fur stabm butta .schd. «The reidence rounselor is just as important as anyone aise in our scho. including teacisers," according ta Wayne Fox, Dean of Residence and Diretor of Guidance at Ontar- Io Scisool for the Deal. "They have ta be realiy ex- reptionai peopla ta do the job sec requira," Mr.. Fox asserts. OS.. presently bas 57 resi- dence rounscitors i nc 1lu d i ng tisree in tise swilnmitlg pool building. one assisting Mr. Fox witis office mark, and four on nigit duty. A rfcianaee suzlr is s fatiser or motiser Io tise ciid- ren wehie tisey are residing i tise scisool - but often tisey at as a big sister or brother to the riid. Counseitars' ages range froin t8 ta 60 and severat young rounseilors witt wrk with somne of tise more msture counsetiors inlise saine dormi- tasy. To li a counseitor you inust have a Grade 12 education and saine past experience bi and. ling chisldren In a gaup - suris as Sunday scisool teachers, pl1a y graou nd instrurtors, or Scout or Guide leaders. Mr. Fox reports there are still a few openinga for new raunsel lors beginning next fait. Ail couamllors take a f ive- week sumimer course in tise basic tiscory of handing iear- Ingi lpaired chisidren and psy- cisotogy. Tiey serve a two.year n-service training period under a suprvisors responsibitity. Rtefresiser courses are ield weien secesssry asd frequent staff meetingi are ieid wisere lisev :an discusProbleins. Tisey worls s basic 48-isur wcak plus eigit iours of over- turnecrisweek ta rompensate for Chrismas and Ester asd staniner iolidays. A cawfeaw le responsibie for tise students mienever they are ot la rIas. Tise day bm- gins whien tiey wake tise chisid' ren ai17 a m.. get tiei wasised and dresscd for scioo, super. vise bcd making and a dormi- tory dlean-up. Tisen il's off to treakfast (juniors ai 8, seniors 8.15 arn.) wiere tise rounset. tors et witis tise iildren. Af. ter breakfast tisey take the rhildren hack ta residesce tc dlean tisir teetis and gel ready for tise first ctasses aI 9 a.m. Betwecn 9.30 and 1130 cous- setiars are off duty. ThY7 Ütlé tise risidren for tise looflmcal at 12 ties supervise a balf iour of play outside or in thei residesces. Studenîs retrs ti classes at t. giving counsellars another two.isaur break untl tise juniors quit classes St 3.20 and seniors St 4 pi. Wisile tise junior students get a 10-minute millk and cookie snack just before leaving tise riais, tise rouniseilors have a chance ta disruss any probleins of tise day witi tise teacisers. Faons dam aiusuppertime. tise raussellors are busy once inore, supervising in tise case of tise seniors and planning in the rase of juniors. tiseir play- lime until tise supper hour. Counsellors assistinlatise physi- rai education program ai tise gym and pool and on lise out- door piaying fields. AI suppertime tise aduits again takre tise students in tiseir charge ta tise dining hall, lises supervise more pisytime, TV watching or studying untit bed- lime. Juniors are bedded doses from 7.00 to 8.30 p.m., depend- ing on their age. and ail receive a bath or shomer caris nighl bafore bcd. (If you mothers Lthink you have probleins witis yaur awn brood, you ougisi ta try herding 15 boisterous, tively seven-year-oids Ibrougis a bath in haif an hour. Tiesenirslo'reti[re belween 9.30 and 10 p.m., uniess lisey re- ceive speriai permission to stay up for a speciat TV show or match important sports evenîs like tise MML. playoffs untl ta later bour. And once tise students are rail in bed for tise nigisi, mois r cousseilors are finished their mawrk wilh tise exception of ose par dormitory. misa stays "os 'rcail" hIs nearby room. Nigisl couniseliars misa conslanlly pa- trol tise dormilories assisi mitis r any emergenry. report students ,. ha cannaI gel la sieep, admis. e ister any medications needed, d id sssist anyone mush a tnip 10 tise salhroom misera nr- quired. le Ollu crsaia counsettors Y handie include keeping a close à.rheck un chiids'cn's iseallis. Ans iliSsasses are immediatelv re- ported and tise ciidcen are ciserked by a dorlon or isospit- aiized In O.S.D.'s oma isospital building. Counsellors also des- paIrs iaundny ta tise iaundry room and disînibute il lx tise ieomners mises il cornes bars o cean - ail clotising is labelled se ilis lie studenî's nane. If rhildrvn seed nem rtotising. re- quisilians go la tise parents asking lisein la penvide misaI is alMr. Fox relies iseavils on tise f assistance ai bis residenre sup- le ervisors and is particulariv to proud of hi s rounselling staff. rs 'Tisey HAVE t0 be exceptionat tlpeople," Se empisasizes. Letter t. the Edit<,r Der M. Dil: 1 mas vaty pieaied 10 learn fram your ettar of April 17 tisaITise Canadian Champion la planning a special section dascrlblag lise construction and operalian of this 'Depart- nsent's ne residestial scisool for tisa deaf aI Milton. Needîs to a ian. mare verv prossd of tisa scisool. ils stu. dents, and the staff miso have seorkad so hard over tise paît foiua ycam ta reate tiis exct- lent educational fariiitv. Yosr klsd InvItation ailurd- isg me tie opportonit ta in- clude a message in tie speciat report ix muais uppraciated. 'M. ltennedn bas frettuentin in- tonmed us of tisa excellant sup. pont and co-opration gien bv sou and nour staff. and for Iis t amn deepîs gralefat. Youns sinceeeis William G. Davis. Minister ni Education. The Canadian Champion, Wednesday. May 10, 1967 C Large maintenance staff performs varied duties_ On1 Dp- 0et f Public Works supervisor recails construction Oi allishe peuple miso matris- ed O.S D. grow, pcobaisty Jack Pc arre ut Brantford knows mure uithtie isadacises con neated mils construa tîvg suais a iacîiiy tisav anyone es. Mc. Pearce. as Superîntcnd- cnt ut Construction toc tise Ontario Department of Public Works. bas supervised tisecn struction ofthtie Stage Tmo pro. fla sice siortlv aller tise tirsi sud mas turned in October ut 1964. Tise Deparlrnent af Public Works is respunsîbte toc con- .sirùiisi provincial sibuails sucis as 0.S.D. U pan complet- ion, tise buildings arc turncd oeIo tise Deparimeni iut Edoî. cation. O.SI). Miltan is a "tea- tiser in lise cap' toc bats de' partmens. and su bots Minis' tar ot Educalion William G. Da- vis and Minister ai Public Works Ras' Connaît s'it sihare tisa tinaiigst tiisFrîdas ssisn tisa scisoat is îttîcîails' îpcned ai aerem(,nin ntishcOcior schoît auditorium. Alter 01cr two v cars on tise Stage 'Issujtb, Jacis Pearca knousstha buildings insidc oui and tram lise groand lavai up. Hc bas parsoval s ssaichied 0O S.D.grois. las b% d.is.brick issbrick, aid pia.e bspiece, isiili.'isirknan hic dîons ut cosrcionvcottpanies. suis. aontraciairs and suppliers trans- tarmad anvacan t field inta a $5,. 000,100 resîdential scisl oatîr haillai Ontario's deat citdren. HI NEIGHBOR! WE'RE JUST A HOP, STEP AND JUMP AWAY FROM O.S.D, MILTON AND WE EXTEND A HEARTY WELCOME ON YOUR OFFICIAI OPENING FROM AIL THE STORES THAT MAKE Up MILTON PLAZA Mr. Pearceareports hac ecciv- cd "excellent cacapcaiiin" tram evryoneaconcernc'd. as peciatis trom tise genera t con tractîrs Frid Consructioîn of Hamiltoîn, and [rom tisa staf of thc scoal. Peter Rice iif Hamitonssas genera i superin- tendetnttfoc Fcîd - tise man in chsarge of tise upecatiiîî and iaced x'istisahegiant'sizad e sponsiiîity of tieinneail tisa baosa ends togeiiscr. "Tisas ieni avec baakmards ltu assisi us," Mr. Pearce said. Must oflhtiue tisai Stage Tmo mas under construction. about200nmenmwer on tise site, At tisa peuh of construction ibis figurec'timised ta avec 250. "We halno scrious ie-ups tiscougi stsiciesuor sisatages ut naieciai." Mr. Pc arc notes, He recatis issa smatt stiîbs tisai eacis ialted isari toc abot iall a d as Oece a l tisai marced an iiiisanisa peacetîti oh. As tac maieciats. "evse rs tisivng semedto arris'e usiiaisen il sisiul. tishe sacre vno isîtîtups ssbisoever" Ove siise aren spweded up tise progressai 0.S.DO ie smii ad. A birchavecs' sîike braisa oui in Toronto wicis ctiied duwn muns' jobis in tie cils. Tisa wîrmen isba cîîuldn'î Prîo- caad mitis cils tubs duc iii bat -irike headed ftro 050 and gave tisa construction progress aibigisaitioc seaecalss'eeks. Tise bulling mork ai OS . daspîme sîîmc preaariîîus jobs and suais a large numsea (ifi mucknen on thîisc îte i tise same imreoasertbetess bad anescecllent salisrecorcd.Jusi ana man sas seriausi s injured - Carnan Webster of Horn- ing's tilits, ivio teti ina' etr ron a scatfotd. andad on bis head in a trench iv Occemiser ai 1964 Ha suttc'ed br.îîvcdair- age equicîng aîscrîîus opera- ion and mas viii expecied ta live. Homever alter six mîîvibs off mach ecupara ing. Mr. Wbster returnad t10hbis jos Bacausa is iard bat - a neaessily on any construction job - haiped sava is lite tise Construction Safety Associ'a- lion of Ontario prasan ted Mc. Webster ils a nam mwhite bat signifying is membersisip in tise esxcl1u si ve "Gladiattrs Club". Enssscs'on Bigelose.C on- struction Safely Outrcer of the t)eparlmenl of Public Works. isiled lise site for the prmsen- talion ceremony and praised tise officiaIs in charge for their "no bal - no job" policy. Ha said tise mork on tisa job mas condurted "mei in lise ine of safely." Excepl for lise one major in- jury, accidents on tise job mera Sept to a minimum. Culs. scratches. srapes. boras and sprains mere lise unIs oliers ce. ported. Tise mus t intereslî'ng periot of construction aItishe school Stram a bystandrs point of viem, aI leasti mas tise installa tton of tise massive roof bearni n tise swimmisg pool building Tbat mas in December of 1965 The 80foot T-îhaped beams arrived on speciai trucks and mare hisiîld 1tiste roof ith large crases. rausing a fiait day for "sidemaiksperintand- anti" - especiaiiy studens mhu hati a viam of the exriting proacdings tram tisir class- rons or dormitocies.e Altisougis lie officiaI apening ssiliibciseiad as planned on Ici- dan. ties -aout isn't tuile con- ple el. "Tisa buildings are ait complate and nowsain use," Mc. Pearcesaid. "but tisera are stit some tucnihings and equipmnni set taisec eseived ietîre use can cati iitsll coin- plaid" Missivgeaquîpnenl is maints' itents tisai sîeîi rdered montiss ugo. sahiaissuppliars hsas'anot been ablte ta provide on tisa date raquiced. Tisa brec staff cesidunces mare tise tîrsi partifuthtie Stage Two prugraniuisecturned ovec tuathssiout Tiatsasîinluna ofi 1965. Lasit ati schisnlpenad in nîîi.qaiie tînisaîd l casscins andth ie senior stualavsis nvad- cd tisa n",s'ta it lest deces Tise gs'nnaslums %ece in use beiîîce Chistm-ias t ast %sar. tise poolîin 0Faisuars. and tie va- iiclesliorage building siuated near the passer boutsess as tise ast la ibec'iipiaied. Tise proîectat.lsîîcexeved srelencinionithe cainpls andi pcîîaded nev aischibiasivs tu drainlomtsNiiig.'irea, aciund useeIîîniîîcScbîîîî builditngs WELFARE PUNI Neednsiiudens atOS.D misî nead is'îiassbarina aids and aiber issentiais can ha issisied 'ns as'iecial telfire fond, snpported bn n ans ser- vice clubs. organieati ons and indixidtiiots -Tisa firsi Canadian sebool oliecîxgspecialiedeîaduation for deai chisidrev îîpened in To- rontoî in 1863. WIT A SMILE end a sale, Sharon Cook joins the O.S.D. Guide group. Al the Guides bave fun at Ibeir regular meetings and sperial oulings. (Staff Photo) Probably tise "onsung heroas" around O.S.D. are those people sebn morS isebind lise scenes 10 ensare listal al is in ordar. - suris as tisa pomer isouse en- giseers maintenance staf f. plumisers, elecîricians walris- men. gardeners and rarpenlers. Tise staff is large and lise tasks are niany. Tise mainienance and care- iakivg staff is iaced wiîh scrais bing and potisising over 5500,000 square feet of floors.oitat mention a large new auditor- ium. 40 new rlassroons and shops, sleeping quarters for 250 more peuple and a 150,000 gallon swimming pool.,iseo gymnasions and a multitude or auxitiars coams tisai were tot tisere a sear.ugo. Durlsg lise course ut a dus lise O.S.D. maintenance gang goes tbrrugs 25 gallons utfi- quid soap. an equa t amouni ioi disîvfectants and 75 gallons ai floor wax. Tisese same people are usera t0 keep lise sidewatk and road comptes f ree of snow ss'en tise ss'nîer winds btow. A batterv -powercd isasiser- potisiser aids tise ctaanup staff in tiseir mors. Teacisirs and counsettor training prîîgr.ims, sports esentis and tncreased atter-scboot actisities isave add- ed to tise atreads isuge task tisai tise morkers must meeci As eudatald four thousand tons of roal (or tes tons per pupili mare bucned in an effort to kaep tise students warm and coinforlable tiscougisoultisae ast wittter. Over 24 million galions of water will be used Ibis year and 125 tons of sait milI be used bo soften lise water. A pinter and dacocalor nuises tise rounds in tise scisool and residenres. repainting dam- aged areas. Tissee dedlraed matrisman tour tise grounds and buildings. eaeis trip taking Ibrea hours. Tisece are 35 matrismens sta- tions and isundradi of doors and windows to cherk. Tise ocrasional unautisorized per- san and comanirisis wiso have mistaken tisa grounds for ton- cr's lana are escortad f rom tise premises and ailthIis adds lima ta tise trip. Cara for fourty acres of gar- dens, shrobs, tracs and grass were added ta the Imo gardes- ers' chores aiong mils a watcr fountain, a large nature pond, a quarter mite field track and îmo large skating rinks. Saveniccis toms of assoted fertilizers have iseen used for spring landsraping. Tise scisool carpantar tb, bas a wide vaaiety of tasks ta perform. Fverylising f rom ce- pairs ta broken furniture ta stage propi and ciassroom equipmanî fail undar bis rvaim. "Tise plumber's lot is sot always a hsappy one", aI O.S.D. Tbey have 200 wasbrooms ta rare for. The ciecîrlelan la responsible for liglxing equivalent toaa ANNUAL COST small toms. Tisere are ovar Tise annual rosi of edueating 200 elecrc molors of ail sisal> a cisin one of Ontarios tmo as and sites tisaI must be cared scisools for iearing-inpaired toc regularly. as meli as yent- chistdren. ai Belleville or Mil- tilating fans and a comptex bell ton.is pprximtel $3500. -system. Tise Province of Ontario pro- rides tise educîtion. residenliat and sports facilities for tise chistdren frîî tise lime tiserlie. cime of school iaoc, untitl ies' ýaduaite. Parent, are es non. ..îbtî for tr-is-pi-rt 'lion 1:,-and trin tise scisoot ctotiig, and 'podinit moni-s for their chlid- Tise taundry looks liSe a large depacîment store mitis ail tise goodi piled neally, bol tis is sot isow il mas misasthe tautdry mas initiated. FocSets bave 10 ibe searrised, esperiaily tn bon* s' rousers, for losI or slrayed items. Att molisers ras appreciale tise neressity of Ibis cisore. ONTARIO SCHOOL FOR THE DEAF MILTON NORTH AMERICA'S MOST MODERN IS A FI1TING EXAMPLE 0F ONTARIO'S CONCERN TRANSLATED INTO PRACTICAL TERMS. WE ARE PLEASED TO HAVE PLAYED A PART IN TS CONSTRUCTION ADANAC ORNAMENTAL IRON WORKS LTD. STRUCTURAL STEEL- STEEL STAIRS - RAILINGS - MISCELLANEOUS IRON 836 Upper James St. HAMILTON 385.7633 and 3857435 ~I PRINTING & c im PUBLISHING ACTON - MILTON ARE PROUD TO HAVE OUR IMPRINT ON PRINTING FOR THE ONTARIO SCHOOL FOR THE DEAF. WE'RE PLEASED TOO, WITH THE IMPRINT THE ONTARIO SCHOOL FOR THE DEAF HAS MADE ON THE COMMUNITY. A WHOLE NEW DIMENSION HAS BEEN ADDED TO THE WIDENING CIRCLE 0F ACTIVITIES THAT MAKE Up THE MILTON COMMUNITY. IT I A PLEASURE TO SEE PUPILS AND TEACHERS, STAFF AND ADMINISTRATORS TAKING PART (N LOCAL ACTIVITIES AND CONTRIBUTING TO COMMUNLTY IMPROVEMENT AND DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS. WELCOME 0.S.D. MILTON I as c t m