Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 10 May 1967, p. 13

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United Church Centennial Tea Fellowship House Winni peg The aain hmi features variety of antiques epandt churcli groups 13 Milton dancers Ladies otitted in gowus similar ta Ibose worn a century ago bucried about tht hall sers'- iug tes sud sandwiches ta sel tbe seene for a succestfut Cen- teunial tes, lucheon sud an- tique show a1 St. Pauls Uuited Churcis Ssturday sfteeuoou. r " ": r j , - - Botb the tes sud luncheon were sel-outs. 'Mes. Dudley Ervin, overaîl convener for the affale auuounced. "Bath the tes and the luncheon were selI- outs, sud in general the sehole eveul was an oveewhelmiug wucs. Ameng ihe.many antiques on displsy secte s wedding dres f rom 1881, s pbouograph from 1880, eyeraI hooks, s cou cal- lecction, tarm tools, s wagon seheel sud a spinuiug sebeel, al of wbicb dated back ta close ta 100 years ago. Perhsps tht mont popular at- traction w a s the spinuing seheel mauned by Mes. Marion Adams, a member ot the Oak- ville Spi nuers and Weavers Goild. Another feature mas s booth sehere visitars cauId bave their usme sewu ou a ceuten- niaI quill. Mrs. Andrew Frsnk sud Mes. Frank Hadley sere lu charge ut tht antique display. Mes. Dorothy Skinner was lu charge ut oîgauiziug the lucheon sud tea. Mes. Shirley Dilîs took tare of tht puhliciiy while Mes. Marjorie Magee conducted the sale cf tickets. Mes. K. 0. Fan- tee wss lun charge of tht muit arrangements. . AIl procecds weut la tUnited Church Womeu uf St. Pauls United Church. ltostess at ihe mau-nse -ou -Thurs- dsy atternoon, Msy 4 lu the Lsdies' Aid aud Womeu's Mis- siousry Society oif Nassaga- weys Presbyterian Chucch. Mrs. Norris, presideut of La- dies' Aid, quoled s verse fromt thr Frieudsltip Book, aud the hymu: 'O God, Our Help on Ages fPast" was suug. Afler the minutes were read aud approv- ed the secretary, Mes. Robrrts, read an invitation seul from Eden Milîs Presbyterian Charch ta their Centennialteta and bake sale to be held ou May 31 fromt 2-4 p.m. Also Ebenezer luniled Church invited ment- bers ta their 75th Auniversary Tea on May Il ai 2.30 p.m. with Mr.,. McFadden as their guent speaker. Tiser. seas a discussion of furîher quiltiug, sud the meet- iug closed wilh the singina ut the hymu '"God Reseals His Peesence'. Then, due ta the illness of the presidenl Mrs. Mullen, Mrs. Norris, the vice- president. chaired the W.M.S. meeting. Au invitation was read by Mrs. Retiring Fairview teacher ta be honored by students THE0 NEW AND THE OLD mere conlrasted on Satorday an crowdn gaîhered n the Christan tdueation Centre ut St.PauaIs United Cherch for a cenlennial tna, luneheon sud antique dis- play. Hundreds of valuable antiques were ou dinplay. inclod- iug the crib where Mes. Jane Hasselfeldi laid ber three-monlh- oil baby Tsmmy for a snoze. In the furegrouud is an an- tique daîl sud carniage. (Staff Photo) Regnional art show held in Milton hall Over 200 art enthusianu aI- teuded tht Central Ontario Art Associations reglunal exhibi- tion t tht Agricltural Hal Mileu fair grouds an Salue- day sud Sudas. 0f tht 70 divyl aus euîered. 21 selbc sent au ta theuetutex- hibition in Guelph. Presîdent ut tht hostiug Milton Arts sud Crafts Club. Frank S i s saon. poittd eut that pictures mere oflen jedged un technique ta- Iher than geucral appearancet Tht abilits to de soivething dit- ferent with a bresh; te accemp lisb something nese or sume- thiug unique lu oficu raicd igher Ihan au aliracifqtsctnv- or a colorlel display. Athougis tapeuses sure vîtar- ed. nu profit was repartcd sud tht local memhrs espressed a general disappointmeuî in tht nutube of entries sud tht number et people aîicuding tht exhibition. Mauy oet he îîls, pastels, mat- ereulors sud drawings en dis- las came trutu Mlton sud district arlisis. t hes îfLC îîdcdMes. Gordon Adîîa'î,. R.R. 2 Campbailîvlle. Mr,. (aîharîne Proedloel. R.R. I l ilBlI W,vids,R.R.I Mîi- IlCîceýdaît, R.R. 3 (.lpsisii, \trs. (arolvu 134 î-i a-t 5,îeîlîlRoad, Xl ,î nîl 'r'. Edith Sharp ot R R t CamnpblIvlle Lach star, flie Lanadian Red I rus'. Lîîqujr5 Baceau peucesses about b6,1lî0 enqutrîts fromt per- sous iu orme 35 cutnies. Senior Citizens enjoy bus trip to Florida forty-six senior citizens frora five senior citizen clubs lu Iis district receutty travelled by bus ta St. Peersburg, Florida tor s vacation. People tram Mlton, Burltng- ton, Oakville. Hamilton sud Stoney Cceek wtrc an thetrtip. Wheu thcy reaehed St. Peters- burg Audy Frank of Mlton et- ceints a letter leot,îMasor D. Joues ut that cits. melceming tht visitors. Thetrtip lasted trom Aprît 12 ta April 25. Att reported a grand holiday, good meals, fint boltaccommodations sud many iulerestiug sîghl.seeîng tours. Waruiug at intersection: "Crans road- bettee humer ILECTRICITY IS OUR BUSINESS MURRAY HOOD DRIVE-IN Bume Li em Weeto et igwmy 23 et MuIt Op1e Deiy 50 8 p-m. Filday & Seturdmy te 12.30 mi& EUCKOTS OF FTAYOR-CRJS CHICKEN 8 Pie«C(Aeken) $1.99 12"Seeu Four 16 Smeuv:Seven 18 Serves Eighi 21 PS Mr- ine 24 N- 32 SPeru1 36 Pb-0 $3.09 $3.59 $4.14 $4.62 $5.25 $6.12 $7.11 $8.10 $9.09 ADD TO YOUR DINNERS OR EUCKOT SPECIAIS Den'i be am rinkeewiils ploeieldty. C&ii au experi for Box PFretis Priesete Se.esix ..... la * W M OCo i lw .................o * 111w CIRCUITS Single Order Prench Frie 30 *ADOIiAI OUTIOS Six Packs or iomy ......OS * CUTUOI10115 PHONE 878-6028 FIATHERSTONE md mmi ette" ELECTRIC __ _ _ _ Fairviese Public Scbool; Home sud Scbool Association t at Lowville wilîl hold su open 1 bouse in honor of Mes. J. Beu- nett, kindergarten teacher sbo s retiriug at tht end of tht sehool yesr. Ail people wbo have attend- td Mes. Benuetts classes avec the stars are iuviled t0 atteud the open huat a tht nehoul this Satuedas, May 13, tram 2 lo 4 g.. Eaeh boy is anked ta hriug Regleaul Iihrery auw opp.atMeat Tht appoîntmeut iv aunoun- cedci f Miss Ida Reddy la the position cf assistant director of tht South Central Regional Libraey System. Miss Reddy will assume ber duties lu Jane. She is aI pets- eut thte hiet librarian ut tht Barlingion Public Liheary. Miss Reddy tank he Arts sud Librarv Science degreesa t tht Universits ut Toronto. She has worked in tht childeens department of tht Etobicoke Publie Librars. variaus depset- mmlv ts ftht Tarante Public Librarv, aI Oshawva, sud han heencuhief libesisu ut Bue- liug Ian Public Library ince 1961. au apple sud each girl a flose- e, sud each persan seho a1- teuded Mes. Bencts classes silI sigu their usmes ta ber "Memory Bouk". held ou Tuesday, May 9 from 2-4 p.m. at the home of Mrs. S. Crsmp. Mes. Robinson eeported ou Camp loua, near Bala. which is spousored by somne of the wo- men's groups. lire. Moritioid of her trip la Sanît Ste. Marie ta the 201h annuel meeting ut the Synodit- aI. Tht theme for the two-days of meetings svas 'Caring and Shariug .Daring this lime Miss Mavis Hyndmnan sptîke on ber work in Korea. Mrs. Nor- ris felt she gained a great deal from ber fellowship with the variaus workers of the ehurch. Tht Sludv Book seas tahen by Mrs. E. Oredge. She spoke otbhow the Presbvterian Charcb bas provided a pIla for the etbuic graups o f Hangartans. French and C h in ese immi- grants. She told of the svork of Me. and Mrs. Frederiek J. Dickson as houseparenîs ait Ftllowsbip Hoase in Winnipeg. Tbey report that the end resaIt of taking these soang peuple fronm manv different environ- ments and racial backgrounds is that eacb voung persan gains s better understanding of the .ithers. Loneliness is the great- est single prutblem that heltîs defeat the voeng pcrson and ibis is what Mr. aud Mrs, Oick- son guard agaînsl in ilîtel un- dersianding and vespression, of Christian love. 'Issus shaillreigu îs'bre etir tht sun" %vas sang. fo)lIoved bu prayer ta clos. the meting. lauo, Wednesdsy, Msy 10,. 1967 B3 k' VIiIIIuI3 Cil %JLwipEi Guelph Di st rict Highland Daucers Club held ils annual spritto competition iu Guelph on Saturvlay, April 22, with 13 dancers from Milton takiug part. Heather Cousins won four rirsts, a third and tht eight and under trophy: Kim Griffith, secontd and a third; Ann Brovuýn, a secondin novice and secndin eighanduder; Jan- ict Alsay, ihrec seconds and a Ihird; Marilyn Martin, a tourth; Susan Martin, irst, sec. ond, third aud fourth: Karen Rickets, second and three thirds; Sazanne Rieketts, two seonds, a third and a tourth; Margo Clarksou, first, thete seonds and a lourth; Allison LavriC, second in novice sud Mrs. Cargill thanked Mrs. Nicholson for otfering her hame, and a deliCious lunch wsset-ved b v the hostess with her four sons, Doug. Jack, Jef- feCv and Calvin prescrit. I KgleKs Don't Caxe Il YOu'te Insured Enough You should caca Sabout Personai Proporty Insur- . ace, becctuse it prevents mono- ta ry bsta Sthefts! Consit us on Protect Vourseffi McCUAIG insurance Limit.d 283 MAIN ST. E. 878-2894 or 878-3698 tourth lu 15 sud aver; Gal Brown, fourth lu novice; Kirk Brusis. tive tient. tht 14 sud un- der sgt group tcophy, sud the lrophy for tht daucer of the day with tht highest points. AIl are popils of Joan Wat- tees School of Dancing lu MiI- tan. with thtenception of Kirk, who is a pupil of Toronto tea- eher Mis, Molly MacGregor. Kirk aIso danccd lu Niagara Falls ou tht previaus Saturday, wiuniug Isea firsts, s second aud s Ihird. Ou Saturday, April 29, Kirk Brunb seent ta a compelillon n Kitchener sebere be swon Isea licols, two secoudusud the 14 sud under trophy for his dauc- iug. Thse fient sirpisue fligist of the Wright Brothers aI Kitty *Hawk, -N£., lssted ouly 12 se- conds sud the plane travetîrd 120 feet. COMPLUTE LAWN AND GARDEN SERVICE N. lob t.. smmli or te. large *b Complets Maintenance Service 0 Free Estimâtes RAINBOW LANDSCAPING Cl 878-2741, 878-2097 ERS YOUR GRASS IS GROWING FAST IS YOUR 2MOWER READY ? 10-25 SERVICE STATION 10 SIDEROAD AND 25 HIGI4WAY Thî"s us the day to save on Mustang the World's hottest-selling Hardtop. SCorne in today! See the big Il "3dBirthday reat" Lotsof sparkle at asawings on Mustangs! " GT Hood with turn signal louvers e Wheel Lip Mouldings " White SidewaII Tires e Knitted Black Viniyl Interior " Choice of Candyapple red, a Door Edge Guards Springtîme yellow or a Deluxe Wheel Covers Thunderbird Diamond green e Rocker Panel Mouldings mi Gel big Springtinw Savigsona/I> ý, the ot/iergreat>f 5 LE1J LZ Ford mode/s/à M WU L a 409 Main St. tVttY 1967 FORD CAS SS PACKAGE AND BACKED UP BY 3-POINT WAtIOANTY. e OUR MORt OMCO.HENSIV

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