82 The. Canadien Champion, Wednesday, May 10, 1967 News of the district GERGETOWN Qute naturall,. theasent $ 253,567 contracl bas been the resuits of their finai awarded ta Whiney Construc- manipulaions. Mayor J. Ci ion. Brampton, for tht build bell said Ibat the reasont ing of Georgeowns .second was no increase n taxes separate school. This site is on because Canada Wire Pennington Cres. in the tons Cable decided la locale al east end, and the school wel new plant here. Douglas be named St. Francis of Assis- pson. manager of Fergus( si separale school. There are es, as the Canada Wire1 eighl classrooms and a large is 00W called, was aI thec generai purpose room wilb cil meeting un alther bus! auditorium. and be sas bold Ibat be ERIN serves tbanks for comiri ERIN ergus. An increase of 11,361-W8 in Reeve Ken Denny. è equalized assesment is listed man of tbe tons fit in tbe first report of assess- commillet, said Eat Cai ment commissionter Iso W. Wires decision basi prol McClung. wicb was adopled saved tbe taxpayers mail by oeigbboring Wellingon crease of nearly 12 milîs Counîy counicil. Tbe total fig year. Ht added that incri ure seas 153,094805, wicb in- per capita granîs fcom cudes Crown property valuaI, province also saved tise bi ion of $366,400 added ta tbe bolders money on Ieir1 generai figure of 152,728,405. tait bils. Tis grant bas Because tof annexation of ar- increased from 13.10 ta as ta tbe Village of CErin, ad Iis year. Major increasc justment was made of $35700 cosîs came f rom tbe from Erin Township. cbool and the counly cou Fergus sti11 bas tbe grealest Tbe school expendilures amount of assessment, being up nearis, eigbt milîs or listed at $6,330,870, followed tax rate. Over îwo-lbirc by Peel Townsip wilb 34,270.. Iheir mones, is spent on 988. Nearly equal are Crin chers' salaries. This is Townsbip 13,735,988 and Pus- haif a million dollars. The linch Township 33.735,808. Ers- jor item of expenditure i mosa bas $3313,986; Minto bas tuwn budget in tht work $3J;49,450, and Mount Forest year is on tht ýHighway 6 bas $3,096,175. Thse remainder necîing link lbrough toset are listd at lower Iban rt million. re ELORA Tbe four tosens in tbe count- Tentative plans base tsi bave a total of 113,328,870 made for tht Wellington in equalized asssessmenl - ty cenlenniat celebration namely ftrgus $6,330870, Har- held sn Irvint Park sn Ela riston 11,931,775, Mount Forest Saturday, Julv 22. Therc $3,896.175 and Palmerston SI,- be a short ceremonya 970050. Welington County Hom There are five villages ta- 1.30 p.m. A parade ta talling $5,60,800 in assess- wili follow. ment - namely Arhur 11.- Tht program will cots 265930, Clifford 589,670, Dray a talent show lu he mu( ton 3605.720. Elora 1.,541,780 of selections on a centi and Erin 3,058,700. theme. Tht day silI close Tht 12 townsips total $34,. a dance in tht Elra arer 784,135 i0 equalized asseso- ter a bcdf barbecue. Mi ment as follows - Arhur 2,. and refreshment hooliss m 527,850, Eramosa S3,313,960, Er on tht grounds. 12409825, Guelph $2,768065, in 33,735,988, iWest Garafraxa West Luther $1.611,135 Mary- borough $3,28Y7,710 Mînto $33.-* g 149450, Nichai S2179970, Peelau u~ $4,270,98, Pilkinglon $11793,440 WWUM UoW and 'Puslinch S33735,W808 GLEN WILLIAMS appro Acenlennial tairn wthth ie old len Wiliams stboot bell MilIon Pianon Boar will be erected in front of Thursday evening gave1 thse GlIen scboot as part of tht proval for an amendme villages active tentennial tele- Oakvillt's officiaI plan brations. will allow the consîrucîi To the accompanimenl of as airporl in Omagb arta bonds and parades, the tairns Planning Board had rei will be unveiled Zone 24. A notice ut tht opening member of th -Eaton famnily change of zoning for lbe bas been asked 10 unveil tht and memhrs couId find tairn, but as yt they bave re- ing wroog wiîh the sugge ceived no confirmation. The The proposed airport has cenlennial committet, bowtv. thetai lopfu considerabit er. did receive a donation roversy in Ward Ont, from the family 10 rover somne ville. of the centennial telebrations. ln otiser busineas al Timolhy Eaton began is hords regular monthly retail business carter in len ing, membars: Williams. e Agreed that tht Another suctessful centen- would nol object t0 hIt niaI project is welI underseas, double duplex building ni Iis ont an tsîay tontltst opnttin St. being used for1 ta ail school cildren in tht sionat service offices, pi len Williams arva. Tht sub- proof was given that tl ject must be GlIen Wiliams essary parking would hi 1867 197l" able. Tise building, nearli BURLINOTON pted, is owned hy Ber -Provincial Police bece brtath- Ci* Recommended la0 ed a sigh of relief as an enpecl- that the amendmtnt t4 ed traffictie-up failed 10 mater- town zunîsg by-law b ialice. Ont lune ai traffir over opîed hy councit and pi tht busy Burlinglon Skyway ed ta the Ontario Msi was ciosedl for repairs last Board. wetk and police were prepared e lnstrutted secrelar, for tht worsl, but a l5-mile Pearen ta Write ta the, trafi hack- up neyer came ment for a copy ut a rtl about. Small it-ups were re- the Halton Region Coi poeled. but nolhing was ser ion Authorils regarding lous and police praised rnooor- dy made of tht area sa iSIC for their to-operation. Miliside Drive. Owner Tht Skyway resurfacing pro. property, Dr. C. A. Muri gram will continue ta the end requesîrd the rezoning of Jane. Just ont head-on area, so thal an apa crash was reported during th building could bc consîi first week of tht repair pro- In ils report, the au gram, wen traffit 80808 bolb said the land was volr ways oser tht bridge was chan- ta flooding. neled mbt two lanes OAKVILLE Mbie ollier mon ictpalitles in * I a Halton and Peel Counties draft- ed Itheir replies long ago ta th Plunket Commissions needs study of thetlwo counties, Oak- ville rtctieed permisson for a lte reply. Mayor McLean An p derson and two lown officiaIs SUNDAIY seere expetted ta detîner the report ta Toronto some tme ibis wtek. * Thir anwer suguets any re- FM r JY gional goveroment shoutd be CHICKEN WITH ICI basd on creek watersheds, and flivors tht inglet lier formn of CHEF SALAD regsonal governmnt. Oakvlle Is a membar of tht Hallon Re- ROAST TU gian Conservation Authority, wbost jurisdiction covers tht MASI 12 and 16 Mile Crtek veatler- sheds in int municipalitles. FERGUS Thor a sea ome qute aur- POR RUER, prWang antd pleasîng news a Bt Ar oe couffcil meeting for thte * tait- pe payera of Fergus. Mot of thtL neiIncres o nd thîr txes Il .bers anocial Camp- thora andi large Sam- Cabl- plant loiess ý"de- chair- tance nada sbabîs, Ib tis tasesi tiuse- town been $4.60 ses i0 higb ancit, in tht Os ut ntea- in tht Ib tis bees ICous- re wilt Si tht Clora ,isi of ade up ensial se seilh enu. ut. didway tilt bc MILTON LETTER CARRIERS Cuiflewingtoe, D. mak.ng tîb rt sroueds wb hma i forthe C. Wilson, J. A. Lawrie, David Gillies. P. J. town ancd Milon Heghln racu is week. Tht Mcll.rib. Don Murdoft and Bill Greentielci posent , rý- greeled wilh ,utn for the irl are sho-ve witb Posmasler Waler Bell and t-no days of Ither cee, mat-s, Actng Dstrict Dretor A D. Fizzeli prior to (Staff Photo) HALTON MANOR Philipine nurses perform dance, sing By Miss Lottie Mocore andi Mrs. Marjorle Warbaoks Tht churci serusce lon Sun- dasApei 9,sa coeducied'hn the Ren. J. K. L. McGuun ut Knos Presbvieriae Churck in Mlon siti Mes. Mowat ai tht urgan. Thetiheme out km ser- mon sas Frgiveess. le thtes-venieg on April 9. tht residenis once aga in en- îoved an excellent program hs tht Oukille Citi7etes' Band o lb Peter Hughes directief. An added atraction was Irum- pet slo bs Tom Pare. i planners ýve airport %rd os ils ap- ion ut -ceined of a Id noth- gestion. s heen ý,Oak- t the -y mcci- boacd on Mac. protes- wovided ce avail- y nom- en Cris- council to tht te ad- iresent- enicipal ir E. R. depari- pari 10 îservat- tg a sia- suth ut .of tht rin bas ut oftht mriment nsrcttd. îthority Inerable e Intracted tise .ocretars, to wriie counicil intormisg il tisaitth ourd ojecied lu tise slashîng ut 11.50 rom ils pro- posed budget. 'If tise services of a1 planning consultant or le- gai adeiner arr needed. il suili e espet ted thal tise tees sel be pid h5 thet tusus. mens- bers agreed. a Approned tht attendante ut tise secretaen and one ttti- er memnber ofthtie hourd ai bbc Commuits Planning Asociai- on ut Canada Custerence in Toronto on June t. 29 Gouides earn firemans badge A group ut 29 Girl Gudes trom the. Milon, Klbrîdt and Campbelhilie lroupn success- fulls compleled a four- week training sesion ai Milton Fire Hallifast ueeb Ail 29 girls passed an oral test us ire lrvnion and tîretighting. Captais Wilf Peeson ut Mil- ton Fire Deparîment conducl. ed the toure. Severai tbtrs on tht Milton brigade belped isitistht fisal i îts testisg. Tise course earis successtul Guides a firemans badge'. On course Daid Huteden. apprenlicîng ai tht MeKerie Fancral Home. inow aiieeding classes ai Banting Institute. Uiniversity, ut Toronto, us part ut is ap- prenticeship. Ater tht concert. retresk- mentsserenser-ied bs the WA. andstMssl1.More epresscd the îhanks oftihe reidents On Msondassesening. April t0. the Alerite nîng Auiliare tf Knox Penbtersan Churcb. At- te., paid their ,înnual ii o the M.sntr Mes F. Andesieon an pesîf rnt oecner anuc cd the s ,rissîs nomisers Tise juio snd senior choies pro vided sas reti music and read he Scrîp sres suring tht fient bll ot the tinccet The second hait conisted sf thenitors ut Canaîda presto ted b% Miss Ca- roilP.îttcîssn. pi t i public npe.tktng. The stuen suit .îhls sîteitand enlsîsed kv the renient,. The Acttîn dance ps. pifs toi Miss Carolf Whartone ut Guelph pertssrmed hcautiituiv ut h a little iso and a huit 5511tlti te.tiing the show. Miss Rsîsee ias Miss Centennial Mi- nîts sancg eerîl sud ime lun- et suhitiubpieased the residenis ten mucb. At the close nf the enlertais- ment, the ladies served lunch. Miss t. Mootre exprensed lbanbs sîn kebait ut tht resid- On Frisisu. April 14, Mr. Wrigh t nksîued lkree munie shtîs The ient depicted tht perpiesîies tf tht nouth outol- dav the secoind the makint ut s su.îil morali and the third. Ssotttjsb ulcccrýn jeScoiand. Ouîr tban,îks sMe Wright tue se en isîcbie es-t-ceg Tht cburch sersice un Sun- da. sApt if 19 tt.ts stndtcted hv Res. Dr T. M Oîstîn tof race Anglica.n cutreb Miltson. witk Mes. Winters .ai tht e ga.Tht i ssttn tuts tîbn trssm chapler t0 tf Juhn. On Tttedtnatternoun. April 25. I imebousne .and Siiversuoîtd Inltîstes isited the Mastic as spoînsoîrnsoftht April irtis- da% pariîs The auditrium wsa ,uitabin dlersralcd und the pus- ssuiltugavre evidence Spring f%,raIs bure ai tant. Mms. G. Henderson acted as masterout etremunien Mms Mîsîder plîsed a numhneroftotd ime necicjtns un the piano, %shich sere enjoved he al \trn Cttnntr gave timu ntrent- ing readingn. Their puent art- iq t sete ftill Philippine nues- elrsm Georgetown httnpiiul. The en hirming and attractive ladien hase unie heen in ibis esonien .a hotiime. They s.tng in bei rus-n language andi .îfsttpefurmed the tam- oh.tmbuti dance. Their nu- titenare len.s Panumo. Edsa Stt.seee. Cura Malco and Lido V'ilft nee.The ren dents ere plcawdsed wseleume ihem and thiteonyhis enisîsed iheir per- formance. Ailtee thSe concert,. mont wth April irthdtvnsere calied lu their place tif honor ai the bead table, the irîhdav song suas sont and eervontesjoy- ed lunch. Those with birthdays receined a card and a shiny nwceniessial 50 test piece. WOOL Realize tht highesl returns fut yu oui bv palconiisg your uwn Organizaiion. SHIP COLLECT TO Our Registered Warehouse Mo. t, Wesion. Ontario Obtain sacks and twine wihut charge f rom R. A. BROWNRIDGE (Shearer) R.R. 4, Milton WM. A. WILSON iSerert R.R. t Georgetown Phone 877-6687 or hn writiig Io CANADIAN COOPERATIVE WOOL GROWERS LIMITED 48 St. Clair Avenue East Toroînto 7. Ontario DELIGHT MOM WITH SUfNDAY, MA Y M THE BEAUTIFUL CORSAGES AND SPECIAL ARRANGEMENTS AT SHORNBY GREENHOUSES HORNBY -ONTARIO ORFOESARE FRESH CUT DAILYI L-FMOUREONENHOSES *CUT FLOWERS *POTTED PLANTS *MIXED BOUQUETS GERANIUMS - SMALL NANTS 878-6438 ID .Dsring tht fiscal yoar 1965- Nassyaw ya chol S ivr 66, tht fedoral bealtb ansd wel- wussguweu ScooI ourdfare department pali 3551,734e Dl 824 i ai80 loane n preselits >293,897é Doug $4t5,68,550 i o10 alwacs At a lime when a number of years; and Prederick Benson, mun icipalities are seartbing in ose year. every corner 10 replace school S.W. Sanuge was appoinled teachers who have found work township zoning adminisîrator, Aun.uSe w c sith ultehuards, Massaga- and ctîl do much oft he work weya Public Sehool Board re- ievolved in implemenline Mass- S u» . porst col ont of iheir statf bas agaweya's new zoning hy-law. teE i tht sysîem. Cîrrespondence was receivcd SRInIPoue The observation was made fromt W, P. Davy, president of by chairman Horace Bth as Campbellvilte Sand and Grave] be and olhhoumbrsb Sopply, repiving uCocl.Ar~.. nsebjgts appeared before tise Township refusaI of a quareving license toandiaana Ois uaas tt ei tuprsu hieir draftl Coontil selli meetSwilh etiwitb i. ablitta nblakhaoqs- buctotifor 1967 or, Monday. uet-calivsvt.nroth e ,quiervrs geslpantly. It e.lsenniela Brokile ubic May 9 lu discsesuwork th. e ad dUOOot5,Oin 50a551510 0 eomo's pany plans la do Ilu w îoaathe 166e.. sets sixruom addition uccount- poveIbi go=d.PU2e. toensai.gnA cd for a number ut riscs in pRoeenilliamrousr.no lade.iês.~ sie atn al sWh% Oil custs. including crrlaking tees, ttRoud epllarm oen a d ji nalk atlplaoa. sppltaieso ia tf ndIas cd in tht srarch for missîng MutO Imprtami t r t-nust otalio. eusedfnsi Kithrîde sludesi, Marianne seaothaoua«hthatthhmpgvol. Tolu fo reuesid fnds ScShuett, when il covered tht aaeO wu mauetad oveemamel.d S293,894, sith $126,374 eumîng stesdeata n rMaywm aoatb.hdwta frum tise tssnship, bol ibis A eyetig il e rla.e fiesre as o aius ener Gorgeown council chambers wkh ýjIyhaipasahW -Y A commttet ar adjualt t May 9 lu discusu the estahlish- ce &Jandiml.pwi D b -lsussas gis-en ils threet rrad- ment of a Coonlv-wsde selfare tiue ings and passed. and the tom- proïram. Rtprev enla finsfrm Nw oDya.oedal nillet smif include Maurice Mussaguomevusill include M 'deutnapuinedfo iree Anse MacArhur and Oeputv- P to&ShAn0S itOi~anq stars. Grant Campbell, isso R,,,,e Williatm Hue- Oe. ambuasu or erMO Whatever you give, sheil consider the thought more important than the gift. Moîhers are like that. But an electricai gîft shows a litIle extra thought. An electrical A gift can help her with housework, entertain P her. tell her the lime, or just keep her Iooking lovely. Any gift wîII show you care on Mothers Day. An electrical gîft reminds her ail year 'round. live btter electrically MILTON HYDRO ELECTRIC COMMISSION 250 MAIN ST. E. TELEPHONE 878-2345 Se. any of these appliance dealers now: HSS Home Appliances C H A SE181 MILL ST. - 878-3221 #jhD UA UIWA I E 136 MAIN ST. E. - MILTON IELMU ~ 15U'U.VIFU Phone 8786011 C XW Don Merit Authorized Owner Buy on Easy Budget Termns M IM HARDWARE M cK I 260 MAIN ST. E. - 878-9221 DU RNANEITH DURNAN D U R N A N 220 Main St. E. '- 8784445 MIL I 1 RADIO & TV iIchardson s 201 Main i. E. 8786949 SUNITED CO-OPERATIVES 0F ONTARIO L ilrnt*.lt. Milton 878-2391 even the smallest electrical gift says happy mother's day in a great big way YDINNER SPECIAL %OTHER'S DAY- CE SOUP $1.25 JRKEY DINNER, CRANBERRY SAUCE HED POMMTES OR FRENCH FRIES PICKLED BEET STRAWBERRV SHORT CAKE VATIONS PHONE 878-9061 sEvery Day Threugheui the Year RESTAURANT AIl CONDITIONID Mihen