The Canadian Champion, Wednesday, May 10, 1967 Leagu e banquets end bowling season P. L ROBERTSON GIRLS bowling league hon- Marie Murray. In the back row are Della Mc- orod thos inners ai Friday's wind-up ban- Phails championship teamn members, Rose quet. In froni are achievemnent award in- Wilson, Marge Sclisî7zi, Doris Lawson, captain mor Audrey Hambly, higb triple Willie Wilson, Delta McPhail and Betty Lou Bundy. high avoraoo Donna Gronko and high single (Staff Photo) MILTON'S ONLY 400 BSOWLER cdurng the soason juni endod mas bearded Btl Pegg of Carlse, who rolnd a 410 sngle in the Frday nighi Lowville league. He was the only bowler to break the elusive -400" barrier ibis year, and earned a TV amp trophy presenied ait th leagues banquet Saturday bv Milton Bowlaway proprietor Stan Cisholm. righi I(Staff Photo) Films shown 175 spend "night at Expo" Around 175 People 1 r omn Church, Norm Mare of Em- North 'Halton spent "A Nlght manuel -Baptist Church, Rev. at Expu, Sunday, Apr. 16, with, ----------- ______ out leaving.Martin St. Senior - ------- Public Schoot. A program usponsored hy the Ch îrvhes' Committec on Expo '67 and inctuding the National Film Board feature 'Expo Pre- view was held wiîb 'Bob Mac- kay as chairman. Noem Hiur, of Emmanuel Baptist Cburch, explained the film msade bv the Moody In- s'iunie. whicb relaies scientific researcb 10 Christian doctrine. The film sbuwn. atong witti numerous others. witI be at the "Sermons for Science" pavil- ion at Expo. Members ut the Charches' Committee on Expo '67 inctude Rev. J. K. L. McGown and Tom Amis of KCnox Presbyterian CRITICS WRONG Cutemporary newspapers commenting on Lincoto's Get- tysburg Address, catied il 'an- iy a dozen commonptace sen- tences", "sitty, fiat and dinh- watery and tudicrous... anytbing mure dati woutd not be easy to produce." Keith. Mawies of ltomby Un- ited Church, Rev. Davidd Nichol- son of St. Davids Presbyterlan Church, Campbellvllle, a n d 'Mrs. A. Ledvi th of Grace AnglI- can Church, Milton. Film projectionlst mas S. Lockde. fIlý BOWLING BANQUET TIME AGAIN as local hind are rnembers oi Jack Kng's ieam which beagues mmnd up their season witb prenenta- mon both the league championship and the fions and amerds ai the annual dinner-dancen imwo-meek playoif round. Reg Smith, Kari Cari- Abovo, Lomvile League prize inners show wright, Joan DeForent and Bill Colling. High off iheir trophien received ai Saiurdays ban- average mînner Stu Kng and higb sngle min- quoi. In front are jigb single Bill Peqg, high ner Amelia Bassetmere absent mben the triple Jack King, high triple Hazel Pegg and photo mas taken. high avorago Marlene Morion. Standing be- (Safft Photo) He retatna a keen interest Benjamin Robertson s 91 years young in farm work and in recatting An active restdent of Halton of ive generations in live 0t. honew halk dot udvrk Centennial Maier. Benjamin tbe Robertson bomestead. Tonowl. suggestcdd torky Robertson celebrated is tlst bougbt lust east of Speyside (ovo ). mere dt ona a wi irthday at the Manor on Ap- in 1822, and bas ived in the oh fcncrat onnergy wi. nI 24. countv for aIl but fine sears Hec s stil n the best of Mr Rohertson mas the thitrd of is lfe. bcaîtb- Used Car is King that means botter selection, botter value because we can carefully select ail the used cars you find on our lot. See aur top selection and save today. CASH FOR YOUR CAR Yen ws t shfrvue dean, lattemoalel used car. Drp in todey. 1964 CHEVROLET SEDAN White mails, mashersn Nem car tradei Lec J-10018. 1963 IMPALA 4-DOOR HARDTOP V-B, automatic, radio, mits mails, mheol duscs. Sucver grey mitb contrasting rsd in- torlor. Lic. 382353. 1963 MERCURY METEOR 2-DOOR HARDTOp V-8, radio, mhite mails, mhesl discs, tmo ions. lic. H-68545. 1965 PONTIAC PARISIENNE CON VERTIBLE V-B, aatomatic. radio. power steering, power brakes, white mails. mheel cdîsci. Lic. -6542. 1964 CHRYSLER WINDSOR 2-DOOR HARDTOP Automatic, radio, power sieering power brakes, white malin. mheel dinss Very cloan. Lic. t127020. 1964 GALAXY 500 SEDAN V-, power steering, power brakes, automnatic, white mails. mboel discs. Lic. 77088E. 1963 ACADIAN STATION WAGON One omner ince nom. tom mileage. Lic. 49947X. 1962 ACADIAN CONVERTIBLE Auiomaiic, radio. mite mails, mhooi discs. Ono omnor car. Lic. J-6949. REED-REDFERN LMD. OniaeaSt. S. Multeas 87&»"3 SFée A value of Stop4.d or A value a S-pIe Bunk A value of Disert Suite $94.93 coffee Table $11.95 B.d Ensemble $79.93 It's also avail- Your choice. Matresses, slat- setting. 9.2 Formica tops. à *7.2 springs included 5 -1 pic i.2 Wantfns *.u 41 2 Summrnr Lawn Web Chelee Foling chairs in blue, green or yellow. $1390 9.12 Mottreen or Box-sprlng Coil-springs. Al sîces available. A val»eof 2 Vlacet blond blankeit "Tex-Made". 72' x 100". Cholce of colons. $495se. 7.2Fr«R A velue of «RogenIaO $21995 Refrtgerator Large capacity. 12 1 tdeal for small 1 8 1 kîtchens. $2. Weely A velue ef "Rouen" $21995 301, Range Electric model. Includes automa- 1 9 1 t ic contrmîs. $2- Weekly "Rouent" A value of Wringer Wasae $13 Easy to use op- crtin.Sa 77 9 .12 release in wring- er.$1- Weelly TWO-SIice Toaster Pop-up action. Entra wide slots. Removable crumb trav. $13.95 12.12 G.E. Portable A$vlua.95 1il, TV set $39 Light weiglst. E V Superb perform- 9 ance. Goes 1 9 9. anysuihere. $1.25 Weelsly Uloyds AMIFM Portable Radie 12 transistors Inctudes ear- phone and case. $39.93 29.9,5 SHOP ON FRIDAY From 9 &.m. to 9 p.m. ADA Aa1 1 I A ITT-aI Wif1îfLd 203 Main Street Tel. 878-6642 ________________ Similar bargains in Guelph: 90 MacDonnoll St. Tol. 822-2341 'é - l. , àfi