17 REAL ESTATE 17 REAL ESTATE _ 17 REAL. ESTATE 20) AUCTION SALES COMPLETE AUCTION $19.500 House for Sale SIERVICE 154 creFar Houeholds - Dispersais *m ~ !5 ~ i 14 Are arm Private, North Milton or Farso Sales Near tesso and higbmay, land 3 hadroosos plus den - bed,! Chris. A. Schouten nodrrlN ail cicar on levei easy- roum, inishrd recrealion roem,: itctory hrooed ric hese, tirking fields, creek rmot bro.tdtoum, paved drive, cover- AC ONE attached garage, t block rom îhrough properis, appros. 140 ed patio etc. downlomn shopping, losaly acres arc fait plowed. attran rdut [o Kansas City home. Asking price $19,900.- tise brick home. ronning ua0- PHONE 878-2560 uion Scbool ter and nets oit furnace in, Sale-. cunducted anywbere. i-,stores 5-roomcd lbrick. bous, 40 s 60 bhcrn [or hoh ti-eps l7c48i laa tlcolc 7 56 attachcd gartage, in t .ttn. qua-1 ntllia-ýoc fto-.ng. HsIsnou s20c44-tf ;i . 1i--t I A'1niI,, .--l 1 - - 17' REAL ESTATE PRIVATE SALE 5 and 10 acre lots for good country living or invesment property. Dam and saerfails,1 beautiful streams, lovely rees, good building sighls. From $500 dOson and lom montbly pay- ments. Close 10 Georgetown. PHONE 77-3796 17b41 MILTON $3.500 I)OWN 3 bedroom brick bungalow on gond size lot, fuît basemeol, furnace, paved drive. Asking $19500 full price. CLOSE TO 401 99 acres, g room sone bomne w i tbmodern conveniences, iwo barns, on main igbway. Asking 75000 full price witb $35.000 Down. BURLINGTON TOWNLINE 150 acres, large brick borne, barn, Asking $110000 full price. Sydney K. Lamb REALTOR R.R. 4, Milton, Ontario 878-3212 Member of Canadian, Onario, Orangeville and District Real Estale Boards. 17c49 bouse cempietelv s mearnieed.1 Geod haro. Mnutes off 401 Highway, close te Mohawk Racewav. Asking $45.000 wiîb 50 acres, market gardenine tond. 5 reom camnent block bunga- low and 2 harns on preperty. Locatad on good country roadj n Kithide district. Askingý $1,000 an acre iib îerms. 6 acres specu latine property frontage in 2 good roeds. Building lots and acreeges seme wooded, tome with streanss and pends. Ijrgentiy required 4 bedroom home on !AÏ acre or more 10 qualify for V.L.A. Stella or Alan Parton Milton 878-6705 17c49) PAUL S. STARR and Company Ltd. REALTORS Brampton - Gueph - Orangeville Woodstock Miton - 1-espeler quick tnonecson iftt-.140acre. A I ~ A l I~IISL ail. next falr. A. E . I ME UCT.IO SALE REALTORS LIMITED For Contact W. C. 11E) BALDWIN Member of the Toronto, Ontario At the farm. on No. 24 Hwy., and Oakviile - Trafalgar Reatl' mile nertb ut Eina village, on M.K edyEstate Boards SATURDAY, APRIL 22nd REALTORAt 12 noon. REATOR 54 Yrîs'Centinueus Service A cemptete line of impiem. Dundalk, Ont. anis, feed etc.. as weil as 50 Dia! 923-2812MLO head ef Hoisteins. mostIy regis- 17c49 15 ACRES logues avaitabte. Toronto 30 Mites TE:RMS: CASH. $15.000 or besi firm ni fer, Lot MAX STOREY, Rockwîood, 377 o 1112- tcted in Burting- 20h42 Auctioneer. Christie & Woods tonclose te Miton and 401 CLEARING REAL ESTATE BROKERS fighmay. This is generat pur. pose land, ideai for fruit, AUCTION SALE 189 Main St. - Milton greenhuse or gardening of any sort. lest the spot for the For -Commuter. HAROLD GOWIJOND $16.500 Fuit Frice. 3 bedroum Lt 3, Cen. 2 Nt.S., ýBurling- brckbugaow graepa- OAKVILLE ton" 'i mite wesî oi Tremane bric ounaio, gaagepanRd., on Burlinglun - Oakvilte cd driveway. Tarps. 4th UNE Town Line, 21/i miles nortb of $19500 fuit price, 3 bedreeso 17 Acaras anti Barn Ne. 5 Hwy. beimeen Appteby brick bungalow, living rouo $21.000 fuit price, 17 gantin eull Lina and Tremane -Rd., 8 mites wiih cati tu fait breadleom, ingac ras cheice garden suit soutb-west of 'Miton. kitchen witb mahogany cup- 900' lrotnge on 4îh lune; 50 x SATURDAY, APRIL 22 buards, 4 pica bath, fuit basa- 60' barn, id cal fer herses, At 12.30 p.m. ment. Tarms. chickens or pigs; 2' miles Caille, pouutry, bay, grain. .tboe not. 5 Highsa.v. This is farm macinery and houseboid $14.900 faIt price, 2 badruepi prii.ad right. rîlecis. stucce bungalow, garage,. CALSec fuit lisi nesi week. large litving ruum witb bultCAL Auctioneers: n book shlvas and fiALTEeREand A LD kitchen and dintterPa. 3 . TOM BRADLEY WALER nd H A LD bath, fait basement wc lb racra- O2 I20c49 atien rouim, laundrv tubs, etl! 8894 frae em. i 17c49 AUCTION S L 3000fl rc.2 storey brick 11 MlI F SOKAE Ayr - Cookstumn * . -. - - ý 201-EMS 01iio.. ,- OYAL Lqm hoe, garage, paved drivao GENERAL GARAGE Strd T o toeyn amental ieti railings, . j 18 TENDERS EQUIPMENT Sud w trystrcs centains 3 bcdrooms. STDA.A__L2 large htchcn and living mrs AUDY PRL2 w Blcosri~ck~dbiek 5 4 pi.bathssth vaiitts.dossn- FOR SALE ai home, tn good residential ar- BUYING OR SELLING ald living rouir, t bed rîttmm LOR iIlh ced REEDREDFERN LTD. eclose te sabools and con- anti bath reeso Term-. te ha until 500 p.. n Aprit 28, Ontario St.S. - Milton REAL ATEdwnow ae 3arrangeaI 11967, Iitr put sha,-and ramenaI bd rsadbathroom up- E LESTAT ,. saio uildtingunproparty Sale miii include bediroomsandrciv eePi FARMS ou Railîsas Cimp.tnv ai Camnp-ý e OFFICE FURNITURE bail, living roum. separate am oe 0 ce mal sih alît bc Onttte tluudatn tbc *eTOOLS P ARTS dining room and large iamiip * Land lb Businesses largaston, heesa, ail consent lit iecalatitith surroundingi a 20.30 CARS anti TRUCKS Ilce on main fluor. it for- cnos a-.. bhharno.trner pro- grtîend anîd suala it in a neal FROM 1954 TO 1967 nace, on nice lot with garage Contact our parts Askivg prica $5800001a, iýcniinwti 0 and bool shedi. See il today. Tcti atititenitenctin6 Raad.Rcdfern iii ha discontin- Possession May 1. Price MILTON REFRESENTATIVE ldans lien, dataetif accepiance uiing salaetfnew cars and trucks $» lO.10acit arlîga brtck bouse. ftendtetr.aiThe a Rimwas Camp- bul wiii nebcentinoing in the BRA A KNG ~barilbaîrn onmain paveati ,ns tsatha righît te rejeci Watn o 0tMri tet iating$350. tr it%tor ailibitis.Tender forsos, Waiingfora MMatintret shn $2.50 Trmstii h bittad rom anti tan U SED CAR SALES Phonet i ~Tcrsi, I a omt e AT THE SAME LOCATION i gi? hn:LOTS 1e20hul bctbmttd9a Bargin? Milton - 878-3551 1Mar.atGoa tAMiitPowenllORALFARSH AL WeIt. here il is, in ibis wl 0arsmcii oMlon sig Spritnet OVA AIHHL constructed rugl brick butiga- Brampton - 451-1510 s,ooo .aitnai low. boltIbya reiable con- .P.Rg station, AUCTION SALE tractor. on quiet and iriendly - Caii LONDON. Ontario.t ANTIQUE CANADIANA. ETC. street. Tbe cosy sune fire Okvl1888-09-88-051îsî MON-. EV'G., AFRIL 17 place in the living room Okil 7-058865 ..-NOR VAL HALL drasos perfectiy. convenient Commuter Property 17c9 _____(u_________ n ve%%tromn 4 p.m.l Itce with penty of cup-____ huards and but-m uoven and Almusi an acre o f very fertile - - 20 AUICTION SALES i Chorch hall is ai Norvat X range, 3 toveip bedroosos, ex- tond mith a sparkiing sîream roadîis.on 7 Hsly beimeen ra ashroom domnstairs and et the corner. An ideat spot For Sersice and Satisfaction N$ate eihrt -F taplon anti Georgetuon) large. finished recreation lu buiid ihat home of pour romaNotar Bralxtn Eien ronesm it fireptace aod but- ram.Titmnue10 CsutBramptto Livestock Exchange itirg. Esiaies. and Brampton, ins. Also completeiy equippeti Maîro. This is sery attractive Sneigrose - <îtîssilia, Mapla Humes. iauodry roc, iîb ashor, pruperly situateti on Steele Lcne utine .NIIEATQE dryer and mater sotener. See- Avenue.. minutas tu 401 Coser FrmSlens. HuoueSes ',IN E ANAIANUE- ing is bIln.Cali and look leaf, Scboot bv Bus. Pull F a o appr IlSais les îîMtngtale Canaiîamps it oxer. Asking $19.500. price15,5000. ' and PONE - ig-t r nd wallnFinemetc PHOAE1tîttîltuia hi.sinsi, perc Neat and Modern Weil kept brick bungalow iih 3 bedroomu, spacious L living-2 dining room itb arm, friendiy fireptace, roomny kil- chen mith lots of cuphoards and large dining area. Spli back eoîrance and a brighl basement. idel for inishiog a fin e recrealio room. Love- lp back yard for outduor liv- ing. This lu trutp a hume lu he praud af. rice $18500. FARMS 14 acres and mel equipped barns for hug raisiog, 2 cr garage and 7 roomn stoccu hume, in sceic setiing ith neai'by sîreopi. Cammuting distance te Toronto or Htamil- ton. Excellent garden soit. abuodani aer suppty. Frice $31.500. 96 acres beef or horse farnI. lovely aid stone bouse. guod bank baro, high elevalion gives a commanding vieso of sceni,. counîryside. Frice $45,- 000. 15 acre farpi. Good garden toit and some scenic oodtand ilh cbarming Colonial stane bouse and goud haros. On main paved ruad cooveniefli 10 Toronto or Hamiton. rice $36,500. We have other tuo and cous- try pruperlies. Let us help pou find the home oi pour choice. CatI our Gibson Willoughby Limited represenlatives. Anna&Archie Cairns 340 Main Street Rail Phone 878-6980 74 Prime Highway Opportunify 2 storev building on aprime 4 lanae ighmay, 7Aio-00 bauf acre location, jusi 30 minutes froso Metro. Has beanoupera ted as a rstaurax t, but is an ideai locatiton fr any commercial enterprise e qoîring excellent 250 hi front- age, anti lois of gond park- ing. Second fleur con ssts of a tusurtous lue bcdroîîm a- pariment four sears aid. $15,000 .P. c lb excellent Oakville Gardon Farmn Hem moulti ou like te lina nn the counry ona 15 acre scenic farm, in a quiet community pet sit hac handy tu shopping and unip i/2huur from MoIra Torunto? The 3 bedroom, so- idtp buit home, ith liing, diniog roo, heery brighl kitchen, 4 piece bath, fli dry basemant. Carefulpy planted iîh SlcotWberries, Raspher ries, As parages shouid pro- vide a goot inicome c-hile the tand is sie.îdiiy increasing in salue. A subsîanti,îi tomo papsoant requirad ilb excel- lent lerpis. Farms and Counfry Properfies We haosco large scienion of Parmu, Homes, Business and Ivesîmant roperip. Cai in or seod far aur frac catalo- gue. Wheo liokiog of buing or seliig, contact pour lucal sales represen talive, Member ai the Brampton Real Estate Board. 17c49 id--à mimSolgrove 843-1071 iREALTORANDII t Bttion 8571726 E Colaeci Kitchener 519-742-7437. AUCTION SL 310 Main St.. Miton, Ont.___ 878-6292 878-6592 Of Purniture, Dishes etc. IOUNTRY LOT -Ltîc.îtcd io' Fdig oreodPee acasta T241 shP, o MILTON HARKER arssib 41fot irontage b6 Arleila St., Georgetuo, un and a detiph iof330 cal Frie- AUDY.ARLu aiP î ali878647 ,00000 -ati9Ar At 100 ociock sharp. Faanck07044 ti 07-622. French Provincial maInut buf- V.LA. SPECIAL - convenlent ft, china cabinet anti 4 chairs: l'z tores brick home witb Sheraon wainutidesk;Gihbard spacios. living romor and Duncan Phyle tante: Admirai ctîmnînaiton itchan and dlin- 17" TV; otti plaîforso rocker: 2 ing area. Tbre hedrooms, teather arso chairs; 2 chester- baibrotoso. ful hasement. gar- fieldi chai rs; continental bcd: 2 aea.hol caler beating, large single slnc] hads: red maple tut 66' o 410'. Listeti price chest of drawers; large 117,900.00. Cati Bob Cross 878- chesi of dramers; dresser and 4892 or 87"-292. dressing tablas: 2 vanily beoeb- S14,00.0 thce edrom hme s2 couches: siudent's desk: -larg.00bea obadrooso thoe-cofeeanti centre tables; lele- -in lare aLiingkitchen-phone table anti chair: chrome dinng rea. utLitving -cern. kitchen tabla, 4 chairs and baon th îtxm, 160'.it rt,îm sa-maiching buffet; Leist.rd rei- heain, axs 4.0F/A f05 atr; lorpolishar: comptate ban . asras 53.. . , l lut fas irelace sel: mail mir- c.nbarnc-d Cati Tom ros rs crs:crma kt Rencaîtti. 878-2521 ior 878-292 .r ;odcais hoekt chen stool; 2 pairs of crutches: ESCARPMENT PROFERTY - lamps: Mixmoaser antifli-ifine ttveriotmking Burlingion and ofI sinall cctricai appiiaflces Oakviiie district, t mile from aishes: glass: china;: oroameois: Milien. 17 acre p rcai-one of brssacandiesticks: su ver: cul- ha besi huma sites in Ontar- crs: miens: bcdding: cotîking te- ricedt te sli at Il 9,500.00 ttensils ec tcrms avoulable, Cati Brion This is i clc.îo lot, %mail cared Besi. ifîr. mith t- i coleclors it- * Osner ,tand .i.t,.iainet For Al Your Real Estafen reons tt.îs .cdns and No pravicu iiiil - a.m. day of sale. I nsurance Requirements TERMS: CASH. FRANKE FETCH, Auctioneer. CAIL 878-6292 877-2864. l/cou ~ -- Wm torais nea. d 1 ltt,t. on. Siser. Fictures, Fr.tnîes, Etc., etc. Not Rec-.rc-. (nitcbildreol ROY ASHWORTI., F.V.I. Auct. Brmpton 359-g58o. HAIR STYLING 198 Miii St. - Milton CALE 878-3263 FOR APPOINTMENT " Modemn Equippient " Expert Styling, Cooring, Waving. . c52-tf ELMCRICAL SERVICE McPHAIL ELECTRIC * fl.DUSMRSL *COMMERCIAL *DOMESTIC *eJETRCXHEXrING Complet. Electric Homne 66 Charles St. Milton 878-9513 TV end RADIO, SERVICE DURNAN TV AMO APPLIANCES SALES & SERVICE " -Piilips TV & Tape Recorders " R.C.A. Stereo. TV, Appliances " Sparton TV antd Stereco 222 MAIN ST. 8784445 c-tf LIUT'S TV. SALES & SERVICE * EMERSON *Color TV anti Stereo * Tape Recorder 112 Milt St., Milton. Phone 878-3208 DO put the price desîr- PAINTINO ANOD DCORATING ed if af aIl possible. DON'T use bîind boxc numbers. They are difficuit to answer. lits more convenient f0 write or phono di- recfly. DON'T omit words that GIL VANSOELEN PAINTNG Contractor Industrial - Resideothal Interior - Exterlor Cati nom for Free Estlmates 878-6137 Box 1347, Milton. 214534f 1 [OZ). nvrryý...Ms ...- B.. 1 m là.% ýq N R ý 1 1 1 CUSTOM UPHOLETUE couid clarify your of- SmWIo MACHINU - CLEARINOG DON'T leave home on, AUCTION SALE days others might Foc answer your ad. MRS. FRANK ANUZIS Lot 11, Con. 5, un the Sîh Line ut Oakviita North 7086 atio1 DON'T waif for dead- Sideroad. 4 mites rasi of Hilton., uef al8824 2 mitas mesi ci Hornby. ietcal8 -24 SATURISAY, APRIL 15 At i p.m. Farmait M witb bydraubics A courteous ad taker and .T.O.: V.A.C. Case with hy- »I sityunplc draulin ilt and F.T.O. I.H.C. WiI Slî O i î mu nura sprecdcc osteet os dcamn: I.H.C. 3-furrs aebol- ng a successfuî clasî- tom piom: FleurpBsey ic 14-16; I.H.C. 3-section.drgba- f ied whêre over 13,500 rows, 6-sction harrom: I.H.C. 13 - cxx grain anti fertiizer readers In the central drill; I.H.C. 21 U marner, 7 it.; I H.C. 3-bar sida deliverp rake; Haton rfarket cen s.. M,îico grain auger: 500 gal. ma- ter tank: 36 fi. extension lad- whaf you have f0 offer, dear; pomer ski11 saso. MISCE-LLANEOUS ITEMS - Watar bomis, nom chai ns: scrap rex: grain box; mater pump anît moier: moier and fan; ice breakar: trck racks; manture C A L L cîank: plastic hase: miik cool- e cernpressor: chieken feoce, aý_gg baskets: appron. 200 bal- 878-2341 ,s stc.îc: somne buse sîraso. TERMS: Cash ith cerks. Auctioneers WALTER and DONALD TO PLACE VOUR EEINIHA-RT. THE AD in this space last~ IfÎî 1 week was stopped be- cause f qgot results. CLASSIFIED SINGER SEWING MACHINE SALES - SERVICE RENTAI PHONE 878-686 Milton Fabric Centre Services anti Repairs on ail moakas of eming machines. à0c-tf TAILONINO - REPAIRS *Tailorlng * Alteratlons *Generai Repairs *Reaunnabie SEE OUR SPORT COATS ANM SLACKS FRED'S TAILORING SHOP Fred Verstraete 217 Main 878-3302 TAILORING ALTERATIONS andi REPAIRS KNIGHT'S MEN'S WEAR 202 Main Street PHONE 878-4472 2lc47-tf UPHOLSTERY -Nom omnetiandi operateti by Lomne Arthur PH4ONE 878-9094 R. R. 3 Milton * Re-uphoistery * Auto trlm * Uphoîstery cieanbng * Custom hut furniture * Free pick-up anti delivery 210-tf Halton Upholstering Re-Uphostering Custom Built Furniture Chrome Kitohen Chairs Free pick-up and deivery. H. ENSEN R.R. 2, Campbebbviiie. Phono: 854-9939 21ctf JANITOR SERVICE FOR TOP QUALITY DEPENDABLE OFFICE CLEANING BOB JACKSON 854-2352 2le5l ADVERTISISSG IS AVAILABIJE 1H THRIS SECTION AT ECON- OMICAS. RATES. WHONE FOR COMILETE INFORMATION. $17.900. . . ... . . . . . . . . . 20 AUTION ALES The Canadien Champion, Wedn.sda -y April 12, 1967 9 WAREHOUSE 1010 4 4,j1d'ài AUCTION SALE W 9 SATURD)AY, APRIL 13, 16 __________M____________ 12 'NOON BEAUTY SALON DUCORATINO To clear miscellaneous effects from attie, garages, basements. , ameBat ao kitcbens, etc. Including odd VoueBauySao DRAPERY chairs, frames, beds, garden and A NEW COIFFURE other mols. Sump pump, hapi- Designed Just For Yoni BROADLOOM mock. portable pool, buggy - andi - inheels. wheelbarrows, a x eO, COMPLETE BEAUTY SERVICE * Residential -cedcrs, saw borses, doors, seven relIs rooline, useful lumber. fur- Cail 878-2461 * Industrial niture for cottages, etc. Loads *Cmeca of dishes, pans. ornaments, oit, 192 Main Street *Cmeca etectric and gas stoves. refriger- Ready-made Drapes in stock. alors, rugs, etc. Lots of jutti For Custom Service toa Eerything must go. HENNYS CL 7-07FRHM Broue Around WARLHOUSE Church St., Oakvli IT'S EASY TO WRITE VOUR OWN CLASSIFIED AND rS EASY TO PLACE IT IN THE DO tell ail the details DO put your phone number APFOINTMENT SYERS 228 Main St. 878-2067 21c-tf GINERAL CONTRACTONS BOB LUMBERS Carpentry Contractor Alterationu Custom Cuphoards etc. R.R. 3, MILTON. Phone: 878-9937 21c-tf RAY OLAN BUILDING CONTRACTORS LTD. * Home Improvensenta * Renovations *Aiterations * dditions *Commercial or IndustrWa UJL 4-2263 CAU. IRVING ROOFING For ROOFING EAVFSIROUOKIHG ALUMINUM SIDING ReaRoofing our Specialty Carpentry Work of AI lUda Fbone 878«600 or 878-9303 MILTON - Free Estimates - AIL WORK OUARM(IERJ3 21*02 OANMEN SURVICES Formosa Landscaping CONTRACTOR " Seeding and sodting " Weed spraying " Feriizing e Tree trimming " Patios 878-3263 210-tf WELL DRIWLNO WELL DRILLING J. B. RUTTAN R. R. 2, Milton, Ont. Phone Burlingion NEison 4602 ;l 1 fer. . Wm. Kürzack, clerk. 20b4l 1 1 17c49' 1 17c491 -1