Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 26 Apr 1967, p. 16

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Home Economist Pat Squire retires Mrs. Katharine William s appointed 5, ~'d4 HAL' .4-il ARM AND) HOME ELECTRIC CLUB By Vena Titompson Halon Counîy is agais priv- ileged ta bore te 4-H Furm and Home EiecîrcCubt iacit again, aller il mas iniicîrd is Halon tre pears cga Sini.e ibis iv a senior lubit i v u- ailaitte ta 4'H memn'iers 16 yeacs andt aIder. Our first eguaur meeti mas teid utai teAgricuslaru i Office, Miltas. os Aprii 17. Nit Robetcson s te coit presidest. Gter ofticeecsare: Pete Sweuîmasn, iec prosideat; Doug Stokes, sececîuy; andt Versa Titampsan, press rcpor- toc. Gar citasrue lors tramt Gntario Hvdco arc Bilt Coabe and Murray MeGinnis. Tite 4-H club prajeel iv la brcp metcc records of te moant oai ec- iricily used by o facm or itome appliance. WIring devicen, mrier coad- iags, C.S.A., udequte wirisg, arliticiai respiration, facm andt ciecîrcmators andt clecîrical requiccmests are saime cf te tapies ltt c di scosseet ai fuI- ure mertings. An chiticemcnî nigitîis September and a trip la -Niagara Fallsin s Gelaer mul th ie iigitights toc the clubt year. A topo ecîrdisg tramtlite ociievement nigitlia Peel Counîy is 1964 proved ia- icresliag andet eplaaatocy la te memiters. Thte sent meeting ivseithedut- ed for May 15 ut 7.30 p.m. ai lte facm ai Fred Nurse. Aay interesteet senior members may stiti join iis club ity con- lacling te Departmrsî ofai O- ricullural Office, .1 ', -Doal laite chtances in rai- lic îoday - un accident migitî laite you tomorcam. SOUTH HALTON 4-H HOLSTE IN CAI, CILUB By Douglas Stokes Thte rogokit sîetnofl ite Souait ilctuis 4-illilseo tlt Claub %uaiteld usnTiiedis, Ap- rt t1, in te Board RoSiiim ifte OnaruioîîDepitaiint oiicil. turceandFoodl,Milton. Duicig te irs part "ifteslu,.'llvr. Assoi.ute Agricutuau IRepre- salatire JohntiCii. biura s- sîn-trd thoe iers ta ýinte ditîcceat part, f dut cw lTe meeting, spltinlto tira part,, ad crouir momiters oral a it cubadttoer Don Broltoet tu rceivîe a quizon wat a td itoo tes ,urlier. o-hile tejuioirs suer quizzed ttc John Cokburn. Ater thicldub remitors L,îîs Hanter. Paiul nd Lrc on otit - se Doiii,i S~Ioeudoiateut titie suitu. I. v(t h diry nords of the futureoil] LAUTO BODY SERVICE ServviceYom eon mIways <ount on Witen oa emen do te job nf paninig ns fix- ing te body af pOas cas, yOnre sur oifte besl. BILL'S AUTO BODY 269 878-2721 MIn S. 878-3251 CHRISTINE, a four-yeur-otd Smss Nabian goal omned by Gardon Hitcchcocit, R..i Ac- ton, surprised everynne on tae facm by giving biclittla four kids - ose foc every year af hes lie - on Wednevday, Ap- rii 12. In hec firîl saccessiat production Chitine ooit ev- ecylhing in hec stride and de- ligitled ose af Ms. Hitritrocits boys by slaging te event on his brhislay. Goadroptet iids are arasuaanad te kids dem. onslcated itow mach by efas' ing ta sloy sîili for te photo- graphes iv Iheir confined quartiers. Christine calis te otiteskitds la sappes in tetop photo ailes Imo had aiceady sol down la lite aable. Bollom site csanlv hes bcood lo akie sure site didn' moite a mis- late, (SaffPhoto) NoiiiîDakititu-lnue ime Mi/to, Phurnucy 246 MAIN ST. 1878-23431 PRESCRIPTIONS PikdUp & L2ZivredI FREE DELIVERV By Henry J. Stanley lso gave cansiderable assis- Mrs. Patricia Squire, Home tance ta Junior Former Ctubs. Economist for Hatton and Peel, Site wiii ttc residing in Peel reîired (ta Aprit 2t. Pot moved Village, a sea subdlivision ai hece tram Huron Conty, in Brampton. lte spring ai 1965. The Home Econamtes Brancit Site was on entitusiastie of te Department of Agricut. monter in 4-H Homemakiag lare and Pood onnounces thte Clubs and Womens insitaute appoînîmeat ai Mm .Kotitarine acýicîties ta botcaunties Site Wisams, B ýH.Se, as Home Ec- Hahton Hog Producers offer $10 subsidy on premium boar Tite Halton Hag Producers' Asmcsatian ii provide a spee- ai subsidy ut $10 ta any Holian eousty former purebosing o Gaverament approved pure- bred bouc. Oaly ane sucit sub- sidy ta avoulable ta a producer Ibis year. Boacs approved toc premium under te Bouc Pcemiums Pol- ier bave hein înspeced by te Ontario Livestocit Braneit. Thte average itaci foitticbness of the boar bas iteen determined ttc means ai a probe, and bis SLOW MOVING VEHîCLES Naw taI sping seeding and olter farm joits are underway, there iti ttc on inereose in ac- cidents ta torm traclors and cors. In 1966 aine people wcre kilicd and tIrer 100 iajuced an 240 cor-truc toc accidents on aur itigitwavs Ma of aitese wene lear-ead coiiisians. Gise te matocisi a ibreakt - usea stase înaving veiicte ignaos a ars- tac. Il coutd sure yoar lite. Titese sîgas are avitaitte aI te Agrîcuttucot Otfice, Milton. age at reaching 200 its. is de- termined. A premiumofnS 20 ta 135 is iso provided on these approv- cd boars by the Ontario De- pariment of Agriculture and Food. The amount af the prem- ium depends on the 'Record of Performance score of te sire and dam of the boar. Each month a ist of these opproved boars is sent ta the Agricul- tarai Office, Milton. Toa qualify for the Huton Hog Producers subsidy, con- tact their Secretary-Treasurer, Allan Brownridge, Georgetown R R. 2, phone 877-3874. Getels iuaies atî 11 CLAUDE INGLIS Phose 854-233 Up to $2,5OO02 in Capital Grants available to Ontario Farmers Tha Govacnmenî of Ontario haa înceased ias Capital Granîs progcam by $1 29,000,000 effective April i1- 1967, and COnlnuing through 1979, Farmers can apply for the following Capital Grants: Firsi You cas gel ap l0 $1,000 based os one thiuaaofte cst oai Eretchas orsaenatias af tarse bialdingas - aving basa yards - iqud masure starage tans -asadîs, a, 100650and îtnsaga bulings- geesitases- silo -grain tIssage and esîlk hioases. oria camintiatnsofa Ite. Second Fîlly Pes cant aifte lait af a dsilled, barad as dug wmil, oatlas te daseoment ofta sanial sorce of mainr, un i $5as Also Unider AROA tese Capital Osantscontiînue lIon asaitabte, Farty tar ceantIofteunit aI field eslasgamasînta 1to500. Filîy par cent aiftae casi af dîgging a tain pond ne la For luritas inormaton cntîact saur lacal icualure[ Rnpresaniaîiaa. onomist for te Counties of Hoison ad Peel. Site is iteing lnonstc'rred irom Wealsvirt Couaîy wseie site hs secvecd as home eceosasts for two years. Mrs. Wiliams, an itanon grad- uto of tc University ai Tor- on10, miii ttc ossumiag lier nesv dues in eorlv May. Select Sunday May 7 as- ch-ild -safety day By Geoffrey Taylor Ail across Canada, Sunday, May 7, lu ta be observed as Child Snfety Day. "Becaune Canadian accident mortality rates are consider- ably iigher titan correspondinig rates in many cousties, Can- adian parents shoutd stant teaciting titeir children safety the year titey are bora,' says Hal Wrightt, Secretary-Treasur- er, Ontario Farm Safeîr Cous- cil. "Ose ihird o aisda',pop. ulation is under 15 years of ugo - and more thas 2,100 ai them witl die this yeor from needicss accidents. Thats more titan thte numbar af deatits from te nest tbree significant causes combined - cangenitat malfor- mations, pneumonia and can- cer". More accidents occur ini tte borne than anywitere aise, Ev- ery 15 minutes, a citild is it- jured. "Make May 7 a safely hunt day', Mr. Wrigitt suggests. "Take your cbildren on a tour of your borne and aseard a prize ta te chiid seit cao flnd te Most dangers. Games ike tii witi nos anly remind you o repair taIt rayed *amp ,.)rci, but oilbolp la make cour children satcty consc*ious frtihe res t of fteir lives." -You'reoccidentvproaî witen osa wan't tube 'itnow' for un ATTENTION FARMERS AND HOME OWNERS GIGANTIC'SPRING ON Frost Farm Fence MASTER FEEDS S TE WA_ RT TOW N For the, week of Mùy 1 - May 6 inclusive Master Poeti, Stewarttewn, are effering price reductiens in Frceu Faim, Frst Lina Fonce Preducts. De net ha misieti by eur prices, the preducts you buy are maode by The Steal Cempany of Canada endi carry the sèe quality that have madetie h Frost name fameus. BOOK YOUR ORDOR NOW AND TAKE DELIVERY BY MAY 15, 1967 THESE PRICES WILL NOT BE OFFERED AGAIN THIiS YEARI O~WILL BE ALLOWED IFIO OFF REGULAR PRICIS FROST FARM FENCE and MASTER FEEDS Two Trusted Nomes TOGETHER Bring You Today's Finest Fencel .,I0 O O T UrntDWI IREMEMBER THE DATES MAY 1 TO MAY 6 yeur opportsnity te sava mal meney or yesr faim fence raquiremegut. CALL US TODAY MASTER FEEDS (STEWARTTOWN) DIAL 877-3512 - GEORGETOWN YOUR ONES TOP FAIM SUIPPL Y CENTRE NOTICE TO THE CITIZENS 0F THE TOWN 0F OAKVN.LE Daylight Saving Time WILL COMMENCE SUNDAY, APRIL 30, 1967 AT 2 A.M. and wili end SUNDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1967 AT 2.00 A.M. F. McLan Anderson, MAYOR, Town ef OakvIIIa nz . JNIJ-RI1ILC) nadi lie ADA eagrn. unins, tsnns"lfutnn Hon. John i9ObariS Hon. Wm, A. Stewart Prime Miniîîer MinisîtfAgriculture aid Foodi

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