Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 26 Apr 1967, p. 15

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O.P.P. report, Maiboxes, chickeris stolen During tise period April 9 10 es of accidents investigaled 15 incluive, personnel of lihe vere inattentive driving, driv- Milton iDelacisment, Ontario er lost control, fail tc, signal for Provincial Police, worked a b-to.trs, and caretesn driving. tl of 917!/4 hours and patroiled a total of 8,439 miles on area Tier. were 38 generai occur- hi.ghways. As a resuli ut pat-ut, rences reporied, iscluding two 21 iraffic charges were prefer- Ibef iv of maliboxes; ose thefi red, 58 traffie violation soarn- of 23 c"ickevs front Chster ings were issued, and 116 ve- Service ai RR. 3, Milton; a hicies were safety checked. break and ester ai a cottage in There were nu trafi court Esquesing Tmp. in which noth- scheduted dorn0 ibis period. isg mas reporird stoien; ove Thceo stre ire proper ty dam- disturbance; one person ch.trg- age accidentcs and Iwo porsonai cd with "public mischei'on e ivj aCv accidentsinvestigaied, jus-mile reporîrd missing front resulting in ihree persons being Esquesing Twp. and later e ijured and approximaieiv S4,- îurned home: une orresi for 226 in propertv damage. Cous- tuber poltce forceo,:tne miss- G. Smiths Ieaving for Mount Pleasant Milton r.sidenls for the pasi tive years, Mr, and -Mm, Gar- don Smith of 7 Court Street ing juvenite iocaied for other police forces. Ove ski-duo, sivien fromt ibis area in November, 1966, mas recovered iv tise Barrie area. There mere irno iquor seizures, resulti ng in three charges un- ci tise Liquor Covîrot Act. Ottor ocurrencres Ncrofvia sjo ature. Durivg Ibis pericd. citeos- morts wrre suppljoîl for Con- tenniai Caravans travellinig in titis Detocismoot arci.reot Sgt. t. J. Parkinson. tise Canadian Champion, Wednesday, April 26, 1967 83 North are leaving town ai lise Press oPerafor, bas worked end of tise mantis. ber. at 'Milton Curling Club Tise Seuls., wisa celeirated and Trafalgar Golf and Coun. their 501h weddistg annîvers- try Club. ary lhree years ago, are mov- ing lu Mounat Pleasant, Mr. Mrs. Smîih formerly masi- Smiths, a retir.d newspaper aged lise Plaza Smoke Sisop. GRE ATE S T "OUTSTANDING STUDENT" of he b ra te Gar aiblrghtHe ste yde OS.. Judo Club iv Roman Kazragis, centre, stadevti n the uiass whiah ioids regalar ses- misa received tise clubs tropisy aitishe annual sions eoeîp Monadn vghin thue boys' gym amards nigisi recently. Roman accepis iis prizesai 0 S D tram insiraciors Richard Booiisby, vift, and (Staff Pisoto) Deaf boy top student in new O.S.D. Judo Club A specl presoutallan wai staged lasi sseok ai Ontario Scisool for tis e Gal Milton, wisen Roman Kazragîs, a s dent of 0.S.D., %vss cleced as tise ouistandivg studovi' ai lise peur iv tise 050iJuo Club, Tise club, tounded severai montbs agi- hy esperienced iv- structors Richard Buotihy oi Mltîl tanid (,Cl\c ai1li îccCici iliili cl Once cacis year u- cc mîcsr.,îîaî.îplîîtiii [i Liet- the ,ie sili,, ccc cci atetonv,is ,,ii c:ii aniv c pi hn, AND OWN YOU GO .. nsractoarGoypCompbsellpusa student anto lise mat darcng a pracîlce session oi tise OSG. Judo Club, Tise tailing stadeni ias a bond on tise mat10 ieiy cuhisonhbs tail-wich doesv t eally ha t pyua isowhow to tali properiy.(StffPisotoa UP AND OVER ... A tout in tise mid-vection, and a tug on tise armv and tisai studeni 'geiting is' in tise top photo evens tise sare mus iInsteuctor Gary Campbsell t GS.D. Judo Club, (Staff Photo) [PPT %tl a claen iii be sRîîm,îî Kirig- fcicecslicsictiii antd til-iprtiel\te tIlc-a,1i -li, ilt' iiceîcîltie itieliei,lliltiiac-isdciiaand j'ue.h-,tic ciihcd ,as as oex scJ iaidcenti bc iscill i -,li chicciidoat Ith, glaap cdictîes i naite i1-111i[lie itactilîbl ît Miiivcliseue- n inteeki i sessionîs icisaid mci cic ppe hIcaus ai tise hi -% s,c%ciliticiait ai t) b.D. Oth- ci dii i he lt hl Roman is a tuadunti andîa mîîîecr ai the lii,-cioup bhasvni covOc- Instrucior Campbsell paivled oui hhcittis opiratcs utider str ici raies Stidtttssuor k ,10\rtocigithtc aiiicii, toc- s tho,tnd itititis- tises i iknoci>lie preiibsch lorc L r icie\\icgt.iTises i, iiglic iespecît for itisir in- i cclii ibc-)diiiitîtiivents, nirtil pa alietionai l l imes, anvclmutsît IcLtck dittgles- *,,icdcitei iislofri- f c i l, iris icc i e loteie 1 alicciceci iciller an% -tic ,îcv,î i.le ssticiccgli a iivfciliiid belisliclare [c\cs itiiiflite goal iof csery 1ani-tise caccicd black bel! uidl is strvg cegices (if skii .hic hogîcnicucars a clithe holu, andcls,îc ieprogress- es hc ci sa cci îed boit tar c-cittciou els atelliccency. Yei- whiiîtiteillehnorange, c ccv. bhâte, h rîcîsît an d black. ou i cc iii-i e cca bitt e hidibh- trc iii ciiiicach thiscspocrt Intiuoir Bootisby bas a FI o% i t i 1t a diiccilt cA Icct Vso irîctgis a diaciliiui -ýTitILcîcîccîccrm-up pcriiichfiicir ililcsstî- to utii ucciite kbc,îand gel th - i i in chateiv f r tise lhu-,ilflileilisirue ors sai,ciflic 'lui)iiil ciler coulpe lioniii disti ct judot clubss. In a oniiipetition, sou bas-e ta Ilitii cai ppavrev t sitis a gicac, Jcii tc ic ociuce 10 heai bicti, o iiicie fii cIuo"vrae iSiadanis wll alsio ho îvslruc- led i gruativitechnitqutes"- Tri cia l o (ii Ioa ith i i tioppan- ,Litialleri-iioti lîc icîdown cci the cii bisuerai pin and s ositi onsîccs arc availabie uciii \%icccou cci c, vake your cii t iclotif i iccri vmain- cci tise Ilt-cul for25 seconds. Jl luticccîiding lautise rec- old, j, iciil a ong sport in ttiiaUIiic hsîs truduced in Va cîcîccîcin tahlie arny 1930' cui ws cîntinlolutisai dis- titunlil aller tise Second Wcrld Wrcrues lise Japanese people mcved iviavd, and tiseir sport spread. In 1964 judo taok a greal stop lcrward misen il was pro. ciaimed un Olympie event, Cas- adian 'Doug Rogers gui lu lise finals tisai peur before bieng eiminaied in tise heavy weigist cass. Nom. clubs ure spinig up acruss lise nation. Tise sport is alsa hecoming popular ils tise ladies, miso are mainly inlerest- ed in self defense. Using lise pruper luo knowtedge, a lisp girl con malle o big butip 1ook ille a foui witis ose meit ptaeed chop or iais,-oe toss over tise hip of Guelph MAY SALE EVER' STARTS THURSDAY, APRIL 27th, at 9 A.M. This avenrt j 50 GREAT that we Iust hud te let yeu knew about it! Dea't let AN YTHIHE keep yeu away frem RYA'S la Eueph temerrew. .. leuve the dshes in the siak, lerget about making the beds ... catch the flrst bus te Eue/ph temerre w merninu (we'lY refund paur lare with a purchase of $10.0 or more) adnod cretIy te RYAN'S. Tis is net just an excuse te use the word "SALE" .... W pwsaady fel this i5 the GE4 TEST VALUE PACKED E VENT te aver bit par are.! We can't ist A of the items that are on sale, but we cen give you a few examples of the many hundreds of genuine values that are being offered on aIl three floors during this event. For the canvenience of aur out-of-town custamers, RYAN'S will remain open Thursdey evening until 10 p.m. We would suggest that you came in Thursday. However, if you can't, the sale wiIi continue on unsoid quantities aIl day Friday until 9 p.m. and Saturday until 5.30. Reg. Values ta $600 eu. MEN'S KNITTED T-SHIRTS ieadîng brand, short siennes, mils 3 battoe placiset collas. Wcde range ut smart sisades. Sîzes S, M, L, XL Reg.,to 6.00 Eaeis 2.75 or 2 for 5.00 Save up ta $299 eu. Ladies' Handbags Firsi ctuality, ut durable vinyl. Chauve tram mwhite, tawn, bave, black. Alva included in tise groap a re Madag asear v trams. VALESTO 599 Save up ta $298 Pr. on Boys' Tee Kays A special gruup ufthtie papular cavuol ponts .- .ail tise ragel lise doyv. Sm.,s 12 te 18 REOULAR 0 3O j9 on Ladies' Blouses and Sport Tops Firvi quality, ail by ieading Con- adian makers. Asorted tabrics, styles and sades. ORIGINAL VALUES TO 12.98 344 Save $710 an Men's 'All-Weather' COATS Smartly tailored ut "Cunadian Misti or Terpiene and Cotton, wit l f ravi, verni - raglan siennes. 6 tsmart sisades. Sizes 36 lu 44, also buls and sorts. REOULAR l 21.98 M&. 88 Sève up ta 25% on Name Brand LUGGAGE Cisoose tram 2-suilers, compan- ion bags, train cases, weekend- ers, etc., and noue 25%. REGULAR NOW ONLY t. t. $34.95 25.88 Save More then 33% on SCATTER MATS Acrîlan and nylon. 27" by 54". 6.95 VALUE 4 .4 Save up ta 50% Values to $1.69 yd. Slks, caltons, dencms, dacrons, ce 36" and 45"- widliss 1.84yd [Sve .66 ech n CUPS & SAUCERS Englis hune china. Chauve tramn 6 beautiful patterns REOULAR VALUE .8 1.50 0 4 Boys' and Girls' JACKETS & CARDIGANS Vorivun fabrias ond sadev !m vvarted styles. Sizes 2 ta 14 in ise group. ORIGINAL V .8 3.00 Save up ta $2.76 ea. on Girls' and Children's T-Shirts Leoding Canodion mais. Sizes 4 ta 1d in tise groop. Asorted soades and styles. ORIGINAL 12 VALUES TO Sève .24 Yard on 36"" DENIM Widle range ot plain sisades and stripes. REOULAR 7 .98 yd. .7 yd. il ar. SPECIAL - Personal Shopping Ony - WhiIe Quaity Lsts BO0YS' REG. VALUE Canadien Make This item wilI b. availabi. ta aur aut-af-town cus- 4 pANTS 4 9 ZZ 8 quantity Iasts) and wiII flot b. advertised for thisUA'Wa tmesunrqut(1a..a12nn owhlI Th. items adivertis.d hors are only a few of the hundreds of maney.saving specials that yau will find on sale. Name brand wearables for every member of the family, footwear, staples, piece goads, et.... ..&Il an sale at tremendous savings. Yau'II enjay your visit ta RYAN'S an Thusday ... flot anly will you sève maney, but you can aima eniay free refreshments an the Iower floor. There are haUbaons for the youngsters, tool ... SAVE THE STUB 0F YOUR BUS TICKETI ... WMon you, have compl.ted your shopping, we wiII refund the cost of yaur return foe (with a purchase of $10.00 or mare). When you are in Ryan's, visit aour 2nd floor office and inquire about a charge accouait if you do flot already have one. RYAN'S ARE LOOKING FORWARD TO BEING 0F SERVICE TO YOU I 115 Wyndham St. RYAN'S of GUELPH "At the Crosswalk"i

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