of memtbers' handicaps cal- Thclbwi e culaled by computurs aItach day evesing at rbe bank's Genie centres in Mon- 10 orgasize sub- trel, oroto nd ancouver. asd discuss ans Club golfers will he able ta use bers s manhthta thesc uOmaries bth 10 ascer- es a at r tain thc handicap and l post The seasan o-lit nem scores. so steva In addition, lndlvldsaal bandi. A oup s hewcf cap ards wmut ho pruvîded fur dAisvn aiofaccl members of clubs aftated mouýise the taîvn mua lace provincial golf asoc- Iii gel the geess iations and Ibe RCGA, and thescaon. Award Haltc trophy fors Tbursdav igbî f last eek represenlalives of Maple Rock Sbooisg Range trap teai. Ac- tos mre prisent aI tbe aiuntb- ly meeting of tbe Haltus Spsorts- mens Association. beld aI Ibeir club bouse aar Milton, lu pre- sent thc irophp fur tbe annual competitios helwees the imo clubs. Actas represen latives mre Jot Sbadboli and Art Hames. The competilion mas beld tat tati mita fine members competing on bebait ut acb club. Eacb member shol aI 50 bleds aI tbe Maple Ruck Range and 50 aI tbe Hatun SportsSIeS's range. The irt hall uft ho comp.cti- ion as etd at Maple Rock Sbooiing Range wilb Dave Jhoon, Paul Waddctl, Jiai CotisaS, Art Hames and Keîlb rovîded lac vs affiliated ai golf as- -RCGA. and 'cd autumal- ce a ranlh. be valid for s 995 offices cI as celas louaI Genlie ng club season meeting Sf tlub Mandas ce discusved rtac spring cit Sent Tues. tclub bouse committees social fusc- le club mcm- partake Ibis 1gel open as ber permils. bh Sai1urdav nand Icving n shape foc Arîd recss compeiitg toc Maple Rock and Rus Mrshal, Jobs Marshall, Ted Blubai. Don Kearsey and Ken Leswis laking pari lui bie Haton Sport, mens Associatios. At thoetd ai the lrsl bal Mapto Rock led wtb 212Joualof 250 and Halaon Sportsmen bad 209. In thebevond baif bld aI ho Halicîn Spotsmo's Assov- aioun club bouse. S. Keen. Gord Tuci, Teai Blubai. Dos Kearnes and Rus Robertsun scured 214 du utof2)0 fic tbe Haiton rotp. The Maple Rocka boys - Dave Johnson,. Art Haines. Paut Waddeii. Jiai Coul- son and Bud Webster came up witb 185 aut coi 25f. Haton Sporsmens A ssocia- iounmon the tr.upbs kv virtue of a total of 412 ouitiof 00 vsile g ras Season starts Monday Six entries in rural bail Hailli. Rucîl Sicliballi vague c..! hetuhciilyiic.cildu1- tiiidec%%i.i îî,si sicioclilh .11i lx cdaiii' eig ýt.,tiîninS the lii ["vi ' A [i, Hurnias. Prccoc tialîcîn io- .igb ci l have veîi iie i the icgue Iis sear. The Omagbigeam i,.iiitirig on raiacnaes Giar i] ilies ad John Willmoiîi criigtvh. on thie cluli.ltîlon1c. il-o ciiunlcvg onai i vîicia.c tlub th:s vear ic tvithor oclithon- clc'vcpl.i, cvcininii.b-.lcandl Ruban' --ciiiiiiiiivg, h -bou riin theiiin Palecaic. Lîîccîîlic caitP ro coriiallaspe.cib.ihawIr-.)rigtec Fcci lat.iiiiicci I l i, pi cvi dent li iititis, ciiica a dl lic ha M.ple Rock tcatîtliacita coa il 397. Tbîc s e a r - c.ncptiion %farts Jase If sitb Maple Rocka ging ta tbe H,ltîîîîcub bîîcse fcîr tbe firvt sali ai tbe sb t. WATCH THE BtRDIE Tvvo teenagers pldyed an en- durance gameofaibadminton ia Belgrade sreet. Tbccs bat- ted the bail back and foclb for9 minues -a total nf 3.135 sicakes - beface il iocheil tbe gnccnd, Thes said bas i.iiuld ves bhave dose bal- ter il a buge refrigec,îîoc truck bcd noai cîme .îtîng tbe vîceet hc-isiecn hem. Tbc- '¶dtecildntba h THE1 RATUPAYERS LEAGUE fvrished its bowling isg Harod Jarvis captais. Grace Litte, Tom seaton with a banque) Fridlay night. In front Fe., Phytis Jarvis and 8111 Cairns. Absent are the maor amard sinnors. Jiai Catin who mre toai member Joan Chitds and Lindp had high average and Jack Champaus sebo Sherseood aibo mon moments high average, hetd high single end triple scores. In the back triple and single aseards. rose are the Terriers. teague champs, isctud- (Staff Photo) Mirchaictt iv is vice. Rick tub ns Ion iv ceavtesrr The represesiatives arc: John Eves otf(Jmagb. Pute Gaie. of Lîîcvî le, tint Hani tin of Hacîcbs. Witt inglebari cd ilermo, Jh c.-Martiniiil Oiký cleîandtRîck îchnstancof Pria Thce lurlingiiin t.tniircv As- -c cii vilbniiiiivait oaih tisses titis svaîsn. The sihed- uli, i -vLci, s .vs tb ail games vi.ieî for f.30 p.ai Mondas. Mis% 15, irnbsvs, MathoîalonHo t i cii, Mati'. ttcîrnb s. llilut stfitel i Pcrînîî vs Luis %1C. t.. iuccr vs Omnagh. Tevlî.Miv 23. Omîgia vs ildo ltl(iîtP.îermu. Prii- cîccsle.Palcîsa vs. tridis, '\l.is26,Jo. cîuville vs itîltîts Hîcici tirnhs vs. Dm eh. Priciirs%-,P.îermno. M,,vdlîs Miv 29, P ii r vas ciiaonHttIccii.t Pilerniii i Tci-ccl.c, Misti0,ttcîrvhv vs tîîl.îî lîune 2. Pilcîtici vs. tt.îtîon laPii,,cc v ttîrn- kv, (iiti.,cic. I ccci le Mîttdît, Joînc . Jnt.gb as. t'iciiiii,îîP.îeraiîcl ruesdii Jane h, tialicîciHa- tlivstiîîrnbs. I iivville vs. Pal-rau. Frîdas. Jhune 9, Lcîvvlle v,, Pricicr. tt,îlicîs fctel vs Dm- cli ttucnhsvs,.Palermo). Monadis. uice12. Palet icv,, Pccicur (ai Palermol. bi ca ini--1if. Halion ic, itilus,.cîcsuî iern foagh vs. loccc c b ti ciii tua. lb,flattit Hcîîel s., Pioccit îsîlis. ttci- kv, (tîtc.gb ,Ptrm Moînda%. h uic i9. tlcîrnllî vs t-t.ltcn litvl(i "iPîlv crii [uasdas h ue 20,.Paluc-ciîcivs cîîîie. PcîcîcesOcti.gh tF, !aljI twjwii23. c1îimmle v, H.ci cccîIlc-ti, Hcrnbs vs Oua aglit Plccciii vsPaleraco. Taosdas, Jîîne J7, Open foc Raisous Fciclay, Jane 3f, Oaiagb vs. tialîcîs Filel, PaIermu vs. Hursias. Procue vs. Losevilte. Taîsclav, JaIs 4, Palermo vs. Haltos Holel lai Palermal. Oaiagb vs. Losssî le, Pccocvls. Flornbv. Fridav, JaIs 7. Liccville vs. Pracur. Flalîiîn ibid vs DOm- agb. Hoenbv s'y Palermo. Mondas. Jais If. Procor vs. Hallon HiiIt I(ai Patermul. Tuesd.îs, Jutl 'v1. Hornby vs. Louil le. Paterrmo vs. Omagh. rJ.Jai 14, Haiton Htel s, Prcccc. Lc%%iile vs. Hors- bv. Gnî.gh vs P.lecma. Mindav. lt 17, Oniagia vs. Pruciîr (aitPaleraicîl Tuesdav. Juls If Haitcîs Ho- tel vs. Hornias, Loirville vs. Pal. Pridav, Jutu 21. Hallîn Hatel vs Lissrilte, Pilecaiîv%. Pro- cocr. Omagia vs. Hurnbv. Mîîndas Julv 24, Harsias vs. Pcococ lai Palermol. Tuesdas, Juts 25, Hallon Ho- tel as. Palernîi, Lomville vs, Oaiagh. Pridas. Juta 2f. Open for Rai niu t s Tîîesdav, Atigust t. Open forc Rainîts (linecessarsi. Fridas. Aiîgctt 4, Plavoffl Start rophy sh&ot utg9n club Menibîhers ai sîscratt-talit n ýloilin*s andtiu ap sbîti ng clbsaiiild a Iccipitshsoat iî Ilie Apple Gun Cub angetîn W.iiket's Lina. Bari tngîcia.o hu,ý îîî.sThe bu-i ctub scan ilic i a.iii.nd rcaeived the G. BIachit i Its. ýplus sevecat Maile Rock Sbooiing Raungc nîcaibers ram Actîc alasi came dia cciii ornicct Ibe fln/.es. The Haiton Guit Club clvii cormpetci E.ii club est eted l10 contestants in the matach,and eacb man sbiaif50 clas birds. New mentor worried Wet season. slowing conditioning progrcam Lîke alilthc managers in the Station Causty Senior League, Earl Cairns, nese mentor of the defendlsg champions from Campbellville, is beconslng vent concerned about lhe cf- feci of the unusually laIe and damp tpritg on is condition- inf program. Camphellvitle's strong three- mas pitchisg staff froai 1966 are ail eiurning. but with the opening game only ose week away, ihey have as yet had ve- ry little mark. Jack Robert., dean of the leagues huriers an far as total victories go. usual- ly rounds ia shape very quickly, but it a uittle heavler ibis year and wili seed more mark ihas the weather has permiited so far, says the coach. Hart-y Hamilton, stariing is lôth seasos with Campbell- sille, is runsing a large farm and ibis is is husy seasas, ta the cosditiosisg must suffer a litIle, and Ralph Ristoul, a promisisg rookie iih a 5-4 wis-loss record sn 1966, is a fourth ycar dental siodent isho at presesi is in the midst of exams and so sot worrying Record crowds local golf tomaes d Record cromds have turned ouI at Hornhy Tomer and i Wyldewood Golf courses this seavos, îrying îo get their game up 10 par aler the inier lay- .ill. Al if greens are in play at Hornhy and 17 aI the If are bing ased ai Wvldewood. Mrs. Belty Rohlnon, emanag- er of the Hornbs course, as- nossced thal Tuesdas milI bc ladies' day ibis yeac and the new pro, Bill Tboaipsos, mili bold a clisic for janiors. The ali il %i. entph.isize the fsn- damenlals of the game for a soin al tee. Tbompsos acled as pro ai Marine Drive in Vancouver and ai Dosossviem c ourse near Tor- onto and alsoasnasitt proat uteslon. Scacbiira and York Downs. Wydewood manager BilIl Atllie al.in ansousced the ar- rival of a ncm pro 10 hi s course. Dicb Roche, mbo spent i0 pears ai Bolton and tmo aIt Hunting- ton. joins the Wyldewood staf f Iis season. Wyldwood bas a s yslte m wbereby goifers cas phase in and reserve a siartiog lime, ta save tbem f romr standing sn Tennis opens soon at Main St. courts Plans for al-eather surfac- efor the coarts. cîeanup of the courts asd membersbip rates wece disc.ussed ai tbe execulive meetisngiii tbe Milon Tennis Club Mondas nigbî. Membersbip fees milI bc tbe samne as last vear, S6 for jus- lors 16 and under, 510 for seSt- vies Oece lbaid $15 for the tamilv Membersbi ps are avail- able lrîîm Rav Andcess, C. Keiîb Hoiuston, Juni Bosman and Mrs. J. W.McCstcbeon. A big cdean-up of tbe courts iplannecl fir ibis S,lîrdav. Vîl unleers are sacîcoine and the club i v espectuse a large PI,îvinmt milI iopen on the ceg- ua ori, onas ieaîher. permits hfi vsboped tbal aIl- iscaîber surfaces milI be uscd Iisýcr. 100 mucia about is pltching. Alto causing Carns aomt cancers la the fact that twc af tastIyear's regularu wha will 6e pîxylos have nat 'seen oui yet, and he han becs counting heavily on them. They are vet- cran catcher Don Joyce and al star infielder Sti King. Whcn tbey get down ta work, and time ix short, the Campbeil- ille leader wttl feel better. Vaetran resular rounding ino shape rapidly include Ken Moore, Bill Elliot. George Chester, Rick Repla, Elmer Dredge and Cairns himself. Larry îMcPhail, who was oui with a braken wrist tati ycar, is back, as is a star of neyeraI ycars ago, Lloyd Early. Cairns is counting hcavily as bath of them. Two of tant year'n 0111117 players, Ray Grsold and Art Brooks, have bath shows well, although thc7 have mlssed same practices and Calma la high on tre of the village's Juvetile players whom he ex- pects ta pay more this year. Thcp are Bill Dessin, Garsey Mitchell and Pete Andrewes. Tom Raaixbaw and Murray Inglis, former Campbellville misor players, have alto becs oui. As iniee-aquad game is plan- sed for this Sunday after- noot, whîch silI ha the teamn osly test befare opening in Walerdoms nexi Wednesday cvcsing. Campbellville is ex- pecîisg Stern opposition from Waterdown - a young, cager, sew entry. Sox need practices Rainrein go away! "Ran, rais, go amay", migbt weit be the prayer of Dick CIe- ment, manager of the Milton Red Sas. WiIb osly ose meek tefi before the seasos opeser. the Red Son mentor bas becs limited tu a very few pr4ctices dse ta met, raisy weatber. The Sox wli open os May 17 sn Georgetown and will play hast ta Oakviile sn a matinee performance os the following Monday. Susdays practice was cancel. ted whes a sasty mixture of sn055, rais and coîd wcather hil ibis area. More practices will lac bcld as voon as the diamosd ix dry and lhc rais lets up. Basebail Meeting Senior and Juvenil. AT THE LEGION 'HALL MILTON 3rd FLOOR - 8 P.M. Tuesday, May 16 0 Players, officiais and aIl int.rast.d fans are asked to attend to elimd 6 officers and organize for 1967. THE FIFIN MILTON SCOUT GROUP will b. selling Plastic Garbage Bags PROM D000 TO 0000 SATURDAY, MAY 13 AT 50 BAGS FOR $300 Ail Profits Wîll be Usd for Lacaf Scout Wark on Sportsmen's Ass'n. shoot with Maple Rock New Fences for Old! Wanted for an historic projecf commem- orehîng the Canadien Centennial, 25 rods or equivelent of split rail fence, 5 rails high, in cedar, oak or locust. If you wanf f0 replace your ageing fonce for a good cause and a reasonable price, pleese caîl or write: J. D. CORCORAN, Parka Daprtm.sf, BORCUON Of EAST YORKC, 550 Morimer Avenue, TORONTO 6, ONTARIO. Tlapho.: 461451 Easy as« 123 You can coun) on if. The easy choosîng et Milton Motor Sales will please you every f me. 1. Our used car selection is fhe larges) in fhe district and (ha) means less looking f0 make your choice. 2. Our prices are right wifh affer sale service, f00. 3. Our terms are tuned f0 your budget. Trade up today at VOUR GENERAL MOTORS SERVICE CENTRE i à - 1% a - humwmà

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