De Te Cnaden CamponWednesday, May 10, 1967 EVIERYTHING WAS BEAUTIFUL et the Galosy Mrs. G.MQuaig and Mrs.D, Ptoîemy. As an Cuicuding the lades gowns and the empoyee of the club commented, t wasn't sconory. Mystified by the bubbh ng foontain there vestercday. re Mrs. J.W MCutcheon, Mrs.H. Grswold, (Staff Photo) Galaxy Club goes Qr for Hospital Auxiliary Milton District Hospitat Wo- Dr. Narry Harles, .MP. for1 mens Auxiliamvstsaged ose of Haton, Roin Skue and Jim 1 the Counys igfest social ev- Snow. candidates for Haîton1 enings Saturday as 50f guests East riding. atlended the second anessat Several former Miltonians Maytime Bal in the Galaso retumerd for the esen ing. in- Cub, Oakville. cluding Me. and Mrs. Norm Among the attenders ere Guitd, Mr. and Mrs Jrn Gond- THERE WAS F000 aplenty t Miton District Hospital 'N A s Maytime Bel Saturday enenng in the Galaxy Club, Oakvîle. Getting some assistance in composing a meal is H P Johnson, pst chairman of Milton Pobic Shonî Bard. (Staff Photo& riental bal brand, Mr. and Mrs Joseph fleVarenfles. Mrr and Mes. J Wi mporev, Mr. and Mr. Pe ter Itondrie and Mr and Mms G. Chttim. Mr, J Murph% and Mrs H. Grîssçoid and their commit- te commcndahle obof duc- orating %%a, on the Oriental Plaing piano during cock- tai, es h1 .lvan Hunter sehilo, a Guelpht band, the 'Cor onets supptied ttecafiersup pur dance tnusic. Wo'men'a Auxllary president Mfr, Dostg Ptolems' noted. Thrc %ere a lotof voung people there. high .chool and oltgotoudont,. and it ra addd aîlottuothe evening" A cntinuooosfortin a fîîared tutohe proup for the esoning h5 5Mr, C fndrson. iamlesway Born and Silo Equipment Sales, Service and Installation JOHN Ridgewaày 878-61751 0 SPECIALw ARRANGEMENTS 0 WIDE VARIETY OF POLIAGE PL.ANTS 0 MIXED POTTED PLANTS 0 CUT FLOWERS 0 CORSAGES 0 CAREFUL ATTENTION PAIO TO DESIGN AND COLOR HARMONY, PLUS FLOWER FRESHNESS eNSURES VOUR SATISFACTION. WeWil Re Open Ail Day Sunday IMother's Day -- May 14 I LOWER KAESSHOP ~Anywhere, n the Milton Plaza 8711-2881 Anyihs DAY OR NIGHT Compare aI 2 for 59C PARCHMENT GEM MARGARINE 4 0R89c Compare it87c SALADA TEA BAGS 60's 77C COMPARE AT 2 FOR 35c OLD SOUTH - FROM FLORIDA - 6-oz. TINS ORANGE JUICE SPECIALLY SELECrO - VALUE CNECKED PRIME RIB ROAST 79 l RIB STEAKS BURNS SKINLESS WIENERS-- BURNS SLICED BOLOGNA ALWAYS TENDER BREF STEAKETTES Tender, c Jai<y. l WeII Trlmmed l9 c 59 lb 16-oz. VAC. PAC 5 c COMPARE AT $119 46-oz.99 COMPARE AT 27c - LEE - 19-os. YIN CRUSHEDN PINEAPPLE 5S'i. COMPARE AT 39c - TRINIDAD GRAPEFRUIT 0$s JUICE TIS l COMPARE AT $1.15 - NEW INSTANT ABLÀm KWIK MILK 12 QUART SIZE Save 2Oet - New Crop Valencia SUNKIST 6'991ORANGES COMPARE AT 67c FRAY BENTOS - 12-oz. TINS CORNED BEEF5 c COMPARE AT 59c PEAK FREAN SWISS CHOCOLATE CHIP - 16-o:. PKG. BISCUITS 53 COMPARE AT $1.83 -KING SIZE CHEER $ i- 35 Compare t 2 for 31c HEINZ TOMATO OR VEGETABLE souP i 0-oz. TINS 9,99C Comnpare a, 69c MIRACLE WHIP 32-oz. c JAR 55 39C Ontario Not Houe. Kng SIx. a CUCUMBERS 2I0R29c -7-= -7- 7- - - -. -ý=ý 7 - - 77