Guidance program includles outside work for students C4 The Canadian Champion, Wednesday, Meay 10, 1967 Superintendent says: Thank you, Milton! By D. E. Kennedy, Superintendent, Ontario School fer t he Deaf Tise speciai edition of lise Champion, recognizing tise Officiai Opevivg of "0 ..., Milton", miii permit many friends and acquaintances of tise scisool toisnow us better Tise speciai edition wiul aiso be a vaiued souvenir for our students and members of staff. We are indebted lu you for this generous pubtic service. May 1 take advanrage of Iis opportuniry tb express tise appreciation of studients, parents. and staff to tise many individuais and groups in tise Mlton district misa have been so kind and hetpfui to us during thse past four years. rom tise ime prior to April 23, 1963, when our first chiidrev arrived aI tiseir new "home', until tise present, il has been gratifying to see sucis hospitality in tise communîty. Tribute is due t tise town and county officiais and staff, to tise members of tise ctergy and their congregalions, ta tise secondary and etemnen- tary scisoot students and staff, ru tise Milton District Hospital and staff, to service clubs and otiser orgavizations, 10 business meri and mormen, 10 tise Girl Guide and Boy Scout organize- ions, to Tise Caradian Champion, and ta, many individuets. To a greal extent you are responsibie for tise success of our scisoolto 0date. May 1 aie. express tisavks, publiîcy, to, tise rany pet. sons tram Milton and other commuvities mithin and beyond Ontario wiso have taken positions on the scisool staff and served so weli. You have mode possible tise tasis of organiza- lion and developmevt of our scisool services. To tisose persons wiso are making a career within our scisool organization, may you find great satisfaction iv your mark. To ail who are assisîing iv avy way, may you gain pleasure and deveiop pride in your respective duties. A final tribale shouid be paid 10 tise Superintendient and staff attise Ontario Scisool for tise Deaf, Belleville, and ta our superiors in tise Department of Education and Deparîmnent of Pubic Worhs. Mithoot their vision and their constant ielp and encouragement Ibis schooul mould vol vow ise a reaiity. A guidance program in thse Senior Scisol aI 0.S.D. is help- ing students prepare themselv- es 10 enter tise sorking world. The guidance course is bas- cd on tise department of educa- lions course for higis schools, and esght teachers along silh .Director of Guidance Wayne Fox are involved in the pro- gram, giving tessons 10 stu- dents once a week dornna scisoot boucs. Ansong the aubjecla covered are cteantiness, manners and income tas. Students are giv- en as much helpful information as possible about many careers suilable foc them, and fre- quentty "free periods" are iseld wisere tise students cao ask questions about tise type of work tbey are considering. Tiscougoi Mr. l'os, some ex- ceptionat students are being ptaced in workîng positions white they are stitt in sctsoot. Tbis gives tise student a cbance foc some practical knowtedge of bis cbosen vocation aItishe sameeliane as be or se tearns tbeir academic work. One studeast, Larry Smnitis, is presently wocking as E d's Welding Sisop on MitIons out- akicîs. Larcy is desccibed as an excetent welder and he works attise sisup, without pay- ment trom 9tu2 every week- day morniog. Intise atternoons ise returns to classes toc tise academic side of bis education. "I understand ise is doing very vieil, and Larry certainly en- joys tise wock," says Mr. Fox. At graduation timte, students arc assisted in finding jobs by tise Canadian Hearing Society wisicis bas an office in Toronto. Somne prefec lu returo 10 îheic hume towos but may end up .n Toronto because tisey want 10 be misere tisey cao commuai- cale witis otiser deaf peopte, and si t icasier te find otisers witistise samne handicap in a targer city. Many boys find sommer work about tise lime tisey are 17, some in tiseic own vocation and otisecs accepting any kind of work te gain an att-round experience. Tise Cao- adian Hearing Society atso as- sists in findiag sommer jobs for students. "Most of liser stick wîtis liseir jobs', Mc. F ox reports. 'We ike to tiink tisat maîay of our graduates are btter workers tisan hearing peopte. They dont waste a ltot ime tatking or gossiping and many employers hire tisea because they are so covscientioos." 'Remember. tisey have te cumpete witis hearing people f.r their jobs," he 'aid. 'They have te work better." DEAN 0F RESIDENCE AT 0.S.0. Wayne Fox ceunsals a senior student Coenpete Ikt Staff of1250 ut 0.S.D. A staffut apprusimatety 250 s required tu keep tise large 0.S;D. institution running smuotisty, under the direction ut superintendent D. E. Ken- ney and business administra- tur A. H. Britton. Mr. Kennedy' s secretary is Mrs. Carol Patterson witis Miss Eizabetis Andrews as an as- sistan secretary. Mr. Brittuns secretary is Siirtety Etta and tise business administration staff aiso inctudes accounts clors Mrs. Rsemary Town- send, innice cterk Mrs. Mavis Arnold and typist Miss Miran- da Ferguson. Stores supervisor s A. Tunetti and drivers are L. Ettmood and B. Hepburn. The supply utffice staff in- jaude', Mrs. E. Cattan, Mrs. G. Etisringlun, Mrs. E. Gitties, Mci. M. Merritt, Mrs. C. Heaps, Mci D. McPbait, Mcs.M. Mor uon. Mrs J. Peacueis, Mrs. J. Sims. In lise Speech and Hearing Centre are audiotueicat servic- es advisor Robert F. Argatt, psyeisotogist Miss Ju-Ann Bent- les', audiutugieat services loch- nician Harotd Btanks. secret- ars Mcs. Peggy Hitson and borne -sisiting teacisers Miss Mars' Monette and Miss Paul- ne Sterling. JUNIOR SCHOOL Mc%.D. McGoftin is tise sap- e.rvsinc teaciser ufthtie junior scisool. assisîrd t' Mcs. J. Me- Donnel ils Shirlcey Temptin as secretary. Regular teacisers are Miss S. Barrois. Mcs. A. Fredcricks, Miss J. Garnot. Miss S. Gra- ham. Miss P. Hall, Mrs. E. Hit- son. Miss A. Hotder, Mrs. L. Jicksiin, Miss B. Jennings, Miss B. Jones. Mrs. P. Kennedy. Mci M. Lamont, Miss M. Lai- ecks..Miss P. Mattisews, Miss L. Nises, Mrs. J. ONeitl and brs. M.Plomb; Mrs. J. Robinson, 'Mrs. A. Rosciîttcim, Mrs J. Suonders, Miss N. Seip, Miss V. Stacy, Miss V. Tamutaitis, Mrs. P. Warner, Miss L. Wetsis. mils Mrs. S. Ditîs, Mcs. M. Ettiot. Mci W. Driseoti, Mci. B. Gat- vin. Mci C. Kerr, Mrs. P. Stos- hi. Mci P. Amon as îuppty eu bers. SENIOR SCHOOL Tise senior scisoot is spri sed isi Gary 0. Buncis, assisted by secretars Mrs. Margaret Auger. Academie teacisers are Mrs.1 S. Angi, Mrs. D. Akey. J. Etis- cingîlin. Mrs. J. Fotey, Miss M. Gibson. V. Heapi, Miss W. Jes- nec. t. Ligitiody, Mci M. Mc- Key>,, G. Pacry, D. Rossiottum, MisD Savage, Miss J. Siel. fecI. D Snidec. Mc,. B. Tirer. R. Wîiastan. ,ind îuppis tea- ciser% are Mci M, Ciements. F. McConvllie. Mci. A, Stictan. Mr, E. Marlini. Mci. F. LitI VOCATIONAI. SCHOOL Studenti ire taugisi a nom- bec ofl[rades and ikills in lthe voctiiîniscsioi supers.iscd isy James MeCuilocis and iccre- tarri Mci. Margaret Auger. tintriictoci are: Miii Ciare Bailei (girls' opportun ils Mci Jeanv Omier i'leait icil- torc). Mri Audrev Harding (coimmerial,MissiMariaiKas-' zuaaIementars' home cionir mies). Mci ici v. Rotheit (hoime eciiniimil ,Mci Mary Tasior liessingi. Rovatd Ap- pleton (graphie arts), Robert Bîîviiie (auto, body rcpairi.Ted Ies(iixdustriai arts), Carry Krcimer lisiiîi opportonilvi. Bernard luet; imetai iradcsi, Mach Swan icarpentril Sup- pli leiu.ieri inlude Mri E. Wallace and G. Findtay. RESIDENCE Dean <il residence is W.Fos. ils Gary Matins as co-srdin- ator ufthtie pisysicat education pcugcam, assisted by physical anceeand L. Moir, counsettors E. Austin and W. Vandenherg and swimming pool instructor Donna King. Junior girls' residence sup- ervising counsetlor Mrs. R. Braman is assisted by counsel- tors Miss G. Andison, Mrs. M. Boers, Mca, M. Deboer, Miss C. Hunt, Mrs. L. Inman, Mrs. J. Roman, Misa M. Tenmage, Miss 1. Thsomson and Miss M. Vanstaalduinen. In tise junior boys' residence supervising counsellor lis A, Blokland and consellors in- clude G. Baird, Miss L. Barnes, D. Brunnette, G. Culven, Miss F. Dennia, Miss C. Fournier, Mrs. K. Hunter, Miss D. Koo- Mans, D. MacLennan, Miss C. Pidgeun, Mrs, 1M. Scott and Miss D. Walker, Supervising counsellors Mrs. M. Elford and Mca, M. Elîitî, aasisled by counsetlors Mrs. P. Bacc, Miss L. Mlyca, Mca. J, Coltina, Mre. F. Edwards, Mrs, C. Fraser. Mrs. S. Malladay, Miss B. Maras, 'Mc, R. Me. Donald, Miss P. Nicholson, Miss A. Siseldon, Muins N. Sîcele and Miss C, Wilson are in charge nf tise senior girls' res- idence. Senior boys' aupervlalng counsellors arc A. 'F. Fluber and T. Nye, ils counsellors (Continued on Page CIO) CLASSES IN *EAUTY CULTURE provide aIl senior girls at O.S.D. the deaf in Milton. Above, stodents practice isairstyling on minis good training in grooming and personal care, Some girls other students and on models while instructor Mrs. Jean specialize in this work and are later employed in this special Dwyer smiles appreciatively. field upon graduation trom the unique provincial scisool for (Photo by Doug McCutcheon) 1 -- -I We Are Happy To Add Our Congratulations and Good Wishes To The Ontario School For The Deaf WHICH IS A CREDIT TO ONTARIO AND IS KNOWN THROUGHOUT NORTH AMERîCA AS ONE 0F THE FINEST INSTITUTIONS 0F ITS KIND IN THE WORLD. If is a privilege we appreciate for O.S.D. to use our transportation facilities. C. H.'NORTON BUS LINES Plan to Vist Expo '6 on traficpro lems SsTor on by lu.ury sîimsyu holel wrhi door o and ao na h Transporta i plDoous ooo transportation or te Ep eh. U s om odo ation - close Ep sbsa Cuuhoi e f 2 3, 45, 6or pol-nightsauty s %) 0 Depart ores from April 28 to October 23, 1967 Cont4~'~'0 Special discoonts for groups CT NOW - RESURVATIONS ARE NATURALLY LIMITID Mifton a a alocal point The Ontario School for the Deaf is anorher feature that indicates Miton is a focal point. Milton is also the capital of Halton County, ove of tise provinces richest; the site of tise County Homne for the Aged recently enpanded t0 serve over 300 residents; home of the annoal Haton County Faîl Fait, area agricultore% showptace; host monicipality to tise annual Steam Era, a display of antique steam equipment tisat attracts over 30,000 anualiy. Il is a town aItishe foot of the great Niagara Escarpment, at the entrance t0 tise Bruce Trail and a neighbor to ideal recreational facitities. Milton is easy to get to, from Highway 401 and 25, jost nortis of the Queen Elizabeth highway and south of highways 7 and 24. Tise f irst Ontario Boy Scout Jamboree mutl be held adjacent t0 the town in 1969 and a provincial agricullural museum is scheduted for development close by. Why vol plan a visît tb Mlton nom Tiere's a host of good reasons. Milton Chamber of Commerce J. M. LEDWITH, Presldenf E. 0. BLACK, Executive Sacraaa'y 0 BURLINGTON - 634-6958 0 OAKVILLE - 827-0971