Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 10 May 1967, p. 11

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Jim's Jottings b y i im d 1i1i e0hA t eaad tdia vrioua nemi reports and articles an Expo. t arn more aid mare convinard ih is a show nul lu miss. Writers sertotahave ta rearh quit tac ta ind any basis on wicb ta, knock it in truc Canadian fashion, and saime ut tisent Iike Charles Lynch) bave almosi fane ersialir avec it. 0 A couple of parsoasal experiences relayed ta me may raie te lhinking ut somte. Thece mas the itary ut a matit- er who bah bher tamity ut sevecal child- cen, mitit a lunch toc Expo toc the day. Beyond admission their anty expendituce toc the day mas 50 cents for same ce- freshmrntî. Su it cao bc donc econant- icatly or yoa cao apend a bondIe. ike anoaher individoat mbu tound tae dinner bill $35. Iii pcevty mach ap lu yuu. 0 Anniher stary was of a mon who ralîrd a mel-koown Muntreaul btel seak- ing a riervation foc Imo un the ap- pruarhing weekend. His reqoasi mas iti- ed mititoat ditficltîy, su perbaps the accommodation pictace is nut os bad os tante moutd have as beirve rititer. aI- iouagb t suspec t Joly and Augosi mitt find rauts in the butaIs bard ta gai. 0 Say, ls good ta se the mater back in the mitl pond agin. Id gruo arcustanted lu seeing the meedy battant and the mirror-tike qualits ut the mater juil added crtainîs estuces the ponds beaoty as une ut the tons greatevt nat- oral assets. i sert autrntaticatiy ta slow domo in passing nom, jasitfor a better loah. Some final trirmmîngs and the cantonal ai the aId bouse ut the car- nec shoald ceatly set utf the toscan- tenniat projeet. e ilva heard a lot of comment on the prire paid for the aId bouse on the pond bank, and questions on hum the price was arrived ut. t believe il ment an te basis ut three tintes iii assessed value whicb is otten regarded as a ce. fleciion utfntarket value. This bouse was assesied ai sumething avec 14,000 and taxad un this hais. Asseîsed vatue is regarded ai about une third ut muchai value, and s0 the $13,000 pricertuf. 0 Fifgi bava bagua tea appear on toaa hontes and butinasses in greatar quantitirs Iban betuce, and it is a mat- cama sigbî. Tt wouid ha nica if thece coatd be a profusion ot flags and dec- ucations appeariig in tinte toc the first tang merbrnd on May 20 and conîinoing tbrougb past Labor Day. There ara baod ta be visiturs ibroogit tomo this sommer and the ftags and decoratians coald reave a tasting impression. Down[js] in this w thro dwns Corne-r Hurray for imu Anglicun ministres in Suditurs mbo receniiy announced a plan ta open o pub near tae local uni- verîity - ta îeacb stidents hum ta drink Englisit-styte micb. ibev cdaim. ivtae rigbt woy. Presen i brrr outiris are hbouer-or- iented" and mare cuncreod with rai- samption than peuple, the ministres sid. Since a large nu mber ut studrîts are pruvide a seltingmwiIb.,ttees moder- aie aie of alcobut as an alternative ta te currînt type uftGario beveroga cooms. Tbey plan lu charge sirilar pricas ai in brrr poctars, but mautd en- courage studenis ta ptay rribbaga. dants and chekers and maoana baar last al evening. WbileI m eoncerniad thot it mas tmu manthers ut the clargy who decidrd ta iry the rîperîmaît mme dont usualty as- soniate Anglican prirsîs mith ber-siing- erîl, I must sas tbry have o taod ptan there. If sîtu bave avec sut in ai Ontario brrr partu)r and watchrd the "drink as mais as t cao. as fast os I con attitude ufthtie mjority outhtie consumers, vouli agrea anythint woutd bhanaiimpruve- ment - main a pub cao bn ima minis- ters. Wr tri mho enioy puttiof aur fret up in Front ufthue idiot box in the eve- îingv but bute bring catird amas front Peren Msai or The Fliniviones ta fix o eaky tap or put up oascati sheit. miii be ibritîrd witb the nents the hardware peuple are trviîg ta bel puy avaerne the problem of miior bousritold eboresberrr- tuforeresrrved toc the mn. If the reren t Conadion fHardwvare Shtowtmas any indication, it rould be me may loah tormard to uiinierrupted avenings ut TV teisurer The hardware guys Ibless 'etl are ieyiig ta tube it casier for te gaIs ta do ftese fiddiy ittte juistiettrîves. Llgbt-srigisl, gally coloaad ponter tuaIs, o scramdrivar set in matnut-linivhad rack suitabla for bungingin tha itcebai. scratch repuir bits tith oantuin-pen style applicators. ligbt -wseigbt tuddrrs and ligt-mrigbi hammars mitb ibregian bondies that fine the femittine biceps more power. mere o am ut vanta e20,000 hardware and housemure items an show. Thte trend luntard toliiof miady inoading the ittia bundnntuîcbores revaluts rot un Americai rmanuacturer who plted iota mornai and fouîd thte ladies mere atreado doiîg man etftthe borne repaies. Canodian hardmarerpro- pIe tiinb Canudian üantanitoad iv jusi us bonds - if given the righr teint and o bit u ofamow-owt, sites upitada the job hçeself rathar titan mit until oid gruucity gasthie lime and the inclination io da mbatever is neaded. Onty Il par ceit tif the wmmn sur- veyed frit îhey cuuld neyer ceari ta ha thte bandy types. But 85 per cent of thte busbuîds mare al tac thea mmn ce. ptociîg tup mshers, painting, installine brurbets, rafinishing furniture. usyine flaur tua. uroipupering, patchiîf iîdam sereans. repoîriof sicking vindamv, aid mai putiîg new plugs on enec tricot up- pli aire cordi. Nuts and bouts, mashers andc cci îoits are baing pre-puckaged in culiv> phona tuertaem fagnera tian utofs>- mai mho probabis dont khor a fiai head tram oa stana boit, but con pick tut whot tey muni whan tibm sceat ontha hardware siteit Santa ut the nent praduc vîon showî this seaurmare a tafioncua lad snowt shîts- ai that tubes it rosier for bhessines tu shuvel out the divesan lIt ganna ba% ana.,I1vieur it); a tinte .utîînated ta-vn sprinkler ut5 îhich sou diat thc exact aonunt ut mter desired: a 12 gadiget ta siphon gui fron the acar tank inhen Jh awnam maer runs dcv; a readv-mix mortue tue touching up ttvanrv: and vuvy-biudad shears toc trimmine the badge. PEEKING INTO MILTON'S PAST lie.. 0. A. MURRAY of Onagit waî a Wall- shows Mr. Murray end an entptoyaa, th known wett driller in te arty part of drill rg, the steant engin. whtth ope dime oeniury, and visiild many district alad tae drill and tte wafar tank whic tomes wlit his impresslve walt-drtlltng carried mater for the slaam angine. dig. The photo, toanad by Art Hgglns, 1At sunset Photo by W. Merle Gny WeIco'me djt4 con9tyotatiolt Two signittrani avants scheduled ibis web indicate te develupmeni of the cammanity and iii graming paît. tion ai importance. The afficiai opening ot the prou- inces nom Ontario Sehaul tacrlite Deaf is an event ai paticular importance, urnderlining the tumni istrategir location. Befure te oyes uft tiis area a nom pru- vnielinsitrutton bas taben shape that ýauthocîtatively reognized as the maîr modemn un the North American contin- ont. Brtck by bricb, building by bud. ng te prajeri bai uncalled in front ut us, lis ffert bai been toit gradu. ally as nem peuple have been moirant. ed ta the cummanity, and as students have ruben their place in local churches and ai spocial evenus t s a sehoul that moans mach. Tu the parents ot deaf chittdren tix an oppartunity tacrtthe beit in educatian using the maît modern equipment and facilities. Fac many ofthtie staff it s a deîirable type of empluymeît nut pre. viously availabla. For the cumntunity il i lîbe a nem tndustry emplnyingog e 250 mith an annual budget ot appruni. mately $2.000.000. Foc the tumn it s une ut the besi possible udvertiîements. bearing as it dues the designatian Mii- ion. lis establish-ment ai Miltoneffetitue- y underlineî the importance ut the tamnis geographical location. The ather event reflerting the* gromth un!ldevelopment ut the -tumn and area i the expansion ai Milton District Hospital, mhich mili heoafficials apened an Satorduy. Truly a communi- iy projeer, the haîpital is une of the maxi vital cummunity services. its establishment bas mode paisible a htgh calibre ot mediral service and lte ability for patients ouita be re- muved ta distant points for huspitalira. tion. The staff of the boîpîtol bas moto- taîned a qaality of service and care that bas mon prouse front many patients. Tbe addition ta ho opened cet lents the grumtai the acea, but it alto shoms the qoolity of the peuple elected ta the Board of Directurs. Additions are not mode loy the moue ut a magie mand. t tubes cacoful planning. many houri ot delibecations. the stamnina tru overcome frustrations and the ubility ta reacit decixians. The tact the additton s being made mithaut a generat appeal toc tonds ta the public is probably te maît dramnatie indication ot the rare and planning store the hoipitals inrep- tian. The hospital is une ut the carner- stune services ufthtie rummunity, and tii expansion is une in miticitthe on- tire tao and ditrict may tube pride, mitile uffering speciai rommendatian ta, the adminiîtcatur and Board for their mark. Tu bath the Ontario Sehoul toc the Deat mhich vme utttrially moirume, and ta the Milton District Hospitali n miicit me tube pctde, the boit ut meathor and tacoit in voar officiai openingi. Page .9t 6iet/eda This issue ut The Champion marks For 107 peari lTe Champion hai Sbeen appearing regularly and repurting cunsiiiently on the day by day evoîts that transpired trot the pre-Cuitedlera- tian days ot ils fuunding through the birtb af Canada, the changing complex- ion ut a tumu, the mur yeari, te de- velupteni and grumth years lu the present. As me raad lait maek ut the deaah oi a Hew Yorb namipaper. tamperad frunt the autîci by strife and phenam- anailtosseî. me mondered if il might nul houe taben ai mach initiative aid imagination bock in 1861 tu found Thte Champion es it did for thosa New York pubtishers ta try lu launcit a iucoess- tuliy mergad publication. n 1861 James Camtpbell moutdn't hava had riant probtern in labur reta- t ions, probably. He ikety onty had oie Sor bau amptupeei t tise ite.itiifour pg. paper had compatition, humevar. n tact Miltons hiilury is dottad mîit nemipapers. The Hallun Journal and te saine others, pra-datad Tisa Champion ar- by neàrly a decade, Just titis year we ýih entruited lu the Provincial Archivas some earty copies of tise i-laton Journal ltai hadl conte nia uur cora. Wiih titans mont a Ina, later capes of Thte Milton Reformer tal also second te tomn for a number ut yearî. Te Champion purchased The Re- former and endod the Ima-paper tamn tradition in the 1930s During tbe 107 years of iThe Chant. pians existence there have beon dram- atir changes. Gone are the continued noveis mhich were regutar front page features. Gaeies te laborioaily as- sernbled hand set type that mas gatit- ered latter by letter ta tel the meebiy avents. Gaie. are the rumbling slow presses that heaaed mightity aider the thrust ut matar pomer ta press paper on type. But tht tradition ut The Champion lu report the Multon aid district eveiti foin5 aind effertiveiy, ta îpeab practi. caity aid uîderîiandingty and ta ap- pear regutarly bas, me hope, been maintained. For the paît 16 years me have been chargad mith the r.spoisibiiity utfnmain- taining the traditions thaf have kept The Champion aive mhite meeting lte practirat reqairemeîts cf efficiency and modernizatiun. The rommunity daierves a goud nemspaper aid ail ut us who labar to pruduce It hupe The Champion may be regardad that may or aur ef- forts miti hava been in vain, Sugar and Spice b y b i 11 s m i1e y Didi you read ln the papers recentty about some drug, devetoped by a Ru- manian lady doctor, wbich keeps yoa yuung? Apparently tl marks wonders. Otd 'Kunrad Adenauer, mha packed it i nut long ugo, scell inoa is nineties. mas a rgular customcr. Wivb I cuid Set my hans usonne uf thait t. In tact, dont bcesurprised il vou term that t'm att ta Ramania this sommer. It's appalitng vvhat tbev aspect us oId fans ta do tbese days. Wbeas 1 was 30, I knese I couldotl keep up the puce mach lunger, and louk- ed larvsard ta fle beginoing ut 40, Wbeo 1 bit 40, t toand mvselt ranning faster thon ever, stilt on circles. Nom t'm scondering mhetber they letvsuaouat ut the rat race ut 50, or mbetber sua just keep guiof antil sua run al thoe other rats toto the round ttc tait fIat an saur faulish face. Dead. Trouble is. there are altsavs nem vaang rats jaining the marathon.,vnicb mahes tl cougb on as matuare rais. ee thuugbtsve've gotaur second wind. Its tut the regulat %vcrk bhat gets me. No. 1Icame ram bard-tsarbîng pcas- ant, puritan stock. and bom that oua hase ta tvorb bard ta pet rich and/or ta heaven. lits the other sveek piled on top afift that mabes me camc out an 80)-bouc laser. ced mcd, sarto. fraacled and tractiaus. il's wben tbey expert me ta be, in addition, as a bonus, a culture voIture,a saciets' baltertîs, o dedicated cammanits mucher, a fine busbaod and tather. and a geoccal handsman. that i rapidîs be- camne a dam' aid grantp. as mv daagbter saccînc tî poitsit. Last weeb mas a doe. and nat untspical. Mandas, rush hantessrittccl- amo, tbey stratght att ta music festival. Sataon bard chair tram 7.30 ta 11.30 pm. mhen daagbtcr plased. Worth ilsohen she toob highest mark in the festival, but bad sture hum al Orsi dan. racsdas, taaght my omo classes and gave gaest lectace. Grade 10 iv "doing- he invasion ut Narntandy ia histctry, sinc 1 %as theonlY avalableiving rlc aI the battle, mas avhed ta tel]I hem same htghltghts. Like hum aur air lurcre bornbed aur troops at Caen. Lîke how rny squadron dive-bombed a German bridge three days in a ram, 60 tons of bombs, tbree aircraf i tost, and neyer knocked a chip of concrete off the thing, though we did kilt a lt of fish in the river betow. This la koown as living history and I had ta do an encor e the next day with anuther grade. A pack ut "otd sweat' lies, but they ate tl up. It mas't in the book. Af tee schaol, acted as judge in speak- ng contest. Wednesday nighi final con- cert of music festival winners. Kim picked ap an armfut of sitver cups, which hetped ease anutber raw rump front brcea bours on mooden chair. Thursday nighî, Library Board Meeting. Friday atternoon, presented prizes ta winners n speaaing contest. Friday night, school band concert. with daughler playing drumts and another bard cbair. Pain in rear sligbtty eased by pusl-cancert pacty svbich produced pain in head. Saturday. Open flouse aI sehoat. English department disptay in my ruant dress'mach attention. Ketchup on fluor indicated last scene ut Hamlet, which we did in the faIt, and smatt pile ut ashes an ftoor indicated remains ut Saint Joan. which sce finished tast week. Visitars deeplv impressed sitb nem reatism in teacbing Engtish. Saturday n1ght; fougisi aIl evening wsitb tsife and daagbter. Latter wanted tu gc. ta teen dance, despite fart she had trouble staying awake because ut atter. 0000 and eveniog rehearsals attmens. To every une ut whicb t drove ber and picked ber up. Spent att dav Sunday taoking for receipts tu vend witb incarne tan returo, une sseek ta te. Here i is Monday and calumo night again. And the lamo isn'l raked. And tumarrovo night t have lu play for the Russian Biltiard Chantpionshiputftthe curling club. witich closed tbree weeks ugo. And hours ta go Meore t steep. Aid boucs tu go hefura t steep. Please pas tihe Rumanian Gerovitat or wbatever. Pages of the Past f front champion filei 20 years ago Tabeniro lthe issue of Tise Canadiai Champion May 8, 1947. Wî noars tramt Miltan ut Pari Music Festival beid ai Part Credit last mark inciacled- Itoder nine sears, tirsi place. 88 machs. Suan Gîîmiand lgaid madali: Duet undvrIl vears, second place. 84. Laurie Steve nson and Cucol Siesmnsîîî, Isilver medal,);Guet under t3vsars, fvturtb place, 8I machs, Jaînet Faseer anS iSsisia Stcnensoî loiasardl Tbrse ara papîls iof Mignon Taigmano. Me ain stith itetîbt riendv nn asimndîng congrata. laitions ontc-i r vucces anS ibmfine vheiiiing ibas made i n sirîof c'mpeti- H-,IectaS ibc ibm largesi spechird not cauîgist near Miltona, vt landed bv Phîtîts Ruticla .t Mondan eveni ng svn c-rat litîtinsres yards narîb iof Martin', dett iiisîttude tha ton lumits. Phit v.îî,lhe îîîvîîsîg an inespensise raS îtbeiî ilc large mb isruck ai tha hait. i tii %isahd ibre paunidv on tmsî ditterant .île nd ci m svr-d I8and one hait incises in tangtb. Tîseti s. undrcd copies ai ibm Champion isere distribaîrd itu vabscrib- aist'[his\sîee A 1939 bouse bhat raquiredSI.000 usureSiof tomber mautd vhosv a lumbar cisiof 2,828 ,îî the presen t tinte, mhicb ginsrtisareavon si-bstibm oadmun iv mnt sparîng buattiruc titise dans, sans tha Chavel -Enierprisa 50 years ago Taken iroc lthe Issue af Thte Canadiaa Champion. May 10, 1917. Alntovt immediatats utter Ibm declur- attun cf mur bs the United States againvt Ga.rmanv. action for velactiva sacsice con- scription mas tuaien Canada bas brai at mur nearIý ibreyears valuntars an- tistmanî iv ut a standstiti, thougs Ibous- aîds of raceuits are maoted ta capture recent aid caming trantendoas Canadian lasses in -France, set Sic Edmard Kemtp, Minister ut Militia. totd the flousa of Cottons tatmark that nu scitama for rumputtor vverni ce bad ban aider con- sideralion, Bafora this Sir Robert Bar- dan had bren talking in England of "vigomous actiaon by Canada. Wbat dld ha meai? Anytitint? Prom a soldier's lettar bute - "Juil a tam lunes ta ltlyubomI am ut tiiot alant alrigt. 'My muund is paintat, but îui daîgaraus. 'The ballet ment right ttrough my leg, but wmtte titaik- fui il is nu muese. t haven't sean any ut ttceteillai boys tac iota tinte. t guesi 4tera arei't maîy or tem tefI. t don't kont etter t mîlI gel ta, England or nul. I certainly tape I du. as there lisa lut gotng. Be sure tu, keep ibis latter as Il h s ritten an Occitan note puper. I 100k JIoff ttc fellum ltaI &hot te. t tamis yukinw sett appened lat irn. t bave tIis btît and bayonet. tua. WIII try ta îendthem hote."5 100 years ago Takais[rntmlte Issue ai Tisa Canadian Champion, Ntea, Mbay 9, 1967. Great peepuratians ara beiîg made inMilton tac tha clebration af ber M , ietvs tb birtbdas in a manier ha- cîoting layai people. The votuoteer campans w illtam oui by ordreofutihe Cammander in Cbiei aid tire a feu de jie. A large amaunt bas subsccibed for gantes, races. etc. aid a gurgeaus pro- cession ut Caluibumpians mil parade the vîrcecs, arrusedin o stty robas, and ha dus miilcanctude mith a grand te- unian af the institate. Suraty titis is a tilt ut lare ta sait the musi seosatioaa tas- tes, and %me rîpeet taIra aeur stricts onerfiaming mith sigbt sean uon titat day. The Frussian press ramplains flt France is stili cantiîuing bar tiîitary praparatiais. Lust mark o mon living an the Guelpht Ruad. baimeen Cuntpbelîviîîe aid Haltînnitte, tous found druS in bed. Cause af deuth unhiomi, suppoîrd ta ba ceint întantperaoca. THE CANADIAN CHAMPION Pubilhad bithe lie lia Printing and Publishins Co. Lsd Mian.ak ng Fdir -tantes A.Dits% Ne I diie -RcivE.Dais 4dvertiîig Mgr. - Hde Pertes P,îblîshed cvary Wedaesday as 191 Matît St., Mitoni,Ontario. Member ofi ibe C.nadiai Weebiy Naes- pupers Association and lte On- ari Wcebly Nemipapers Asocia. lion. Subscription raies payable tnadiance, $4.00 i Canada; 17.00 Inait couitries alter titai Canada. Adveising ita netea an the ctndition thiît, in tihe aiait e a tyncaacaaisiias, ibistorion ai tieavnionîa s %m o-uaindt he ln rmnnu. attiisitaaai als mîsniintnb e lwnt fIr atuo. Witnost ha ru oltnt asta'snt ai theaarrtiaemenit in ie hi uto tr ai li a accimisîacati. Intelavnant of a tyluteactsiciaccic oras- artiig cinaor eeiam at à ecasa eit. samas ., e-leu ai l met buiW. &dmcaaig eh mcleai t ae la asti and star bi eithdrmet ai ia iai Auîtuorized as Second ClasMIl me lita Poil Office Dapartmanl, Ottawa ----------

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