Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 26 Apr 1967, p. 5

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LOWVILLE B rigo tcboe Tuk on Expo highlght BH rIton stockbridke ef henescàodf meetingHatn es an idt Hugis John Lush, a stock- csesean, Me. Luth, 42, tas eli and Niagara District. He Ey Mrs. Roy CeenlI Mr. and Mra. Erland Collng have relurned f rom a lseo week trip to Jamalca and ru- port a very pleasant ioliday. Members 0f fise Patrview -Homte and Scisool Association serre show stildes and ieard on informative lalk on Expo by a public relationns officer. Mr. L. MeNiece aItishe monts- ly meeting ast Wednesday nigisl. Mr. D. S. Lasleas, as- sistant diretor of educalion in tise Burlinglon scisoola, apoke on lise inlegralion of lise educalionai syslem fromt k- dergarlen 10 grade 13. Tise slsteld for parants' attendance aItihe meeting was won by M. E. Rilettes clase. The cnrennony f lise Sacra- ment of Bapism was par- formed ai Zimmermnan UJnited Cisurcis lest Sunday when Sean Patrick Glover, son of Mr. and Mms. James laver wsa cirislrned by Rev. -A. K. Grif- filins. At Lowvlle Unted Cisuris tis Sunday, Rev. Crif- filins clrsitlrnrd Karen Ruts. daugiter of Mr. and Mra. Poui Coulson; Theresa Anse, daugis- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Coulson; and Dean Edwn, son 0f Mr. and Mms. Philip Coul- ton. Tise fatisera o! Ihese in- fanrta are brolisera. Two baskets of whitie and gold chrysantisemuma and gyp- sophiia wrrrplacedt! nlise sancluary as a loken of ap- practation froin Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Auckand. Mtemnbemeof thes junior choir attil junior clurcis scisont tu- dents have been busy in Pme CAMPBELLVILLE Guide, Browi plan jint mg Dp Me. Geofe insu@e Frienda 0f James Ferrier sel be Soril, 10 iear ise is a pa- tient la Hilton District Hos- pitl, auffeing a Iear atiack laut week. Wr wish is m a speedy rcconvery. On Tuesday evenlng of lstI week Mr. mnd Mrs. Rusoell Hures rnlerlained 10 a dinner perty 10 bonor Mr. and Mrs. Johs Ktching o! Corwhin an tise occasion f Ieir 91isserd. ding annlveraary. Many cards and good wlshes were tender- cd lise happy couple as a sur- prie. Mr. and Mms. A J. Pelerson f 'R.R. Campisellvilte wrre dinner guesîs sellh tieir son asd family on Salurday. Mr and Mms. Denny Pelerson and sons ai Oakviite. Mu aCampbellvllle Cuide and Brunenie Ladies' Auxliary are isaving a com'ined meeting seti Drumquin Auxiliary or Tbusday, Aprit 27 evening ai the Macanie Hatl, Campbsel ville, vAien Mrs. S. Hendersor ASH Suurduyteu u sucessful Bp Mc. George Pelletterin Versa Tbompson et Tisur- day for Ottawa, Montreal asc New York, leannng New York Saturday for Washtngton wberi ste wilt be aîending tise 4-i- Conference Iis wrek. Sise ex pecîs la be home on Satordaý Margie Pelletlerio was oir ong te members of S-5 Skecno Sea Rangers fromt Pu linglon seio visited lotI weel end sitb Sea Rongera in Osi asea. Margie spent the sere end wilis Sharon Dckey of Os] Mra, Ray Celppu and Mr 'Murice Fint were luncisen guesîs on Wednesdoy wilb Me! E. Miis of Georgetown. . Mr. and Mrs. G. elleteri( Mrs. . Hill, David and Bon were dinner guesîs os Sunda wilis Mr. and Mms. Ted DeJea and famity o! Stora. Tise c casion sas tise 251h seddin annivrrsary ceebration for M and Mrs. DeJean. Tisey aIs visited ils Ses. and Mrs. Jol Cameron o Fergus. St. Lues Anglican Ciurc ladies betd tisir sprisg tc and sale o! home aking ai candy on Salurday afternoc Despite the anfavoraisi e mat er, il was qite successful. Ti lovety yelose and whitie qui mode asd donaîrd by Mrs. Ma lin Secord, mas weon by Pt Hendriksen ibe tacky dras% The Souta Malien Musie F( ivai wsa held tast week at t Club Calaxy. Oakvitte. Sever local cildrus pricipaîrd. T triple tria from Falermo scisi placed tiird. Mr. Kicaver. principal Mordes i'Public Scisoal. w V et speaker aI lise Pater om.se and scisont meting ft Honday nigis. He gave an o, lise o! tie unit systern In1 primory grades. seisiris 1, pected t0 start in Pater scisoot in lise fait term. M. and Mrs. Perey Kng Okakvillr were dinner gut Saturday evening nitia Mr. a -Ms. Wllam Mâadden. paration for the joint centen- -niaI concert ta be held Ibis -Friday night aI 7.30 in the jun- ior church hall. Ail parents and friendt are invited ta at- tend. April 22 in Lowville United church. Rev. A. K. Griffiths officiated at the marriage of EarI John Coulson and Dionne Jon ljpshow of Nelson village. Lowville United Churcis Wom- en catered for the dinner at the reception aflerwards in the cisurch hall. Anyone baving articles for the auction sale 10 be sponsor- ed by Lawvitle United churcis on May 6 and wishing a pick- Up is asked 10 phone Mrs. Er- le Gudgeon on the Burlinglon telephone line and Mrs. Roy Coulter on thse Milton ex- change. There will also be a quilt dlsplay in charge of Mrs. T. B. Ramshaw. Proceeds fromt ltse sale wHii go 10 the Mayfteld School for Retarded Chtldren in Burlinglon. Th Hi-C group, accompan- ied by their counsellors, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Barton and sev- eral others fromt the commu- nity, attended the American Folk Mass presentatian at Port Nelson UJnited church on Sunday evening. Several fromt Ibis area al- tendeti the silver wedding an- niversary party for -Mr. and Mrs. James Starr in Toronto on Salurday night. Former Farm Forun menabers witl re- caîl that Mms. Starr was the provincial secretary ror that organization and made many friends in thse rural areas. nie Auxilmaries ieeting, whist seul preside and court wist seuilI Se enloyed isy att. Friends o! Mrs. C. Carrett 0f CasepSeliville sell Se sorrv 10 isear nse is in Hilton Hos- pitl sitis a fractssred sisout- der. We seisis ber a spcedy re- ;t covery. Il Happy Sirtisday gredting 10 Anna Earty, Mrs. L. Mitchell. David NeseSold Jr., Shirley SiElo. Pisillip Maison and John Tneasdale. Wcdding anniversory greel. lngs 10 Mr. and Mes. Roger Maison on April 28. Fricnds o! David McMuIIen n Sr. o! R.R. t. Moffat. ws inSbs , a npecdy recovery f rom bhis re- n cent ilinss. r. brUker,« svul svek tiseLiberal nomination for the provincial riding of Hatton West, accord- ing to a party announcement. His nomination el ha made aI tise Liberai riding meeting scbeduted for Friday, April 28, aI Nelson Higis Scissol Audi- torium, Newe Street, Burling- ton, aI 8.00 p.m. Tise resident maoager of Boche & Company toc., Jack Lush. as ise prefers 10 ibe cati- ed, is iolent on bringiog 10 tise Législature a businessauos ap- proacis. "Il la lmpeaallve tisatimi- mediate steposeclaken sy tise Ontario Governmenl 10 pro- lect Ontario résidents and liseir savingo fmom recurriog fissanciat disasters aucis as At- lantic Acceplasace and Pruden- liai Finance', Mr. Lusis said. If se arc lu reaiislically meet and conquer tise growing prois- lems of taxation, education, bhousing and agriculture, thse present inrefficiencies and wasles must bceleiminated',ise added. A native of Regina, Saskal- Legion notes In sey tant notes t gave lise nomes aiflise officers elecled 10 con aur Brancis for tise forth- cormisg year. At tise sent gen- eral meeting ta bse brd on Mon- day, May 8, tise installtion cereseosy foc tisese officers miii taise place. On ýMosdoy, June 12, îbey miii conduel lise business of lise general meet- ing ad deciare a recess unlil Septemiser. In lise meastime ail otiser eseculive and chsair- ments meetings wiii taise place as usuat. SPORTS Euche - Wisner of lise Op- en EucJsre contest iseid il tise Clubroons on Friday, 14th mas Len Appleton mils a score o! 71. Oliserresaiîswere:Sasser- up, Don Hornisg, 7l; Lone bonds, E. Tonelu, [ive lose isands, Loyv score, George Cooper. 39. On May 13 Actas wiii isosî lise Distric B Eucbre. We bave Imo teases enlered for Ibis competition. Invilational Dan-t - Wi nners for tise tisird sîraigist year, our players brougisl home tise Iro- pby fros tise toarnasenl iost- ed Sy DakvilleTisis year's mis. ning lease consisled aiflise loi- iowing pi avers: Cose Fred Johsnson. Bois Egilelan, Johin Kennedy, Harry Watts. Provincial Ceibisage - Wr bave alne caa going IIILîs-.în qualifird for election 10 ltte Ontario Legisialure, havlng acbieved many years of solid finance and invesîmeol experi- rnce. Me ila agraduatr of Qurens University sili a de- greln Economics and jolord Canadian Johas-Mansville upon graduation as a Financial An- alyst, in seiciscapacily isr re- mained for llree year. ie sext 10 yeam 0of Mr. Lusi's busine-ss career includ- ed a numiser of senior execu- ive appoinîsernîs seuls lie Montreal Stock Exchsange, tn- cludlng lise position of Assist- ant 10 tise President. In 1960 se wsa appoissled Cossroller of Canadian Llquld Carbonie Cor- poration. For the taxI five years Lusis bas bers assoCiaI- rd wtlsBxcisr and Company. iavtng heem appobIrtd ta iss present posiion as Hamilton Manager in 1964. Mr. Lushi s active ln busin- ess and communtiy affairs. and currenlly serves as chair- massof lise Invesîment Deal- ers' Association of Hamilton el la compete in Provincial Criinbage os April 29. Tiis tram wiul consisl aI John Kennedy. Len Pope. Hock Kelmon amd Mas Bradbury. Cood luck. boys. tAItSES' AUXILIARY At tise lasI meeting aIflihe Ladies Asxiiry plans serre made for lise forlbconing Zone Rally 10 Se brld in Miltas on May 10. A seheel chair wsa dosated ta lise new wsing of lise Hilton and Disrict Hospitai. Ose bundred dollars seos for- mardcd la Sassybronis Hospi- tai ta assist a veteran ta attend Espa in Monîreal. Two isondred dollars seas do- naled la Provincial Command lomards lise Educatonal -Sur- sary. Tiis year lise annuat Zone Social was ield in Streettvilte. Mesnesrs represenîing tise Mil- tan Auiiary sere pres. Joycer Mardoff, secretory Myrna Mil- es, standard earec Jean Coul- sas. ticS concener Elva owse den and Case. Edna Pattersn. At lise end oI o very pleasant evesjng lar tise ladies 1t sa pieased la bu islcoduced ta Sîrecîssities Auxiiary presi- dent, Daralisy Cooper, and %orne oi ber olficers isctudissg Drotisy Tosepson. Myrna Me- Donald, Irmna Workman. Estel- lLaseb and isîbel Thsomson. When Iheres a Cascade 40 in the house theres no excuse b wiggle ouI o! the nvening bath. Theres always Ioads and loatis of hot waîec on top foc the whole family. If hot water as a problem in vour houle, il needn'î be. 4 A Cascade 40 lectric water heater wiII give you ail you'ce ever ikely 10 need-economically. Jtist ask your hydco. lîve btter eIectricalIy MILTON HYDRO ELECTRIC COMMISSION 250 MAIN ST. E. TELEPHONE 878-2345 alto sel well as munlty Mare JacktLi ers Lir DRUJ The Canadien Champion, Wednesday, April 26, 1967 5 'esas rveéd the Hearl Fond as a le s numrrous otiser coru- Finals, April 21 ï ciaritaable appeals. Mens iigis scores. Jack King led sili four nhistdren. 631 (253), Don Glover 256. Led- ,usis resides ai 332 Walk- ies' iigis scores, Dianne Allen se in Burlinglon. 653 (204, 220, 229), Eleanor Hamilton 273. - Oliser good games. Joan De-ý Forest 602 (231. 233), Hazel IMQUIN Pegg 572 (220.), D or otihe a Dosens 545 M2)2, Wilf Basset 5891(250), Austin Hiscock 599 cal stable (266), GordonfHrris 566, Siir- wins prize By Mrc. Ceci Pattesoas Congratulations 10 Green MIi- oses Stables and owner Dan rJses on liseir sacceas aI lise reent Junior Horse Show iseld as London, on April 14 and 15. Thsis is the top show of lise yeor nexl la lise Royal Winter Fair. Pisinota Jones seitb ber pony "Selanla" won tise pony cbom- pioshiip lropby. alto firsl for smatt posy "jumping' first for 'jamper stake", Ibird in watk. ing hunIer class d fourtis for "fouit and ost". Kim Craig of Oakvillc wilis ber posy "Little Boy Lad" alto won masy prizes - second sn equatatios fr niders under Il vears. tisird smatt pasy "grecs working hunIer", tisird in fasîl and ouI". tisird sn "iumper stake ctass'. Sheila Jases wos lhree four- tb prizes os ber smali pony 'Indian Eciso'inscasses for fouit and out. juseper stake and open juseper. Thse Apeliht dog sale wsea iseld aI Percy Merry Scisoot os Tburiday. April 20 for non. Forty-five dores miessers and rotIn were prrpared and served. Witiing kitches worisers seere seotisers Mrs. Ted Grave-, Mrs. F. Needisas, Mrs. Caiboun. Mrs. Franks Hait, Mrs. Heesîra. Mrs. Joe Veila, Mrs. Elseer Boiley. Mms. K. Kiernan, Mrs. Gearge Peacocis and c anvneer Mcs. C. Pattersos. Froceeds are for lise graduation banquetlin Jane. Escitement is beginning la rus bigis at Percy W. Merrv Scisoot as tiselissai preparo. lioni are Seing mode for lise Sos trip 5v grades 7 and 8 papils 10 Espo eariy in May. Blrtlsday greltinga la Hec- Sert MeKay. Karen Flippance. Daniel SaliSa, Brenda Need- base. Karen Hayter, RaIShaBeh- seert. Geoffroy Drem-Brmis Jr., and Karen Johson. 568, Roger Wattace 580. Jean- nette Paquelle 512. Met Davies Ask urchitect clwck funuce MilIon Couac i catîrd on tise arci ec on lise losn hall ren- ovation proj ,ect 10 inspecl ian- mediately lise iealing systees ai lise tosen hait, indicating ils generai dissatisaction. Last week Councit was cri11- cal of lise gas compaay, com- ptaining of esisorbilant bitta. Mayor S. G. Cisilda îceporled lise f irm isad promniard 10 have a represenlalive check lise Sur- sers. Councittor Johsnson sug- gesîrd tise arciiect desigssed tise project and sbould ise aisle to comne up witb a solution. Both Coanciltors Brion BraI and Chartes Johnson rrporled visits frose represestotives of tise gos cosepony expressing concern over lise proislem. Bols Sod hem advised tisey would Se witiing 10 investigate any local complaints. Exhibition of Paintings By C.O.A.A. AGRICULTURAL BUILDING FAIR GROUNDS Friday and Saturday April 29 - 30 APTERNOON & EVENING Fer information CatI 878-9204 Lmàmml6 WANT THE CHAMPION AT YOUR DOORMIULON NEXT WEDNESDAY? IF A CHAMPION CARRIER MAS NOT CALLED TO OFFER YOU HOME DELIVERY NEXT WEEK AND YOU WOULD LIKE THE CHAMPION AT YOUR DOOR CALL 878-2341 WE'LL ARRANGE FOR THE CARRIER IN YOUR DISTRICT TO DELIVER YOUR CHAMPION AND COLLECT EACH MONTH. If you wish to prepay deîivery Yen may arrange this at the Champion office. Subsciptiens in the carrier ceea ère now $5.00. Your paper will b. deliveed weekîy but the carrier wili net have te bother you for menthly collection. ïIie 4üabianErmp A Weekîy WeIcom. in Ev.ry Home 191 MAIN ST. MILTON 878-2341 DRIVE IN SSaturday ANYIME 4 ý BETWEEN fi 8 SA.M. to 6P.M. 'j AT WARD'S TEXACO SERVICE C A Core Main A Ontario Ste. ONLY WASH $ BY MILTON -HIGH SCHOOL GRADE 12 STUDENTS 0 TO RAISE MONEY TO GO TO EXPO CHAMPION CARRIERS: NEXT MONDAY SE SURE TO CALL THE CHAMPION GIVINO YOUR ROUTE NUMIER AND TELUINO 10W MANY PAPERS YOU WANT IN YOUR BUNDLE. ON WEDNESDAY RIGHT AFTER SCI400L YOU CAN PICK UP YOUR PAPERS AT THE CHAMPION OFFICE AND DELIVER TNEM TO YOUR CUSTOMERS. If.-yoi are now a Milton subscriber Yeur paper wilI be delivered to itt current expiey date et ne extra cent te yen. A carrear wiII hava it at your door beginning May 3. On explry yen may continue by paying the iow monthîy rate. Dorotny won 3 for 25; Hilda, 2 for 26; Audrey, 2 for Mt; June, 5 for 33; Stan. 2 fol 43; Les, 5 for 31. WSlan's tçam won the fasath series. Dorotsy's tram won t- Hamilton 563, tl points for tise year wilh 112. )9, Don Ciover 24 Club ns te plyoti April 19 ,istepaof Playofi resuits: champs Shir- ley 6048, Florence 5730. Donna srda 5576, Erma 5454. ý sChamps for year. Florence; sgie, Audrey Champs for playoffs. Shirley; s' high triple, higis single for year. *Dorothy 46; men's iigl Faubert; higis triple for year, My 332men's Shirley Godfrey; high average Groy 733. for year. Gladys MoKersie. singles, Jack Tise banquet will be iscld Sol- Parkinson 268, urday. April 22. s'y MscCetland nan 259, Nor- 215, Reg Gray ARTHUR A. 201, Les Wiils JOHNSON, O.D. 234, Roy Gray 213, Les Mas- Opitelntu uld 201, Hilda SShietds 213, Tu.mday 299, Jean Wills 9 &ML te S pa. in505 207, Fred ickett 223. Fiday triples, J a c k 9te. to9i. Parkinson 63t, van Crt.derman 184 MAIN ST., MILTON re MeKere 659. WvaJwtesDd. iand Bruce! (Dvslwle Bg. 558, Eleanor HB Melonis King 209, 595. Jueka team sein series. Early Bi April I Ladies' bigi sai Masos 216; ladies' Audrey Masos 64 single, Dean Gray bigis triple, DeanG Oliser good i Gouid 226, Jack tg Ray Waters 208. Iv 211, Ivan Cryders ma MacMurphy 2 218. Joan Waers: 238, Reg Thsomas1 240. Kay Shields on 225, June Coiý Rigo 210. Bilt Bruce McKerr 291 203, Hilda Parkins Rigo 226, Doug Pic Otiser gond tr Gould 628, JackP Roy Gray 625. lva Mason 601, Bruce Nice goisg. Jeana

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