Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 10 May 1967, p. 1

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~ke Elîampiou MUtna ownanepaea. Somma îlte Cnouiy for Mil? r MILTON, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, MAY 10, 1967 Authoried a. Second CI.Mail Thirîs--Six Pages.-Ten Cents. Miltons 5rcher'? Give limestone block for miii pond cairn Toronto nsay have its bronze Archer . . . but Milton is 10 have ils limestone bloclk. Milton Couacil Monday agreed to use a block ut lime- si me as ils cairn marking the towns cetenniai project at the Mill Pond. Centeniai Manager E. R. Pearea, authorizcd last week 10 tovestigate -the possibility, re- porled Milton Quarries would donate and load an eght ton block of limestone he had sel- ecied for moutiaf at the pond ite. Three surfaces would be Fwvners dscus ,à" cht. Otteam, at az.etiagshm IMcal aners May job aà 0nari f. Oumaw" on May 24 as lhuee county orgnazizaona, tb, Raàton Federadon cf Ae cultu.5 RatIon Hog Produema nd Malton County Mlk iCon. mltee pans omergencp iBe«-. ings tisiweela 10 dlaeuaath governinent'a ew la ederaidaiey polley and Sgmal aga4euftueal Desmil Laenn.ncv of H.F.&. and Georg e Petl telo of the MlIii comilîe bave emalu a mieting of mein. bera for mml Monday, Rap 13, at Stewartswo Hall. Raque.- Ing, beemglnt a UNpin. where fariner. can obtin fI- formation on the prolm eeldn- omi.taio piaonsd for the fol lw vwd The Rog Producenimeeing le cedul.d for th Millomi Inn aI 1.30 p.m.Wedseeday, Rapt17. Phoney $5 Local mercitants are bibg warned 10 be on te lookoul for bogus 55 bis, la addition to the phoney $10 and $20 bis bat have beca circulatiag in the district receatly. Three fake $5 bis turned up la Oakville last week. dressed for te attachmeat of titrce bronze plaques. A rougit sketch of te area at the front of the pond wa. also aubmitted. indicating a pos- sible location of the Block, flower beds and other laad- scapiag features. Il was agreed plans would not be advanced 10 include a gas-ighted flame an the cairn. Reiabersasaked an investiga- tion :)f ownersitip of the sut ba'tk of the creek te, determine whetber il was a towa respon- sibilily t10 dean it up or mitetier the land was privately owned. Purchase of a flag pole for the pond site mas t0 be pro- ceeded witb. following sugges. tions for changes an the design. Four injured in 25 crash Four persons were seriously iaîîtred in a ltead-on collision between a car and a pickup truck on highway 25 soutb of Speyside early Saturday mora- ing. The accident ruined a 25. yesr accideîît-tree driving rec- ord of William Stewart of Jer- scyville. wh-3 was on is way home fromt a banquet where he was awarded a sale driving ci- tation and a citeque. Mrs. Joyce Stewart and a passenger, Mrs. Aice Vagg, 63, of Toroto were ail hospital- ized an Oakville aler titeir car and the northbound truck driv- en by 28year-old Bruce Shep- pard of R.R. 2 Rockwood collid- ed on a csrve on te brow of the mountain. Police vitre stit investigatiaf the violent crash today. Mr. Stewart suffered a brok- en lef t leg. concussion. abras- iosas and multiple facial lacera- lions. Mes. Stewart had a broit- en arm. facial lacerations. con- rulions and a possible chesi injury. Mes. Vagg had citesi and internai injuries and con- Thec truck driver had several fractured ribs and facial lacer- ations. and was hospitalized la Milton. 0.MB. uphoids appeal on McWiIliams land An appeal by Milton Plan- ning Board againat a Milton Commillec of Adjusîment de- cision grantiaf P. K. HcWii- liamts 0f Oakviile perttission 10 separate a loI noctit 0f Higit ide Dr. in Milton, bas been upheld by te Onario Munici- pal Board. A ieariag was taged la Hil- ton Council Chtambers on Wed- nesday of lasi mccii. ater te Committez gave te omner ap- proval and te Planning Board objected. Thse Board tetlfled. titrougit citairman M. S. Keraigitan and lzlting te omner build a home on te ondeveioped parcel of land mas "piecemeai devziop- ment" and aay dzvelopmznl should await an overali pla of subdivision coveriag te va- cant fields in te ares. M. McWiliams osens te soutit hait of Lot 372, sehict fil il te extension of a short roadmay called Ridge Drive taI ruas nortit tram Higitide Dr. near Elon St. Ne planned t seli te 131 by 120 f001 lot seest of te Ridge Drive exten- sion 10 Kennetit Elsiey 10 build a bouse. and pcomised 10 ex- tend te raid 132 fzet and pra- vide sewer and waler service for te boyer. "Th '0",. la my opinion. sitould be asistiaf me" M. McWiliamts tld Ibe heanng. Hz said il was impossiblz 10 assemble al lte 14 acres of land nortit of Higitaide Dr. and wesî of Ontario St. 10 put il under onz placf subdis-ision, as titere are a dozea owners. He citallenged te councils freeze on subdivisions tai bas been la effedl for about aine years. "Thte situation la te lose la desperits- for build- ing lots.,ite said. '«How con 1 put forth a plan of subdivision when te toma council is bock- ing subdivsions? itz wanîed t0 knom. Planning Board citairma Keraigitan suggested il waa 001 praper planning 10 "frit off a loit erezand lhee for a home. Tiis type cf devziop- ment destroys te shole con- cept of planniag." He suggzst. ed if a ful1 subdivision mas plaaned for te area, te eoad migiti not follow te pattera the applicînt mas atlemptiag to have appraved 00w. Me. Keraigitan sid te plan- nets oct as "triffic policemen who guide tiings" towaed or- derly devetopment. not te pol. icy-setlzra Me. McWiliams sug- gzated ehey should be. "Traffie policzmen who say 'stop' ad neyer say 'go," came M. Mc- Williams' retort. MILTON DISTRICT HOSPITAL ADDITION, ALTURATIONS OPININO SATURDAY ONTARIO SCI400L FOR THE DEAF OPENS ON FRIDAY APTERNOON Two special sections salute openings at Hospital, O.S.D. An addiionil 18 pages of fealure reports ad pichuets haif of Ontorios deai avd itearing-împaired chi n titis weeks Cînîdiav Champion mark the officiai openingos b 21, will be officially opeved at 2 p.m. Frida tii veekend of te Ontario Scitool for the Deaf and the Public Works Ray Conneit and Minisier of fdL addition and alîerîîmonî il Milton District Hospital. Above. Divis miilsbire in te ribbon.svîpping dut atri el photos of te completed Hospital and 0.S.D buildings estimaled 450 ivs-ted guests. show witthelto ok like f rom 1.000 feet op. Te hospitll originalîs- opened in 1959 at a cot of Tite tiird section of titis mezits piper i os-e $800.000, itas b een expanded f rom 53 ta 83 beda during page "sale to O.S.D., prepared by Citampio te pat year and tite second f loor addition. new services and assistance and co-operation f rom a itost ofs extension of eislîng services colt $1.300.000. Dr. M. B. suppliersanmd contractors. lante six-page fouit Dymond, Ontarios Minisier of Healt., will be on hînd te, gratultors- messages f rom conîractors andsIr officialîs- open thte addition Sîturdîs- atternoon ai 2 p.m. and by staff photos and aricles on teitospital te general public s iteartils- melcomed to attend te ceremons- histors- tellte stors- of titis vital service in oLr and tour tite facilities. O.S.D., an $111/4i million complex including complele Addilional copies of te special sections residential. academic and vocîtional training facilities serving availîbte ta guesis at bot openings on thte we "It usît doeant seem poa- sible." "Il seemo luke we joît drgam- ed il ail", a woman in Kilbride said Monday, in the afler. math of Canadas biggest man- rocked Ibis tiny community of 200 during the pant two weeks. Tht Invasion of hundreds of police. -thousands of volun- teers, aewsmea, helicopters, army and militia troops. air- planes and EMO. forces wbich joined l inte tt.day searcit for litt1e Marianne Scbuett. the moissisp girl witose pli g ht touched the hearts of lte na- tion, bas lefi a deep impres- sion on tite people of Ibis quiet homlet. Onîy lime can crase sucit a gruesome memory as the trail ut esents tai began a t 4 p.m. that sunny atternoon, TiursIday. April 27 witen Mari- anne disappeared. Wiie people accoua lte la- tion grieved for tliteutIle girl and ber famiiy, lte people of Kiibride were dumfounded 10 tiiak taI such an atrocity could itappen titere. Thte vil- lage, weit over 100 years old. is a closely-knit communils- with its fuill share of churcit and social activities. witere everyone knows everyone else on a first naine basis. When lhey fully realized the implications of te girls dis- appearance - possibly kidnap- ped for a ransom, or grabbed sp and carried away by a de- mnted pervert-the residents (Staff Photos) of te village feit the loss as they mosld feel te loss of one of titeir own loved ones. Ia a city. a Marianne wootd be missed by ber famiiy and close friends, and there il would end. But la a sinati community like Kilitride. tte familys soreow was te com-. munitys sorrose. The Scituetîs were as seeli known in Kilbridr as moît of dldren aged five te other residents. Me. Scitu- Jayi Minisier of elI works of Ford in Oakville. .His wife is a member of lte JUCtion William Scouts' ladies' auxiliary and ac- lies. before an tiv-e in lte cochez club. Titey arc a very nice couple, always friendiy.ite villa fers say. s a special 12- The oldestamon John, 15, ta on staffers mitit a member of te Scout troop school officiais.in te village. Thte yosngest la 1h section, con- Stephen. five. sebo attends kmn. ippliers. backed dergarten classes at the scitool Ws growth and r commuvity. s miii 1w made oeekend. One suggests Miil St. parking Receive 18 objections to Mary St. plan Elgitîean leters of objection 10 te estimated local improve- ment chtargcs for donstruction Prà ttuight Legion Ladies' Auxiliaries for Zone B7 will toid teir an- nsai zone rîlly. tigitligitted its a parade tram te Legion 10 te cenotîphin l Victoria Park tonigitî lWcdnsdîy). Mes. Joyce Murdoff, pecsid- cal of Brincit 136 L.A,. s ex- pecîing close 10 200 womcn for te parade and meeting. Tite parade miii be led by te Lorne Scots Band 10 lite ceno- tapitand hîck. Mes. Muedoff mutlo y a rezati as iilte provincial and zone command- Tite parade is due to0 cave te Legion at 7 p.m. and a brief service is sciteduicd 10 te pace il te cenotanit. 1 Keith Rohersoe pwnted te serge at effecive MuY 1 9,000 cars a day J. Keitit Robertson, a Consta- >e~ Council conc bic with thz Milton Police mun- icipal delacitment siace il mas formed sevea pears ago. ba$ulsng sr been peomoted 10 lite raak ofcos g sre Sergeant. effective May t. Plans by teretait sectionc Sgt. Robertîson, boraI ite Citamber of Cammerce t Campteliviuiz, bis livzd la Mil- block Main St. front Martinat to focrte past 10 yeara and Montgomery Lane for period wlîh te exception of fis-e peals on Juaz 2 and 3 i mitie refere mtea ite moniied aI Sudbury ta N back 10 lite commiflez by Mi the nickel mines, his apeat bts ton Couacit, foiioming a leaffi enlire lite 1 intis district. He count indicatiag os-e 9,000 ie serveed one pear la.liteAcmy, 1. iie a as iePa ciudlng six montita ta Korea. fice coraer. Prior 10 jotning the Hilton, The Citamber plans for a pio police. he moniicd ses-en peant motion progrant ins-olviag th as a guard aI the Oallon Coun- selecîlon of a Miss Hilton,, ty Jail in Milton. Sf1. Robert- pancake festival and cetai son ta maerltd and heu one son sales. includiag ciosing a ae and ome daightler. UG ETfRDETO in0 ie streef. of te parkiigarea ia conjun- ctilul uithte Mars St. iden- ing and sîraighîeniag have iteenereccived f rom property owners. Milton Cooncil was told Mondas-. Depols Clcrk Mes. A. Brusit esplaiaed coins of te object- ions mere filied its praperty omners on te nortit side of Main St.. altougit some itîd also come frocotose oante soutit side. Tht off alreet parking area s planned for te rear of soutit side Main. St. properties and wouid be made avoulable titeougithlie strîigitîzniag of Miesv St. Il had ast been deterntinzd mitetiter titere mas sufficizat objection, la lercos of asîessed value. b def'eat te plan for local impros-emeat chtarges. tna aler 10 Council, Hom- ard Griswold. owaer of ttc Centre Building il 181 Main oerned about et for Chamber of Couneil expremmed concern ta about the number of vehicles ta iavolved and the possibile re- ods action of mercitants la tihe area red affeoted. Councillor C. Johnson Wl- revealed the traffle count fig- fic ure and noted the Friday and ve Saturday involved were the Of- husiest two days of the week. The Chamber Committee was ro- to be advlaed of the traffle the count and merchants that i,* would be affected by lte street tai closing would be polied for ec- -thele reaction, before further conslderatlon la givea. St., suggesied te construction of te lot mould furtiter de- file te value of nortit side properîs- Hz questioned wity as one itas discussed utilizing or enproprialing pespeniies on lte nortit side sf Main St. and te rear of praperties on te soutit side of Mili St. He not- ed a lad already eisîs back of sine Main St. propemties and suggesîed il 1w znteaded 10 lalercepi an zitinand beimeen te Chtristie and Woods praperty and his prap. etv. miticit couid ten 1wen- lcnded 10 Miii St. Hz suggesied by taking a amai portion f rom te rear of zacit of ttc prapeettes. il would be possible to provide parking for a esasiderabie nucoier of cals mt an easy accesssla hstt Main and Miii Sîs. Mr. Gritwold offered 10 seli lte land frant Main Si.t. 1 te toma for Si pravidiaf te toma mould etend il loMiiiSt.,and taI tes-expeopriate a slino of land 10 etend ttc cast- mesi liai to10intercepi te norlt - soult lane. Council agreed 10 sîudy te proposai and asked lte asses- s0e lu prepare a sketch of Il. Possible suhîldies frac te Depirîmeat 0f Highmays mere t0 be invesligaled and a meet- ing arraaged mut lite Parking Auihorily for discussions. THE AUDUCTORt Police on Suadas- rcleosed titis atm sketch of tht min maattd la coanection mt tht disopptar- amet oi Maiante Sctuetti. 10, of Kilbride on April 27. Four mitatasea prosided idesa for tht drsming. witere 10-year-old Marianne mas a pupil of Mes. Irma Coul- Ions ciass. Tite childeen. 100. have fei Msariaanes loîs. Titey dont know allte implications of itee disappearance. but litey have waicited lte past Imo weeks' activities. Titzy know that Marianne, thiel scitool- maie. titeir playmate. ticir friend or their neigitior. lsn'I in ber seat in Mes. Coulson's classroom any more. And fear st11 sitrouds lte village. Parents are asking themmîlves. Witilit appen again? Are MY citildeen sale? Witt lite abductor retuen? Yet whlle they grieved. te villagers pitcbed la 10 help. Practicaliy evey able-bodied man lanlte commoaiîy itelped an sonte way - by joiniag te searcit. voiunîeering informa- lion. providiag transportation - fitey bent over backmards to te of assistance 10 lite police. Thte stories of persona] sacri- fice are many. but Ihzy do 001 regard lhemselves as heroes, only friends of lte fîmily mito did whai was espected oftem as residents of te community. And te womza morkzd, 100. For lte firsi fete days lte la. dies of Kilitride and district slruggied agaînît seemingly un- lContinued on Page Mine) Big search cafled off Tite searcit for Marianne Scitueil. missiag f romt Kilitride for 13 days. bas been calied off but thte. investigation inoa er myslerious disappearance con- tinues. Marianne and te min belles-- ed 10 have aloducted ber on Titursday, April 27." szzm 10 lave disappeared off te face ot te zactit,*0oe police off ic- e said lasI week ai lte ieigit of te investigation. Potlowlng a massIve searcci, tel mcd CanaJas largest on lte sseekend following itcr disap- pearance, about 200 police con- centraied ail lasI meek os de- lailcd searches of particular or- cas la norlt Halton. wititoul loch. Hilton E.MO. provided bol meals and a feeding van wicitmas uwed il Kilitride lUn- ited Citurci t aInoon. lten Iras-. elled0out0 lte fields mitere te mca w ere seîrching lanlte af- ternoîia. Womzn from lte Kil- bride commonily heîded by Mes. Andy Wetherell pitched la 10 hzlp te EMO. preniezte dianers. On Suaday. folloming one lasI big searcit with te as- sistance of 40 mca fron t1he Lorne Scots Regiment. Police cailed off lte searcit until more cluin to Mariannes w h ecrz- abouts come la. OP.. st have a titick file of lips t0 be followed up by dz- tectis-es and uniformed offie- ers. A nem sketch of the ibduc- t0e was released Sunday, indi- catiaf a younge-looking min titan lte jne dcpictzd in te first draîviaf. Milton O.P.P. Deîachmenl ta.. been busy sith reports and dlues on lte abduction, somz ot wii local officers investi- gated white lte rezt mere toca- rd os-e b toe O.P.P. hzadquar- tees building in -Kilitride. Sev- eai officers f rom te detacit- ment loined lanlte searcit last week. Burned-out family urgently needs house Dear Sic: May me appeal 10 you for iteip? We are one of te imo fam- illes compieîeiy buraed ouI near Milton juIl before laît Ncm Years. Aller a desperate searcit me iocited a bouse on Dundas Higitway la Oakvilic for 00e famiiy of ses-en and ,aosed la mitit furaiture, tira- iatiaga. cltling and food pro- s-bcd bF te people of te Hil- ton irea. Nom homes-e, titis itouse la condzmazd and me musi mos-e. but no suitabie housiag can 1w fouad. Wc bas-z covcred many. maay miles. uaing money badty needed for other thingu. lnaa usetesa azarets. Otur income, from drls-iog a brick truck, la amait and seryvariable, de- pendiag on te number and distance of trips gis-en. Hence sae arcesînable 10 piedge 00e- sels-es 10 a higit rentai. To cocoplicate tbings. our oldeal boy Ricky, as a resuit cf ltefiree, suffcrcd bis titird il- lack of retumatic lever and mas lante Sick Ciildrena Nos- pitl siace mid-January until a bouse suitibie for itis cire cao 1w fouad, and ie cao recoaia mitece be la for oniy i fese meeks more. If me failto10find a suitable bouse by Iben te Childeens Aid may have 10 lîke Rîcky mb lteir cuslody and so proiong bis absence front bis home and famiiy. Witl Iis may do 10 bis out- look oa fle morrnes us. We mccc wondering if you couid iteip us by making knoom our plighl 10, your readers la mitatever may you sez fit, lanlte bope tai somebody may be able 10 conte up itit a solu- tion. We sitooid be moal grale. fut. Wz bave received mucit ielp fronthlie Oîks-liie Weifare 0f- tîcer, te Hilton County Healis Unit.and te Hilton County Ciildeens Aid Society, but they cannaI heip us in titis probleco. We ae bcel zpd asrt in ii cleby tbe Ses-. J. K. L MeGoma of Knox Pres- byterian Churcit, Hilton, <170 Hala Si. E., 878-6066 or 878- 2652) mito mut be giad 10, gis-f you furtiter information if you need il. Aniosy, Mr. and Mes. Richard Mes-e. 356 Diacdas Htgitmay West, Datkyile. Vol. 108.-No. 1. Kilbride in sorrow' Village survives turmoil of search j mmunn ...... .... Dy the Post office Department. Ottawa 1 ëanabio on

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