1() The Canadian Champion, Wodnooday, May 10, 1967. WITH A RUSH, mater splled inlo the MilI Pond ast week as morks saperntendent Bruce Mc- Kerr and hie crem removed the dam aI the met end. The mater poared je throagh the deepened channel, washieg debris and sult throagh the pond and flooding again the long dry pond. Water to a depth of about t1t feel accamlated ai the nom spillmway and cascaded DRUMOUIN Two hnp quiees enioy Ss ,en's centomk Jshow By Mms Ceeil Paiterson The centenniai show ky Si. Stephens Sidesmen giren je Percy Merry sekool on Priday and Saturday eeenings drew large audiences at both show- ngs. As sual. tl as a happy lime of music. jokes and fan. Prvceed.s skoaid hlp the ilh- rary fond to provide more books. Tms yoaegsters who had rue amas from their homne in Ochnille caasrd a it of os- cernent ai Drumqain corner on Fridas mornieg about 6 a Mw su thîey mre noiiced itcb bciking on Trafalgar Rd. Polîcca mre notilied and t- tarnced the children to their wrirried parents. Ail fsi'ers are urged to at- tend a meeting to be heid ai Stemaritome Hall on Monday, May 15, ai 8.30 p.m. The meet- ing is to plan for the march on the ioderai govromeni at Ottawa on May 24. It s lbure- cd that becauso of discropanc ies on tbe 00w dairy pciicy, mill shippers and larmers of into the creh holow. A tomporary snoom ence mas erected ai the dam anti1 a railing ran be erected to proteci children mho gathered near the deep end mater. Workmen are skimrring the debris that is seuh floating clown, each day. until the mater course je cleared oI ac- cumlated material. Mr. and Mms Andrrw Trisch- ler, Mr. and Mrs. Steve Trencs and lamily. aed Mr. aed Mrs. Hery Nowak aed familu scre fine hosts for the occasion. ail commodities iii receler less for their prodaco thae ihey did je 1966. Farmers [rom ail paris of Ontario, Oaehec and al of Cao- ada will present iheir briel and march on May 24. Birikdap grotinge to: Andy Treocr, May 7; lady Gordon, May tl; Norman Hilson, May t; Robert Itiieono May 10; Ter- ry Cote, May 13 ;Tom Caikoan, May ; Steen Prestige, May 5: Chartes Hill, Mas i4; Sharon Hill, Mas 2. Hfornhy Greenhoases held Open House on Sanday. May 7. Large na mkors enjoyrd ihe 20 greenhoases filled with zkoice blooms of ail varieties 3,f mams. carnations and a host of others. Gorgeous gera. noums of many cotors, plants readv to he set out je flowr beds, fiats of tinr cacti, hegon. jas and onions, made one fr01 ikai ose shouid stant gardon. ing. Doaghnuis and coffemre served tothe mans visiiors aI- ter fhe tour mas compeied. Ga çrde,, Lne, off AMII St. 878-44l ST. GEORGE'S Program of games at pot Iuck dinner By Mrs. H. Richardson On Friday evening, April 28 apot luck dinner mas held in Si. Goarge's Anglican Church hali, Louwville. Those attend- ing of tbe aduit metokers en- joyed a lorely dioner and a preigram af gantes afterwards. On Wednesday evening, May 3tihe A,C,W. of the Afternoon Branch of St. George's- church spansored a euchre in the hall. rhe prize winners wete ladies, 1fr- Melford Culling. Mrs. Ed- g!ar Ellenîcu and Mrs. Jane llaches, men, Pcv. Elia, V. Bradley and Harold Middle- brook. Fire destroys station wagon Milton Fire Depariment ans- 's.-red thrce alarms during the pasi wcek. inciading a hiaze which complcicly desiroyed a stration wagon at Guelph Jonc- tion Tharsday. The lire appareotly siarted n earbae ijethe rear af the vehicle. umned kv Robert Wood. On Tuesday a damp truck oned kv A -ind Z Haalage took tire soatk of Multon mith Little dama ge resa ltinà and Saindar a chimnev lire mas re- portcd ai the homne of G. Pros- idgeon BaseLine Road east of Hornbv. No :nîaries mcre reported ln or, )l the incidents. -Local high school Grade 12', repart a grand lime ai Ex- po 67 un the meekend. -Gradation piniares are we!comc ai The Champion. Dropsvoar- jn with information ,ibot ai rIscarse, and share the goodnd cmv ith yoar friends. ~~ÎCE LAÜT0 E0DY SERVIICU Service ye" cm .iw.ys cout M Wher oar mon de the job of painting or fix ing the body of pour cor, poa ro sure of the besi. BILL'S AUTO BODY 29 878-2721 M'in Sa 878-3251 KINDERGARTEN ENROLMENT NASSAGAWEYA TOWNSHIP Ail chldros hors ln 1962 (proof of ago raqulved) will rogister on Frday May 12 as follows:- Those residing north of 401 highway - Brookviîîe Public Schooî Mr. K. F. Trowbridge - 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Those residing south of 401 highway - Campbeîlville Public School Mr. J. S. Watson - 9 a.m. to 12 noon -ANNOUNCING HOMETOWN FORIST JOHN AND. RUA WiLSON Phone 8773817 fIr,411Occasions W. Specialize in .. CORSAGES AND F UNE RA L DESIGNS ~'4le ANDO. ~ WEDDING ARRANGEMENTS 19 'THIS US UT'O L11îP LAST THREE DAYS GREAT MAY SALE Tunffnew <Thrdey) 1, the beginin ii ofthe fina! three eys of Our auy Sule. Due ta the thausuads iàwadful peaple- wha shapped Ryoar's driag the first ten days ai the saie, we land thut mach ai aur proeviasly advertised njerchuralse j gaoe. Therefore w. have r.-grouped and in many cases re-priced, to bring you the best values pos- sible. We have aven added new merchandise which was meant te replenish our very depleted stockl When we say that this is our "Greatest Ever May Sale'#, we mean iust that. You wil thinlc so, too, if you shop Ryan's tomorrow. Ryan's, the store where the customer can be sure of the savings . .. values you'll recognize as first rate. When you have completed your shop- ping, visit our office on the 2nd floor and wewiIl gladly reimburse your bus fare (with the pur- chase of $1000 or over). 9 t. 10 .m. Specill Reg. Vlees ta $129 a Yard FABRICS Choose f romn gabardine, tweeds, and cordine flannelette. 36" and 45 idthsi n the groap. The qaantity je limited and me sug- gent that yoa ho at the store ai 9 a.m. to take advontage of Ihis offor. 47-wyd 9 t. Il a.m. Special Values te $800 MEN'S SPORT SHIRTS Mens kniftod long-sloeve sport shirts and shor-leovo shirt-lacs. Sizos mostly 'umali bat tho value ile"big.' 1.57 9 a.m. to 10 a.m. Special "Delsey" Bathroom TISSUE Genaino Delsey.. White and Colorod I LOW PRICE OF ONLY ...........2 9 a.m. to il ..Special NYLONS Our regular .59 quality nylons. '<ou SAVE a 3PAIR ONLY 1 MENS 9 tolO0 a.m. Specli "SCOTT TOWELS" The wondorfal hoasehold towel with 1,000 ases. White and col- ored. TWIN ROLL 9 a.m. f0 10 a.m. Spe«iai BOYS' CASUAL PANTS Ail cotton mash and W..,r Canodian mode. Sîzos 10 to i1B COMP. VALUE TO $49U NOW ONLY 1.44 SU UTS This wonderful selection Of aIl wool, two piece suits is a specie1 purchase of the entire floor stock f rom a Ieading men's clothing house. Choose from a wide range of fabrics in the season s most popular shades. Sizes 36 to 46. 38.5 2 SU UTS for 70.m [his is your opporîunity to purchase a quality garment at a fantastically Iow price. Of course you may use your charge account! If you do flot have a Pyan's charge, visit our second f loor office tomorrow and apply for one. ATTENTION MEN AND YOUNG MN I HERE IS YOUR NEW SPORT COAT FOR SPRING & SUMMER Smartly tailored by a eading Canadion Sportswoar House, thon. "Madras" check sport coats cornein blue or brown tones. They'ro nnat, cool, com. fortable. Can ho used for Sprng and ail Summer. Sizos 36 to 46. REO. $2500 Nw0' 0o 1'~~ Vour WIN YOUR MOTHER A LOVELY GIFT FOR MOTHEIRS DAY Just clip this coupon end f111 t out. Seing 18 ln te sur mm0 end you May h. one of the 8v Iucky people te Win Motlmhorhr Mothor'. Day Glft. The Draw will ho Mode Sassrdoy, May 13. <A skîli testlng queulOn Must ha enswom.r. 15S WYNDHAM STREET SAVE .41 EACH ON SCATTER MATS Ranbom strîpos, skid-rosisîant bécking. 24" x36".- Reg. $1.98. Now Only 1.57 Moîhers Nome...................................... Vour Nom. -........... .................... Addross.............................................. Tolophono .............. . ............ . RYAN'S of 'GUELPH "AT THE CROSSWALK" 9 arn. to Il a.m. Spedal Boys' SPORT SHIRTS Chooso f rom an assorîmont of plain shades and checks. Sizos 8 80 18 in the groap. REG. VALUE TO $298 NOW ONLY Y97 REGULAR VALUES TO 75.00 EACH YOUNG - FRESH ROASTING 5-6 Ibs.c Avg. l Oven Ready 5 HALTONPULRYPRODUCT L a