<...; Y Program SATURDAY, MAY 3th DR. M.B. DYMOND, Minister of Health for the Province of Ontario, wHi off iciate at the opening ceremonies at 2.00 p.m. in front of the hospital. Conducted tours wilI be held until 4.30 p.m. wth refresfs- ments served by members of thec Women's Auxiliary. SUNDAYP M"Y 4th Conducted Tours have also bec i rranged from 2 to 4.30 p.m. AIL ARE WELCOME Board of Directora - 1967 J. W. OSILER, Chairman J. M. LEDWITH, Vice-Chairman A. N. KEILTY, Treasurer J. W. CHARLTON E. B. CLEMENTS MRS. D. CONLEY G. M. HOOD E. D. MAHON DR. C. A. MARTIN MRS. W. H. MERRY C. MILLS MRS. F. S. McOUAT MRS. A. C. PORTER MRS. D. STtNSON DR. J. W. McCUTCHEON D. E. McQUAtG, Administrator and Secretary of the Board F. D. THOMPSON, Solictor E. G. BLACK, C.A., Auditor